Hot Flashes: A Self-Help Guide

Hot Flashes: A Self-Help Guide

Hot Flashes: A Self-Help Guide

If you understand what causes hot flashes, you will have the basics to understand some of the most common problems caused by perimenopause and menopause.

If you don’t have experience with hot flashes, here’s what happens:

Hot flashes can last from a few seconds to ten minutes. They start with a sudden rush of warmth spreading through your chest, neck, and face. Your heart rate will become rapid with a feeling of anxiety. Your skin will appear red and blotchy, and you may sweat throughout your upper body. As the hot flash lets up, you may feel chilled from the sweat. When this happens in your sleep, you wake to all these symptoms, plus wet pajamas, which must be changed—often while you are freezing from being soaked. NOTE: The above should be required reading for husbands who have no clue what you are experiencing. Hot flashes can range from a mild nuisance up to a significant health problem. They can happen any time of day or night and can cause long-term sleep problems. Most women who have hot flashes experience them at least daily. On average, you’ll deal with hot flashes for seven to ten years, starting with perimenopause or menopause.

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The Secrets of Avoiding or Improving Hot Flashes

Hypothalamus Location


Hot flashes occur because of changes in your estrogen levels. As you approach and move through menopause, your ovaries reduce the output of two hormones: progesterone and estrogen. It’s the lowered estrogen that’s responsible for hot flashes. Low estrogen causes the hypothalamus (a hormone gland in your brain that does many things, including controlling your thermostat) to become sensitive to tiny body temperature changes. If your super-sensitive hypothalamus decides your body is too warm, it can initiate a chain reaction of events to cool you off: the hot flash.

Adrenal glands to the rescue!

Adrenal Gland Location

Adrenal Glands

Healthy adrenal glands can often make up a part of the estrogen production lost from the ovaries during menopause.  Sadly, our society has an epidemic of exhausted adrenal glands, which has produced millions of miserable menopausal women.

What stresses adrenal glands?
  • Eating sugary foods, processed carbs (bread, rice, pasta), wine and alcohol, fruit juices, and too much fruit.
  • Eating on an irregular schedule and skipping meals.
  • Inadequate sleep.
  • Burning the candle at both ends—a high-stress lifestyle.
  • Being sedentary—not getting enough activity or exercise.

Reading this list, you can see why adrenal insufficiency is an epidemic in our society!

What to do, and the order to do it in!

If you want to improve your hot flashes, the most important thing to do is take brisk walks for 30 minutes or more (or equivalent) at least every other day. Then, the second most important thing to do is stop raising your blood sugar. Here’s the list of adrenal “repair” actions: Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

  1. Stop raising your blood sugar level (stop eating cake, candy, cookies, soda, wine and cut way back on bread, rice, pasta, and white potatoes). Read details HERE.
  2. Don’t skip meals. Eat something every four hours, and eat within 1 ½ hours of waking in the morning.
  3. Do at least 30 minutes of brisk walking (or equivalent) at least every other day.
  4. Get good sleep! (Set a stable bedtime, wind down for an hour before bed, avoid blue screens near bedtime.)
  5. Reduce your stress. Breathing exercises, yoga, walks, “me” time. Do what it says in THIS LINK.

When is the best time to start helping your adrenal glands to become healthier? Many years ago! But if you’re in trouble now and it’s possibly because of your adrenals, there’s a lot of improvement available. Get started with the actions listed, and talk to me if you need more help. Your Hormnes In Harmony Book I have many adrenal and sex hormone solutions to help with your perimenopause or menopause problems. Are you interested in more information? Fill out the form (link below), and I’ll be happy to talk to you (at no charge) to see what help you might need. Another good idea: read my book Your Hormones in Harmony. It was written just for you!

Need Help?

Talk to me! Everyone needs an individual program to improve their health. I can help you find out precisely what YOU need to do to improve your hormone balance and reduce your health problems from menopause.

