Ancient Arguments that Control Your Health Care

I see lots of debate, disagreement and concern about “controversial holistic health care” from non-patients, but not from my patients on treatment programs. It seems that all the debate and disagreement end abruptly with results. But without the experience of results (“Nothing else has worked and this treatment is making me feel great!”), some people feel that holistic health care must be a scam or deception. But they usually can’t tell you why they feel this way. Ask a “doubter” almost any question about holistic health care and you’ll discover that they know NOTHING about it, or what they know isn’t true. But they know it isn’t conventional medicine, so therefore they’re sure it must be quackery.

This Goes Way Back

I think I can help you to better understand this thought process: When people “know” things that they can’t explain, these things are usually a part of the fabric of the society they live in.  They accept it as true because it’s generally seen by the society as true, even though they’ve never personally decided about it. This disagreement with holistic health care probably goes back to a French philosopher named Renè Descartes in the early 1600’s. Descartes was the first to propose that the body was a machine. For this we have a lot to thank him for! Before Descartes, the body was mysterious, unknowable and dangerous to study. Seen as a machine, the body could be understood and treated.

The “body as a machine” model is responsible for all modern medicine, and certainly will continue to help find additional cures and techniques that will overcome injury and disease in the future.

The only problem with this useful model is that it isn’t completely true. This is no secret. Anyone who has extensively studied medicine, or a related subject is fully aware that the “boxes and arrows” diagrams of body functions found in textbooks are simplistic and inaccurate. Body systems are not limited to just their functions but are “fuzzy around the edges.” Areas of the body that are designed for one purpose can be found to be accomplishing something different under stressful circumstances. Medicine is referred to as an art and a science… because it certainly isn’t just a science.

This idea that bodies are something more than a machine tends to be understood by more experienced and educated professionals who have observed this for some time. Many sick lay people think that their “machine” has broken, and that the correct drug will simply repair it. Often, this idea is responsible for some of the disagreement with holistic health care: Why not just repair the machine with a drug? What’s all this OTHER stuff?

Vitalism: Debunking an Old Theory

I go one step further than the general agreement among health care professionals that bodies are more complex than machines. I operate off the assumption that bodies are (gasp!) ALIVE.

If you bring this radical idea up with many medical professionals, you should prepare to deal with fireworks. The health care field in general does NOT want to hear that bodies are alive. No, sir. And, once again, the reason for their upset is part of the fabric of our society. It has to do with vitalism.

Vitalism: the theory that the origin and phenomena of life are dependent on a force or principle distinct from purely chemical or physical forces.

Vitalism goes back (at least) to ancient Egypt. In history, proponents of vitalism muddled about, writing up their ideas and arguing— while the scientific materialists (body-as-a-machine guys) did useful research and cured illness. So, vitalism is a big LOSER historically, and no one has any business even bringing up that subject again, right?

Body As Machine Theory Fails to Treat Chronic Illness

Well, except now medicine is becoming a big loser as well, as it fails to effectively treat more than half the population suffering with untreatable chronic health conditions:

Six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more. Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. They are also the leading drivers of the nation’s $3.5 trillion in annual health care costs.  –CDC (link is to CDC website)

Here’s news: medicine’s Descartes model of “man as a machine” is responsible for these statistics, and ONLY vitalism (reinvented) has any hope of changing them.

This is because chronic illness results from overall deteriorating health, not specific “malfunction of the body machinery.” So medical (machine) treatments don’t work, but working with the (living) body to assist it to heal itself does work.

Vitalism in the past was mystic or religious. It was all about how you couldn’t know stuff, where the Descartes camp was all about how you can find stuff out. I’m with Descartes on this one. My version of vitalism is all about knowing how to work with life, understanding how life affects the body and using this information the same as the scientific materialists did: to get results with patients and improve lives.

Practical Use of Your Body’s Intelligence

You may not understand what the underlying quantum physics is doing when you hammer a nail into wood, but that lack of knowledge doesn’t affect your getting the job done. Similarly, I don’t fully understand life, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible to observe and measure and predict what life will do with a body and help that body to heal.

Any disagreement you run into about holistic health care is probably a misunderstanding based on the old vitalism arguments. Your friend thinks you’re getting mystic therapies that make no scientific sense.

Everything I do is based on anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics—because this is how bodies function. I test the nervous system to find out what the intelligence (life) operating the body has as a healing priority and simply become an effective assistant by using (body as a machine) information in the way that the (vitalism) body wants to.

