Trillion-Dollar Weight Loss

Trillion-Dollar Weight Loss

A recent article in The Economist is titled “The battle over the trillion-dollar weight-loss bonanza.”
You’ve probably heard about the new weight-loss drugs such as Wegovy and Zepbound (called GLP-1 agonists), which can quickly reduce a person’s body weight by 15%. That’s 30 pounds lost if you weigh 200 pounds.
The Economist is predicting that annual sales of these drugs may reach $80 billion by 2030.
Close to half the world’s population is predicted to be obese or overweight by 2030 (World Obesity Federation). So, a trillion dollars in sales over a few years is not a stretch.
In the history of pharmaceuticals, there has never been a product that was used by patients long-term that didn’t develop side effects. Generally, the more powerful the drug, the worse the side effects, as the chemical disrupts normal body functions.
These weight-loss drugs must be used for life and already have severe side effects (nausea, muscle loss, loss of enjoyment of foods). There is no predicting what happens after a person takes them for 10+ years.
Then, there’s human nature. As a species, we are not exceptionally good at doing things we don’t like unless there are consequences. Many overweight people live much healthier lifestyles to control their weight. Would they continue to eat well and exercise if they could take a drug and live any way they wanted?

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Your Body is the Best Doctor for Your Body

Conventional medicine is very good at solving many health issues. Infections, trauma, and disease processes that the body can’t control are examples.
Medicine gets in trouble when it pushes the boundaries of its knowledge and proven techniques without sufficient due diligence. Developing chemicals that can alter the body in powerful ways without understanding how they work has been proven dangerous. Add a trillion-dollar incentive to this, and a disaster is very likely to occur.
There are effective ways of assisting your body in healing itself that don’t run these risks. This approach helps you to be healthier, more stable, and more able to live confidently in a toxic and stressful world.

Find out if you can get healthy naturally without dangerous drugs and surgery.

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Fixing Your Hormones

Fixing Your Hormones

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Natural Hormone Solutions Workshop Series

Does Your Body Seem Out of Control—Your World Flipped Upside-Down? You may be suffering from hormone imbalances

Did you know that there are about 50 hormones in your body and that these hormones control almost everything?  Hormones affect the way you look, the way you act, your emotions, and your overall health. Many factors can damage your body’s hormonal control, such as aging, toxic buildup, microbial imbalance, and emotional or physical stress.

If your hormones are out of balance, you don’t feel well, and your world becomes out of whack. There are many symptoms related to hormone imbalances. Some of these you are probably familiar with like hot flashes, night sweats, extreme irritability, moodiness, digestive issues, joint pain, sleep problems, libido problems, and PMS. There are others that you might find surprising, such as:

Incontinence, migraines, depression, fatigue, wrinkly skin, weight, cold hands or feet, acne, thyroid dysfunction, endometriosis, PCOS, infertility, concentration, short term memory issues, no energy, poor muscle tone, poor balance and coordination, excess facial hair or hair loss, inability to handle stress (and quite a few more).

My Doctor Says My Blood Tests are Normal

Unfortunately, standard blood labs don’t adequately test for or reflect many hormonal imbalances and problems. If your doctor says that you are entirely healthy (despite your complaints) or that your problem “is in your head” or is “due to your nerves,” then it could be your hormones causing your problems.

Hormones are dynamic and continually changing, especially in women. To understand hormone problems, you would have to know how and when these changes are occurring and how they are changing relative to other hormones. A snapshot of blood hormone levels may appear to be “normal,” despite severe hormone imbalances.

Two Steps to a Happy Woman

STEP ONE: Testing

I have had to overcome the common problem of inaccurate hormone testing. To do this, I have researched and gained experience with a large number of different lab testing techniques. In addition to traditional blood labs, I use saliva, urine, and dried urine (“DUTCH”) labs. These labs are usually done at specific points in the menstrual cycle or are done as “cycle mapping” every few days throughout the cycle.

I also use extensive case history and reflex testing of the autonomic nervous system to determine high-level stresses and priorities. For example, is the body more stressed by the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, or ovaries? Starting with a hormone case knowing these basic facts allows me to “cut to the chase” and lab test only those areas that are causing the problems.