Hot Flashes Completely Gone
I’ve completed two weeks of treatments. During this time my hot flashes are completely gone. It is amazing that I’ve had hot flashes for approximately two years and only after two weeks I don’t have any. Thank you Dr. Billiot for eliminating my hot flashes. — S.J.
I Sleep Soundly
Years of going night after night with being wakened by hot flashes and night sweats had left me exhausted, wondering where, how and if I would ever have relief. Since focused treatment on the sex hormones – estrogen, progesterone, etc., I have gradually gotten relief with each treatment. Now I only experience a hot flash and night sweat occasionally. I sleep soundly and wake up easily. My mind is clear and I just feel good in general. Wow – what a difference! I thought I would never get such relief naturally, knowing my body is healing itself is reassuring about this method of treatment. Acupressure Hormone Treatments rock! —D.Y.
Solve Stress Backwards

Solve Stress Backwards

Is It Because of the STRESS, or Because of Poor Health?

Spoiler: Later in this post, I will show you how to make some simple changes to demonstrate how you can be DONE with your stress problems. Stress in our Covid world is high and getting higher. It’s not like there was no stress to start with, either.Stress has severe effects on your body and health. The hormone, nervous system, and circulatory system changes your body makes in response to long-term stress can cause many health problems:

  • Headaches: Stress can trigger or intensify tension headaches.
  • Heartburn: Stress can increase stomach acid and cause reflux and heartburn.
  • Shortness of Breath: Rapid breathing from stress can tense up muscles.
  • Pounding heart: Stress hormones increase heart rate.
  • Irregular periods: Stress hormones throw sex hormones out of balance.
  • Depression: Chronic stress can wear you down and wear you out.
  • Sleep: Stress makes it harder to get to sleep, and stress hormones can wake you in the night.
  • Weak immune system: You become more vulnerable to infections (not what you need now).
  • High blood sugar: Your liver releases extra sugar with stress which can cause or worsen type 2 diabetes.
  • High blood pressure: Stress hormones tighten blood vessels and raise blood pressure.
  • Stomach aches: Stress affects digestion and can cause cramping, pain, and nausea.
  • Low sex drive
  • Shoulder and back pain: Tense muscles from stress cause tension-related pain.

Patching Up Your Stress

A patch is a temporary fix for a problem until you can get it repaired correctly. If you research stress solutions, you will find about 99% of them are patches.

Stress “patch” examples:
  • Breathing exercises
  • Walking away
  • Be more aware of your body, and its effect on your stress symptoms
  • Taking care of yourself, trying to relax
  • Drugs
  • Supplements
  • Meditation

All of these may reduce (temporarily) your stress symptoms and make your life more tolerable. However, none of them will solve your stress problem.

This is Important:

Unless you know three important facts, you will be “patching” your stress symptoms for the rest of your life. I may sound dire, but realize that none of the actions you’ll ever see recommended to help handle stress are intended to END your stress problem; they are designed just to kick the can down the road. They are “patches.”

The real solution to your stress problem is not supposed to be possible.

Medically, the solution doesn’t exist (which should be obvious, as otherwise millions of stressed people would be treated and getting better). Here’s what you must know to get DONE with your stress problem and all the symptoms and misery you are experiencing:

  1. Many of your health problems are from physical and mental stress sources. They are related to how your body physiologically handles long-term stress. Stress-induced health problems are caused by the damage to your body from long-term stress and the body’s resulting inability to handle that stress. Stress burns up minerals and B-vitamins at alarming rates. When you have been stressed for long periods, your brain and other organs can become affected. This can cause brain fog, exhaustion, inflammation and subsequent health problems.
  2. Your body can be in very poor condition, but your medical doctor may tell you that you’re completely healthy. Basic conventional blood tests are very specific and may not catch the majority of health problems. The average person has chronic symptoms with no medical treatment, and it’s become the norm to say these people are healthy. Even if your blood work is normal, you may still not feel right. If you feel bad, something is going on in your body that isn’t right.
  3. It’s possible to take actions that will help your body regain and restore its ability to heal itself. Doing this allows you to become healthier (often dramatically so). As your body’s health improves, it will become more and more able to handle the stress in your life. Eventually, you can solve your stress problem BACKWARDS: By getting your body healthy enough to deal with the stress instead of trying to reduce the stress, so your unhealthy body isn’t overwhelmed.

