The Destructive Thought Diet

The Destructive Thought Diet

The Alchemy of Thoughts

Happy New Year! Here we are. A new year and I am wishing a beautiful fresh start for all of us.

I was thinking about thoughts the other day. How powerful they are; how they mold us and change us. Think negative thoughts and there we are having a negative experience. Think about creating a new thing or a new reality and there we are doing that!

Thoughts are the alchemy that can save us or doom us. I don’t mean to ignore or leave aside things that are happening and pretend they are not happening. I mean, in the thick of it, what we have is how we respond to the things we think, the things we let get into our personal space.

On this new year, let us think on the things we want to have, the things we know we need to do for ourselves and others, the healthy, joyful things. Let us flow with what life brings and strive really strive to see the positive sides and the way we can change the flow of our lives to make it more the way we want it, more stable, more healthy more balanced.

If we are practical about this let’s consider diets. Some of you I know struggle with changing things you have done for a lifetime. You know it’s too hard, you’ve failed so many times before.

You’ve started another diet how many times? Maybe to lose weight and gain it back again plus a bit more. Said you’d exercise, but just don’t get up or hang out on the couch with a good book or a great show. Said it was time to get the sugar out but somehow there is a treat in your hand as you watch tv or read. I know this because I have been there myself. I have done all of these things and been frustrated and unhappy and even mad at myself and the situation and any number of things.

A Truce!

I would like to propose a truce!

A truce between yourself and all the self-destructive ideas and thoughts that have won so many times, stealing the joy out of life.

I would like for you to realize this is your journey, your day your year. Many of you have sought my help and have done smashingly, changing and growing and achieving goals. I am so proud of every single one of you who has been in front of me and had the courage to make different choices for your health and for your future.

We have all been through an actual real-life pandemic. For over 2 years! Wow! And good on us for being here and for making it through despite all the trials this has entailed. On top of the last two years, we still had life; kids, relationships, health problems, sickness and you name it. We all deserve a month-long sabbatical to the south of France! I hope you get to take one! If you don’t I would like to suggest something else.

I want to suggest that you take a minute and think some thoughts about how cool you are. How you work so hard and take care of others, yourself and your family, the world. The world is made up of so many yous! The yous that do not give up, that cry a good cry and keep on, the yous that love when all the signs say you should not. I see you. I hear you and I want to say to you that you are enough. I want you to think that thought today. Let’s not even think anything else today. Let’s think, I am enough, more than enough to do to be to have what I want, what I need.

The Destructive Thought Diet

Instead of a diet this year, let’s have a destructive thought diet. Let’s resolve to think those things that build us up not tear us down. Let’s eat the foods that nourish us and if we make a less positive choice, let’s make a new one tomorrow. Let’s move so our body is happy. Let’s resolve to minimize the stresses we can and get rid of the ones that are hurting us. Let us find our strength to believe in ourselves and find and kick out those people or things that don’t feed us or heal us.

Let’s resolve to love ourselves and do those things that we know are best for us, that will give us health, and peace and joy.

Detoxify your Mind and Body

I would like to invite you to do a detox of mind and body. I have a very special but simple program that entails basic changes that enable you to maximize your own wellness, to get a jump start on a sustainable lifestyle. Because that is what this is about, sustainability. It isn’t about a diet or even losing 15 or 20 pounds. It is about loving yourself enough to do those things that give you energy and joy and stability.

Some of the foundations of these are sleep 7-8 hours a night going to bed before midnight if possible, eating 3 meals a day and snacks if you need them. Hydrating every day with enough water to flush out toxins from your cells and keeping your thoughts positive and healthy as well. My physical detox includes eating fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding alcohol, sugar, gluten and dairy. Doing these things alone will make you feel pretty amazing.

I have a recipe for a special detox soup and a detox smoothie. The supplements in my detox encourage the Phase 1 and Phase 2 liver detox and will give your cells antioxidants for healing. We will remove those food toxins that many of us possibly overdid over the holidays and then we will bathe those cells in good nutrition and get a boost from the special antioxidants included in the program. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals.

In very high levels free radicals damage cells and genetic material. Free radical damage can change the instructions coded in our DNA. It can cause a condition called oxidative stress that damages cells and can lead to chronic diseases. We are not defenseless though the current environment in which we live gives plenty of challenges. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, glutathione, Co Q10, flavonoids and many others serve as natural defenses against these free radicals.

