Easy: Less Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack

Easy: Less Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack

Easy: Less Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack

Here’s a story about Matrix GLA Protein.

Did I put you to sleep with one sentence?

Maybe! But I think you’ll really want to hear this story: it’s cool.

Stroke and heart attacks happen when your arteries get stiff. You’ve heard of “hardening of the arteries,” right? This condition also leads to high blood pressure.

If you can keep your arteries flexible and elastic, you will benefit in many ways, especially with much less risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Calcium deposits in your arteries cause stiffening

If you could have less calcium mucking up your arteries, they would stay much more flexible and elastic.

Here’s where the Matrix GLA Protein (MGP) comes in.

A 2020 paper from NIH (National Institute of Health) says, “Numerous studies have confirmed that MGP acts as a calcification-inhibitor…” This paper explains that MGP inhibits calcium-phosphate from precipitating into the arterial walls in several different ways.

MGP comes from Vitamin K2

Studies show that a high dose of Vitamin K2 not only stopped further calcium accumulation in the arteries but reduced the deposits by 53% in 12 weeks.

So, if your doctor agrees, add K2 to your regimen to have a healthy cardiovascular system.

Here’s what else you should do to have a healthy heart:
  • Cardiovascular exercises
  • Low-carb diet
  • Stress-reducing techniques (relaxation)
  • Flexibility exercises

Arterial calcification can begin as early as the teens and 20’s, showing up as a problem by age 30.


Read the article below, “How to Decrease Arterial Stiffness” for more information.
Dr. Billiot

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Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

More information on preventing heart disease

READ: DIY Diabetes & Heart Disease Prevention—for Cheap!

How to Decrease Arterial Stiffness

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries, leading to accumulations of fats cells and calcium deposits (i.e., plaques). It has been shown that people with a rapid increase in the amount of calcium deposits have a higher risk for stroke and heart attack than people with a decreased amount.

Vitamin K2 is associated with the inhibition of arterial calcification and arterial stiffening. An adequate intake of vitamin K2 has been shown to lower the risk of vascular damage because it activates matrix GLA protein (MGP), which inhibits the deposits of calcium on the walls

In the groups receiving high-dose vitamin K2 (MK-4), not only was there no further arterial calcium accumulation, there was a 37% reduction of previously accumulated arterial calcification after six weeks. After 12 weeks, there was a 53% reduction in accumulated arterial calcium deposits.


Medical peer-reviewed papers support considering adding vitamin K2 to a healthy lifestyle protocol (cardio/resistant exercise, Paleo-Diet, relaxation, flexibility exercises, etc.) to reverse the damaging effects of arterial calcification and arterial stiffening.

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Evidently, It’s the Gut

Evidently, It’s the Gut

Do You:

  • Get too little or poor quality sleep?
  • Have high-stress levels in your life?
  • Eat sugar regularly? (Wine, beer, candy, soda, sweet tea, cookies)
  • Eat a lot of carbs? (Pasta, rice, bread, oats, potatoes, pancakes, biscuits)
  • Eat a lot of processed foods? (boxes, bags, cans, fast food)
  • Take antibiotics, even only every few years?
  • Have cravings for sugary foods or carbs?
  • Have unintentional weight changes (lose or gain) for no apparent reason?
  • Have skin problems: acne, eczema, rashes?
  • Have food allergies? Do some foods make you tired, brain foggy, have digestive problems, immediate diarrhea, skin reactions, or swelling?

All of these can lead to problems with your “gut microbiome,” the microorganisms that live in your intestines. You can have between 300 to 500 different species of bacteria growing in your gut, and many of these are essential for your health.

Problems with your gut bacteria can lead to:

(If you are suffering from any of these problems, you should get your gut checked, as this might open the door to your recovery).

  • Immune system problems
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Inflammation problems of all kinds
  • Fatigue and energy problems
  • ADHD and concentration problems
  • Sleep problems
  • IBS (cramping and pain, diarrhea/constipation, nausea)
  • Heartburn and reflux

The Bottom Line

The most important thing to know about gut issues is that they don’t resolve easily.

The second most important thing to know is that gut problems often worsen and lead to more related symptoms.

So, the “bottom line” is that you should 1) Live a gut-healthy lifestyle and eat a gut-healthy diet, and 2) If you develop health problems that are possibly gut-related, do NOT just wait around and hope that you get better.

What Should I Do?

Conventional medicine recognizes the importance of a healthy gut microbiome, but this information has yet to make it down to the diagnosis and treatment level of YOUR doctor.

Therefore, your medical doctor will have no training or tools to do anything about your gut problems.

You will need to find a Functional Medicine practitioner with lots of experience in gut problems. This doctor will know which labs to use and combine effective supplementation with diet and lifestyle changes.