You may not have heard of this approach before because medical doctors aren’t trained to help the body become healthier overall. Medicine is involved in the treatment of disease and the reduction of symptoms.

Get Started

To get started, you should do an experiment to discover for yourself that you can help your own body get healthier and feel better without drugs or various stress-reducing exercises. Once you’ve proven to yourself that there is a way to (permanently) feel good, be healthy, and still handle the stress in your life, you can decide what to do next to continue your healing and improvement.

Your Experiment:

You will make a series of simple diet changes that most people can accomplish in a few days. You won’t be doing a long-term “healthy diet.” This experiment is a short-term method of removing immediate stress from your immune system. With less stress, your immune system will be able to get some of your health issues under better control. The important thing is that you will notice the difference and see that this works. Read this link and do what it says. If you make these simple diet changes for about two or three weeks, you’ll very likely see some remarkable changes in your body. You aren’t likely to be done with your stress problems, but you will have seen a demonstration of how doing the RIGHT thing can make notable changes in your health.

Once You’re Convinced

Talk to me! Everyone needs an individual program to improve their health. I can help you find out precisely what YOU need to do to be done with your stress… forever.

Baking With No Sugar

Baking With No Sugar


I have spoken to many patients, and every one of them was concerned about eating healthy over the holiday season. Here are some tips and ideas so you can literally “have your cake and eat it too.”

 What if you don’t bake?

One way to get healthy treats is a bakery in Sandy Springs that makes low-to no-carb treats! Yes, that means no sugar! They also ship. Zambawango


If you DO bake (or have a baker in your house):

It always helps me to make a plan before any large holiday meal. I decide what I will eat and what to do about the snacks and desserts that may be available. If I’m doing the cooking, I don’t have to worry! But that is not always the case if someone else is supplying the food. If you want to bake this holiday season, I want to give you some tips on using excellent sugar substitutes that make your baked goods taste just as good as usual, but with much less sugar and carbohydrate content. It is easy to cook with sugar substitutes and get rid of that unhealthy refined white sugar. Here are my all-time favorite sugar substitutes to use in your holiday cookies, cakes, pies, and other goodies.

Monk Baking with no sugar Fruit:

You can cook with this cup for cup. I cannot tell (and neither can my family and friends) that this is not real sugar. What is monk fruit? It is a small green melon found in Southeast Asia. It is entirely natural and has been around for decades but has recently become more popular. It contains zero calories, zero sugar and is extracted from the juice of the fruit. It is very sweet, sometimes 100-250 times sweeter than table sugar. Often you can find this fruit in blends with erythritol (an alcohol sugar) to reduce the intensity. If you have a sensitivity to erythritol, use the granulated version of monk fruit. Monk Fruit on Amazon Link

Swerve: Swerve

Swerve is another sweetener that can be used cup for cup just like sugar. It is an erythritol blend and does not contain calories or raise blood sugar. Swerve on Amazon Link Stevia is a fabulous sugar substitute for sweetening food and drinks, but it isn’t very useful for baking. All three of these are safe for people with diabetes. Honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, sucanat, or other natural sweeteners still contain many calories and carbohydrates. Even though these sugars are more in their natural state and contain nutrients like trace minerals, they still raise your blood sugar and negatively affect the immune system. Use monk fruit or swerve for the best cooking and baking results. One of my favorite things is to take a favorite recipe and change it into something that is healthier but tastes as close or exactly like the recipe I am altering. Food is fun, and I enjoy baking during the holidays. I do not, however, enjoy feeling bad after eating holiday sugar. I do not enjoy gaining pounds that I have to get off again! Make a plan: switch out refined sugar for something more healthy and feel good about your cooking and what you are creating for yourself and your friends and family! NOTE: Substituting monk fruit will certainly reduce the sugar, but if you are cooking with flour, you still have the refined carbs that turn to sugar quickly, affecting your blood sugar. For those of you who are gluten sensitive, make sure to use a gluten-free flour mix. I have found many keto recipes that make fabulous chocolate cakes, cheesecakes, and cookies for cooking low-carb. Know what you can eat and have fun making some new holiday favorites.