Fresh, organic foods provide the best sources of antioxidants in the way our bodies can use them best. That is why we add these things into our diet in large quantities. Stress, lots of sugar, alcohol and other drugs, environmental pollutants and medications all add up to a toxic mix that makes our bodies work harder and can damage our fragile cell structure.

So we are going to change that!

What are you Grateful For?

I want you to start your day with gratitude. Think of 2 things every day that you are grateful for before you start your day. I also challenge you to make a decision to think those thoughts that feed you and do the things that bring more health and more life to you. Let’s change the endorphin rush of sugar or alcohol into the rush of feeling real energy coursing through our bodies, real food, real sleep and let us determine to love ourselves, with all our perceived failings realizing we are pretty dang perfect the way we are. Let’s detox body mind and spirit. 


She understood

that it all began

with her.

The responsibility

the possibility

and the love.

She found delight

and strength

in this

knowing that all she

really needed

came conveniently

from within.

Jeannette Encinias

Until next time, love yourselves. It is how you will begin the work to drink as you pour.

Dr. Billiot

Dr. Melodie Billiot

Do You Have a Stubborn Health Problem?

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Two Effective Strategies for Sound Sleep

Two Effective Strategies for Sound Sleep

Two Effective Strategies for Sound Sleep

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

Here are two powerful techniques to help anyone suffering with insomnia.

I have personally found them effective.

1: The 4-7-8 breathing technique

The 4-7-8 breathing technique also known as “relaxing breath,” involves breathing in for 4 seconds through your nose, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling through your mouth for 8 seconds. Rest the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, right behind your top front teeth. You’ll need to keep your tongue in place throughout the practice This breathing pattern aims to reduce anxiety or help people get to sleep. Some proponents claim that the method helps people get to sleep in 1 minute. Do this approximately 8 times.

2: Rhythm technique

This next technique is illustrated by Jim Donovan. Jim Donovan, M.Ed., is a professional musician and assistant professor at Saint Francis University. He teaches us a simple, quick method to slow your brain down by using rhythm. Watch this 12 minute video for full explanation of this technique.


Compliments from Functional Medicine University

Child Asleep

Do You Have a Stubborn Health Problem?

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Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll review your information, then have my assistant call you for any additional information. Then, I’ll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. This assessment is complimentary, with no strings attached. Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

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Allergies: Two Things You Must Know

Allergies: Two Things You Must Know

Allergies: Two Things You Must Know

For the many adults and children who suffer from food and environmental allergies, there is one overriding, crushing piece of missing information:

You can often effectively desensitize allergic substances and foods

In other words, in many, many cases, it’s possible to reduce or eliminate allergic reactions for future years and possibly the rest of your life.

“Wait, wait. Are you trying to tell me that the years I’ve had to avoid foods, take meds for pollen, constantly have sinus drainage and stomach upset… and I didn’t HAVE TO?”

(Sadly), Yes.

There are Two Methods:

1: Acupressure desensitization

The concept behind acupressure desensitization is that allergies and sensitivities are inappropriate reactions. For example, if you have an egg sensitivity, your body has decided that eggs are a toxin and reacts as if this were true. However, eggs aren’t really toxic.

The acupressure treatment focuses your body’s attention on eggs as a healthy food compared to the body’s previous mistaken idea of eggs as a stressful toxin. The result is that your body now perceives eggs correctly as food, not as a toxic substance. This response is similar to changing your mind about something based on observing some new information.

Dr. Devi Nambudripad developed the first workable acupressure desensitization technique in 1983.

Here is National Institutes of Health paper on her technique.

I began using acupressure desensitization extensively on thousands of patients in 1999. In 2005, I developed a more efficient version of the technique, up to ten times faster. I have done many thousands of these treatments every year, often with life-changing results.

2: Food antibody desensitization

Some food sensitivities are from an inappropriate reaction of the immune system. In this case, the body develops antibodies to foods, treating the allergic food similar to an invading virus.

When the antibodies are of the IgG variety, any reaction can be delayed up to three days. With the delay, you can never determine which food is causing a problem.

Desensitizing this type of allergy is a three-step process:

1: Do a blood test with a lab to find the foods triggering the IgG antibodies. The test I use the most is for 184 of the most commonly eaten foods.

