Would Intermittent Fasting Work for You?

Would Intermittent Fasting Work for You?

The Intermittent Fasting Test: Could You Benefit?

  • Do you get shaky or irritable if hungry?
  • Do you get out of breath climbing stairs?
  • Are you fatigued in the afternoons?
  • Do you have trouble getting or staying asleep?
  • Do you have stiff or painful joints?
  • Do you have fluid retention?
  • Do your ears ring?

If you have several of these symptoms, intermittent fasting might not be a good thing for you to do. More accurate testing could determine what WOULD work to lose weight. Often this will be a solution to improve your overall health rather than diet and exercise weight loss.

What’s Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. For example, you might eat only between 8 AM and 6 PM, or you might fast for two full nonconsecutive days a week. There are a lot of variations.

The benefits: The idea is to improve your health by mimicking ancient eating schedules instead of always having food available. Reportedly, you can increase your mental clarity, burn fat and lose weight, feel better overall and improve your health to avoid diseases.

I believe that some people may get substantial benefits from intermittent fasting. I’ve read the research and rationales behind it, and much of it does make sense.

Where I can’t entirely agree is that any diet, food, supplement, or treatment could work for “everyone.” As an example, in my practice, I see mainly severe chronic cases. These people are physically very stressed. They are very toxic and usually have some immune suppression. Intermittent fasting would be about the worst thing that many of these people could do to themselves.

“Testing,” a Weird New Idea?

I can’t think of any single food, supplement, or treatment that would be appropriate for every patient I’ve had in the past year. Well, except for maybe clean water.  Every person is unique in many ways and needs different solutions.

When I make this statement to people, they often ask, “But, how would you be able to tell who would benefit and who would not?” This confusion shows how foreign the concept of TESTING is to most people. If you could accurately test someone to determine what foods, supplements, diets, and treatments would be effective and safe for them—why would anyone make any decisions without testing first?

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Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting


Medicine’s Failure to Test

When medical doctors treat patients with chronic illness, they test to diagnose but don’t test to determine causes. Not knowing the cause, the doctor must follow a fixed treatment protocol for that diagnosis and often only treat symptoms. The result is often a lessening of the symptoms but no solution to the actual problem. The undiscovered cause of their conditions or diseases may continue to deteriorate their health, and the patient may suffer from chronic health conditions for the rest of their lives.

“One Accurate Measurement is Worth a Thousand Expert Opinions”

—Admiral Grace Hopper

The practice of medicine relies on the doctor’s opinion as the primary method of deciding what is wrong with the patient and what treatment would be effective. This is so true that it’s normal to seek a second opinion to see if you can get more than one doctor to agree on your treatment.

My long experience is that many—maybe most—people are so used to this medical guessing that they’ll shrug and say, “So what’s the problem with opinions?” The problem is that an opinion is really a guess.

Doctors have been practicing this way for so long that we think it’s normal. But what other profession could get away with this approach? Would you need a “second opinion” on the engineering of a bridge or skyscraper or the design of your car? These and almost all other professions rely on accurate measurements and proven methods based on scientific and engineering principles that consistently get results.

Engineers do not guess. Neither do carpenters, chefs, pilots, accountants, or carpet installers.

Professionals are expected to “know their stuff” and get a predictable, effective result. Except for doctors! (Well, and, maybe philosophers, sports bookies, and politicians.)

The Takeaway:

Everyone’s body is different.

Your genetics, damage from illnesses and injuries, the diet you were raised on, your preferences, your environment, available food, your drug history, stress history, personality, and many more variables are all different from other individuals.

So, there is no “universal” diet, food, lifestyle, supplement, drug, or treatment that would get good results for everyone. Far, far from it!

The ability to test any of the above items before recommending them to an individual is not only of critical importance, it is obvious.

Because: the only other option would be to GUESS.

Energy is Life; Fatigue is No Life

Energy is Life; Fatigue is No Life

Energy is Life; Fatigue is No Life

If you have a fatigue problem, you know it.

The Misery Package

Often physical fatigue combines with mental sluggishness. Brain fog, poor concentration, and memory problems at the same time you have no energy can make up a misery package.