The result? Patients with chronic illness recover.

Deus ex machina.

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Difficulty Explaining Holistic Health Care

Holistic health Care: Those actions which improve a person’s overall health so as to facilitate rapid healing of health problems, and to create stable good health throughout their life.

Your friend gives you a condescending look and says, “Are you still going to that witch doctor?”

I don’t know why this particular line is so popular, but at least a thousand patients have told me someone asked them this at least once.

Whether it’s the witch doctor line or some other criticism, it seems that patients and practitioners of holistic health care must deal with skepticism and derision, even from well-meaning friends, family members and doctors. It’s not uncommon to have a spouse watch the complete turnaround of their partner’s health, and then express disbelief that their treatment had anything to do with the improvement that “would have happened anyway.”

I often talk to people who are confused about the whole concept of alternative health care… they understand that it must work, but for the life of them they can’t see how this could be. It just won’t square with their concepts of how health care functions.  No drugs? How in the world can that do anything?

So, I want to clarify one thing for you: WHY is there so much confusion about what I do, “holistic health care” compared to “traditional medicine.”

Seven Points: How Alternative or Holistic Health Care Works

1:  To recover from any health condition requires that the body must heal itself. Drugs and surgeries, when successful, make it possible for the body to heal. But no doctor has ever caused cells to regenerate or healing to occur. Doctors are facilitators of healing. Only the body itself can cause healing and health.

2: Your body is a closed system and must make do with only the resources that it has available. The healthier a body is, the more resources it has and the greater its resistance to illness and injury.  The healthier a body is, the less likely that body will be to become ill or injured and the faster that body will recover if it does have a problem.

3: THEREFORE: If a person is ill or injured, logic would dictate that this person should take actions to improve overall health in an effort to facilitate healing. Experience has shown that targeted stress reduction based on accurate testing can improve the body’s ability to heal… dramatically at times.

4: Holistic Health Care definition: Those actions which improve a person’s overall health so as to facilitate rapid healing of health problems, and to create stable good health throughout their life.

5: A person using holistic health care may boost their body’s ability to heal across the board, to the point that their body may heal from “medically un-treatable” and severe or long-term chronic health conditions.

6: If a person truly heals, then the underlying cause of their problem is reduced or eliminated and that person may no longer have to take drugs, even the “rest of your life” drugs. Properly done holistic health care has the potential to help an unhealthy person become healthy.

7: MOST IMPORTANTLY: Holistic health care has the potential to prevent a healthy person from becoming unhealthy, or to prevent a recovered person from getting ill again. It is the secret to avoiding health problems in the first place and to avoid relapses if one has gotten well.

Where the Confusion Comes From

Medical treatment is based on the emergency model: the cause of a problem is the problem itself. A cut that is gushing blood is the cause of the bleeding problem… yes it is! This model works very well for emergencies, and can save your life.

In a non-emergency chronic health problem, the medical model fails. High blood pressure is caused by… high blood pressure? Really? There is no treatable cause creating the high blood pressure?  Apparently not, as the treatment is a drug to lower blood pressure, taken for the rest of the person’s life. The holistic model would improve a person’s overall health until the body no longer had to have high blood pressure. The end result of this treatment would be: 1) No more blood pressure problems. 2) Overall better health: energy, attention, enjoyment of life. 3) Heightened resistance to developing additional health problems.

Your friend or family member making the “witch doctor” comment likely thinks that you believe that the supplements you are taking will replace your blood pressure meds. This is nonsense, but your friend can’t think with the idea of improved health ending health problems. They think that ONLY direct treatment of the problem could possibly be valid, therefore your holistic treatment must be a form of direct symptom treatment. You can see how this would confuse them: to them you are taking a whole-food supplement instead of a drug and expecting the same result.

Hope this helps!

Dr. Billiot

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Heart Disease Prevention is Bogus

Shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted

This old adage means that you are doing something about a problem after the problem has already occurred.

I think it perfectly describes our current efforts at preventing heart disease.

How successfully are we preventing a disease that 48.5% of the population is suffering from? (2016 numbers). I’d say we are utterly failing.

The reason for this failure is that all the preventative measures are being taken to reduce the problem AFTER it’s already happened.


Here’s an invented scenario that’s similar to heart disease:

Disease:” Floor Rot.

Symptoms: Floor collapses under people’s feet causing injury and death.

Actual Cause: The roof leaks, and the constant water on the floor rots the floorboards.

