Does Milk Really Make a Body Good? The Other Side of Story

Does Milk Really Make a Body Good? The Other Side of Story

Does Milk Really Make a Body Good? The Other Side of Story

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

I have to wonder how the government dietary guidelines still recommend consuming three glasses of milk a day. 

Where is there any evidence to support this recommendation?

A 2020 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Walter C. Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H., and David S. Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D. reviewed over 100 top studies on milk. They found that milk consumption is associated with the risks of fracture, obesity, cardiovascular disease, allergies, and various cancers.

This information may be a hard pill to swallow, but the scientific literature proves otherwise.

In other studies, milk consumption has been found to increase insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which has been associated with several major health conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive function in the elderly.

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How to eat healthy without dairy?

Read: Simple Immune-Boosting Diet that You Can Do

If you absolutely love milk, then I recommend consuming only A2 casein milk products. Most milk products have high levels of the protein A1 casein, which may lead to increased inflammation, allergies, and other health challenges

Populations, which consume milk containing high levels of β-casein A2 variant, have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and type-1 diabetes.

To find sources of A2 milk, go to:

Compliments from Functional Medicine University

Other Milk Issues:

From my experience of 27 years helping severe cases of chronic health conditions, I have found that eating dairy is second only to sugar in stressing the immune system and slowing the healing process.

  • Dairy causes mucous and enhances bacteria and virus growth.
  • Dairy contains large amounts of sugar (lactose, milk sugar). Eight ounces of milk contains 13 grams of sugar (the equivalent of over three teaspoons of white sugar) which can raise blood sugar and reduce immune system efficiency by 60%.
  • Unless it’s organic, milk tends to contain hormones. Studies show that this is dangerous.

Substitute coconut, almond, oat, or hemp milk, and stay healthier!

Want To Lower Your Blood Pressure By 20 Points? Try This Exercise…

Want To Lower Your Blood Pressure By 20 Points? Try This Exercise…


High blood pressure can be a difficult problem to resolve and often leads to dependence on blood pressure medications for a lifetime.

If you have high blood pressure, the most important thing is to keep it controlled. Because of the side effects of blood pressure meds and the lack of any symptoms, it is very common that people just stop taking them. More than half of those under the age of 65 who are prescribed blood pressure meds quit them within a few months or don’t take them as prescribed. This can lead to heart attack, stroke, and kidney damage, among other health problems.

Natural Methods to Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems I see in the clinic. It’s not easy to handle, but if the patient will consistently do what is needed long-term, it usually resolves.

Here’s what you need to know:
  1. There isn’t a single cause for your high blood pressure; everyone is different. Evaluation, testing, and labs are the starting point for anyone with this problem.
  2. It is ALWAYS necessary to clean up your diet. You’ll need to eliminate sugar and cut out most refined carbs, stop eating junk foods and foods with bad fats, lots of preservatives and additives, eat protein with every meal.
  3. I have a whole-food liver detox that often tests well with high blood pressure patients and is very effective. One of the main reasons it works is that it thoroughly cleans up the diet.
  4. Stress is enormous with blood pressure. If you are under a lot of stress and aren’t taking any steps to mitigate this, you’ll probably have to make some lifestyle changes to handle your blood pressure successfully. Examples: Exercise, yoga, prayer, breathing exercises, calming routines in the morning or during the day when the stress is highest.
  5. Your doctor may have told you to lose weight to lower your blood pressure. My experience is that the cause of the weight is often several things, not only diet and exercise. Just trying to lose weight with a draconian diet may not produce long-term results.
  6. I help my patients with high blood pressure by testing to identify the organ(s) or system(s) creating the stress. Then I use clinical nutrition along with very targeted acupressure in an exact program. This technique is called EvecticsSM; you can read about it here.

Isometric Exercise to Reduce Blood Pressure

Read the article below for some fascinating methods to use in lowering blood pressure.

Stay Healthy!


Dr. Melodie Billiot
Patient Stories:

After coming to Alternative Health Atlanta my blood pressure is back within my normal range. This is a welcome improvement after 3 years of high blood pressure due to too much stress and not taking care of myself. Hurray! My energy levels are higher, and I now aspire to lose 25 lbs. in less than 2 months!— T.K.


When I first came to Alternative Health Atlanta, I had severe allergies, sinus problems, bad headaches, high blood pressure, and low energy. Not to mention that I was losing my hair. After starting the program, I am off my blood pressure medicine, my energy level has improved, my hair is healthier, my headaches are less frequent and my allergy and sinus problems are greatly improved. My overall health has certainly improved. — D.M.