Gut problems and related issues are one of the main focuses of my practice. If you need help, you can ask for an appointment or more information here.

New Research

Scientists had a human-biome epiphany around 2010. In 2012, Scientific American magazine put out an issue titled “Your Inner Ecosystem.” This magazine was the first time that most of the general public had ever heard of the importance of microbes and bacteria to general health.

Since then, research on gut health has regularly yielded possible solutions to many of our most challenging health problems.

Below is an article about new research that links restless leg syndrome (RLS), a terrible problem that ruins the sleep of as much as 10% of the population, to gut problems.

This article is great reading and shows the promise of discovering many more “unsolvable” health problems resulting from gut imbalances.

More about gut problems

READ: What Do You Mean by Leaky Gut?

Restless Leg Syndrome and IBS

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

There appears to be a direct correlation between restless leg syndrome (RLS) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

What is restless leg syndrome?

RLS is a disorder in which a person experiences uncomfortable urges to move their legs. Symptoms typically occur during rest or inactivity, particularly in the evening and into the night, and may contribute to insomnia. These bothersome urges are often relieved with movement. It is estimated that RLS affects approximately 7-10% of the population

What Causes RLS?

Researchers have identified the following as possible contributors to the problem:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Problems with the neurotransmitter dopamine
  • Problems with the metabolism of iron
  • Problems with nervous system motor pathways

Clinical studies show that some people who have certain gastrointestinal disorders have a higher rate of RLS, including celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and IBS.

Studies estimate that approximately one-fourth to one-third of IBS patients may also have RLS.

The specific gut issue associated with RLS is a condition called Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).

SIBO is a condition in which rare gut-residing bacteria are over-represented in the gut.

Why does SIBO cause restless legs?

Chronic inflammation caused by SIBO or gut dysbiosis [when there’s an unhealthy balance of types of gut bacteria] in the colon may release additional hepcidin — a hormone that can decrease iron availability in the brain and contribute to RLS.

A Stanford findings suggest that, potentially, treating a person’s SIBO may help resolve the brain iron deficiency that contributes to RLS.

Promising Treatment

In one study, 13 IBS patients who tested positive for SIBO using breath testing were treated with the antibiotic rifaximin for ten days. According to the study, 10 of these patients experienced “at least 80% improvement” in their RLS symptoms following treatment. At a later follow-up date, half of these patients reported complete relief from their RLS.

For a more comprehensive natural treatment for SIBO, I recommend seeking the skills of a well-trained functional medicine practitioner.

They will review dietary recommendations specific for SIBO and natural botanicals (herbs) that effectively treat SIBO.


Although the studies are small, I believe there is hope that in patients suffering from IBS (SIBO) and RLS, treatment to eradicate SIBO could be helpful.

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Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll call you for a phone consult and discuss what could be done about your health. It’s complimentary, no strings attached. Either I can help you or point you in the right direction to get help. Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

Dr. Billiot

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Differences Between a Mammogram and Thermography

Differences Between a Mammogram and Thermography

Differences Between a Mammogram and Thermography

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

With breast cancer, early detection is considered the primary factor in good outcomes and reduced mortality. Conventional medicine is focused almost entirely on early detection, as are most of the breast cancer non-profits.

This focus on early detection is an excellent thing, in that survivability statistics for breast cancer are improving.

But, mammography does not PREVENT breast cancer (a common misconception). In one study, 68% of the women surveyed believed that mammography prevents or reduces the risk of contracting breast cancer. Mammography can only find already existing cancer so it can be treated.

Personally, I would Rather be Proactive and Avoid Breast Cancer

Excellent technology exists to prevent breast cancer, even though it’s not a big part of the breast cancer information you are likely to see.

There are two important parts of breast cancer prevention:

  1. Thermography
  2. Hormone health and balancing

Thermography is a very specific and advanced type of infrared photography that maps the surface temperature of the breasts. When analyzed by a trained and certified thermologist, risk factors can be identified, along with the level of risk. Then you can do a program to improve that risk, followed by another thermography to confirm that your risk is reduced.

Hormone levels can add to breast cancer risk in several ways. Estrogen imbalance can show on thermography as well as on a lab test. Getting your hormones in balance can reduce or eliminate many common symptoms and improve your life while reducing your cancer risk.

Thermography Facts
Can I do thermography instead of mammography?

First, ask yourself why you are having a mammogram. If you are having a mammogram to prevent cancer, then that is the wrong test. A mammogram never prevented even one person from getting cancer. It can only detect a dense object in the breast.

On the other hand, thermography detects the physiological, chemical, and temperature changes before pathology develops, 5 to 8 years before detection on a mammogram.

So, thermography is appropriate for preventative screening.