“Official” Cause: “Floorboard Anemia” or weakness in the floor.

Floorboard Anemia Prevention:

(Suggestions are from the Floorboard Anemia Association). ?

  • Regular mopping of your floors to reduce water buildup.
  • Spreading around the medication “Sawdust” every day to sop up additional water.
  • Open Floorboard Surgery to replace rotting floorboards.
  • Dieting to lose weight so you’re less likely to break through the floor.

If “Floorboard Anemia” was injuring or killing 48.5% of the population and people were paying over $500 Billion annually to treat it, can you see how outrageous it might seem to make a statement like the title of this article? “Floorboard Anemia Prevention is Bogus?”

Can you see how radical it might sound to suggest fixing the roof if every pharmacy in the country was selling $500 a year in “Sawdust” medications to half the population? How about if every hospital in the country depended on the income from “Open Floorboard Surgery?”

“Fixing the Roof” of Cardiovascular Disease

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of cardiovascular disease. (Link is to Mayo Clinic website)

Atherosclerosis is the buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease.

The “leaky roof” in heart disease is CHRONIC INFLAMMATION. If this leaky roof was repaired, heart disease from other sources would still exist, but as a minor health condition, not the #1 cause of death that it is today.

All About Inflammation

Inflammation is the response of the immune system to cellular damage and physical stress. It’s the process of repairing damage to your body. So, normal inflammation is a very good thing and is necessary to your continued health.

Health problems such as heart disease come from CHRONIC inflammation. Chronic just means that it doesn’t go away or keeps coming back.

Chronic inflammation comes from chronic sources of stress. When your body is constantly being damaged and can’t repair itself, the immune system will always be creating inflammation.

Some sources of chronic stress are obvious and can possibly be avoided:

  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Excessive alcohol or other drugs
  • Long-term exposure to irritants such as polluted air or industrial chemicals
  • Living under constant emotional stress

There are functional causes of chronic stress that lead to chronic inflammation as well:

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Infections or injuries that never heal

A very common source of chronic inflammation that I see at the clinic is from damage to the lining of the intestines. (Link is to Harvard Medical School website). In an unhealthy intestine, the lining can weaken and allow toxins and bacteria to get into the bloodstream, causing chronic inflammation. In my 25 years of experience working with severe chronic health conditions, I have seen this digestive problem expand from being an occasional issue to one that affects most of my patients in one way or another.

Solutions to Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the “leaky roof” of heart disease, but is also implicated in cancer, arthritis, diabetes, asthma and neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s).

Common symptoms that you might experience include fatigue, mouth sores, rashes, IBS symptoms, abdominal pain and chest pain. If you have one or more of these and they never go away, it’s likely caused by chronic inflammation.

I have developed effective solutions that have been proven with thousands of inflamed patients over more than two decades.

All these solutions are typically done together simultaneously:

First: Test to confirm the inflammation using nervous system testing and blood testing. This also sets a baseline, so I know how much improvement has occurred with objective measures.

Second: Handle obvious diet-related causes. I have worked out very successful ways of doing this that don’t cause stress, cravings or feeling deprived.

Third: Use clinical nutrition to give the body exactly what it tests for in the way of replacement parts and supplies so that it can de-stress and reduce its own inflammatory responses.

Fourth: Use very specific acupressure therapies to reduce stress (particularly if the person has inflammatory gut problems) and therefore reduce inflammation.

How Could You Assist Your Body to Heal?

Here is a free booklet you can read online in 30 minutes that will explain how your body can be assisted to heal itself successfully from many “permanent” medical conditions such as chronic inflammation.

Are You Fed Up with Medicine and Want Help?

I’d be happy to get you started on improving your health. If you’ll fill out a health assessment on this website, I’ll go over the clues with you on a free phone consult (limited to greater Atlanta area). This way you can get started doing something about your health problems quickly.

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Using Supplements Correctly to Regain Health

Supplements in hand




If you’ve used supplements in the hope of feeling better or achieving better health but haven’t had good results, this article will show you:

  • Why you’ve had trouble
  • How you can be ultimately successful in regaining your health, even from long-term health problems that you may be using drugs to control.

There is some very important information to know about supplements. If you select and take them correctly, they are effective for long-term health improvement. If you don’t, they can be a waste of your time and money.

Supplements have the potential to facilitate real healing and health improvement, but only if used correctly long-term and not just as a symptom reliever.