Find Out How to Get Help with your Health:

Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll call you for a phone consult and discuss what could be done about your health. It’s complimentary, no strings attached. Either I can help you or point you in the right direction to get help. Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

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Want To Lower Your Blood Pressure By 20 Points? Try This Exercise…

Eli Ben-Yehuda

Want to know about an exercise that can lower blood pressure significantly? We’re talking as much as 10-20 mmHg. No, it’s not an endurance exercise. No, it’s not strength exercise. It’s an exercise you can do anytime and anywhere. It’s called isometrics.

What are Isometric Exercises?

Isometric exercises, the kind where you contract large muscles without actually moving the body part, may help reduce blood pressure in healthy people, a study shows. And something as simple as squeezing your inner thigh muscles together while you sit would qualify.

That’s right. Isometric exercises can be done anytime, anywhere, and don’t require you to bend or lift. In a handful of studies, folks with normal blood pressure who did three 15 to 20 minutes sessions of isometric exercises every week for ten weeks experienced more than a 10-point plunge in their systolic blood pressure. And their diastolic pressure fell almost 7 points. Not bad for not lifting a finger! Simple things like doing a static hand grip, flexing the bottoms muscles, or doing leg squeezes all count. In the research, the three weekly sessions included doing multiple 2-minute rounds of isometric exercises like those, with 1 to 3 minute rests in between.

A hand grip spring dynamo-meter was used for IHG (Isometric Handgrip) exercise training in one study. A total of 30 normal healthy volunteers in the age group of 20-40 were enrolled for the study. The exercise training protocol consisted of five 3-min bouts of IHG exercise at 30% of maximum voluntary contraction separated by 5 min rest periods. The exercise was performed three times/week for 10 weeks. The subject’s blood pressure was measured before and after exercise.

There was a significant reduction in resting blood pressure following 10 weeks of exercise training. Both Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure reduced significantly.

In the mid-1970s, the U.S. Air Force asked Dr. Ronald Wiley, an expert in heart and lung physiology, to find a way to keep fighter pilots from losing consciousness when flying the F-16 fighter. This jet could accelerate so fast that the G-forces it generated made it difficult for the pilot’s heart to pump blood to the brain, causing vision problems, trouble thinking, and blackouts.

One of Wiley’s strategies was a hand grip that pilots could squeeze to boost their blood pressure enough to maintain circulation to the brain. As he worked with pilots, he was struck by a contradiction: Those who practiced with the hand grip for a few weeks lowered their resting blood pressure.

Types of Isometric Exercise

Plank Bridge

Lie down in the push-up position and place your elbows under your chest. Rest your body on the floor. Now, the entire weight of your body will be concentrated on your forearms. Push up your body and count to 10. Repeat 2 to 3 times. This is one of the simplest forms of isometric exercises, and it can be performed daily.

Isometric Push Up

Get into the pushup position as before and lie down with your arms extended. Lower your body to the halfway position and hold for about 10 seconds or count slowly until 10. This exercise can be repeated 2 or 3 times, depending on your fitness level. Most isometric exercises are not very tiring, but you must take it slowly if you’re a beginner.

Isometric Bicep Exercise

This is the simplest type of isometric exercise, and it can be easily done at the office. Put your hands under the desk and place them against the tabletop, with your palms up. Now, press against the tabletop, keeping your elbows tight against your ribs. Hold your hands in this position for 10 seconds or count slowly until 10, and then repeat 2 to 3 times.

Isometric Shoulder Raises

For this exercise, you will need a pair of dumbbells. Hold one dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise both arms upwards from the side until they’re parallel to the ground. Hold them in this position for about 10 to 25 seconds, and repeat 2 to 3 times. If you find it difficult to raise both hands at the same time, you can start by raising one hand at a time.

Ball Squeeze

The ball squeeze exercise requires only a tennis ball or any other small ball. Hold the ball in one hand and squeeze it for 60 to 90 seconds. Place the ball in your other hand and repeat the squeeze for the same amount of time. Repeat the exercise three times with each hand.

Athletic Gripper Hold

Athletic grippers can be found at nearly any sporting goods store. Grippers generally come in different resistances so you’ll have to choose one appropriate for you. Ideally, you should use one that you are able to squeeze for two minutes before your muscles fatigue. Hold the athletic gripper in one hand and squeeze it for two minutes then switch hands and repeat the exercise. Complete the exercise twice with each hand.