 Below I have included some helpful websites for baking with substitute sugar sources:

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Watch this video for a seven-minute explanation of how your body can be assisted to heal itself.

Caring: Why Health Care Fails

Caring: Why Health Care Fails

Caring: Why Health Care Fails

There are some remarkable technologies available in our modern health care system. Sadly, these are often unavailable or misused in ways that limit or stop their effectiveness.

Partly this lack of access is from the debacle of our health insurance system. Partly it’s the maze of your primary care doctor linking you up with various specialists, each with their scheduling and plan coverage. Then, there’s the bigger problem of whether this drug or treatment will be effective or damaging.

But perhaps the most important and overriding issue is one you might not realize: caring.

Good communication is a direct result of liking and caring.

I can categorically state that patients will not recover unless they are in excellent communication with their practitioner.

Poor communication means the patient may misunderstand instructions, do the wrong things, or fail to do the right things needed to heal.

Poor communication means that the doctor fails to get the patient’s correct information and makes errors based on that incorrect information.

There’s only one way to be in good communication with a patient: You must care about them and like them! This results in the patient caring and liking the practitioner as well. How well do you communicate with someone you don’t like? Not so good, correct?

Communication before technology

Technology is based on science. It’s observable, provable, and concrete. Communication is based on the interaction between people, which is hard to measure objectively.

Therefore, health care money and attention tend to gravitate to technology, not improving communication.

Good communication is based on actual caring, an activity that gets lost easily in large bureaucracies (think how much caring you’ve experienced at the DMV and IRS?)

Despite this, technology can’t work without excellent prior communication. When this is ignored, we get “the operation was successful, but the patient died.”

Communication is the solution to chronic health conditions

Most chronic health conditions are created or prolonged by lifestyle issues. Diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity cause most health problems in the US, and all are lifestyle diseases.

Medicine has focused on technology (drug) solutions to these problems. I’ve asked many doctors why they don’t work harder on lifestyle solutions to chronic conditions. The answer is almost always, “Because people won’t change.”

I beg to differ. I’ve effectively changed the diets and lifestyles of over 10,000 patients, resulting in often dramatic improvements in their health.

A more valid reason why medical doctors have trouble changing their patients’ lifestyles is that the medical system doesn’t care about caring.

A patient may have difficulty making changes to their diet or lifestyle and may need help. The best help a practitioner can give is to be on the patient’s team! This makes the patient feel they have a responsibility to get well and to do their program very well, that their practitioner cares about them and will be excited about their success. In that case, this can overcome many difficulties the patient may be experiencing in making the changes in their life needed for them to heal.

Our sad medical system

Our sad medical system suffers from short visits and overworked doctors who can come off as not caring. They often aren’t in good communication with their patients, a fact that leads to many devastating medical errors.

Often the providers do care. But they’re stuck in a system that values the delivery of products and services while caring little about how and why this happens.

Yes, we need better and affordable health insurance, and we need more access to health care technology. But unless there’s a fundamental shift toward caring for the patient, where the outcome is much more important than the process, we will be stuck with high-cost, low-result, and often deadly health care.

There are many reasons why my treatment programs are so effective

  • I work WITH your body to assist it to heal in the way it is already trying to. I don’t work ON your body like a mechanic.
  • I don’t use any invasive treatments. Everything done is helping your healing process; there are no “side effects.”
  • I provide sufficient help, consistent help, and help over the entire healing period (which is often years).

But, you see, the reason that I do these effective things is that I care!

Caring about the wellbeing and recovery of patients creates effective solutions.

Caring about power, money, and politics creates an entirely different result: our current health care system.


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Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).




Want Some Help?

Complete this Online Evaluation: Your First Step to Ending Severe, Long-term or Frustrating Health Problems

If you answer the questions on this symptom evaluation, we’ll be able to answer these questions for you:

  1. What areas of physical stress in your body are most likely creating your problems?
  2. What could be done to help your body recover from this stress?
  3. What are our recommendations to start you back on the road to health?