2: Stop eating foods that show high antibody levels on the test. I work with patients to help them find substitutes and avoid foods in ways that are not too stressful.

3: After 12 weeks, the body will often have dropped many of the antibody levels. If the foods are then reintroduced on a rotating basis, often the immune system will not react, and the food may be able to be eaten from then on without any ill effect.

Other Issues Caused by Allergies

Most allergies affect the gut, which is the source of 75% of your immune system. Allergies can cause many chronic health problems, including many that you would never normally associate with allergies.

If you have “mysterious” health problems that don’t respond well or at all to routine treatment or have no available treatment, you may be suffering from allergies or sensitivities.

I’ve found sensitivities in patients suffering from migraine headaches, hormone problems, infertility, digestive problems, ADHD, brain fog, and anxiety/depression. When the sensitivities were desensitized, these problems were reduced or resolved in many cases.

If you have health issues that don’t resolve, you may be dealing with allergies… and just never knew it.

Hidden Allergies

In my experience, many patients with sensitivities causing their health problems have no idea that they are sensitive. Their symptoms just aren’t what they would associate with “allergy symptoms,” and their sensitivity reactions are delayed, so they don’t realize that they are reacting to any particular foods.

Here’s an excerpt from a JAMA article (Journal of the American Medical Association):

Question  What are the prevalence and severity of food allergy in US adults?

Findings  In a population-based survey study of 40 443 US adults, an estimated 10.8% were food allergic at the time of the survey, whereas nearly 19% of adults believed that they were food allergic. Nearly half of food-allergic adults had at least 1 adult-onset food allergy, and 38% reported at least 1 food allergy-related emergency department visit in their lifetime.

Meaning  The findings suggest that food allergies are common and severe among US adults, often starting in adulthood.

Patient Story:

Before I started my treatment, I always feared spring every year. It has always been the worst season for me. In the past 3 years of school, I have always missed at least 10 days every spring semester because of sickness from allergies. This year, spring semester, I haven’t missed any days! I am able to walk outside and go on runs now! I used to have to go to a gym because I couldn’t handle the pollen! I am taking no medicine now for my allergies and it has been a life changing year so far! I am so thankful to AHA for all they have done for me and my health! — K.K.

Dr. Billiot

Do You Have Food Allergies? Do You Hate Spring & Fall Pollen?

I may be able to help you.

Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll review your information, then have my assistant call you for any additional information. Then, I’ll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. This assessment is complimentary, with no strings attached. Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

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Omicron: How to Stay Safe

Omicron: How to Stay Safe

Omicron: How to Stay Safe

I’ve spent this morning talking to patients who are sick with Covid symptoms.

Let’s talk about how to help you to weather this latest storm. The correct response is to do all the things we know to protect ourselves and others.

My recommendations to stay safe while continuing to live your life:

Visit my Covid Resource Page for diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations to deal with Covid better!

ONE: Minimum Protection = Two out of three of the following. All three would be my choice if possible.
  • Masks (KN95 or N95 only, see below for more information)
  • Testing (At-home or PCR tests, depending on your exposure)
  • Vaccination including booster (Vaccination only won’t work, see below for more information)
TWO: Avoiding infectious environments.


  • Large buildings: (Big box stores, groceries) have so much circulating air with the high ceilings that they are safer. Visit only when necessary, go on off-hours with fewer people, stay away from others in the store (come back to crowded aisles later). Stay far away from unmasked people in the store. If the store begins to fill up and you feel uncomfortable, abandon your cart and just get out.
  • Restaurants: Omicron is far too infectious for patios to be safe. Use restaurants that will bring your food out to your car to avoid going inside. Remember that restaurants have many unmasked people in the building and are not an environment you want to be in, even for a minute or two.
  • Company of Friends & Family: This is where many new infections are happening. The risk of spreading Omicron to another household member is three times higher than with Delta. Even with testing, visiting may not be safe. If you do visit: Everyone must test just before the visit, and outside the house. Everyone should still wear masks indoors, though you could eat outside with testing. Multiple day visits require a new test every day.


THREE: Keep your immune system strong.
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds and use sanitizer (a lot). It’s time to refill those hand sanitizers in your car and your bag.
  • Increase your hours of sleep if needed to boost your immune system.
  • Take immune-boosting supplements every day.
  • Stop eating refined sugar (cake, candy, cookies, ice cream, soda, beer, wine, sweet tea).