Practicing isometric exercises offers various benefits to our body:

  1. Isometric exercises help in strengthening and conditioning muscles.
  2. They aid in strengthening dormant muscle tissues on isolated muscles.
  3. They improve one’s control over the body.
  4. Improve body posture and spine alignment.
  5. Help in preventing injury.
  6. These exercises are used in injury rehabilitation.
  7. Help in the development of lean muscles.
  8. Improve bone density and make them strong.
  9. Increase resistance power and endurance ability.
  10. These exercises activate all the major units in the body.
  11. These exercises can be done anywhere and anytime.
  12. Most isometric exercises do not require any equipment, or at most, a set of dumbbells is enough.
  13. Help in graceful aging, keeping body posture straight and erect even in old age.

Do you have severe, long-term, or frustrating health problems?

  • Are you exhausted, depressed, anxious, or unable to sleep?
  • Do you feel anxious, depressed or overwhelmed?
  • Do you have digestive disturbances, joint pain, headaches, hair loss and weight gain?

Do you wonder how you got here? One day you woke up in a complete mess, but can’t for the life of you figure out how it happened?

It’s not your fault, but you CAN fix it.

Here is a way you can start to get your life back—with energy and vitality no matter the stage of your life.


Dr. Melodie Billiot is a doctor who has lived through her own exhaustion and illness, and discovered the answers to her own health.

Dr. Billiot

As a result, she has helped thousands of people just like you to regain their health.

Get Started: Do a complimentary Health Analysis and Consultation

PERI-MENOPAUSE: Telling 40 Year-Old Women What is Going to Happen

PERI-MENOPAUSE: Telling 40 Year-Old Women What is Going to Happen

We Tell Adolescent Girls What’s Going to Happen

So, why don’t we tell 40-year-old women what’s going to happen?
Why is it still taboo to talk about?

Remember puberty? Your reliable young body suddenly got a mind of its own. Crazy things started happening, both physically and mentally. Can you recall the helpless, out-of-control feelings that you had at that time?

Your parents probably gave you a “heads-up” in advance, so you knew (kind of) what to expect. Your friends sooner or later, were going through the same experience. It was scary and awkward, but there was the promise of becoming an adult to look forward to, and you coped with the changes.

Perimenopause is a different experience.

First, no one has likely given you that needed heads-up. Honestly, it would be difficult to do because everyone experiences perimenopause at different ages and in different ways.

Your cycle may suddenly become irregular, your sleep terrible, and your moods frightening. Then everything can go back to normal. Did that really happen?

There are the common symptoms of perimenopause… and then there are YOUR perimenopause symptoms. Everyone experiences this life process somewhat differently.

Medical Trial and Error
SBT Hormone Balance

Health Care System Failure

Most of us look to our doctors for answers to personal health questions. The problem is, you may not see your gynecologist but every three to five years for a Pap screening, during which time you may move well into perimenopause. The other problem is that many perimenopausal symptoms are nonspecific, and your doctor won’t try to treat them anyway.

If you tell your doctor, “My energy is completely unpredictable. I wake up exhausted but then feel OK later in the day. Sometimes. Other days I’m fine. I yelled at my kids for no reason, then broke down in tears.” This is unlikely to elicit a prescription, and if it did, you might not want to take it.

Conventional medicine is usually ineffective at helping you with perimenopause. Leaving you… where?

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SBT Hormone Balance
SBT Hormone Balance

The Cause

In your late 30’s, your ovaries will begin to rid themselves of their eggs by releasing more and more eggs each month. As you progress into your 40’s, there are fewer follicles available for ovulation.

Perimenopause begins when you have some cycles with no ovulation.

Estrogen and progesterone are your two main sex hormones, and these balance each other. Progesterone is released with ovulation, so fewer ovulations reduces progesterone and causes “estrogen-dominance” in your body. This is the cause of hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, irregular cycles, poor concentration, and many more perimenopausal symptoms.

As perimenopause continues, there is a gradual decrease in both estrogen and progesterone. The problem is that none of this is predictable or linear. Your hormones rise and fall erratically, creating physical and emotional havoc.

The Way Out

Treating individual perimenopause symptoms is a game of whack-a-mole: you never win. Whack a mole

What is required is a holistic approach to understanding the physiology of the hormone changes taking place, digestion and food reactions, and related organ and gland stress (liver, thyroid, adrenals, etc.).

Correct lab testing is critical, but even more important is for your doctor to know you and follow along with the changes in your body. Seeing your doctor at least monthly, often more frequently, allows her to understand the changes your body is making and the various components of those changes.