STEP TWO: Health Improvement

I don’t “treat” hormone problems. Treatment would involve using hormones, drugs, or surgeries to change the function or structure of the body in an attempt to improve a woman’s health.

My approach is to recognize that the body is already doing everything it can to heal itself. Also, only the body knows the entire scope of the problem and what needs to be done about it. No doctor could ever discover all of this information.

Therefore, I test and discover from the body what assistance it needs to overcome the “blocks and stops” that it’s running into, and help it to continue with the healing process. This technique can include exact supplementation, bio-identical hormones, diet and lifestyle changes, and some gentle yet powerful acupressure hormone techniques to relieve specific stresses.

I help your body address the causes of why it isn’t healing instead of treating the symptoms that result from its problems. You may achieve a stable state of health that you can maintain instead of continually chasing an elusive “balance” for your hormones.

It is my greatest honor to have worked with thousands of patients and assisted their bodies with hormone imbalances. I have helped many women who have not responded well to medical or other alternative treatments with great success. I have numerous tools and protocols to handle difficult cases that have resisted all previous efforts. My approach is unique in many ways among medical and alternative health practices in helping women recover their health and quality of life.

Worried About Your Health? Maybe You Should Be!

Worried About Your Health? Maybe You Should Be!

We’ve all had the upsetting experience of someone close to us getting a scary diagnosis or having a health emergency.

Maybe you have a symptom that you’re worried might be the first sign of a serious problem, or you’re concerned because of diseases that run in your family. Maybe you are a member of a high-risk group (obese, past, or present smoker, diabetic, etc.) and are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

If you’ve been worried that you don’t know whether you’ll stay healthy or not, there’s an excellent reason for you to feel this way:

Most developing health problems are being deliberately hidden from you!

No, not by any nefarious person or organization. The culprit is your own body design.

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You Have the Same Body as a Caveman

OK, maybe a cavewoman. Bodies haven’t been updated or redesigned for roughly 200,000 years. We’re still on version 1.0. Back in those early days, there were no doctors, so anything that went wrong just had to get better on its own.

Having a symptom was very dangerous. If Joe Caveman had migraines, he’d either starve because he wasn’t able to hunt or gather, or he’d be distracted by his pain and gobbled up by something hungry and/or bashed in by a rival caveman (woman).

To improve survival, Nature designed bodies to hide symptoms for as long as possible.

That was all fine back then, but this is still how your body behaves 2,000 centuries later!

Your body can hide symptoms of a developing problem for over a decade, keeping you comfortable (and hiding the problem from your PCP in all those checkups as well).

Then, you experience some stress that causes your body to lose control (or it just runs out of resources) and you develop a symptom or disease.

You and your doctor think this just happened when actually it’s been in the making for over a decade!

Why Conventional Medicine Can’t Cure Your Problems

“Chronic” (ongoing or repeating) problems arise when your body’s ability to maintain and heal becomes compromised, and may start a decade before you experience your first symptom.

These problems are so complex that there is no conventional medical cure. Doctors can only attempt to manage your symptoms with long-term drugs.

The one entity that exists which does know the origin and solution to these problems would be your body. Your body is also designed to repair itself.

So, your body is the only qualified “doctor” that could possibly solve your health problems.

I understand how it feels to suffer from unsolvable health issues. It was my own frightening health experiences that inspired our mission.

For 29 years, we have helped over 10,000 patients resolve stressful problems and regain control of their lives and health.

You’ve been through a lot. It’s time to address everything with a new approach that gives you back your health the the control of your body.

FAQ’s on Health:

  1. Q: Young people are healthy, mostly, aren’t they? A: Those “immortally healthy” 20 and 30-somethings you see eating junk, drinking too much and burning the candle at both ends: Their bodies are hiding the effects. Sadly, if you revisit them in 10 or 20 years, you’ll likely find them exhausted and on multiple prescriptions.
  2. Q: If you have several health problems, does this mean that your body can no longer hide symptoms from you? A: NO. There are probably more problems that your body is dealing with and hiding from you that you have no idea about.
  3. Q: WAIT! You’re telling me that I can feel totally healthy but I’m really not? A: I’m telling you that you have no way of knowing the condition of your health unless you get tested correctly, because your body isn’t going to tell you until it’s too late.
  4. Q: But aren’t most people really pretty healthy? A: Six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more. Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. They are also the leading drivers of the nation’s $3.5 trillion in annual health care costs. –CDC (link is to CDC website)
  5. Q: So, you’re just doom and gloom, everyone is sick? A: I’m realistically looking at an incredibly toxic and stressful environment that continues to get worse. Already more than half the population is diagnosed as chronically ill. My idea is that if we recognize the problem, it’s possible to live a lifestyle that helps your body become healthy enough to withstand the environmental stress.
  6. Q: It’s possible then to live in a way that keeps me healthy for the rest of my life DESPITE these odds? A: YES, EXACTLY!
Caring: Why Health Care Fails

Caring: Why Health Care Fails

Caring: Why Health Care Fails

There are some remarkable technologies available in our modern health care system. Sadly, these are often unavailable or misused in ways that limit or stop their effectiveness.

Partly this lack of access is from the debacle of our health insurance system. Partly it’s the maze of your primary care doctor linking you up with various specialists, each with their scheduling and plan coverage. Then, there’s the bigger problem of whether this drug or treatment will be effective or damaging.

But perhaps the most important and overriding issue is one you might not realize: caring.

Good communication is a direct result of liking and caring.

I can categorically state that patients will not recover unless they are in excellent communication with their practitioner.

Poor communication means the patient may misunderstand instructions, do the wrong things, or fail to do the right things needed to heal.

Poor communication means that the doctor fails to get the patient’s correct information and makes errors based on that incorrect information.

There’s only one way to be in good communication with a patient: You must care about them and like them! This results in the patient caring and liking the practitioner as well. How well do you communicate with someone you don’t like? Not so good, correct?

Communication before technology

Technology is based on science. It’s observable, provable, and concrete. Communication is based on the interaction between people, which is hard to measure objectively.

Therefore, health care money and attention tend to gravitate to technology, not improving communication.

Good communication is based on actual caring, an activity that gets lost easily in large bureaucracies (think how much caring you’ve experienced at the DMV and IRS?)

Despite this, technology can’t work without excellent prior communication. When this is ignored, we get “the operation was successful, but the patient died.”

Communication is the solution to chronic health conditions

Most chronic health conditions are created or prolonged by lifestyle issues. Diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity cause most health problems in the US, and all are lifestyle diseases.

Medicine has focused on technology (drug) solutions to these problems. I’ve asked many doctors why they don’t work harder on lifestyle solutions to chronic conditions. The answer is almost always, “Because people won’t change.”

I beg to differ. I’ve effectively changed the diets and lifestyles of over 10,000 patients, resulting in often dramatic improvements in their health.

A more valid reason why medical doctors have trouble changing their patients’ lifestyles is that the medical system doesn’t care about caring.

A patient may have difficulty making changes to their diet or lifestyle and may need help. The best help a practitioner can give is to be on the patient’s team! This makes the patient feel they have a responsibility to get well and to do their program very well, that their practitioner cares about them and will be excited about their success. In that case, this can overcome many difficulties the patient may be experiencing in making the changes in their life needed for them to heal.

Our sad medical system

Our sad medical system suffers from short visits and overworked doctors who can come off as not caring. They often aren’t in good communication with their patients, a fact that leads to many devastating medical errors.

Often the providers do care. But they’re stuck in a system that values the delivery of products and services while caring little about how and why this happens.

Yes, we need better and affordable health insurance, and we need more access to health care technology. But unless there’s a fundamental shift toward caring for the patient, where the outcome is much more important than the process, we will be stuck with high-cost, low-result, and often deadly health care.

There are many reasons why my treatment programs are so effective

  • I work WITH your body to assist it to heal in the way it is already trying to. I don’t work ON your body like a mechanic.
  • I don’t use any invasive treatments. Everything done is helping your healing process; there are no “side effects.”
  • I provide sufficient help, consistent help, and help over the entire healing period (which is often years).

But, you see, the reason that I do these effective things is that I care!

Caring about the wellbeing and recovery of patients creates effective solutions.

Caring about power, money, and politics creates an entirely different result: our current health care system.


 Find Out More Evectics Book Cover

Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).