Details You Should Know to Stay Safe:

Wear only KN95 or N95 masks: Cloth masks offer no protection against Omicron, and surgical masks only help a little. KN95 masks seal against your face and filter 95% of particles, including viruses. They aren’t perfect protection but are the best available. Mask effectiveness studies here. Available on Amazon.

Vaccinations: Two shot vaccinations are ineffective against Omicron. You need to have the booster shot as well. Even then, you rely on staying in safe environments and wearing a mask as your primary defense. Your vaccination won’t stop you from getting infected; its job is to keep you from becoming seriously ill and going to the hospital.

Monoclonal Antibody Treatments: One of the most effective tools against severe illness with Covid has been monoclonal antibody treatments. This treatment should be done very early in the disease process to prevent the infection from becoming more serious. It’s been discovered that of the three monoclonal antibody treatments available, only one works with Omicron. This working treatment is so scarce that many doctors and hospitals are already out of it. If you are not vaccinated, you are “performing without a net” at this point.

Testing: At-home tests are very accurate if they show a positive result. So if you get a positive test, isolate and assume you have Covid until you can get a more accurate PCR test back. BUT, at-home tests are 30% to 40% less sensitive than PCR tests and may show false negative early in an infection before symptoms start. At-home tests are much better than no tests, but use them as part of a larger strategy (masks, outdoors, etc.).

New Quarantine Rules: As of December 27, the CDC has issued new rules for those exposed and infected with Covid. Research has shown that Covid is most infectious 2 days prior and 3 days after symptoms start. Read the new rules here.

We Will Prevail

The New York Times has a great article from last Thursday, “Omicron and Holiday Travel: How to Strategize.” I think the authors did an admirable job of describing our current situation and reasonable responses to it.

Covid is a coronavirus, like the common cold. It’s almost certain that the cold was also a pandemic long ago. At that time, bodies and the virus adapted to the point that we could live with each other. Experts believe that we are moving through this process now.

Meanwhile, we must adapt to the changing virus, stay safe and protect others.

Patient Story:

In December 2020 I got Covid, and I got pretty sick. I had all the symptoms described in the flyers. I am convinced this virus knows your weakest link and goes for it. Today, I am convinced that if I had not been treated (on a health improvement program at Alternative Health Atlanta) that I would not have survived Covid. But because I was getting healthier and restoration was in progress, I have survived it. I am thankful to God, and thankful He brought me to Alternative Health Atlanta— A.C.

More Information on Boosting Your Immune System

Read: 8 Exact Actions to Avoid the Delta Variant

Avoiding Covid
Dr. Billiot

Are You Concerned About Your Immune System?

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Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll review your information, then have my assistant call you for any additional information. Then, I’ll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. This assessment is complimentary, with no strings attached. Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

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SIBO: Overlooked Cause of Digestive Distress

SIBO: Overlooked Cause of Digestive Distress


You may have heard the term “SIBO” and wondered about it.

SIBO is Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth. It usually results from the poor passage of food through the small intestine, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria.

The bacterial overgrowth can cause diarrhea/constipation, weight loss, malnutrition, bloating, gas, belching, distended abdomen, abdominal pain and discomfort.

Medically, this condition is often treated with antibiotics to kill off bacteria and reduce overgrowth. Antibiotics often give only temporary relief and can damage digestion and immune systems (studies show a recurrence in half of the patients treated with antibiotics).

Good News

If you have any combination of the symptoms listed above, I may be able to help.

A simple lab test can determine if it’s likely that you have a problem with SIBO. In this case, correct dietary supplements and some dietary restrictions can give your body the assistance it needs to get the situation under control and eventually heal.

Below is a case review from a colleague of mine that clearly shows how these cases can resolve.

SIBO can be Related to Leaky Gut

READ: What Do You Mean by Leaky Gut?

SIBO- Overlooked Cause of GI Issues (Case Review)

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

A 47-year woman named Kristina was seen with the following symptoms:  Chronic bloating, gas and belching, abdominal distention, intermittent diarrhea/constipation, and abdominal pain/discomfort.

Based on the patient’s symptoms and her medical records from her primary physician, I was suspicious of a condition called SIBO (Small Intestine Bowel Overgrowth).

SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, is defined as an increase in the number of bacteria and/or changes in the types of bacteria present in the small bowel.

