The Three Deadly Attitudes

The Three Deadly Attitudes

The Three Deadly Attitudes

Three attitudes are deadly to solving ongoing* health problems. I call these “deadly” because if you believe these ideas, you will never get rid of your health problems. You might be completely capable of healing and recovering your health, but if you have these attitudes, you will never get the chance to do so.

*Ongoing health problems are chronic conditions with drug treatments that only control symptoms, or no treatments at all.

Here are the deadly attitudes:

  1. Believing that: “Health problems with no known medical treatment will never go away.” (Such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.)
  2. Believing that: “If the medical treatment for my health problem doesn’t work, or stops working after some time, my health problem will never go away.” (Such as uncontrolled blood pressure, osteoporosis, asthma, reflux, indigestion.)
  3. Believing it when your doctor says, “It’s genetics and your age. You can’t expect to have perfect health. I’m prescribing another drug for your (reflux/depression/pain) that might help. But you’ll learn to live with it.” (Such as fatigue, joint pain, allergies, memory, impotence.)

These three attitudes come from thinking that conventional medical health treatments, drugs and surgery, are the only ways to solve your health problem.

Your Body is Not a Refrigerator

Cars, computers, and refrigerators get fixed by applying technology to repair them, but bodies were designed to heal themselves.

In our society, any health problem requires (immediately!) treatment or a doctor’s appointment. But it might be enlightening to you how many of these problems would have resolved themselves if only they were given some time.

Many health problems would heal if given time and just a little help to relieve the stress (such as a healthier diet, more sleep, regular activity, and a conscious effort to avoid emotional stress for a week or two.) But no, we’re impatient to get some immediate relief from the pharmacy or doctor.

However, severe, long-term chronic health problems won’t go away by themselves, even with a very healthy lifestyle. In these cases, your body has run into something that has stopped its healing process. If this is also a health problem with no medical solution (just drugs to control symptoms, or no help at all), then it would appear that you are doing what the doctor in #3 above suggested, and “just living with” the condition.

The Impossible, Unsolvable Health Problem

What if you:

  • Have no energy
  • Can’t wake in the morning
  • Suffer digestive problems
  • Have terrible menstrual cycles
  • Have joint or muscle pain
  • Have debilitating headaches
  • Have embarrassing or agonizing skin conditions
  • Are depressed, anxious, or can’t concentrate?

What if the pills don’t work and the problem isn’t getting better—what if it’s getting worse?

Every day you’re wondering how much more can you take?

If this describes you or someone you know, you are not alone. Not even close. According to the CDC, about 60% of adults in the US fall into this category.

Sadly, almost all of these people will try to “learn to live with” their health problems because they have some of the three deadly attitudes.

But you don’t have to do this.

Here are three examples of people who refused to believe in the three deadly attitudes:

When I first came to Alternative Health Atlanta, I had a lot of issues with kidney failure, blood pressure, and blood sugar. I also had a lot of anxiety as a result of my health. Today after several months of a holistic treatment plan, my blood labs came back, and my kidney values are amazing. My cholesterol is decreasing, and I feel so much calmer. Things are good!

Skin conditions had me really down, excessively dry, aging faster than I should have, tired. I tried on my own but couldn’t figure out the solution. I couldn’t take it anymore and found Dr. Billiot. It has changed my life, the only thing that has worked for me since I have been noticeably uncomfortable for the last 7 years.

I initially went for hormonal breasts, and have seen much improvement in that as well as in many other areas I wasn’t even thinking about when I first went! I sleep amazingly well now, and I barely have any allergy symptoms. (I used to have itchy eyes nonstop this time of year, and a runny nose). My anxiety is much better managed, I don’t have hormonal headaches, and my energy and mood are both significantly improved.

Find Out More

You should find out if you could recover from your “unsolvable” health condition. What would your life look like if this happened?

  1. Watch the 7-minute video below to get an overview of how this works.
  2. Read a free download about how I researched my techniques and how they work.

