The Escher Immunity Principal

The Escher Immunity Principal

Sometimes the answer to a problem or threat isn’t where you expected it to be. It can be like the Escher painting above: things can look completely different depending on how you view them.

Most of us are used to expecting our conventional doctors to have solutions to infectious diseases. Conventional medicine fights infectious diseases by attacking and killing the infectious organism.

But that’s not working now.

There’s no vaccine or any other conventional therapy that is successful at treating COVID. There may be a vaccine in the next year, but vaccines never protect everyone. For example, the flu vaccine has ranged from 40% to 60% effective over the past 15 years. About half the people vaccinated get no protection. CDC Vaccine Effectiveness

You can bet that in the future, there will be other infectious illnesses with no conventional treatment.

The Solution for No Vaccines

The solution to these threats is to apply the Escher principal and look at the problem from a different perspective:

Instead of attacking the virus, you can support your body to resist it effectively.

You can be personally prepared and have your body ready to fight back, which is a better plan than depending on medicine coming up with a pharmaceutical hail-Mary. Simply: you need your body to become healthy enough to withstand the virus.

But wait! The news is full of stories of healthy people dying from COVID. Being “healthy” appears to be no guarantee that you won’t get sick.

The answer to this again lies with the Escher principal. Many people, especially when young, have the apparency of health without the reality of health. The 20- and 30-something young, energetic set are always shocked when they hit their 40’s and get diagnosed with chronic illness. Bodies were engineered to hide symptoms until increasing stress forces the body to show problems. Just because a person feels good and doesn’t have any diagnosed disease or chronic symptoms doesn’t mean that their immune systems are robust. It doesn’t mean that they can resist or recover from an attack like COVID.

How to Get Healthy

If you go to your conventional medical doctor and ask him to help you become healthier and boost your immune system, he’ll probably tell you to eat healthy food, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. While this is not bad advice, it’s woefully inadequate to address COVID-type threats.

Going to your conventional doctor to improve your health is like calling a plumber for an electrical problem.

Improving health can only be done by working with your body to assist it in overcoming any barriers and stops that are preventing it from healing itself. Working with your body to improve its health requires a holistic doctor, not a conventional doctor.

If you don’t have a holistic doctor, it is past time to find one.

 A holistic doctor can help you to achieve your optimal health. Conventional doctors, on the other hand, diagnose pathology and prescribe drugs to treat that diagnosis. The problem with this conventional model is that the medication prescribed does not promote health. There is a time and a place for drug therapies, but they are over-prescribed in the US. The continued use of drug therapies leaves the body depleted of vital nutrients that it will need when confronted with something like COVID.

How to Find a Holistic Doctor

Search for a local “holistic doctor” or “naturopathic doctor” or “functional medicine doctor” or “alternative medicine doctor.”

If this is new to you, I do have some advice and guidance.

Working with a holistic doctor involves you becoming more educated about how your body functions and how to improve your health. When you are working with the body instead of on the body, the person “living in it” will do most of the work.

My website is rich with free educational material on these subjects:

Here is a free booklet to help you understand the holistic approach to health.

Here is a webpage that explains how our treatment works.

I would be happy to see you or to make a telemedicine appointment. Go Here if you are interested in finding out about this option

Click on the above image to understand how bodies heal themselves.

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Pandemic Heros

Pandemic Heros

This my friend Markay.

She and her friends at Sewing Masks for Area Hospitals-Atlanta have made almost 20,000 masks for our area hospitals. On their own time with their own and donated fabric, without payment of any kind.

The fact that we in the US are relying on hero seamstresses to supply our hospitals with PPE is another story altogether but thank goodness for these amazing helpers. Resourcefulness and talent are on display when bad things happen. Always look for the helpers!

She supplies and continues to supply my doctor’s office with masks as we cannot buy them, to keep ourselves and our patients safe. My gratitude and love to you Markay and the other heroes in our midst.

Please post and share with the # #mypandemichero and tag myself and others. Let’s honor everyone we know who is helping! #❤️ If you need a mask contact me, or Email MarKay:

**Also if anyone has fabric they can donate please contact me as well. Fabric is getting hard to find now.

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Covid-19 Fight or Flight

Covid-19 Fight or Flight

“Fight or Flight” is the condition most of us are finding our bodies in right now. The stress that this puts on our adrenal glands, immune systems, and nervous systems isn’t good. Right when we need to be as healthy as possible, we’re all stressed to the max.

I have the same situation, and I’ve put in place some very effective stress-reducers that are making my life much healthier and more comfortable. Try them out for yourself!

Try the suggestions in this article:

  • You’ll feel more relaxed and less overwhelmed.
  • You’ll be able to better see and plan for the future.
  • You will be less stressed and less susceptible to illness.

