Who Keeps Me Healthy? It ain’t me, babe!

Who Keeps Me Healthy? It ain’t me, babe!

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan: “It ain’t me, babe”

The teller that helped me at the bank today appeared about ready to fall over. The man is just unhealthy. Bad color, dull eyes and he makes mistakes frequently. I really have to watch him so he doesn’t mess up my transactions.

When I arrived back at the clinic, we were bustling and full of patients— all of whom are in the process of improving their health. They’re unfailingly happy and optimistic… because they’re on the way back up, not headed down.

I see this dichotomy every day. Out in the public a large percentage of people are sick and getting worse. In the clinic, there is increasing health, happiness and optimism.

What is the divide between so many people who stay sick and those that find the help they need and get well?

That’s easy! Ask them the question, “Why are you unhealthy and unhappy?”

You’ll find one group (sadly, the larger group) will tell you reasons that they don’t control:

“I am sick because I have high blood pressure and diabetes. It’s genetic, my mother had it too.”

If you ask what the person is planning on doing to recover from this condition, he will look at you blankly. “There is no cure for diabetes! What are you talking about?”

If you were placing a bet, how much would you put on this guy getting healthy again? Yep. Not a dime.

 Now, ask a different group “Why are you unhealthy and unhappy?” and you could get an entirely different viewpoint:

“I haven’t figured that out yet, but I’m working on it. I will find a way to get my health back.”

This group is made up of people who feel that they can change their condition and their health. These people will only tell you reasons that they feel something can be done about.

 Which group are you in? One? or Two?

Here’s another way to look at this: WHO do you feel is responsible for your health?

If you say, “My doctor” or “My parents” (genetics) or “My luck” then you, unfortunately, may belong to the first group. As Bob Dylan sang, No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe.

If you say some version of “Well, I’ve lived in this body my whole life, so I recon I probably am responsible for its health” then you certainly belong in the second group.


Here’s the great news: If you’re a Group One member, you can change to Group Two!

Here’s better news: If you feel stuck in a health problem with no solution, we can help you become a successful, card-carrying member of Group Two!

The biggest problem to successfully taking control of your own health is knowing what to do. We can accurately test your body and help you to know exactly what would work and the order of actions to do. We’ll even help you to do them successfully until you’ve got your health back.

Yes, you have to take the responsibility, but whoever said you had to do this without help, on your own?

Follow the instructions below to get help and get healthy again!

Mr. Bank Teller, are you listening??

What To Do Next:

I have developed an “EvecticsSM Evaluation,” which is a very efficient method of testing to determine:

  1. What is preventing your body from healing
  2. How it could be assisted back to health
  3. What would be required to do this.

Here is what is accomplished during this hour-long testing session:

  • Testing to determine if your ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) is malfunctioning in a way that will prevent your body from healing normally (and, if so, the cause and solution to this problem).
  • Testing to determine your body’s overall level of physiological function and remaining ability to adapt to stress.
  • Testing to determine the areas (organs and systems) of your body that are stressed, which organ or system is the primary stress and the main cause of that stress.
  • A comprehensive, in-depth consultation on your health history and current symptoms.

Once testing is complete, your practitioner and the Case Director will review all your information to write a Case Program specifically for you. This program will sequentially address the stresses preventing your body from healing based on your test results, using whatever techniques, products and lab tests are indicated.


You will make a second appointment to come back, once your Case Program has been completed. At this appointment, you will receive an in-depth consultation on both your test results and your Case Program. This consultation is educational and informational in nature and is not a sales presentation.

If we are able to accept your case, you will be given a written estimate of what an EvecticsSM program at the clinic would require.


To schedule your EvecticsSM Evaluation:

If you would like some more information before you schedule an initial evaluation, you can take an online test on our website and submit it for a free phone consultation with a practitioner. Go to our homepage at AlternativeHealthAtlanta.com and click the “Health Test” menu button to take the Life Quality Evaluation online test.

Have a Question? Call 770-612-1100 and ask for our new patient coordinator.

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Surprising Solutions to Depression, Anxiety, Concentration and Memory Problems

Surprising Solutions to Depression, Anxiety, Concentration and Memory Problems

Surprising Solutions to Depression, Anxiety, Concentration and Memory Problems:

If you have health problems and are reading this (or if you’re trying to help a close friend with a health problem), it’s a safe bet that you have been looking for solutions to your problems, possibly for a long while.

If your search for better health has been frustrating, I may have some valuable insight and information for you.

I decided to write this today after talking to a patient who originally came to me in very rough condition. She could sleep for, at most, an hour a night. Her body had inflammation everywhere, so she was in constant pain. She had severe digestive and hormone symptoms. I could go on, she had about 13 serious and chronic symptoms, but you get the drift.

One of her more debilitating problems was long-term depression and anxiety. Her doctors had been telling her about the chemical imbalances in her brain for many years and had put her on multiple medications, all to no positive effect at all.

At that time, I asked her if she had any hope of achieving the purposes and goals she had in her life. She looked very sad and told me that she had given up on this.

So, I asked her, “What do you think: If someone has been forced by their health to give up on their purposes and goals and knows these will never be achieved, what NORMAL, NATURAL emotion would you expect that person to exhibit?” She thought about this and said, “Probably they’d be pretty depressed.” Then she looked up with a bit of interest, “So maybe it’s not the chemical imbalances causing the depression?”