Because those with chronic health conditions have a risk of poor outcomes with Covid-19, I currently have a half-price offer for initial testing and consultations. You can find out if I can help you, how it works and what you’d have to do, all by investing a couple of hours and $135.

Start solving your unsolvable problem. Click HERE to get started.

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Ten Clues That Your Health Needs Immediate Attention

Ten Clues That Your Health Needs Immediate Attention

Ten Clues That Your Health Needs Immediate Attention

Here is a list of clues, so you’ll know if you are—right now—sliding down a slippery health slope.

Then I’m going to tell you some very depressing things about what you find.

Then I’ll tell you some, truly, great stuff that might give you some clarity about your health problems and give you a way out.

Here we go:

  1. Your symptoms are getting in the way of your life, with problems such as pain, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, depression, menstrual and menopause problems, allergies, irritability, weight gain, anxiety, gas, bloating, reflux, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, low immune response, rashes, joint pain, vision and hearing problems, itchy skin, hair loss, acne, back pain, neck pain, headaches, infertility, low libido, trouble concentrating, memory problems, sugar cravings, bone loss, blood sugar problems, high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol and many more.
  2. Doctors and treatments that you try don’t help or resolve these symptoms and leave you angry, sad, or frustrated.
  3. Doctors say or imply that there’s nothing really wrong with you, maybe “it’s all in your head,” or that you’re getting all the treatment available, so why are you still whining? You hear this, despite the obvious (to you) serious health problems you are experiencing.
  4. You feel like your spouse, boss, coworkers, and friends have no clue that you just aren’t functioning normally a lot of the time.
  5. You feel frustration, disappointment, and guilt that you can’t keep up with everything. Or, you are paying a physical and mental price just to do the minimum required in your life.
  6. You are upset by the money you have wasted in co-pays, uninsured medical treatment and drugs, therapies, and the 50 bottles of vitamins on your shelf that didn’t work.
  7. You feel like you are missing out on your life—with periods you aren’t fully “there” to participate and experience. You’ve lost opportunities with family and friends that you had to turn down because you just weren’t up to it.
  8. You are confused by all the conflicting information on the Internet and in books about why you might have your problems and what would work to make them go away. And you feel frustration at all the “other people” who say these things helped them… when they aren’t helping you.
  9. You have a recurring fear that you never will find a solution and that the rest of your life is going to be this way.
  10. You have a recurring fear that your condition is going to get a lot worse in the future.

If you have a number of these clues, know this:

I have interviewed tens of thousands of patients with these issues, and almost none of them had ever resolved their health problems.

Here is why they failed:

The information you’ve relied on most of your life about health care isn’t strictly correct.

You, along with everyone else in the US, have had a lifetime of exposure to our current health care system. Because of this, the information you have been given and may “know to be true” about your problems and how to treat them is based on a system that fails to treat chronic health problems effectively. Further, the healthcare system operates with arrogance:

“Nothing works but drugs and surgeries, everything we do is supported by science, and anything else is superstition.”

When the system fails utterly, this arrogance tends to discourage you from looking beyond traditional health care and can prevent you from finding a solution that works.

Of course, many problems are medical problems and usually resolve with medical treatment. Broken bones, severe infections, and diseases requiring body systems support all fall into this category.

But the average person has no idea what can be accomplished with modern non-medical technology working with the body to help it to heal itself. Most are not even looking for non-medical solutions.

They aren’t looking because there is a very, very important fact they haven’t yet discovered:

There are little to no effective medical treatments for the resolution of chronic health problems.

The most common way people discover this fact is by being told by their doctor that there is “nothing more that can be done for you.” You dutifully went to your doctor to have a health problem fixed—fully expecting a cure or a resolution for your issue. Then, suddenly, you are told there are no solutions other than lifetime drug management. You’re stuck with your problem with no solution, no answers at all.

