More or Less DifficultWhat the BLEEP Should I Do?

“I have health issues, and I need to improve how my body works. Nothing I have tried has really solved this. What the BLEEP should I do?”

You may have severe and long-term health problems,


several problems that annoy you occasionally,


one single health issue that you just keep tripping over.

Whatever the situation, if you are very interested in how you could get your body to recover from a health problem you have, here are some facts that you very much should know:

  1. Bodies are well-designed and extremely tough. If you have managed to break yours, it took a lot of stress to do this and usually over a long period of time.
    Symptoms are the final stage of your body’s system of dealing with stress or damage. Your body is designed to keep you alive. Back in prehistoric times, having a distracting symptom from a health problem would get you eaten by something hungry. Thus, your body was designed to HIDE symptoms as long as it possibly can. You can rock along happy and sassy, certain that you have no health problems (“and my doctor said my bloodwork is totally fine!”). This continues right up to the day your body runs out of ability to compensate for the stress. You wake up with your brand-new symptom and think it all started that morning (you might think, “What did I eat last night that made this happen?”). Not so. This symptom may have been developing for the last decade.
  2. Recovering from your health problem (the one that “just started” but has actually been invisibly getting worse for the past five or ten years) requires a lot more accuracy of testing and organization of treatment than you may realize.
    Because our current health care system aims mainly at symptom suppression, we have become accustomed to rapid relief. But the job of helping your body handle the cause of its problem and fully heal from long-term damage takes much more time, as well as accuracy of testing and understanding of solutions.
  3. Modern medicine, sanitation and food availability have made it much easier to survive on Earth over the past century.
    Over the same period, environmental toxicity, drugs, the de-nutritionization of food and an insanely stressful lifestyle have destroyed the quality of this longer lifespan. Yes, we may live longer, but most of us are pretty messed up physically.
  4. Getting really, stably healthy and staying that way does not happen without a very organized and well-executed long-term plan.
    There are too many factors dragging your health down daily to expect to stay healthy without a plan, much less to recover if your health is already damaged.
    If I sound too pessimistic, please look around you. You’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone without some type of chronic health problem. We have just become so used to this that we don’t find it remarkable or upsetting.

What to Do About It

EvecticsEvecticsSM is a systematic approach to solving health problems using exact combinations of natural therapies.

The goal of an EvecticsSM therapy program is to enable you to take control of your health and to be healthy in toxic and stressful world.

  • EvecticsSMcan help you to recover your health to a good condition if you have problems.
  • Once recovered, you will learn how to keep your body healthy. This is different for everyone as it depends on your genetics, history and existing damage.
  • Once you have learned the specific dietary and lifestyle habits you need to stay healthy, an EvecticsSMWellness Therapy Program will help you to avoid future problems:
    • Occasional testing to find developing health problems before a symptom develops and taking action to help your body recover.
    • Rapid response to any illness or injury to prevent any long-term problems.

How to Get Started!

I have developed a very efficient way to test a patient and develop an individualized health improvement program. It’s called an EvecticsSM Evaluation.

Call 770.612.1100 to make an appointment for your Evaluation. This consists of two hour-long visits which can be scheduled on two consecutive days in many cases.


Visit our website, and click the “New Patients” menu button.

If you have questions or need information, please call Catherine, our New Patient Consultant at 770.612.1100. She has 10 years of experience with EvecticsSM therapy programs and can answer your questions.

The sooner you start taking effective action to improve your health, the sooner you can get your life back!

I look forward to helping you,

Dr. Melodie Billiot

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