People bought $35 billion worth of supplements in the US last year, but only a tiny fraction of those received a long-term health benefit.

What’s the secret to using supplements properly to recover your health instead of just temporary symptom relief? Read on!

Stress Reduction

Stress in the body is different from mental or emotional stress, although mental stress can certainly cause body stress. Body stress is literally “pressure, tension or strain” on physical parts of the body. This can be from physical, structural or chemical causes. For example, when you have an illness (like the flu), your body is under stress from a viral attack. Stress that your body finds overwhelming is the main cause of symptoms and can slow or prevent healing from taking place. Just as you need to reduce the stress on your body by going to bed when you have the flu, your body often can’t heal long-term health problems due to ongoing stress that can’t be reduced or resolved.

There are a lot of supplement products that would fall into the “Stress Reduction” category. I’ve always thought of these as “supplies and tools” supplements, in that they give the body functional help to lessen stress (“tools” such as probiotics, enzymes, etc.) or to supply missing substances that the body needs to function (“supplies” such as vitamins and minerals).

Because reducing body stress can often result in a reduction of symptoms, these are very popular supplements. However, most people I ask have had the experience of feeling better for a while after taking supplements and then… they stop working, or don’t work nearly as well.

This can be because the functional problems (hormone, digestive, immune, etc.) that caused the damage and symptoms in the first place are not addressed by stress reduction supplements. Your body isn’t healing, you’re just covering up the symptoms using natural methods instead of drugs.

Body stress must be reduced or controlled as a first step in healing, but just reducing stress may not be all that’s needed to allow healing to occur.

Cellular Healing

Bodies have health problems because some areas have too many damaged or unhealthy cells. This is a simple but important concept. If you have a liver with poor function that’s causing stress, that liver has too many damaged or unhealthy cells making up its structure.

If your body was to successfully heal the liver, it would do so by “remodeling” it on a cellular level. It would replace the unhealthy cells with healthier versions of those cells until the overall functional balance of the liver tipped into the healthy range. You’ve observed this remodeling when you’ve scraped your arm— all that new, pink skin. The same basic actions occur inside your body as well.

If you have a health problem that isn’t improving or is getting worse, this means your body is trying to remodel the damaged areas but is running into barriers to doing this successfully. Your body may need assistance to help it overcome these barriers. In the clinic, we consider ourselves to be assistants, and we consider the body be the doctor (after all, who knows more about how to heal your body, your body or the best doctor in the world? I’d go with your body every time!).

As an assistant, our job is to supply the materials that your body lacks that are needed to successfully remodel the damaged cells.

Failing to understand that all healing takes place on a cellular level and that symptom reduction does not correlate to cellular healing is responsible for tremendous wasted time and money.

Support Supplements

Helping the body to remodel specific areas requires an entirely different classification of supplements. I like to call these “replacement part” supplements, as they are often literally the building blocks for cells that the body has been unable to obtain in sufficient quantity or quality to remodel an area successfully.

These products are designed to help with organ support and rebuilding, not stress relief. As such, they aren’t likely to do much short term to relieve symptoms and so aren’t popular at the local health food store.  In fact, these supplements usually aren’t sold at the health food store because they don’t help with specific symptoms and because using them effectively requires a high degree of knowledge.

Putting it Together

Support supplements to rebuild (remodel) an area of your body can’t work if that area is under constant stress (remember the go to bed with the flu example). So, you’d need to use stress reduction supplements along with the replacement part or support supplements to get the long-term healing your body needs.

If you take the correct stress reduction and support supplement combination, it works. Your body begins to remodel a long-damaged area and health improves.

But then… it all changes!

At this point, your body takes its attention off the now-healing and no-longer-stuck area and refocuses on the next area that needs to be addressed. This requires a change in supplements, without which the healing process will come to a stop.

For a supplement program to do more than minimal, short-term symptom relief, the program must be changed and updated continually as the body changes.

The Long-Term Assistance Program

Healing from a significant health problem isn’t a quick process. Generally, your body has been stressed by a problem for years before you ever noticed a symptom. The damage that needs to be repaired can take many years to complete, often because it was many more years in the making.

Symptoms are caused by stress that the body can’t control or compensate for. There are many effective ways of helping your body compensate for stress better and thus reduce symptoms. These are called “functional treatments” and include drugs, surgery, stress-reduction supplements, and many other treatments. Though effective for symptom relief, often these do nothing for the underlying damage.