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The Problems with “The Pill”

The Problems with “The Pill”

The Problems with “The Pill”

Women are rarely fully informed of the potential problems and health hazards from the birth control pill.  Somehow we think we can take a precisely-running organism like the human body and then insert into it foreign chemicals and other substances, which pharmaceutical labs have explicitly created so that they have a patented product to sell in the marketplace. And then we wonder why the body malfunctions and may develop cancers and other life-threatening conditions as a result. Based on current studies and concern for your health and longevity, you must understand the hormones (birth control pills are hormones) you are being prescribed and how they affect your health and your life.

Preventing Babies

As much as people want babies, they also want to prevent them for myriad reasons.

Birth control has been around for as long as we have been making babies, and its history is quite interesting.  In ancient Egypt, women used a combination of dates, honey, and acacia, and it seems that when fermented, acacia does have a spermicidal effect.

Around 3000 B.C., humans made condoms from fish bladders and animal intestines. Closer to modern times, in 1838, condoms were made from vulcanized rubber.

Birth control has had a very conflicted history.  Religion has long had opinions regarding reproduction and women’s rights that date back into early history.

In March 1873, the United States Congress passed a bill to ban birth control, known as The Comstock Act. Its full name was an “Act of the Suppression of Trade in and Circulation of Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use.” This act prohibited advertisements, information, or distribution of birth control.  It also allowed the post office to confiscate any birth control products it found being sent through the mail.  The ban came about because of anti-vice and temperance groups that considered birth control obscene and worked to outlaw it.  (5)

The Advent of Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives, otherwise known as the birth control pill, were approved by the FDA on June 23, 1960.  The first pill was called Enovid, and millions of women began using it in the first few years of its introduction. It was almost 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and gave women more control over their sexuality and family planning.  The side effects that developed as a result of this new contraceptive, however, were severe.

Barbara Seaman, women’s health advocate, patients’ rights advocate, American author, and co-founder of the National Women’s Health Network in Washington D.C., wrote an important work called The Doctor’s Case Against the Pill.  It was published in 1969 and presented the facts that high estrogen doses posed serious and even fatal health risks to women.  Doctors were not informing women of these risks, including heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, cancer, suicide, and depression.  This book led to Senate hearings in 1970 on the safety of oral contraceptives. The drug companies were required to include printed warnings on all pill packs about birth control risks and clotting disorders because of these hearings. Today, the pill has a much lower dose of estrogen but still comes with its own set of similar risks, still detailed in that printed warning inside every pill prescription pack due to Barbara Seaman’s activism.

How The Pill Works

The combined pill that most women use today contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone that trick your body into thinking it is pregnant.  Mid-cycle, when you would normally ovulate, no egg is released from the ovaries, so pregnancy cannot occur.  The organs that run the menstrual cycle are shut down and do not function as they usually would. When a woman takes the pill, her natural cycle stops.  She has a period because when the artificial hormones stop for a week, and she takes the sugar pill, the uterine lining is shed and her period is often lighter.

Some doctors have recommended women not having cycles at all.  In 2003, pills were released that enabled a woman to go months without her cycle and, on doctor’s recommendation, to have only four menstrual cycles or less a year. Some doctors told patients that no cycles were necessary.  Depo Provera is given by an injection that often stops women’s cycles for three months at a time.  I have seen some extremely negative symptoms and side effects with this injection in some women.

Female Balance and Rhythms

Our bodies ebb and flow with a natural rhythm just as the tides and the moons do.  We live in a world that values convenience over balance, and in doing so, we lose the beauty of our bodies and our cycles.  Being female, having a cycle, being fertile are all things to celebrate!  Taking time from your life to acknowledge this gift can enrich your life as a woman.  The “curse” is really a blessing.

When our cycles are “off” or painful, it is often a sign that our lives or our paths may have veered somewhat from a more balanced existence.  Our diets, exercise levels, and stress may have increased beyond what our bodies can easily handle.  It signifies a time for us to regroup and examine ourselves to see what we can do to bring our lives and bodies back to a healthier state.

In our modern lives and our modern “must have it all” mentality, we can pay the price for ignoring our natural balance and rhythms. Chemically suppressing our bodies’ natural functions can cause many side effects, even death.