Physical and mental fatigue combined can be a knockout blow to your life.

You get two choices:

  1. Push through the fatigue to live your life as best you can. Although this is admirable, the stress of pushing yourself can lead to additional health problems.
  2. Reduce your activity level to what you feel you can do. Pacing yourself sounds like a sensible solution, except that in most cases, your energy will continue to drop, and you’ll do less and less. Living with reduced output and accomplishment can lead to depression, apathy, and a poor quality of life.

Causes of Fatigue

Fatigue has physical causes, but only a few of these are medically treatable.

Fatigue can come from many different sources:

  • Thyroid: This is a hormone gland that controls your metabolism, your heart (your primary source of energy), and your brain. So, a thyroid malfunction can slow your metabolism, cause fatigue from heart stress, and create severe brain fog. Often this won’t show on a blood test.
  • Adrenals: These glands create a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol controls your blood sugar and blood pressure, digestion, and whether you feel hungry. It manages your sleep, your ability to tolerate physical activity, and your ability to cope with stress. Are you sluggish in the morning? Do you crash in the afternoons? Do you have high energy at midnight? Cortisol can be the culprit in all of these.
  • Sleep problems can cause fatigue and brain fog. If you try to solve your sleep problem with drugs, you’ll still get no actual sleep. The drugs will knock you out into what looks like sleep, while your sleep deficiency continues, and drug dependency increases.
  • Heart stress can cause debilitating fatigue. In some cases, you will be diagnosed and treated with drugs, surgeries, or pacemakers. But the fatigue, though improved, can persist. In other cases, your heart stress may not show up on labs or tests—but your fatigue will continue.
  • Medications often have fatigue as a side effect. Culprits are blood pressure meds, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety meds, steroids, and antihistamines. Solution: get healthy enough to get off your meds!
  • Mental problems can suck the life out of you, creating lethargy and fatigue. Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, drug or alcohol abuse, and grief all can create fatigue.
  • Deficiencies of all kinds can create fatigue. Vitamin B12, vitamin D, folic acid, and iron deficiencies can all cause fatigue.
  • Infectious diseases can cause short-term fatigue, as anyone who’s had the flu can attest. However, some infections (such as Covid) can be long-term or even lifetime. CMV (cytomegalovirus), Lyme disease, EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) can cause long-term—even decades—of fatigue.
  • Chronic diseases often have fatigue as one of many symptoms. Diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and anemia can all cause fatigue and brain fog.

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Fatigue: The Adrenal Gland Connection

READ: Your Body’s Guardian Angels

Fatigue Siren

The Fatigue Siren Song

The number of people with fatigue problems is undoubtedly staggering. Once you have fatigue, you often can’t recover from it because the fatigue can entrap you into perpetuating itself.

Fatigue often prevents you from fixing your fatigue problem.

It takes action and energy to resolve your fatigue problem, but you may be too tired to do anything about it. If you reduce your activity level to match your available energy, your activity will continually reduce as your fatigue increases until there is little left of your life.

In Greek mythology, the Sirens (monsters who looked like beautiful women) sang to the sailors and lured them onto the rocks to their death. In real life, fatigue can lure you into a similar fate.

There is an Answer to Fatigue

There are three things you must know to be successful at ending your lack of energy and getting your life back the way you want it to be:

  1. DECIDE: You have to overcome the “Fatigue Siren Song” and decide to do what you must to end your fatigue. If you decide that you will handle the fatigue, and you aren’t slowing down until you do, then your chances of success get very high.
  2. REALIZE: Conventional health care can rarely help you with chronic fatigue. Medical doctors aren’t taught the knowledge and techniques to handle most causes of fatigue effectively. You’re going to have to find a holistic doctor.
  3. UNDERSTAND: Just because there’s no medical treatment available for most causes of fatigue, this doesn’t mean that there’s no hope. Your body can heal almost all of the causes of fatigue listed above.

Your body has a fantastic ability to heal itself. Just because there is no effective cure for your condition doesn’t mean that your body couldn’t—with some assistance—heal the problem.