If the cellular structure of your body is compromised, these functional treatments may work to reduce symptoms but you’ll have to keep doing them. If the cellular structure worsens, you’ll have to do more or stronger treatments. At some point, the functional treatments may stop working entirely due to the increasing cellular damage.

Here’s a more optimistic scenario:

If you maintain your body’s healing on a cellular level, you’ll need less and less functional treatments until you may not need these at all. This is the basis of getting off all drugs. Further, if your body is structurally more stable and healthy, you are much less likely to have health problems in the future.

How to Use Supplements to Recover Health

1 It’s essential to use accurate testing and very knowledgeable professionals to recommend the correct supplements. The trial-and-error system is hopeless on a problem of this complexity.

2. The basic formula is to use stress-reduction supplements in combination with support (replacement part) supplements to take stress off an area and help it to rebuild (remodel).

3. Bodies heal in layers or sequences, because the body compensated repeatedly over the years for the stress it couldn’t heal. This means an effective supplement program needs to be adjusted on a regular basis to keep it relevant and working.

4. In almost every case, some diet and lifestyle changes will be required to reduce stress enough to allow healing to occur. These are very specific stress-reducing changes, not overall “eat healthier” attempts.

5. Often, functional stress from hormones, allergies or nervous system blocks can slow or stop cellular healing despite a correct supplement program. There are specific effective solutions to these problems, but once again it requires accurate testing and evaluation to find and isolate the stress and determine a solution.

6. Treatment programs must be continued long enough to achieve stable health. The length of a program depends on the problem, the intensity and effectiveness of the treatment program and to a large degree the ability of the patient’s body to heal. Given that a cellular healing cycle is three months and that most health problems will require many of these cycles to become stable and healthy, this is not a short process.

Some Make it, Some Don’t

After 23 years of helping patients recover from long-term health conditions that had previously frustrated them for years (often for decades), I have some observations that you may find useful:

1 Overall, I’ve observed that almost everyone with a health problem vastly underestimates the effort and time needed to see it completely resolved. That’s not a wonder, given the pure symptom-relief that passes for most healthcare.

2. I’ve had a lot of conversations with patients who did a part of a program, felt a bit better and quit. Then, five years later they came back with more problems. Often the “new” symptoms were somewhat different from the first ones, but testing proved the source was the same. The patient almost always expressed regret at not completing their original program. Their new attitude would sum up to:
Living in a body with health problems reduces your happiness, productivity, accomplishments and usefulness. If there’s a way to avoid this, it is worth almost any amount of effort.

3. My experience has been that it may take a short time or it may take a long time, but if you persist in doing effective therapy and are willing to adjust your lifestyle you will eventually recover your health.

4. We have amassed thousands and thousands of success stories from patients who discovered that it was possible to assist their bodies to successfully heal. This is not an unproven or risky way to get well, it just takes a lot of personal responsibility and determination.

Starting the Journey

No question, the most difficult part of getting your health back is getting started!

The way to start is to call the Clinic at 770-612-1100 and make an appointment for an Evaluation Visit. This will take an hour, and we’ll find what is stressing your body, what’s the main cause of this stress and what could be done to start the healing process. You’ll then come back for a second consultation visit to go over all this information, work out the particulars of your program and get started.

Im looking forward to your success and recovery.

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The Gut-Brain connection

Safe Healthy Solutions to Depression

Have you ever heard it said that the root of disease starts in the stomach? It is true that the gut is the key or in many cases the cause behind the onset of many disease processes. The digestive system and the ecology of those organs can determine the health or ill health of our bodies. The gut has been called the “second brain” and can create a number of unwanted physical and emotional effects in our lives. I have been reading this week on the connection of our finely balanced digestive systems and our brains.

If you are depressed or sad and lacking motivation you may be having gut issues. Did you know that the essential nutrients needed to manufacture the correct neurotransmitters that can help us sleep and feel happiness have to be absorbed from the gut? If your gut cannot absorb nutrients, you may not sleep well or feel well.

I worked with a patient recently who is depressed and exhausted daily. When we tested her we found that she had very little enzyme or probiotic activity in her body. Without a healthy gut ecology many illnesses can begin. Do you LOVE sugar and breads? Eating these things have been shown to not only contribute to overgrowth of harmful bacteria and other microbes but it can contribute to wide blood sugar swings that can affect our moods.