The Risks of Hormonal Contraceptives

One of my favorite books to recommend to patients is The Pill: Are you sure it’s for you?  One chapter is titled Dying Not to Get Pregnant.  This chapter details the side effects of the pill we aren’t told and the ones that could cost us our lives.  This same chapter mentions that in 1995 government health ministers went public in Britain about the increased risk of thromboembolism in the third-generation pills.  The incidence of pill use went down in Britain at this point, as did the incidence of deep vein thrombosis.  Women die every year from this side effect and from strokes, heart attacks, and cancers — deaths related to this form of contraception.  We all need to know the risks.

In 2005 the World Health Organization’s cancer research group, The International Agency for Research on Cancer, reclassified the pill from a “possible carcinogen” to humans to “carcinogenic” to humans.  This places the pill in the Class 1 Carcinogen category, along with asbestos and tobacco.  It does appear that the pill is protective against developing ovarian cancer.  I am not sure, though, that one would choose this path only for this reason, considering the other health concerns.  Anything that suppresses ovulation or its frequency, such as full-term pregnancy and breastfeeding, is preventive of ovarian cancers.

As women are given the pill to “regulate” their cycles, it is important to remember that suppression is not regulation.  Taking the pill triples the lifetime risk of breast cancer when taken before the age of 18. It can cause insulin resistance, cervical dysplasia, ovarian cysts, and infertility.

There are many, many other side effects in addition to these.  They include Increased risk of thyroid and liver problems, nutritional deficiencies in Folic Acid, B12, B6, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, reduced antioxidant levels, especially in the liver, and a deficiency of Vitamin A. These deficiencies can lead to many more severe health risks.  The liver is extremely stressed in attempting to “detoxify” and clear these synthetic substances.  This hardworking organ can sometimes be damaged long term with synthetic hormones from the pill and conventional HRT.

Deciding on Contraceptive Solutions

Read, educate yourself, and learn about other more natural and safe means to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies.  Finding alternative solutions may make the difference between health and ill-health. Weigh the risk for yourself, now and for the future.  After “having their cycles regulated” by the pill for many years, I have seen many women who stopped the pill but were unable to get pregnant for months, if at all.  We spent many months cleaning and rebuilding the body after the damage of long term synthetic hormone use.

Read the warnings in the pill packets carefully and see if you feel that this is the right move for you.  I’ve included some links to natural contraception choices at the end of this post.

Make choices that will help solve your body’s health problems instead of making more!

You are beautiful, and your body is an amazing miracle of systems and organs and hormones.  You can be well at any age.  Work towards health and wellbeing. You are a beautiful woman, and you are here to share your gifts with the world. There is only one you!

Beneath the Sweater and the Skin

How many years of beauty do I have left? she asks me. How many more do you want? Here. Here is 34. Here is 50.   When you are 80 years old and your beauty rises in ways your cells cannot even imagine now and your wild bones grow luminous and ripe, having carried the weight of a passionate life.   When your hair is aflame with winter and you have decades of learning and leaving and loving sewn into  the corners of your eyes and your children come home to find their own history in your face.   When you know what it feels like to fail ferociously and have gained the  capacity to rise and rise and rise again.   When you can make your tea on a quiet and ridiculously lonely afternoon and still have a song in your heart Queen owl wings beating beneath the cotton of your sweater.   Because your beauty began there beneath the sweater and the skin, remember?   This is when I will take you  into my arms and coo YOU BRAVE AND GLORIOUS THING you’ve come so far.   I see you. Your beauty is breathtaking.   -Jeannette Encinias

Here are links to more information on these topics:

Natural family planning tools: Natural fertility tracking devices:

Barrier methods of birth control: Fertility tracker:

 Find Out More Evectics Book Cover

Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).

Want Some Help?

Complete this Online Evaluation: Your First Step to Ending Severe, Long-term or Frustrating Health Problems

If you answer the questions on this symptom evaluation, we’ll be able to answer these questions for you:

  1. What areas of physical stress in your body are most likely creating your problems?
  2. What could be done to help your body recover from this stress?
  3. What are our recommendations to start you back on the road to health?

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Learn about the causes of anxiety and depression, what you can do to reduce your suffering RIGHT NOW and how you can eliminate these problems from your life.