Find Out More

You should find out if you could recover from your fatigue (or other “unsolvable” health condition). What would your life look like if this happened?

Find the underlying causes behind your fatigue. THIS IS A FREE ANALYSIS.


High Cholesterol or Statin Drugs: Which is Worse?

High Cholesterol or Statin Drugs: Which is Worse?

This article explains how the villain of “bad” cholesterol (called “LDL”) is really NOT the villain at all.

Instead, it’s a combination of cholesterol AND another health condition (“insulin resistance”) that causes the danger of heart disease.

THE PROBLEM: The most commonly prescribed treatment for high cholesterol MAY CAUSE insulin resistance.

Go Figure.

The term “high cholesterol” has become synonymous with “danger of heart disease or heart attack.” Thirty-five million Americans take statin drugs to control their cholesterol despite the side effects of muscle pain (very common), liver damage and… insulin resistance. Keep that last side effect in your mind: insulin resistance.

This article explains how the villain of LDL (“bad” cholesterol) is an essential part of your immune system, controlling inflammation and infection. LDL is also a building block for cells and is what testosterone and estrogen are made from.

So why the bad rap?

New research shows that LDL cholesterol becomes sticky and blocks arteries ONLY if the person also has insulin resistance (which causes high blood sugar).

So, the statin drug you take to prevent your arteries from clogging could be causing the very condition that causes your arteries to become clogged.

To understand more about the causes and solutions of insulin resistance (this is the REAL villain) read Insulin Resistance—More Dangerous Than High Cholesterol.

Dr. Melodie Billiot

Dr. Billiot

Dr. Melodie Billiot

More on Insulin Resistance

Read: Insulin Resistance– More Dangerous Than High Cholesterol


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Atherosclerosis– Is Your LDL Sticky?

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

Atherosclerosis is the thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque in the inner lining of an artery.

For as long as I remember, most people, including myself, have been told that LDL cholesterol is the bad villain of plaque build-up and HDL cholesterol is the good guy.

Of course, with this hypothesis, it would make perfect sense that the higher your LDL cholesterol, the greater the chance of getting atherosclerosis.

However, there is much more to the story and my hope today is to share a different angle that will shed some light on the real issues with LDL cholesterol and its nemesis called atherosclerosis.

The Significant Role of LDL in Our Bodies

Cholesterol isn’t inherently bad. In fact, it’s the building block for creating healthy cells. It also helps your body make testosterone and estrogen. Without LDL, these and many other steroid hormones wouldn’t be made effectively

Contrary to what we have been told, LDL cholesterol also has another good side: its ability to fight infections.

LDL plays a valuable and important role in the body’s response to an assault by infectious invaders. When bacteria invade our body, they release a cell wall component known as endotoxin. What is critically important and something we will dig in deeper in this article is that endotoxins are super inflammatory and can strongly trigger the immune system.

But research has shown that your friend LDL cholesterol is around to bind up this toxin preventing things from getting out of hand.

In a study using mice it was discovered that increased levels of LDL cholesterol were eight times more resistant to endotoxins. This showed a significant decrease in overall mortality when injected with gram-negative bacteria. On the other hand, rats with the lowest LDL cholesterol had an increased rate of mortality and levels of inflammation when injected with endotoxin.

Now, if you are like me, I would be asking, what about humans?

Is there evidence that higher levels of LDL cholesterol are protective against infections in humans? In fact, many studies are proving that higher levels of LDL cholesterol are protective as we age. This is more likely due to the positive impact on the immune system.

The answer is that LDL itself is not harmful, but in certain situations, it can be involved in responding to injury and inflammation. This, of course, makes LDL look like more of a firefighter than simply a criminal causing atherosclerosis.

So the question that we must ask ourselves is: Is there something more sinister behind the scenes that are actually driving heart disease (atherosclerosis)?

As I have discussed in a prior article, the real issue is insulin sensitivity and the stickiness factor.

In people who are insulin sensitive, rising LDL levels do not correlate with increased rates of heart disease. On the other hand, the higher the LDL, the greater opportunity for plaque formation in those who are insulin resistant. Remember it is not all about elevated levels of LDL but the more important villain of insulin resistance.