You (almost certainly) know this already. If you have diabetes, have high blood pressure, have migraines, have long term digestive, menstrual, sleep, or allergy problems, do you imagine there’s a treatment to make these issues go away? Sure, you might (somewhat) control the symptoms with lifetime drugs—but go away? I don’t believe you think this is going to happen, because you haven’t known or seen anyone else get well from chronic health conditions.

There is an Answer

Your body has a fantastic ability to heal itself. Just because there is no effective cure for your condition doesn’t mean that your body couldn’t—with some assistance—heal the problem.

This approach violates the pharmaceutical health care model, so you won’t see much about it. There’s certainly no money for drug companies, hospitals, or insurance companies if people get well!

Find Out More

You should find out if you could recover from your “unsolvable” health condition. What would your life look like if this happened?

  1. Watch the 7-minute video below to get an overview of how this works.
  2. Read a free download about how I researched my techniques and how they work.

Start solving your unsolvable problem. Click HERE to get started.

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Here is the magazine cover

Pulp magazine published in 1935.

Wishing and Hoping

Wishing and Hoping

Wishing and Hoping

To hope and to wish is a necessary part of any creative process.

I think we sometimes undervalue hope. “He’s just wishing and hoping” is a scornful description of a lazy or incompetent person. But do you realize that absolutely nothing could ever happen without some prior wishing and hoping? It’s creative imagination that starts anything, it’s hoping and wishing.

If you need to improve your health, I’d like to encourage you to hope and wish for it. That will get your creative imagination started. Maybe you haven’t thought of healing your body as a creative process, but creative imagination is an essential part of health! Without it, you’d never get started trying to improve your health.

Right now, think about how your life would be different without your health problems. What could you do that you don’t or can’t do now?

Now, think about how your life would be different if you had good, stable health. How would it feel to take your health for granted, and not to worry about what might happen tomorrow? How would it change your life to have abundant energy, stamina, and be able to think clearly?

See, this is hoping! Once you are hoping and wishing, you can get motivated to DO something about improving your health.

Ultimately, only your body can heal itself, but it will require you to assist it in this process. You may need to create your health in harmony with your body.

Health Logic

The “secret” of recovering from long-term health problems or problems without a medical solution is relatively simple. Follow this line of logic:

  1. Truly, your body is designed to heal itself.
  2. If you have a long-term or unhealing health problem, you can observe that your body isn’t healing.
  3. Because your body was designed to heal, it is undoubtedly trying to heal itself.
  4. Therefore, it must be stuck. Something is in its way, preventing it from healing.
  5. Conventional doctors do NOT know how to get a body unstuck. If doctors knew how to unstick an unhealing body and get it back to healing, we wouldn’t have 60% of the population ill with chronic health conditions.
  6. Your body knows more about itself than all the doctors of the world combined. Your body even knows why it is stuck.
  7. What if a method existed to discover directly from the body where it was stuck and what assistance it needed? In this case, what miracles of healing might become possible?

This logic is an actual reason to have hope!

Wish List:

Wishes are like specific hopes. For example, you might hope to improve your health, but in today’s world, you might have some particular wishes as well:

  1. I don’t want to get Covid-19
  2. I don’t want my family and friends to get Covid-19
  3. I want my health problem (fill in health problem here) to get better. And I don’t want to get Covid-19 while I have a health problem that might make it worse.

Your Health

I think, as a society, we have recently learned to have more respect and value for health.

If you’ve had health problems for a while, you can get used to them. If conventional medicine failed to do anything for you but manage your symptoms with drugs, you might feel there’s nothing else to do. The current focus on health could serve as a wake-up call and might get you started hoping and wishing for your health to improve.

The good news is:

If you’re up to doing the work, you can very likely recover your health.

Revisit my Health Logic List above. If you could successfully find out from your body what it needs to heal, and help it to do this, amazing possibilities appear.

I have developed a scientific and structured system called EvecticsSM that teams up the doctor and patient to become capable assistants for the body.

Here is how this works expressed graphically:

What Should You Do?