Folks, it’s definitely something other than chemical imbalances causing depression, anxiety, panic attacks, lack of concentration, brain fog, memory problems, lack of interest in life and mental sluggishness. It’s gut problems, blood sugar, hormone imbalances, deficiencies, toxicity and… having so many health problems you have given up on life!

In my experience, almost all “mental” health problems, including concentration and memory problems improve or resolve by improving the overall health of the patient and don’t require any direct treatment of neurological problems.

My patient started a health improvement program several months ago and we’re helping her to help her own body to improve its function. She is already in a completely different place both mentally and physically.

If you suffer from depression and anxiety, you may feel overwhelmed by the demands of your life and have trouble imagining how you could take on doing a health improvement program. If you understood how such a program would work, and could see that you had a really excellent chance of getting your health problems improved and handled, this might inspire you to take action anyway!

If you are a person with health problems who is close to giving up or just very frustrated, you really, really need to hear this:

What I Tell Patients With Serious Chronic Health Problems:

If you have chronic health problems, it’s because you have too many damaged or unhealthy cells in your body. This sounds too simple, but it’s the basic truth. If you can learn how to be effective in helping your body rebuild the unhealthy cells, you will be rewarded with much improved health, resolved symptoms, heightened resistance to illness and injury, better mental state… in short, it’s all good!

At the Clinic, we help our patients back to good, stable health by assisting them to be successful in applying this simple truth.

The Basic Truth of Health:

The solution to most health problems is to work with the body to assist it to replace unhealthy cells with healthier cells.

There are many reasons for cell damage: stress, toxins, nutritional deficiencies, infections, genetics and more.

But whatever the cause, you are likely more interested in learning how to recover your life back from the symptoms that you are enduring than you are in discovering why the problem happened in the first place.

I want to show you how cells and tissue in your body can be transitioned from unhealthy to healthy— how to get your body to replace damaged and unhealthy cells with healthier cells— and how you can facilitate this.

The Two Facts:

There are two facts related to the health of your cells that you must know in order to understand how to recover your health:

  1. Cells have limited life-spans and your body is always in the process of rebuilding them.
    The average cell in your body only lives about three months before it naturally has to be replaced. This means that in the time it takes you to read this sentence, your body has rebuilt about fifty million cells. If you look in the mirror, most of what you can see is no more than three months old. This means that your body has a lot of opportunity to replace a damaged or unhealthy cell with a better one.
  2. Cells are made from the food you eat. Therefore your diet, the quality of food you eat, and the condition of your digestion monitor the success your body will have improving cellular health.
    Cells are “assembled” by the body from component parts that the body cannot manufacture itself. These cellular component parts come from the food chain and are made from sunlight and soil. Since you have neither leaves nor roots, your body can’t create these parts. You have to get them from the food you eat and digest. Eating poor quality food or having a compromised digestive system can prevent healing.

A sobering thought: Add one and two above: Your body is made up of what you have eaten over the past three months.

The Five Actions:

There are five basic actions that are effective if you want to help your body to rebuild damaged cells. Some of these you can do yourself, some you may need some help with:

  1. Adjust your attitude. Decide that you are going to get well, it’s just a matter of how and when. Stop listening to anyone who “knows” that: “With your diagnosis, scientifically you must realize that the best you can do is to take these medications for the rest of your life and learn to live with the inevitable symptoms from your disease.” (Believe what you will about how mental attitude can affect your health; if you listen to these people you won’t even try to find another solution, which guarantees that you won’t ever recover your health.)
  2. Adjust your diet and lifestyle to maximize your immune system response.
    Your immune system is the tool your body uses to repair itself. Anything you can do to make this system more effective will result in more rapid and complete healing. There are simple and very effective “tweaks” you can make to your diet and lifestyle that will dramatically boost your immune system and improve your speed of healing. This is easy, you just need individualized coaching, as everyone’s needs are different.
  3. Take the exact replacement parts (in the form of dietary supplements) needed to rebuild the tissue that your body is currently trying but failing to heal.
    Testing and recommending supplements in a way that results in health recovery is a very complex process. The practitioner must have a broad and deep knowledge of physiology, anatomy and biochemistry. They must understand what each supplement does and how it affects the body and not just use a “cookbook” approach. They must be a master of various testing techniques and fully understand how to use many different lab tests. This is the most complex and also the most important component of your health improvement program. It’s what everything else is based on, so it must be done correctly!
  4. Use effective therapies to resolve any functional health problems from your nervous or hormone systems.
    Almost 20 years ago, we discovered the benefit of adding functional acupressure therapies to clinical nutrition. You could say that a supplement program puts the “building materials on the site,” along with the tools and even the workmen. But if you have no blueprint and foreman, you may not get the end result you wanted! Functional acupressure therapies allow the body to handle hormone imbalances, sensitivities, allergies, immune malfunction, sugar cravings and other problems that affect communication inside the body.
  5. Combine all of the above Actions into a custom program designed to address your exact needs.
    This is the essence of the EvecticsSM health therapy system. By evaluating to find the most effective therapies and then combining these for the greatest benefit, it’s possible to give your body enough support to get it “over the hump” and back to healing itself.
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