What will make our head spin is the fact that higher levels of LDL in the blood do not consistently correlate with the progression of atherosclerosis in the absence of insulin resistance.

LDL Stickiness is the Real Issue

Here is the important takeaway from this important article. LDL under certain circumstances (which I will mention in a minute) can get stuck within the arterial wall. So it is not the size or amount of LDL particles moving into the arteries that is important but rather if it sticks to the wall of the artery that determines whether or not it contributes to atherosclerosis.

Here is a good analogy:

If you were to throw a tennis ball at a wall unless the tennis ball and the wall were coated in velcro, the tennis ball would not stick. So to bring it back to reality, unless the LDL particle and arterial wall (the intimal space) were sticky, it does not matter how many LDL particles we have floating around in our arteries. The LDL “balls” only get stuck to the arterial wall when they are coated in what we will call “molecular velcro.” LDL is simply not enough of a problem alone to initiate plaque build-up. The takeaway is: it has to get stuck in the arterial wall to initiate the process of atherosclerosis.

Blocked Blood Vessels

Now the magic question

What in the world determines how sticky the LDL particle and the intimal space are?

There is now growing evidence during states of insulin resistance and inflammation that both the LDL particle and the arterial wall get coated in “molecular velcro” making everything more sticky, increasing atherosclerosis progression.

You may now be asking: really, how common is insulin resistance?

Would you believe that a massive 88 percent of the American population has some degree of metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance)?

So to conclude: 

In the absence of insulin resistance and inflammation, higher levels of LDL cholesterol are probably protective because of their roles in the immune response.

The Trail Out of Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease & Obesity

The Trail Out of Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease & Obesity

The Trail Out of Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease & Obesity

In many cases, there may be a way to prevent future damage to your life from your diagnosis.

It is NOT an “easy way out,” however.

If you possess some grit, determination, and self-discipline, if you are very upset with your diagnosis, and if you want a do-over on what the rest of your life may hold in store: read on.

I’ve found that diabetes, blood pressure, and heart disease can be confusing for many of my patients. These diagnoses can be terrifying, but at the same time, you may not have many (or any) symptoms directly related to the diseases. Often, patients have seemingly-unrelated symptoms that are making them miserable (joint pain, allergies, digestive problems, etc.), but the “pre-diabetes” or “high blood pressure” or “heart disease” aren’t directly producing much obvious trouble.

Most people in the US die from one or more of these illnesses, so your fear and upset with your diagnosis are correctly placed. “Health and Economic Costs of Chronic Diseases” CDC

Here are the basic facts you must know if you would prefer to live a long and active life without fear of disease.

  • For these diseases, medical treatment is limited to drugs to try to manage the disease process. There is no “cure.” If you’ve asked, your doctor will have told you that your only option is drug management and dietary changes to help you live as long as possible, but that the diseases are life-long.
  • I have worked with these cases for 27 years, and my experience has been extremely positive. Most patients respond very well to lifestyle changes and support to assist their bodies to heal themselves. Diabetes lab tests may become healthy, blood pressure and cholesterol drugs may no longer be needed; the weight comes off, etc. I don’t treat the disease. Instead, I support the body’s self-healing processes to help it overcome stress and heal itself.
  • These diseases continuously cause damage to your body, so the sooner you begin the process of recovery, the more successful you are likely to be.
  • To be successful, you’ll have to be dedicated and willing to go the long-haul. Helping your body to heal from these conditions isn’t easy or quick.

Understanding the Causes

These diseases carry a stigma of a poor or unhealthy lifestyle. Your doctor may even “blame” you for getting sick. “It’s all that extra weight I’ve been telling you to get rid of that’s causing your diabetes.”

No one will blame you for getting the flu or a cold. But with chronic illness, there’s an element of personal responsibility. You ate too much junk food, failed to exercise, drank too much alcohol, and now look what’s happened to you.

The truth is that this “personal responsibility” is mostly fiction. We live in a world where most of the available food is disease-causing. We’re bombarded nonstop with food-fiction designed to entice us into eating destructive foods and eating volumes more than we should. Our government supports and condones the sale of these foods, which are deliberately designed to be biologically addictive.

