The Three Deadly Attitudes
The Three Deadly Attitudes
Three attitudes are deadly to solving ongoing* health problems. I call these “deadly” because if you believe these ideas, you will never get rid of your health problems. You might be completely capable of healing and recovering your health, but if you have these attitudes, you will never get the chance to do so.
*Ongoing health problems are chronic conditions with drug treatments that only control symptoms, or no treatments at all.
Here are the deadly attitudes:
- Believing that: “Health problems with no known medical treatment will never go away.” (Such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.)
- Believing that: “If the medical treatment for my health problem doesn’t work, or stops working after some time, my health problem will never go away.” (Such as uncontrolled blood pressure, osteoporosis, asthma, reflux, indigestion.)
- Believing it when your doctor says, “It’s genetics and your age. You can’t expect to have perfect health. I’m prescribing another drug for your (reflux/depression/pain) that might help. But you’ll learn to live with it.” (Such as fatigue, joint pain, allergies, memory, impotence.)
These three attitudes come from thinking that conventional medical health treatments, drugs and surgery, are the only ways to solve your health problem.
Your Body is Not a Refrigerator
Cars, computers, and refrigerators get fixed by applying technology to repair them, but bodies were designed to heal themselves.
In our society, any health problem requires (immediately!) treatment or a doctor’s appointment. But it might be enlightening to you how many of these problems would have resolved themselves if only they were given some time.
Many health problems would heal if given time and just a little help to relieve the stress (such as a healthier diet, more sleep, regular activity, and a conscious effort to avoid emotional stress for a week or two.) But no, we’re impatient to get some immediate relief from the pharmacy or doctor.
However, severe, long-term chronic health problems won’t go away by themselves, even with a very healthy lifestyle. In these cases, your body has run into something that has stopped its healing process. If this is also a health problem with no medical solution (just drugs to control symptoms, or no help at all), then it would appear that you are doing what the doctor in #3 above suggested, and “just living with” the condition.
The Impossible, Unsolvable Health Problem
What if you:
- Have no energy
- Can’t wake in the morning
- Suffer digestive problems
- Have terrible menstrual cycles
- Have joint or muscle pain
- Have debilitating headaches
- Have embarrassing or agonizing skin conditions
- Are depressed, anxious, or can’t concentrate?
What if the pills don’t work and the problem isn’t getting better—what if it’s getting worse?
Every day you’re wondering how much more can you take?
If this describes you or someone you know, you are not alone. Not even close. According to the CDC, about 60% of adults in the US fall into this category.
Sadly, almost all of these people will try to “learn to live with” their health problems because they have some of the three deadly attitudes.
But you don’t have to do this.
Here are three examples of people who refused to believe in the three deadly attitudes:
When I first came to Alternative Health Atlanta, I had a lot of issues with kidney failure, blood pressure, and blood sugar. I also had a lot of anxiety as a result of my health. Today after several months of a holistic treatment plan, my blood labs came back, and my kidney values are amazing. My cholesterol is decreasing, and I feel so much calmer. Things are good!
Skin conditions had me really down, excessively dry, aging faster than I should have, tired. I tried on my own but couldn’t figure out the solution. I couldn’t take it anymore and found Dr. Billiot. It has changed my life, the only thing that has worked for me since I have been noticeably uncomfortable for the last 7 years.
I initially went for hormonal breasts, and have seen much improvement in that as well as in many other areas I wasn’t even thinking about when I first went! I sleep amazingly well now, and I barely have any allergy symptoms. (I used to have itchy eyes nonstop this time of year, and a runny nose). My anxiety is much better managed, I don’t have hormonal headaches, and my energy and mood are both significantly improved.
Find Out More
You should find out if you could recover from your “unsolvable” health condition. What would your life look like if this happened?
- Watch the 7-minute video below to get an overview of how this works.
- Read a free download about how I researched my techniques and how they work.
Because those with chronic health conditions have a risk of poor outcomes with Covid-19, I currently have a half-price offer for initial testing and consultations. You can find out if I can help you, how it works and what you’d have to do, all by investing a couple of hours and $135.
Start solving your unsolvable problem. Click HERE to get started.
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Watch this video for a seven-minute explanation of how to assist your body in healing itself.