Want Some Help?

Complete this Online Evaluation: Your First Step to Ending Severe, Long-term or Frustrating Health Problems

If you answer the questions on this symptom evaluation, we’ll be able to answer these questions for you:

  1. What areas of physical stress in your body are most likely creating your problems?
  2. What could be done to help your body recover from this stress?
  3. What are our recommendations to start you back on the road to health?

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The Problems with “The Pill”

The Problems with “The Pill”

The Problems with “The Pill”

Women are rarely fully informed of the potential problems and health hazards from the birth control pill.  Somehow we think we can take a precisely-running organism like the human body and then insert into it foreign chemicals and other substances, which pharmaceutical labs have explicitly created so that they have a patented product to sell in the marketplace. And then we wonder why the body malfunctions and may develop cancers and other life-threatening conditions as a result. Based on current studies and concern for your health and longevity, you must understand the hormones (birth control pills are hormones) you are being prescribed and how they affect your health and your life.

Preventing Babies

As much as people want babies, they also want to prevent them for myriad reasons.

Birth control has been around for as long as we have been making babies, and its history is quite interesting.  In ancient Egypt, women used a combination of dates, honey, and acacia, and it seems that when fermented, acacia does have a spermicidal effect.

Around 3000 B.C., humans made condoms from fish bladders and animal intestines. Closer to modern times, in 1838, condoms were made from vulcanized rubber.

Birth control has had a very conflicted history.  Religion has long had opinions regarding reproduction and women’s rights that date back into early history.

In March 1873, the United States Congress passed a bill to ban birth control, known as The Comstock Act. Its full name was an “Act of the Suppression of Trade in and Circulation of Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use.” This act prohibited advertisements, information, or distribution of birth control.  It also allowed the post office to confiscate any birth control products it found being sent through the mail.  The ban came about because of anti-vice and temperance groups that considered birth control obscene and worked to outlaw it.  (5)

The Advent of Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives, otherwise known as the birth control pill, were approved by the FDA on June 23, 1960.  The first pill was called Enovid, and millions of women began using it in the first few years of its introduction. It was almost 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and gave women more control over their sexuality and family planning.  The side effects that developed as a result of this new contraceptive, however, were severe.

Barbara Seaman, women’s health advocate, patients’ rights advocate, American author, and co-founder of the National Women’s Health Network in Washington D.C., wrote an important work called The Doctor’s Case Against the Pill.  It was published in 1969 and presented the facts that high estrogen doses posed serious and even fatal health risks to women.  Doctors were not informing women of these risks, including heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, cancer, suicide, and depression.  This book led to Senate hearings in 1970 on the safety of oral contraceptives. The drug companies were required to include printed warnings on all pill packs about birth control risks and clotting disorders because of these hearings. Today, the pill has a much lower dose of estrogen but still comes with its own set of similar risks, still detailed in that printed warning inside every pill prescription pack due to Barbara Seaman’s activism.

How The Pill Works

The combined pill that most women use today contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone that trick your body into thinking it is pregnant.  Mid-cycle, when you would normally ovulate, no egg is released from the ovaries, so pregnancy cannot occur.  The organs that run the menstrual cycle are shut down and do not function as they usually would. When a woman takes the pill, her natural cycle stops.  She has a period because when the artificial hormones stop for a week, and she takes the sugar pill, the uterine lining is shed and her period is often lighter.

Some doctors have recommended women not having cycles at all.  In 2003, pills were released that enabled a woman to go months without her cycle and, on doctor’s recommendation, to have only four menstrual cycles or less a year. Some doctors told patients that no cycles were necessary.  Depo Provera is given by an injection that often stops women’s cycles for three months at a time.  I have seen some extremely negative symptoms and side effects with this injection in some women.

Female Balance and Rhythms

Our bodies ebb and flow with a natural rhythm just as the tides and the moons do.  We live in a world that values convenience over balance, and in doing so, we lose the beauty of our bodies and our cycles.  Being female, having a cycle, being fertile are all things to celebrate!  Taking time from your life to acknowledge this gift can enrich your life as a woman.  The “curse” is really a blessing.