Chronic disease is supposed to be “non-communicable” in that it’s not passed on by bacteria or virus from one person to another. The science on this is quite a different story. You’re much more likely to be overweight if your family and friends are overweight.(1) Where you live is one of the most statistically important factors in whether you have a chronic disease, even more important than your genetics.(2) Culture plays a huge role in chronic disease, as is evidenced by comparing chronic disease in Europe vs. the US. Europeans have dramatically less heart disease, for example than Americans.

Non-communicable chronic diseases are, it turns out, highly infectious.

What Happens Insulin Resistance

The single most significant cause of chronic disease is our “industrial diet.” Our food is loaded with processed grains, sugars, starches, and refined fats. As you continue to eat quicky-absorbed sugars and bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes, the systems in your body designed to handle sugar begin to fail.

Most of the food you eat is broken down by your body into sugars. These sugars are moved into your cells by the hormone insulin. Insulin moves the sugar out of your blood and into your cells, where they produce your energy. If this system is overloaded by the high sugar and carbohydrate content of your diet, over a long period, you’ll develop “insulin resistance.” Now your cells require more insulin to absorb the same amount of sugar. As the insulin resistance increases, it eventually requires more insulin than your pancreas can manufacture to absorb your sugar. At this point, the sugar begins to build up in your bloodstream, causing inflammation, kidney stress, nervous system damage, weight gain, and many more chronic problems.

The first sign that you have a problem is not your blood sugar; it’s a high level of insulin. High insulin will make your body deteriorate. Insulin resistance leads to premature aging, along with heart disease, stroke, cancer, and dementia. High insulin causes weight gain in the belly area, unhealthy appetite, high cholesterol, low HDL, high triglycerides, thickening of the blood, and increased risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, and depression.

The Solution

Undoing the dietary causes of these diseases is a significant part of recovering from them. However, if you’ve tried to do this in the past, you may know the difficulty involved. You’ll need a plan, a program, and a team to work with to be successful with permanent diet and lifestyle changes.

Changing your diet is essential, but only about 30% of what you’ll need to do to recover.

The rest of your healing will depend on accurate information and testing to be effective. Despite the uniformity of medical treatment for these diseases, each person develops similar symptoms from different sources. To be successful, you will need to do a treatment program that is individualized and based on accurate testing.

Clinical nutrition is essential in helping your body to heal and rebuild damaged tissue. Cells are made of nutrition (food), so providing the exact “replacement parts” needed in the required quality and quantity is a vital requirement for healing.

A major reason your body can’t heal from a chronic condition is excessive stress. It’s like cutting your finger and not bandaging it; the dirt gets in the cut, and infection sets in, which prevents healing. The bandage reduces the stress on the wound so that the body can heal normally. In your body, stress from bacteria, virus, fungus, toxins, allergies, metals, etc. can prevent healing from occurring, even when clinical nutrition is used. These stressors must be identified with testing and labs, then natural means of reducing the stress can be used (acupressure, homeopathy, supplements, herbs, etc.)


[1] Christakis NA, Fowler JH. The spread of obesity in a large social network over 32 years. N Engl J Med. 2007 Jul 26;357(4):370-9.

[2] Graham GN. Why your zip code matters more than your genetic code: Promoting healthy outcomes from mother to child. Breastfeed Med. 2016 Oct;11:396-7.

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Insulin Resistance (Blood Sugar) Success!
  • Out of control blood sugar issues
  • Lousy diet
  • Exhausted


  • Normal range blood sugar
  • On REDUCED blood sugar medications
  • Exercising regularly without becoming exhausted!


Dr. Billiot’s treatments are great!

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Insulin Resistance Blood Sugar Graph
Insulin Resistance: More Dangerous Than High Cholesterol

Insulin Resistance: More Dangerous Than High Cholesterol

Insulin Resistance– More Dangerous Than High Cholesterol

Contrary to what most people have been told, elevated cholesterol is not the villain it has been made out to be. 

Unfortunately, many people are chasing the wrong criminal when it comes to improving health outcomes.