An effective doctor functions as a “perimenopause coach.” With this help, you can feel happy, productive, and energetic even as your body continues to change unpredictably.

I hope this helps!


Dr. Melodie Billiot


Natural & Effective Solutions to Perimenopause / Menopause

“I feel so much more ALIVE”


Dr. Melodie Billiot is a woman and a doctor who has lived through her own exhaustion and illness, and discovered the answers to her own health.

As a result, she has helped thousands of women just like you to regain their health.

Dr. Melodie Billiot


Natural & Effective Solutions to Perimenopause / Menopause

“I feel so much more ALIVE”

Dr. Melodie Billiot

Dr. Melodie Billiot is a woman and a doctor who has lived through her own exhaustion and illness, and discovered the answers to her own health.

As a result, she has helped thousands of women just like you to regain their health.

Sugar and Your Immune System

Sugar and Your Immune System

Sugar and Your Immune System

Dr. Linus Pauling’s Forgotten Research

Your body has a very efficient system for protecting itself from outside “invaders” such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. The single most important part of this system is the body’s ability to identify and destroy any invaders that get inside.

There is a fact that you may not know about your body’s immune system:


This is not new data. In the 1970’s Dr. Linus Pauling (one of the greatest researchers in the field of microbiology) discovered that vitamin C helps the body to combat the common cold. As part of the same research, Dr. Pauling found that sugar severely slows down this same process.

This is very important to know, as using this information can prevent illness and dramatically assist healing. Because the idea that sugar is “bad” for you is so controversial, I am going to give you a quick, simplified tour through your own immune system so you can see for yourself what Dr. Pauling discovered.

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Sugar and Your Immune System
Sugar and Your Immune System

1. How Your Body Disposes Of Invaders

Bacteria, viruses, etc. are literally “swallowed” by a special type of cell called a “phagocyte.” This is a cell, such as a white blood cell, that engulfs and absorbs waste material, harmful microorganisms, or other foreign bodies in the bloodstream and tissues.

2. Vitamin C

Dr. Pauling discovered that vitamin C is needed by white blood cells to engulf and absorb viruses and bacteria. In fact, a white blood cell has to contain 50 times the concentration of vitamin C as would normally be found in the blood around it. That’s how Dr. Pauling came up with the “take vitamin C for a cold” theory. In order to continue to destroy bacteria and viruses, the white blood cells have to accumulate vitamin C all the time to keep up the 50-times concentration. So, vitamin C is being moved through the cell membranes into the white blood cells all over your body, all the time. That’s why it’s important to have plenty of vitamin C available to your body.

3. Sugar

Glucose (sugar in its simplest form, as found in the blood stream) and vitamin C have a similar chemical structure. So similar, in fact, that when a white blood cell tries to pull in more vitamin C from the blood around it, glucose can get substituted by mistake. If the concentration of glucose in the blood goes beyond a certain concentration, the white blood cell’s 50-times vitamin C concentration can start to drop because of the large amount of glucose it’s pulling in as a substitute for vitamin C.

In fact, at a blood sugar level of 120, the white blood cell’s ability to absorb and destroy viruses and bacteria is reduced by 75%. This blood sugar level would be easily obtained by any normal person eating some sugar (cake, cookies, candy, soda or even drinking fruit juice). Further, it can take four to six hours for the vitamin C concentration in the white blood cells to reach that optimum 50-times concentration again.

Sugar and Your Immune System
Sugar and Your Immune System


As you can see, it’s not a great idea to eat any kind of sugar if you’re sick, including the much-recommended orange juice (which may contain vitamin C, but this won’t help if the white blood cells can’t get past the sugar to use it!). Further, if you were on a program of health improvement of any kind, sugar would be your number-1 enemy! No matter if you’re healing from an injury, either. White blood cells and other phagocytes remove dead tissue as well as other types of waste associated with injury healing.

Talk to us about how to avoid sugar and some really great sugar substitutes you can use! And the next time you go to the drug store and notice that the cough syrup contains mostly sugar, you can wonder as we do what happened to this valuable research that no one seems to know?

More Information

Read these articles for more information on improving your health:

The Hidden Life of a Holistic Doctor

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High Cholesterol or Statin Drugs: Which is Worse?

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The Physics of Pain

The Physics of Pain

The Physics of Pain

There is a physics of the nervous system that explains long-term or chronic pain.