A mammogram is appropriate for detecting and diagnosing cancer, both early and later stage pathology. Thermography and mammography gather different information, and a woman may need both of these to ensure that her breasts are and remain healthy.

A thermography study does not replace a mammogram but is very complementary. Many women choose thermography to give them additional and early information about breast changes.

I hope this helps!


Dr. Melodie Billiot

Learn about Thermography!

READ: Breast Health Improvement

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The Physics of Pain

The Physics of Pain

The Physics of Pain

There is a physics of the nervous system that explains long-term or chronic pain.

If you are suffering from this kind of pain, usually you just want it to stop. You aren’t likely to care overly much about physics.

However, you should know that understanding the physics can lead to “just getting it to stop.”

Standing Waves

Remember from physics how a wave looks? It’s a big “S” on its side. As time progresses, the energy goes up, then comes down, then goes up again.

If the wave hits something that reflects it back, you get an echo. But if the return wave exactly matches the original wave as it returns, you get something wonderful and weird called a “standing wave.”

It’s as if the wave isn’t moving. The high energy point stays in the same place, as does the low energy point.

We’ve all experienced this at a stoplight. The guy pulls up next to you with the subwoofers so massive that his suspension is bottoming out. Suddenly, your car is shaking. Your body is shaking. Your teeth are shaking.

You’re experiencing a standing wave.

Your Nervous System and Energy

Standing Wave

“Standing Waves” in the nervous system

Your nervous system is a conductor of energy. This energy, which contains coded information your body needs to operate, moves back and forth across the nerves all over your body, all the time.

An impact or injury anywhere in your body can cause a system overload. If this overload creates a barrier to nervous system energy, it can change the length of the path that energy will travel before it’s “answered back” in the system. This can cause a nervous system standing wave.

Impact and injuries can set up a standing wave of energy in your nervous system.

Like the subwoofers in the next car, this energy overload can get very uncomfortable and can be a cause of pain. Because the overload can prevent normal nerve communication, you can have slow healing and long-term pain.

Wrong Solutions

With its concentration on pharmaceuticals, medicine believes that the answer to pain is using drugs to block nerve conduction. Drugs temporarily stop the pain, but the stress on the nervous system may worsen the standing wave problem. In most cases, if you stop the medication, you continue the pain.

Solving the Problem

Once you have a basic understanding of the physics involved, you can see that the solution would be to bleed off the excess energy from the standing wave so healing can occur.

Success with this involves an entirely different point of view from traditional medicine.

Medicine’s viewpoint is that “the body is doing something wrong (hurting), so we need to stop it from doing that wrong thing (medicate it).”

A better view would be, “the body is intelligent and can heal itself with a bit of assistance, as long as the assistance is what the body wants, not what some “expert” thinks it wants.”

The Army’s Solution

Dr. Aaron Cook performs an acupuncture procedure on Jackenson Pierre Propeta on hospital ship USNS Comfort. (DoD photo by Spc. Nashaunda Tilghman)

Few organizations are faced with as much of a pain problem as the US Army. After tremendous difficulties with addiction, accidents caused by soldiers impaired with painkillers, and death from overdoses, the Army was willing to try anything as long as it worked.

What they settled on was acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a process of communicating with the body and helping it to re-route and balance nervous system energy.

With acupuncture, there are no drugs, no addiction, and no side effects. And in many cases, acupuncture provided more significant pain relief than drugs.

Acupuncture Patching

Homeopathic Acupuncture Patch

Homeopathic Acupuncture Patch

At my clinic, we use homeopathic patches placed on acupuncture points to balance nervous system energy and reduce pain.

The patches absorb the body’s infrared radiation and convert it to a specific light wavelength, stimulating the acupuncture point where the patch is applied. The patches are extremely effective at bleeding off excess nervous system energy. Rebalancing the nervous system this way breaks up the standing waves causing pain.

“Patching” is one example of how we assist the body’s intelligence to heal based on testing rather than on guessing.

Patient Success with Homeopathic Patches

I had a crazy neck pain for about a week that wouldn’t go away with heat, massage, soaking or my infrared blanket. One day with Dr. Billiot’s little patches on two key points of my body and the pain disappeared. –J.S.

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Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll review your information, then have my assistant call you for any additional information. Then, I’ll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. This assessment is complimentary, no strings attached. Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

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The Most Effective Exercise for Lowering Blood Pressure

The Most Effective Exercise for Lowering Blood Pressure

The Most Effective Exercise for Lowering Blood Pressure


If you are currently taking medication for high blood pressure or in danger of doing this, you should know that you can do things to improve your hypertension.

One of the most effective is exercise.


I have worked with thousands of patients battling high blood pressure, and many of them had been on an exercise regimen but had seen little to no results with their blood pressure.