When our cycles are “off” or painful, it is often a sign that our lives or our paths may have veered somewhat from a more balanced existence.  Our diets, exercise levels, and stress may have increased beyond what our bodies can easily handle.  It signifies a time for us to regroup and examine ourselves to see what we can do to bring our lives and bodies back to a healthier state.

In our modern lives and our modern “must have it all” mentality, we can pay the price for ignoring our natural balance and rhythms. Chemically suppressing our bodies’ natural functions can cause many side effects, even death.

The Risks of Hormonal Contraceptives

One of my favorite books to recommend to patients is The Pill: Are you sure it’s for you?  One chapter is titled Dying Not to Get Pregnant.  This chapter details the side effects of the pill we aren’t told and the ones that could cost us our lives.  This same chapter mentions that in 1995 government health ministers went public in Britain about the increased risk of thromboembolism in the third-generation pills.  The incidence of pill use went down in Britain at this point, as did the incidence of deep vein thrombosis.  Women die every year from this side effect and from strokes, heart attacks, and cancers — deaths related to this form of contraception.  We all need to know the risks.

In 2005 the World Health Organization’s cancer research group, The International Agency for Research on Cancer, reclassified the pill from a “possible carcinogen” to humans to “carcinogenic” to humans.  This places the pill in the Class 1 Carcinogen category, along with asbestos and tobacco.  It does appear that the pill is protective against developing ovarian cancer.  I am not sure, though, that one would choose this path only for this reason, considering the other health concerns.  Anything that suppresses ovulation or its frequency, such as full-term pregnancy and breastfeeding, is preventive of ovarian cancers.

As women are given the pill to “regulate” their cycles, it is important to remember that suppression is not regulation.  Taking the pill triples the lifetime risk of breast cancer when taken before the age of 18. It can cause insulin resistance, cervical dysplasia, ovarian cysts, and infertility.

There are many, many other side effects in addition to these.  They include Increased risk of thyroid and liver problems, nutritional deficiencies in Folic Acid, B12, B6, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, reduced antioxidant levels, especially in the liver, and a deficiency of Vitamin A. These deficiencies can lead to many more severe health risks.  The liver is extremely stressed in attempting to “detoxify” and clear these synthetic substances.  This hardworking organ can sometimes be damaged long term with synthetic hormones from the pill and conventional HRT.

Deciding on Contraceptive Solutions

Read, educate yourself, and learn about other more natural and safe means to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies.  Finding alternative solutions may make the difference between health and ill-health. Weigh the risk for yourself, now and for the future.  After “having their cycles regulated” by the pill for many years, I have seen many women who stopped the pill but were unable to get pregnant for months, if at all.  We spent many months cleaning and rebuilding the body after the damage of long term synthetic hormone use.

Read the warnings in the pill packets carefully and see if you feel that this is the right move for you.  I’ve included some links to natural contraception choices at the end of this post.

Make choices that will help solve your body’s health problems instead of making more!

You are beautiful, and your body is an amazing miracle of systems and organs and hormones.  You can be well at any age.  Work towards health and wellbeing. You are a beautiful woman, and you are here to share your gifts with the world. There is only one you!

Beneath the Sweater and the Skin

How many years of beauty do I have left? she asks me. How many more do you want? Here. Here is 34. Here is 50.   When you are 80 years old and your beauty rises in ways your cells cannot even imagine now and your wild bones grow luminous and ripe, having carried the weight of a passionate life.   When your hair is aflame with winter and you have decades of learning and leaving and loving sewn into  the corners of your eyes and your children come home to find their own history in your face.   When you know what it feels like to fail ferociously and have gained the  capacity to rise and rise and rise again.   When you can make your tea on a quiet and ridiculously lonely afternoon and still have a song in your heart Queen owl wings beating beneath the cotton of your sweater.   Because your beauty began there beneath the sweater and the skin, remember?   This is when I will take you  into my arms and coo YOU BRAVE AND GLORIOUS THING you’ve come so far.   I see you. Your beauty is breathtaking.   -Jeannette Encinias

Here are links to more information on these topics:

Natural family planning tools: Natural fertility tracking devices:

Barrier methods of birth control: Fertility tracker:

 Find Out More Evectics Book Cover

Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).

Want Some Help?

