Dr. Billiot’s weekly articles to help you learn and understand more about your own health and how to maintain it.
Learn from Dr. Billiot!
Dr. Billiot’s weekly articles to help you learn and understand more about your own health and how to maintain it.
Learn from Dr. Billiot!
Money: The Elephant in the Room
The Messy Bedroom Diagnosis
Marriage vs. Health
Heart Disease Prevention is Bogus
The CBD Oil Trap

Do You Feel Like Crap? (Functional Bowel Disease)
Stop the Madness of Hormone Problems
PMS: The Real Reason Medical Science Can’t Cure It
Could a Functional Medicine Doctor Fix Your Health?
Take a Drug and “Hope for the Best”
To Create Life, Press ‘Pause’
Opening the Door to Compassion
Give Yourself Grace

Life is Crazy Out Here! What’s a Woman to Do?
Using Supplements Correctly to Regain Health

Participatory Medicine
What the BLEEP Should I Do?
It’s None of your Business. Except that it really has to be!
How counterfeit hormones cause weight gain
Who Keeps Me Healthy? It ain’t me, babe!

Surprising Solutions to Depression, Anxiety, Concentration and Memory Problems
I Hate It, But It Keeps Coming Back
Basics of Healing
Boost Your Immune System
Seduced By Salt, Sugar and Fat
Mammograms Do Not Prevent Cancer
What’s Making You So Crazed? Could it Be Your Blood Sugar?
Early Detection is the Key to Reducing Your Risk of Breast Cancer
Fat Superheroes

What causes chronic health problems… and why drugs don’t fix them