The woman we tested recently felt so tired and bad the only things she was consuming on a daily basis were candy and sugar drinks which made her “feel good” for a few minutes after which she would CRASH! This cycle would go on everyday and she is gaining weight and feeling horrible increasingly. But what to do with the cravings?? During her visit we desensitized her to sugar! This helps the body deal with the overuse of sugar that many of us have had in our lives and helps the body to react less strongly to the substance.

This is a painless, powerful acupressure technique that helps the body balance and deal with sensitivities. We have found that clinically it helps tremendously with cravings. In addition to this we got her on a simple diet of small protein meals with balanced vegetable and fruit and a couple of delicious smoothies to keep that blood sugar balanced throughout the day.

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We used a fabulous product called Gymnema that helps to balance blood sugars. This wonderful lady was feeling so much better after just 2 days! She had the energy to go shopping for healthy food and to prepare it. And even better, SHE WAS NOT DEPRESSED! One of the body’s ways of communicating with us is to be sad. When we are exhausted physically it is very hard for our bodies to want to jump up and run around shopping or working in the yard or exercising. One of the signs of body being exhausted is depression. Sometimes when the thyroid or adrenals are fatigued the body just directs itself to shut down. We can often experience this as depression.

We have some “happy” supplements that we use to engage the body in it’s own healing process and in many cases, putting back in nutrients and essential minerals into a depleted body can make a body and you HAPPY again!

So natural solutions to depression:

  1. Eat regular protein meals in relationship to your body weight and caloric needs
  2. Avoid sugar
  3. Get evaluated for specific deficiencies both vitamin and mineral
  4. Get tested for adrenal and thyroid stress or fatigue
  5. Get tested for enzymes and probiotics to help your gut be healthy
  6. Listen to your body—If you are tired or depressed, find the CAUSE and fix it

You probably do not have a deficiency of Prozac or other anti-depressant drug. Your body is trying to tell you something.  Look for the CAUSES of health issues. There may also be more and deeper health issues surrounding your depression.  Find a caring alternative health care provider to help you.  If you have a medical problem make sure you seek competent medical help. You may need in depth testing and a more complete program to get you to your goals.  I have spent the better part of my life studying and learning how to help the body using safe drug-free alternatives. You can get your health back. You can be happy and healthy. If I can help you please let me know.

Participatory Medicine

Stubborn mule

What would you do if you discovered that your best friend or a member of your family had a serious health problem, but were unwilling to do anything about it?

Unfortunately, I know a lot of people reading this are trying to answer this question right now. And others may BE the person who is unwilling to get treatment for their condition. This is a very common problem.

There are rational, logical reasons a person might refuse care:

  1. They believe the “cure” is worse than the disease (for example, lifetime drugs for blood pressure or cancer treatment).
  2. They believe the “cure” won’t really work, and that no effective treatment exists (in many cases, this can be true).
  3. They believe that though there may be a solution to their problem, this solution will be so difficult, lengthy and expensive that it is impossible.

Sometimes there’s false or missing information that needs to be cleared up to get the person the help they need. Often however, they may be right about why they are refusing treatment!

If you want to help this person, there is one approach that may work… to help them agree to get help as well as to successfully resolve their problem: Participatory Medicine.

Participatory Medicine takes the approach that a patient is ultimately responsible for their own heath, and that in most cases of chronic health problems (not emergencies) the patient has a much greater power to assist their own healing than to rely entirely on traditional medical treatment to “fix” their condition.

Let me rephrase this more clearly: Done correctly and with the right technology, a person can successfully recover from many conditions that might otherwise be very unlikely. People who refuse medical treatment may be able to happily recover their health— by doing much of the therapy themselves.

An EvecticsSM therapy program uses this approach. A patient is educated to do as much as possible to relieve stress on the areas causing their problems, while at the same time I utilize a powerful program of natural therapy developed individually from testing and labs.  For over 20 years I’ve seen this system routinely help people who had all but given up on solving their health problems.

What’s the first thing to do?

If you’d like to help a friend or family member with a health problem, the first step would be to test them and find out what is causing their body to malfunction.

To get started, they can:

  1. Call us at 770-612-1100 to make an appointment. Tell them to mention your name to receive a large discount on their initial visits.
  2. Request an appointment on our website:
  3. Take an online test, submit it and receive a free phone consultation with a doctor on their test results. After this, they can schedule an appointment to get tested.
  4. Come with you to an appointment! Just bring them in with you to meet us, get some information and decide how to proceed. Just give us a head’s up so we make sure to have a little extra time to talk with your friend.

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