You should find out if EvecticsSM would work for you and what you’d have to do to recover your health.

If you’re suffering from symptoms that won’t resolve or taking “lifetime” drugs to control a condition, I am offering you an education and demonstration on how you can change this.

Because those with chronic health conditions have a risk of poor outcomes with Covid-19, I have a half-price offer for initial testing and consultations. You can find out if I can help you, how it works and what you’d have to do, all by investing a couple of hours and $135.

Make your wishing and hoping into a creative process of health. Click HERE to get started.

Watch this video for a seven-minute explanation of how to assist your body in healing itself.

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Help Your Body Fight Disease

We’ve got a bad flu season still hanging around, weird weather triggering off various colds (in all your coworkers—who continue to come to work) and of course the coronavirus.

Here’s a primer on how you can adjust a few things in your life to better resist disease and increase your peace of mind.


You have a lot of control over whether you get sick. Maintaining your health isn’t a game of craps. Do the steps I’m outlining, and your chances of getting sick are going to reduce.

The problem is your friends, family, and coworkers have bought into the “heath as a game of craps” theory. They are very unlikely to do much to improve their health, and so they can get sick and may become additional health obstacles that you have to overcome.

So you’ll have to deal with their possible contagion as part of your plan. But you can also talk to your potential germ-carrier friends and see if they’ll wake up and take some action. Heck, you could forward them this article!


I just wrote an article on an immune-boosting diet last week. Diet is one of the simplest and most effective actions you can take to fight disease.

A short version of the Simple Immune-Boosting Diet that You Can Do:

  • Don’t raise your blood sugar (avoid cake, candy, cookies, soda, beer and wine). (For more information on why this works, read Boost Your Immune System).
  • Avoid: Milk, cream, sour cream and cream cheese.
  • Avoid: Fast food and cheap restaurant food.
  • Eat protein with each meal and snack.
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Don’t eat large and regular servings of refined carbs (breads, pasta, rice).

I wrote an article with all the reasons why these steps work. Just read Simple Immune-Boosting Diet that You Can Do.


I’m not calling this “exercise” because you don’t have to do anything as strenuous as exercise to get a significant immune benefit.

Motion has the effect of:

  • Moving your body’s garbage out of your lymph system.
  • Improving your circulation and oxygenating your tissues.
  • Gently stressing your body systems and getting them more fully back online.
  • De-stressing you emotionally, which (see later) is itself an immune booster.


Sleep is critical to a healthy body, active immune system and to reduce mental stress. My experience is that most people who don’t sleep enough are doing it to themselves: They burn the candle at both ends, stay up late and get up early. I recommend that you take a good, objective look at your efficiency. Is an extra couple hours of work making up for feeling tired and groggy? Probably not!

If you have a sleep problem: can’t get to sleep, wake in the night and can’t get back to sleep or don’t feel rested in the morning, see HEALTH later in this article for a solution.


Reducing stress is a big part of staying healthy. It’s also a big part of staying happy. Do whatever works for you: walking, yoga, reading, visiting friends and family, gardening, fishing—things that make your life happy and more fulfilled.

The most significant environmental stress you can avoid to stay well is Toxic Personalities.

These seem to come in two flavors:

In-your-face nasty people. These will make less of everything you do, threaten you, tell others how awful you are, etc. But the good news is that you are aware of what they’re doing.

Stab-you-in-the-back-while-smiling nasty people. These cowards won’t attack you openly; they undermine you while you aren’t looking.  Often they’ll attempt to destroy your self-confidence or happiness “for your own good.” Anyone in your life who is trying to get you to abandon your ambitions or do less, or who is critical of your actions or intentions is suspect. Social personalities hate to pass along bad news, can’t wait to encourage you in any positive endeavor and would never rip up your reputation behind your back.

I often give this toxic personality advice to patients, and my patients often act on it. The results can be astonishing! Nice people (such as yourself) are just that: nice. You can’t fathom the idea that someone wants to make your life a living hell. I think sometimes people need permission to jettison the nasties from their lives.