Complete this Online Evaluation: Your First Step to Ending Severe, Long-term or Frustrating Health Problems

If you answer the questions on this symptom evaluation, we’ll be able to answer these questions for you:

  1. What areas of physical stress in your body are most likely creating your problems?
  2. What could be done to help your body recover from this stress?
  3. What are our recommendations to start you back on the road to health?

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The Villain of the Piece: Endocrine Disruptors

The Villain of the Piece: Endocrine Disruptors

The Villain of the Piece: Endocrine Disruptors

Reader’s Note: This post introduces a little-known topic that can be very dangerous to your life and health. Reading the facts as I present them can be overwhelming… maybe it’s just easier to “give up and hope for the best.” Rest assured, this would not be the best decision you ever made. My approach to this problem is simple: You live in the environment in which you live. There is no such thing as altogether avoiding the toxins I discuss in this post. But you can minimize your exposure to them. If your hormone system ever fails from toxic exposure, I have spent 20 years of research working out practical solutions to allow your body to overcome this type of stress.

In the end, your health is limited only by your willingness to search out and apply effective answers. Giving up? Not the solution at all!

Harmonious Hormones

Your hormones are amazing substances. Working at a molecular level, they are your body’s messengers and influence and control all your organs.  These hormones coordinate and work together to create a symphony of magic in your body.

The orchestra is playing; all the instruments are in harmony and blending their voices in a beautiful symphony. The beautiful sound reverberates in the air—when suddenly a loud squawking is heard from the brass section, and a horrible wail begins from the strings section.  Violins fly through the air, instruments are dropped, and a black coated band of invaders displace the rightful musicians and begin to play their version of the piece.  Chaos ensues.  The conductor is yelling as musicians try in vain to regain their seats. All the while the invaders continue their horrible rendition of the once beautiful song.

Daily, your body is experiencing this invasion. Your systems are invaded repeatedly by toxins that either take the place of or block your body’s correct function.  Now, instead of proper hormone flow and balanced output, we have hormone chaos.  Your cycles hurt, you have PMS, you are angry or sad for no apparent reason, your body begins to grow tumors, benign or otherwise, in your uterus or your breasts, you have hot flashes and night sweats, you are exhausted and depressed, your body is no longer yours. It has been hijacked by these foreign substances that now run the show.

Endocrine Disruptors

These invaders are called endocrine disruptors.

If you are to control your health in our current chemical-rich environment, you must understand endocrine disruptors, which are mostly manmade chemicals.  They are found in pesticides, plastics, plasticizers, metals, additives in food and personal care products, and many pharmaceuticals.  Endocrine disruptors include heavy metals such as mercury and lead, dioxins, PCBs, DDT and pesticides, and bisphenol A. These chemicals have long been proven to cause altered reproductive function in both males and females, increase in reproductive cancers in women and men (breast, uterine, ovarian, prostate, testicular) and decreased fertility in both sexes. Neurological and developmental delays have also been seen in children.

As many of these endocrine disruptors mimic estrogen, there has been a substantial increase in the number of women suffering from estrogen-dominant conditions. These issues include PCOS, ovarian cysts, cervical dysplasia, uterine fibroids, heavy cycles, severe PMS, and other female disorders.

How You’re Exposed

We are exposed to these chemicals in food and water by inhaling gases, particles in the air, and absorption through our skin. One primary source of exposure is the transfer of these damaging and extremely harmful chemicals from the pregnant mother to the developing fetus through the placenta and the infant and small child through the breast milk. Pregnant women and children are the most vulnerable to these toxins, even though the effects may not be evident until later in life and may decrease immunity over time.

The World Health Organization, The Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences have defined and cataloged the existence of and the damage caused by these endocrine disruptors that are rampant in our environment.  I would highly recommend that you watch the video Our Chemical Lives.

Many of our everyday personal care products and convenience products contain endocrine disruptors. Some common examples are found in plastic drinking bottles, flame retardant clothing, toys, cosmetics, pesticides, detergents, birth control pills, conventional HRT (hormone replacement therapy), perfumes, nail polish, soaps, spermicides, adhesives, metal smelting, waste incineration, dry cleaning chemicals, dental sealants, food, and beverage packaging. This is just a shortlist of the chemicals found in our clothes, food, and the personal care products we may think of as safe for everyday use.