STEP ONE: Stop feeding your panic and overwhelm.

  1. Decide to switch your viewpoint away from fear lockdown.

There’s a natural desire to know what is happening around you, especially if what’s happening is a threat. Watching and reading the news, websites, and scrolling through social media can seem like a responsibility to keep yourself informed.

The truth is that no matter how well you believe you are handling it, continually reading and looking at stressful information is going to affect you negatively and increase your stress level.

  1. Try this for a week, and you’ll be more than amazed at the difference:
  • For two days, stay off the news entirely: don’t listen, watch or read it. Stay off social media that talks about politics, corona, and world events. You’ll likely find that doing this creates a vacuum in your life. What will you do with all that time and attention? (See STEP THREE below for some ideas). Get the rest of your family to go along with you on this, so you’re not getting the news feed second hand.
  • On day three, you’re going to look around for any vital information that you need to know. However, do not just reconnect with the media. First, put a filter in place. YOU decide what you need to know. Second, go directly to the sources for the information you need. These sources will supply more useful and accurate information with less spin.

To get a current report on Covid cases in Georgia, go to

To get current information in the US, go to

Whatever you need to know, look it up from official sites from CDC, WHO, major medical schools, state health departments, etc.

Do not read news sites or social media to get this information.

  • Now, you are free to avoid all news for the next two days. Feel that sense of relief?

STEP TWO: Reclaim your life from worry and fear.

Are you worried? I would think so!

The problem is that there is plenty of real stuff to worry about, but the worry is getting you nowhere. “Worry” is being in a continuous state of fear. It’s very unhealthy, makes you uncomfortable, and can damage your ability to make sound decisions right when you need to the most.

I have a quick solution to your worry. Do the exercise below IN WRITING. As you’ll see, your worry will magically reduce. But don’t stop there. Whenever you find yourself worrying again, pull out your cheat sheet, and do the exercise on whatever new thing that’s worrying you.

The No-Worries Exercise:

  1. Sit down with paper and write down your worries. List them out down the paper leaving some room to write after each one.
  2. Go back to the first worry you wrote down. Now ask yourself how you’re going to handle that worry and write down the answer. You aren’t engaged in some high-level strategy session; just write down basically how you can handle that worry. Don’t get stuck or frustrated, and you don’t need a grand fool-proof plan. Just get an idea of how to control or reduce the worry and jot it down. You’re managing your worry with this exercise, not changing the world.
  3. Go down the rest of the list and do the same thing. “How will I deal with this?” Write down the answer.
  4. This exercise won’t make the virus go away, but it can reduce your worry and stress enough to provide needed relief.

STEP THREE: Get creative, resourceful, and productive.

  • Your morale is proportional to your production. Sit around, and you’ll feel crappy. Get something accomplished that YOU think is worthwhile; you’ll feel great. Get five personally-important projects done in the time you should have spent on two, and you’ll be singing, whistling, and finger-snapping.
  • Do you feel exhausted and have no motivation? Trap yourself into becoming productive. Call a friend and make a deal with them to be your production buddy. Make a pact on what you’ll accomplish tomorrow and hold each other to this. Truthfully, people almost always work better and happier in groups than by themselves. Warning: If you’re working in a depressed group where everyone is at home or the business is off from the crisis, your group can pull you down!
  • Are you crazy busy and seem very productive but still feel exhausted and depressed? Make sure you are finishing each task and not trying to go so fast that you leave parts of everything unfinished. An unfinished job stays in your mind and won’t go away. In short order, you’ll be overwhelmed with the number of uncompleted tasks.

Uncompleted Task Discovery Exercise: 1) Look around you for evidence of uncompleted tasks. Papers that aren’t done and can’t be filed or trashed. Junk on the counter that should be sorted out. Your IN Box (yikes!). 2) List out your incomplete tasks (actually write them down). 3) Find a task on the list that you could get done in the next few minutes. 4) Do it! 5) Repeat, not for the entire list, but until you feel more relaxed, happy, and un-stressed.

If a finished job falls in the woods, but no one ever finds out about it, is it still a finished job? NO! First rule: Stop each time you complete something and give yourself a full acknowledgment that you DID it. Second rule: get someone else to recognize what you have done as well.


Everything I’ve suggested is something that you can do for yourself right now. You need no permission, and you don’t have to buy or prepare anything to get started.

You just have to DECIDE.

FEAR is an emotion without motion. If you are in fear, you are frozen in place. (If you’re running away, that’s TERROR, which is a little different). Your challenge is to DECIDE to take action when you are FROZEN in fear. The good news is that for most people, just reading this paragraph will unstick you and get things moving.

I wish you the best of luck with all of this. By the way, I am personally doing every single step in this article.

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