Numerous recent studies show a specific TECHNIQUE of exercise works better than any other to reduce blood pressure. This is great because you can use the technique for any exercise you like: biking, walking, running, swimming, etc.

The technique is called “HIIT” or High-Intensity Interval Training. Almost anyone can do it, and it’s easy to do.

Read the article below for the particulars and instructions on how you can get started.

Here’s another article about using isometric exercise (at your desk or driving your car!) to reduce blood pressure.

I hope this helps!


Dr. Melodie Billiot

Another exercise to improve your blood pressure:

READ: Want To Lower Your Blood Pressure By 20 Points? Try This Exercise…

HIIT and blood pressure

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

When it comes to lowering blood pressure, exercise is a non-negotiable factor.

You may be wondering what would be the most effective form of exercise to lower blood pressure?

More and more studies are showing the exciting results of something called HIIT in lowering blood pressure. HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training

What is HIIT?
HIIT is not any specific exercise; instead, it is a technique. You can apply this technique to almost any exercise, whether it be walking, riding a bike, swimming, doing some body weight exercises, or even dancing in your living room.


HIIT training combines very short bursts of working at your absolute maximum alternating short periods of active recovery rest. Research has found that this form of exercising gives you more health benefits than any other way of exercising.

It shortens the amount of time you need to exercise and is more effective; you work out for just 10-30 minutes and reap impressive health benefits.  You burn more body fat, your metabolism is stimulated for long after you finish exercising, and it also helps you utilize oxygen more efficiently.

One of the most significant benefits people find from HIIT is the reduction in training time. Through HIIT, you can put in about half the amount of time compared to traditional cardio exercise to reach your goals.

One study found that just 2 minutes of HIIT sprinting increased metabolism as much as 30 minutes of running.  HIIT increases the efficiency of your heart, and HIIT training also has a significant effect on naturally lowering your blood pressure.

HIIT and blood pressure:

Although most any type of exercise has its benefits, HIIT shines when it comes to saving time. Using the HIIT technique is the ultimate shortcut. 

Study after study shows that HIIT exercise improves blood pressure in people with hypertension better than any other exercise routine.

HIIT is highly effective in reducing resting heart rate and blood pressure in overweight and obese individuals. 

It has been shown that HIIT exercising just three times per week for just 20 minutes at a time lowers blood pressure more effectively than continuous endurance training.

What is the science that makes HIIT so effective?

HIIT training changes something called endothelial function. 

The endothelium is a very thin membrane that lines the inside of your heart and your blood vessels. The cells in this membrane release various substances that control how your blood vessels relax and contract.

We know that stiff hard arteries play a role in high blood pressure.

The ability of your artery walls to expand (vasodilate) is very important.

You need to have flexibility in your arteries to allow for proper blood flow throughout your body.

HIIT improves endothelial function and reduces the stiffness in your artery walls more than any other traditional form of exercise.

Just a 1% improvement in your endothelial function can result in a 13% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes.

One study showed that 73% of people restored blood pressure to normal using a HIIT training method for just two months and 24 exercise sessions. There was a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure from 145.4 (± 9.0) to 118.3 ( ± 15.6) mm Hg.

How to Apply HIIT

With HIIT training, you’re are going to go “all out” at a high intensity for short amounts of time.  You then do an ‘active recovery’ rest for a short interval. You can apply this technique to any kind of exercise, walking, running, jumping rope, cycling, and even weight training.

I prefer using a stationary bike to minimize injury. It is simply a great option to implement HIIT into your workouts.

Using the HIIT on a stationary bike

Warm-up for 5 minutes on a low setting.

After your 5 minute warm-up, increase the bike’s tension and pedal as fast as you can for 20 seconds. This is called the Sprint phase. After the 20-second sprint phase, lower the tension on the bike and comfortably pedal for 2 minutes.

This is one session of HIIT.

Repeat the above five times, and you are done.

Heart Recovery Tip

After doing your 20-second sprint, lower the tension and wait 60 seconds and check your pulse. You want your elevated pulse to come down between 8-10 beats. This is your heart recovery zone. If your pulse does not come down 8-10 beats for some reason, you should stop and call it a day. For example, after you do your all-out sprint for 20 minutes, your heart rate goes up to 110 beats. After one minute of decreasing the tension and comfortably pedaling, your heart rate should come down to 100-102 beats. That is a good heart recovery.

Although, as I mentioned above, I prefer the stationary bike, this can be applied to walking as well. Simply walking at a comfortable pace for 5 minutes, then do an all-out “brisk” walk for 20 seconds. Walking comfortably for 2 minutes, then repeat five times.

That is all you need to do to maximize this effective form of exercise (HIIT) to lower your blood pressure.

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Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll call you for a phone consult and discuss what could be done about your health. It’s complimentary, no strings attached. Either I can help you or point you in the right direction to get help. Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

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