A recent report by the Environmental Working Group found the average level of the bromine-based flame retardant in American women’s breast milk was 75 times higher than the average found in recent European studies. I don’t know what you think, but flame retardants should not be in mother’s milk! They should not be in salmon or cow’s milk, but they are. The places children are supposed to be the safest, inside our bodies and at our breasts, are where we are inadvertently passing toxins on to our future generations.

Endocrine Disruptors

Hormones “talk to” cells by plugging into “mailboxes” on the cell called receptor sites. The hormone plugs into the mailbox and downloads instructions to the cell. Endocrine disruptors look like hormones to the cell. They are literally “counterfeit hormones” and fool the cell into letting them plug into the mailboxes. Once in the mailboxes, these chemical toxins block real hormones from plugging in, and may continue to do this for the life of the cell. This makes the cell “deaf” to instructions from the body, leading to many malfunctions and disease processes.

How Endocrine Disruptors Cause Damage

Endocrine disruptors mimic hormones in the body, such as estrogen, testosterone, or thyroid hormones. They bind to receptor sites in the cells and block the real hormone, preventing the hormone from completing its action, creating confusion or no action at all. Endocrine disruptors can also block or interfere with the way natural hormones or their receptors are made or controlled.

Hormones are your body’s messenger system. Microscopic amounts of hormone are released directly into the bloodstream and exert extraordinarily profound and far-reaching effects on the body. Hormones are measured in nanograms (parts per billion) and pictograms (parts per trillion). Hundreds of different hormones course through our bodies at any given time, precisely and in exact measurements, to carry out their duties in the beautiful symphony we’ve talked about previously.

Endocrine disruptors are the villain of the piece. They are the evil infiltrators that ruin the magnificent choreography of the body and disrupt the symphony. They block, damage, and destroy these fragile hormones, creating any of the countless health problems you can encounter when your hormones do not work correctly.

Worse yet, you are being poisoned by the countless chemicals allowed into our environment. I’ve read that over 80,000 manmade chemicals have been introduced into our food and water supply in the last 60 years. Our bodies have not had time to adapt to these chemicals, and most have never been evaluated for health risks in humans. No wonder we as a nation are so sick.

The Result of Toxins

What are the consequences of this flow of toxins into our world and our bodies? How are they affecting the intelligence and behavior and our offspring’s health after years of accumulation of these pollutants?  No one knows for sure, but we can point to an infertility epidemic, an increase in behavioral and psychological problems, and a very alarming rise in deaths from all kinds of cancer. Politics and economics combined do not create a climate of rapid change—after all, look at how long it took for cigarettes to be “proven” to be bad for your health.

There are many dangers that I have been warning my patients about for years, and the “establishment” is very slow to accept these things as truth. It is essential for all of us to be wise and savvy consumers, research, and be our own advocates. Trust your intuition. If something seems wrong, it probably is.

When my son was eight years old, he would ask me why they showed sugar cereals on TV as healthy and good for children. It is disheartening to tell your child the industry lies and advertise things purely for profit in blatant disregard for life and health, but the truth is that they do.

Our Standard American Diet is killing us. If food has ingredients that you cannot pronounce and you do not recognize, it is safe to say these ingredients are not healthy for your body and very well may be endocrine disrupters. Consuming endocrine disrupters is destroying your symphony of health.


When I started research on a treatment solution for Endocrine Disruptors back in 2001, the whole subject was considered highly controversial and even pseudo-science. My assertion at the time that most thyroid problems came from or were made worse by endocrine disruptors was deemed to be laughable. Try this: Google “endocrine disruptors and thyroid disease.” You’ll get more results than you could read in many years, including many papers from the NIH (National Institutes of Health), CDC, and every major university.

Things have changed. We are still a long way from any significant action being taken by industry or government to curb this problem, but awareness and research have expanded exponentially.

Later, I’ll post some guidance on avoiding endocrine disruptors and have a section on therapies that help relieve this stress on the body.

 Find Out More Evectics Book Cover

Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).

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  1. What areas of physical stress in your body are most likely creating your problems?
  2. What could be done to help your body recover from this stress?
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