If you are suffering from this kind of pain, usually you just want it to stop. You aren’t likely to care overly much about physics.

However, you should know that understanding the physics can lead to “just getting it to stop.”

Standing Waves

Remember from physics how a wave looks? It’s a big “S” on its side. As time progresses, the energy goes up, then comes down, then goes up again.

If the wave hits something that reflects it back, you get an echo. But if the return wave exactly matches the original wave as it returns, you get something wonderful and weird called a “standing wave.”

It’s as if the wave isn’t moving. The high energy point stays in the same place, as does the low energy point.

We’ve all experienced this at a stoplight. The guy pulls up next to you with the subwoofers so massive that his suspension is bottoming out. Suddenly, your car is shaking. Your body is shaking. Your teeth are shaking.

You’re experiencing a standing wave.

Your Nervous System and Energy

Standing Wave

“Standing Waves” in the nervous system

Your nervous system is a conductor of energy. This energy, which contains coded information your body needs to operate, moves back and forth across the nerves all over your body, all the time.

An impact or injury anywhere in your body can cause a system overload. If this overload creates a barrier to nervous system energy, it can change the length of the path that energy will travel before it’s “answered back” in the system. This can cause a nervous system standing wave.

Impact and injuries can set up a standing wave of energy in your nervous system.

Like the subwoofers in the next car, this energy overload can get very uncomfortable and can be a cause of pain. Because the overload can prevent normal nerve communication, you can have slow healing and long-term pain.

Wrong Solutions

With its concentration on pharmaceuticals, medicine believes that the answer to pain is using drugs to block nerve conduction. Drugs temporarily stop the pain, but the stress on the nervous system may worsen the standing wave problem. In most cases, if you stop the medication, you continue the pain.

Solving the Problem

Once you have a basic understanding of the physics involved, you can see that the solution would be to bleed off the excess energy from the standing wave so healing can occur.

Success with this involves an entirely different point of view from traditional medicine.

Medicine’s viewpoint is that “the body is doing something wrong (hurting), so we need to stop it from doing that wrong thing (medicate it).”

A better view would be, “the body is intelligent and can heal itself with a bit of assistance, as long as the assistance is what the body wants, not what some “expert” thinks it wants.”

The Army’s Solution

Dr. Aaron Cook performs an acupuncture procedure on Jackenson Pierre Propeta on hospital ship USNS Comfort. (DoD photo by Spc. Nashaunda Tilghman)

Few organizations are faced with as much of a pain problem as the US Army. After tremendous difficulties with addiction, accidents caused by soldiers impaired with painkillers, and death from overdoses, the Army was willing to try anything as long as it worked.

What they settled on was acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a process of communicating with the body and helping it to re-route and balance nervous system energy.

With acupuncture, there are no drugs, no addiction, and no side effects. And in many cases, acupuncture provided more significant pain relief than drugs.

Acupuncture Patching

Homeopathic Acupuncture Patch

Homeopathic Acupuncture Patch

At my clinic, we use homeopathic patches placed on acupuncture points to balance nervous system energy and reduce pain.

The patches absorb the body’s infrared radiation and convert it to a specific light wavelength, stimulating the acupuncture point where the patch is applied. The patches are extremely effective at bleeding off excess nervous system energy. Rebalancing the nervous system this way breaks up the standing waves causing pain.

“Patching” is one example of how we assist the body’s intelligence to heal based on testing rather than on guessing.

Patient Success with Homeopathic Patches

I had a crazy neck pain for about a week that wouldn’t go away with heat, massage, soaking or my infrared blanket. One day with Dr. Billiot’s little patches on two key points of my body and the pain disappeared. –J.S.

 Find Out How to Get Help with your Health:

Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll review your information, then have my assistant call you for any additional information. Then, I’ll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. This assessment is complimentary, no strings attached. Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

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8 Exact Actions to Avoid the Delta Variant

8 Exact Actions to Avoid the Delta Variant


The most effective way to prevent Covid is to protect yourself from becoming infected (mask, avoiding crowds, hand washing, etc.). Close to this would be getting vaccinated.

But these actions aren’t 100% effective. You can still be vulnerable.

A great safety net to these actions is to boost your immune system. This has the added benefit of protecting you from many other illnesses and just making you healthier overall.

Several lifestyle practices and products can help you with this, but they aren’t all created equal by any means.