I hereby give you permission!

Other Environmental Considerations:

Stay away from sick people as much as possible.

Wash your hands a lot. You’re always touching surfaces that could be contaminated. Your fingers are the big offenders here. Think: you touch door handles, surfaces, etc. Then you touch your phone. Your phone is now contaminated, and you keep touching and touching and touching it (even after you wash your hands). Clean off your phone!


The medical authority’s official belief is that there’s no direct way to improve the immune system. Without taking issue with this, I will point out that reducing the stress on your body would automatically enhance your immune system.

Being in good health without immune stress makes it much less likely that you’ll get sick. And if you do get sick, you’re almost certainly going to have less severe symptoms and get well quicker.

About 60 percent of the US adult population is “permanently ill” with a chronic illness: high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid problems, fatigue, depression, etc. If you’ve got something like this going on, there will be stress to specific organs associated with it. Finding out what organs are stressed and doing something effective to reduce that stress could make you much less susceptible to illness (and a lot happier).

Many people with chronic illnesses haven’t considered that their disease makes them more likely to get sick.

Would you like to find out what’s stressed in your body and how to improve this? Your medical doctor is going to be useless. You’ll need a holistic practitioner or functional medicine doctor.

Recovering from a chronic health condition can take some time and quite a bit of effort on your part, but the results can be life-changing. Plus, you’re much less likely to become ill.

If you think that this might be a pretty good idea, go to this link and follow the instructions—you’ll be on your way!

THE SOLUTION TO CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS is to assist the body so that it continues to heal and become healthier and more resilient, finally achieving a good quality of life and stable health with labs showing normal ranges.

Find Out More

Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).


Watch this video for a seven-minute explanation of how to assist your body in healing itself.

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Simple Immune-Boosting Diet that You Can Do

Simple Immune-Boosting Diet that You Can Do

Over the past 25 years, I’ve developed a diet that effectively boosts the immune system quickly and speeds healing in most patients.

I wouldn’t call this is a “healthy diet,” however. A “healthy diet” would be how a healthy person would eat to stay healthy, right? This diet is how you’d want to eat if you were sick or if your body was having some long-term stress. In these cases, you’d wish to boost your immune system to the maximum.

Another point is that this isn’t a “diet.” It’s more a set of guidelines for tweaking your existing diet to improve your immune response. To do this, you probably won’t have to make major changes in how you eat. Changing your diet can be stressful and difficult, and the intention here is only to help you recover your health.

There are seven “checks” that you’ll do on your existing diet. If you are not violating the check, there’s nothing for you to do there. Move on!

The checks are in order of importance, so you know what to work on first to get the fastest result.

It’s imperative to realize that no diet is right for everyone. In your particular case, there could be valuable additions to these basic checks that you might need. As well, the “order of importance” might be slightly different in your specific situation.

But generally, this guideline will work wonders for most people.

Remember: These are in order of importance.

Check One: Don’t raise your blood sugar level

Blood sugar is the single most important dietary check you can do. Nothing else you can do for your immune system will be as effective as keeping your blood sugar from spiking.

To fully understand this fascinating connection, read BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Here’s how to avoid raising your blood sugar:

  • Don’t eat refined sugar (cake, candy, cookies, soda, wine, beer).
  • Fruit contains a lot of sugar. Sugar is sugar: Don’t eat more than three servings a day, and not at the same time. Don’t drink fruit juice of any kind (it’s refined sugar). Eat protein (meat, eggs, nuts) WITH the fruit to buffer it. The protein slows down the sugar being absorbed in your stomach so that it doesn’t raise the blood sugar nearly as much.
  • When buying food with a label: Check that the sugar per serving is 5 grams or less.