The normal small bowel, which connects the stomach to the large bowel, is approximately 20 feet long. Bacteria are normally present throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract but in varying amounts. Relatively few bacteria normally live in the small bowel. In most patients, SIBO is not caused by a single type of bacteria but is an overgrowth of the various types of bacteria that should normally be found in the large bowel.

The most accepted test to diagnose SIBO is called the hydrogen/methane breath test. 

Here are the results of Kristina’s SIBO breath test:

SIBO Lab Results

Antibiotics are often used to treat SIBO. However, studies show that recurrence develops in almost half of all patients within one year despite treatment with antibiotics. The most commonly used antibiotic for SIBO is rifaximin. The treatment I decided to recommend included natural botanical supplements. I worked the patient up from a low to a higher dose over two weeks to minimize die-off symptoms.

In addition to the botanicals, I recommended a SIBO diet. The SIBO diet is a temporary elimination diet that incorporates lowFODMAP* foods to decrease bacterial overgrowth. Click Here for a food guide for SIBO.

Kristina followed the above treatment protocol for six weeks with excellent results. Her follow-up breath test was negative. It has been eight months, and she is still doing quite well.

FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. These are short-chain carbohydrates (sugars) that may be absorbed poorly by the small intestine. Some people have cramping, diarrhea, and other symptoms after eating them.

Here is a list of high and low FODMAP foods.

Compliments from Functional Medicine University

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Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll call you for a phone consult and discuss what could be done about your health. It’s complimentary, no strings attached. Either I can help you or point you in the right direction to get help. Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

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Easy: Less Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack

Easy: Less Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack

Easy: Less Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack

Here’s a story about Matrix GLA Protein.

Did I put you to sleep with one sentence?

Maybe! But I think you’ll really want to hear this story: it’s cool.

Stroke and heart attacks happen when your arteries get stiff. You’ve heard of “hardening of the arteries,” right? This condition also leads to high blood pressure.

If you can keep your arteries flexible and elastic, you will benefit in many ways, especially with much less risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Calcium deposits in your arteries cause stiffening

If you could have less calcium mucking up your arteries, they would stay much more flexible and elastic.

Here’s where the Matrix GLA Protein (MGP) comes in.

A 2020 paper from NIH (National Institute of Health) says, “Numerous studies have confirmed that MGP acts as a calcification-inhibitor…” This paper explains that MGP inhibits calcium-phosphate from precipitating into the arterial walls in several different ways.

MGP comes from Vitamin K2

Studies show that a high dose of Vitamin K2 not only stopped further calcium accumulation in the arteries but reduced the deposits by 53% in 12 weeks.

So, if your doctor agrees, add K2 to your regimen to have a healthy cardiovascular system.

Here’s what else you should do to have a healthy heart:
  • Cardiovascular exercises
  • Low-carb diet
  • Stress-reducing techniques (relaxation)
  • Flexibility exercises

Arterial calcification can begin as early as the teens and 20’s, showing up as a problem by age 30.


Read the article below, “How to Decrease Arterial Stiffness” for more information.
Dr. Billiot

Are you diagnosed with circulation health problems?

I may be able to help you.

Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll review your information, then have my assistant call you for any additional information. Then, I’ll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. This assessment is complimentary, no strings attached. Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

More information on preventing heart disease

READ: DIY Diabetes & Heart Disease Prevention—for Cheap!

How to Decrease Arterial Stiffness

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries, leading to accumulations of fats cells and calcium deposits (i.e., plaques). It has been shown that people with a rapid increase in the amount of calcium deposits have a higher risk for stroke and heart attack than people with a decreased amount.

Vitamin K2 is associated with the inhibition of arterial calcification and arterial stiffening. An adequate intake of vitamin K2 has been shown to lower the risk of vascular damage because it activates matrix GLA protein (MGP), which inhibits the deposits of calcium on the walls

In the groups receiving high-dose vitamin K2 (MK-4), not only was there no further arterial calcium accumulation, there was a 37% reduction of previously accumulated arterial calcification after six weeks. After 12 weeks, there was a 53% reduction in accumulated arterial calcium deposits.


Medical peer-reviewed papers support considering adding vitamin K2 to a healthy lifestyle protocol (cardio/resistant exercise, Paleo-Diet, relaxation, flexibility exercises, etc.) to reverse the damaging effects of arterial calcification and arterial stiffening.

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