Here’s a rundown of the most effective, in order of importance:
  1. Avoid raising your blood sugar level by not eating refined sugar or drinking sweet drinks.
  2. Keep your zinc levels high by using effective, high-quality zinc supplements daily (See article below to understand just how important this can be).
  3. Get your Vitamin D levels checked, and if needed, supplement them up to at least 30 mg/mL. Sun exposure can also help raise D. (Vitamin D deficiency can cause widespread pain, lower resistance to infection, and increase mortality from all causes.)
  4. Take Vitamin C daily.
  5. Eat a healthy diet of fresh foods, and avoid processed and junk foods. Eat only small amounts of processed carbs (bread, white rice, pasta).
  6. Sleep! Most people need seven to eight hours a night.
  7. Get out and move around! Exercise, outside space, and fresh air are important.
  8. Maintain yourself in a good mental space and spend your time with happy people. Avoid toxic humans like… the plague. (If you have trouble finding happy people, you can always become a patient and hang out with us!)

Read the article below to understand the science behind zinc levels and how this can prevent severe illness if you get sick.

Stay Healthy!


Dr. Melodie Billiot

PS: Two Basic Delta Variant Facts You Should Know:

  1. The “R0” (R-Aught) of a communicable disease measures how infectious it is. An “R2” means that one infected person is likely to infect two others around them. The higher the R0 number, the more infectious the disease. Original Covid was an R2, Delta variant is estimated to be about an R6.5. (Chickenpox is an R10, measles is an R12-18 by comparison).
  2. Delta incubation period is 4 days compared to original Covid’s 6 days. This makes people contagious sooner, and they may possibly infect others before symptoms begin. This short incubation makes it difficult to make contact tracing work.

Patient Story

In December 2020 I got Covid, and I got pretty sick. I had all the symptoms described in the flyers. I am convinced this virus knows your weakest link and goes for it. Today, I am convinced that if I had not been treated (on a health improvement program at Alternative Health Atlanta) that I would not have survived Covid. But because I was getting healthier and restoration was in progress, I have survived it. I am thankful to God, and thankful He brought me to Alternative Health Atlanta— A.C.

Find Out How to Get Help with your Health:

Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll call you for a phone consult and discuss what could be done about your health. It’s complimentary, no strings attached. Either I can help you or point you in the right direction to get help. Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

More information about dealing with Covid

Read: Covid-19 Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight

An Important Nutrient to Boost Your Immune System Zinc

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

As we face the crisis of Covid we all need to consider ways to boost and strengthen our immune systems.

One important nutrient to add to our immune-fighting arsenal is zinc.

According to a study done in Spain at the European coronavirus conference, researchers found that hospitalized COVID-19 patients with low blood levels of zinc tended to fare worse than those with healthier levels.

In the study, the leading researcher, Guerri-Fernandez, and his team tracked 249 patients admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 in March and April. Patients averaged 63 years of age, and 21 (8%) died from their illness.

All of the patients had their blood zinc levels tested upon arrival — the average level was 61 micrograms per deciliter of blood (mcg/dL).

However, the researchers reported that among those who died of COVID-19, blood levels of zinc were much lower, averaging just 43 mcg/dL. In contrast, blood levels among those who survived the illness averaged 63 mcg/dL.

The scientific community considers it common knowledge that mild to moderate zinc deficiency can impair macrophage functions (the PacMan of the immune system) and natural killer cell (NK cell) activity.

In the functional medicine world, the RBC intracellular test is the best test to determine a true zinc deficiency.

I also recommend looking at your most recent lab test and seeing the level of your alkaline phosphatase. Levels of alkaline phosphatase below 70 IU/L should raise an eyebrow for a possible zinc deficiency.

The most absorbable form of zinc is zinc monomethionine.

The two best foods with the highest amount of zinc include pumpkin seeds and oysters.

Do you have severe, long-term, or frustrating health problems?

  • Are you exhausted, depressed, anxious, or unable to sleep?
  • Do you feel anxious, depressed or overwhelmed?
  • Do you have digestive disturbances, joint pain, headaches, hair loss and weight gain?

Do you wonder how you got here? One day you woke up in a complete mess, but can’t for the life of you figure out how it happened?

It’s not your fault, but you CAN fix it.

Here is a way you can start to get your life back—with energy and vitality no matter the stage of your life.


Dr. Melodie Billiot is a doctor who has lived through her own exhaustion and illness, and discovered the answers to her own health.

Dr. Billiot

As a result, she has helped thousands of people just like you to regain their health.

Get Started: Do a complimentary Health Analysis and Consultation

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Watch this video for a seven-minute explanation of how your body can be assisted to heal itself.