Check Two: Don’t eat dairy milk or cream

There are three things wrong with milk and cream, which makes these foods extreme immune stressors:

  1. Milk is baby formula for cows, jammed with sugar. An 8 ounce cup of milk has 13 grams of sugar (4 teaspoons)—compare this to a soft drink with 16 grams of sugar. Drinking any amount of milk can raise your blood sugar.
  2. Milk contains proteins that don’t digest properly in a human gut. Cows, if you recall, have four stomachs and can digest things we can’t. The proteins cause immune stress and mucous.
  3. Regular milk is very nasty. It has added hormones, pesticides, herbicides, drugs for the cows; you name it. Buying organic pretty much handles this problem but still leaves items 1 and 2.

Cheese and yogurt come from milk processed by bacteria. The bacteria LOVE sugar (another reason not to raise your blood sugar) and eat all the milk sugar. In the process, they break down the proteins and make them more digestible. Butter is milk fat, without the sugar and proteins. So cheese, yogurt, and butter are great for most people (although you’d want to get organic). Note that yogurt must be plain; a cup of fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt has an astounding 36 grams of sugar (9 teaspoons of sugar!).

Check Three: Don’t eat fast foods

Fast food restaurants are price-driven. They must buy the cheapest food possible and keep it as long as necessary to get it sold and not thrown out.

Problem: Cheap food tastes terrible. Enter food chemistry, the art of photo-shopping food using chemicals. It’s possible to alter the taste, smell, texture, and color of foods this way, allowing cheap food to taste and look good.

Problem: This also makes food toxic.

Example: A Chick-fil-A sandwich has 55 ingredients, including MSG, artificial colors Yellow 5 and Blue 1, Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, Potassium Iodate, and Dimethylpolysiloxane. Here’s the full list.

Fast food usually contains preservatives to allow it to have a longer shelf life. We have a 15-year-old Happy Meal at the clinic to show patients; it looks like you could still eat it. Maybe those preservatives they use are closer to embalming agents?

Check Four: Eat at least three meals per day

Skipping meals causes your body to go into catabolism, which stresses your adrenal glands. In most cases of chronic disease, the adrenal glands are involved, as they handle physical and mental stress. The way to help them get well is to let them rest. To do this, you must take control of your blood sugar by eating a meal every four hours and snacks between if needed.

Check Five: Eat protein with every meal

Protein is required by your body to make cells and rebuild damaged tissue. There is a limit to how much protein your body can absorb for this purpose each meal. If you’re trying to heal, making sure your body is “tanked up” on protein is essential. Also:

  • Protein digests more slowly than other foods like carbohydrates and will keep you feeling full longer.
  • Protein can’t cause your blood sugar to spike like carbohydrates.
  • Protein can boost your metabolism, which can give your body more energy to heal.

Check Six: Convert snacks into protein snacks

Snacks should have three parts:

  1. Eat a small amount of carbohydrate or sugar (fruit) to raise your blood sugar (you’re usually snacking because you have lowered blood sugar and feel hungry).
  2. Eat some protein to buffer the carb or fruit to prevent it from spiking your blood sugar. Also, protein eaten regularly will smooth out your blood sugar and reduce stress on your adrenal glands.
  3. Eat some fat, which also buffers carbohydrates and lengthens the time until you’re hungry again.

Check Seven: Reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates you’re eating

If you’re already working on reducing your carbs, ignore this one. Eating enough carbs is important to your energy level, and also to healing. If you’re eating lots of bread, pasta, and rice almost every meal, you can probably cut your carbs in half without suffering or feeling hungry. The only difficulty with this is serving yourself a smaller portion (yikes!) and then not having seconds. Willpower!

Diet can help with a health problem, but won’t solve one

Diet as a cure for illness is a thoroughly researched subject.

Once a person has a chronic health condition, diet change alone won’t get them well. Now it’s also true that you probably can’t get well without changing to a less stressful diet, it’s just not going to work if that’s all you do.

Learn about what does work to end chronic health conditions:

THE SOLUTION TO CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS is to assist the body so that it continues to heal and become healthier and more resilient, finally achieving a good quality of life and stable health with labs showing normal ranges.

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