The medical literature is exploding with the dangers of insulin resistance in increasing cardiovascular disease and other disease entities.

It is reported that chronic insulin resistance is also associated with various types of cancer such as colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, endometrial cancer, and breast cancer.

Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t use glucose from your blood for energy. To make up for it, your pancreas makes more insulin. Over time, your blood sugar levels go up.

How to Change the Direction of Your Health

Read: The Trail Out of Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease & Obesity


Some signs of insulin resistance include:

Insulin Resistance Skin Tags Acanthosis Negricans


  • A waistline over 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women
  • Blood pressure readings of 130/80 or higher
  • A fasting glucose level over 100 mg/dL
  • A fasting triglyceride level over 150 mg/dL
  • Fasting insulin greater than 6
  • A HDL cholesterol level under 40 mg/dL in men and 50 mg/dL in women
  • Skin tags
  • Patches of dark, velvety skin called acanthosis nigricans

Effective Treatment for Insulin Resistance

Carbohydrates such as simple sugars, grains, and starchy vegetables should be avoided as they stimulate insulin secretion. They should be replaced with higher protein-containing foods and non-starchy vegetables.

Adequate vitamin D intake

Aerobic and resistance training–High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been found to be superior to low-intensity cardio. Of course, I suggest that people completely out of shape work their way up to HIIT. Start out slow. Some exercise is better than none.

Get adequate sleep.

Reduce stress– meditation is recommended.

Get adequate magnesium intake.

Take Berberine supplementation.


I recommend one take insulin resistance very seriously. The implications of being associated with increased cardiovascular disease and cancer are overwhelming. The following robust list of peer-reviewed citations should be reviewed. I have provided above a good starting point in reversing insulin resistance.

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

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Insulin Resistance (Blood Sugar) Success!
  • Out of control blood sugar issues
  • Lousy diet
  • Exhausted


  • Normal range blood sugar
  • On REDUCED blood sugar medications
  • Exercising regularly without becoming exhausted!


Dr. Billiot’s treatments are great!

Insulin Resistance Blood Sugar Graph
The Insanity of Disease Prevention

The Insanity of Disease Prevention

The Insanity of Disease Prevention

With heart disease and cancer killing 1.2 million annually (the two leading causes of death in the US), should you be fooled into believing that anything is really known about prevention?

If you worry sometimes (or a lot) about getting cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, or other life-altering (or life-ending) diseases, there’s a reason for that:

You aren’t in control of whether you get these diseases, and you are hoping that you get lucky.

Sure, that would worry anyone.

Using cars as an analogy: you climb into the passenger side of a car and look over to see your neighbor’s 16-year-old son getting into the driver’s seat. You are WORRIED! You’re sweating, you’re shaking. So, you get out, evict the kid from the car and drive it yourself. Suddenly, no worries! You’re back in control. It’s not like you are the world’s most talented driver, but you trust yourself to stay out of trouble.

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What if you did this for your health worries as well? What if you evicted your doctor from the driver’s seat and made the guy into an advisor instead? What if you stopped buying into the idea that “you can’t know” what to do to stay healthy and prevent disease other than general, inane stuff like “stop smoking.”

Here is an example of the insanity that passes for “Prevention” in our current health care system:

(Actual) “Top Tips for Cancer Prevention:”

  1. Don’t use tobacco.
  2. Eat a healthy diet.
  3. Exercise and avoid being overweight.
  4. Get regular medical care and screenings.

Here is my satire of these tips:

Top Tips for Auto Accident Prevention (Medical Version):

  1. Make sure your headlights work if you drive at night.
  2. Make sure your brakes and tires are inspected regularly.
  3. Test your horn.
  4. Schedule regular bumpergram imaging for early detection that you’ve already had an accident.

What’s Preventing the Prevention?

Prevention implies that something is being DONE to prevent the bad thing from happening. Current medical prevention includes no hint that you have some control of your own life and health outcome. There isn’t any inkling that you could be responsible for your health.

If you add personal responsibility and the idea that you can have control of your own health into the Tips List, it would look something like this:

Tips for Auto Accident Prevention (Personal Responsibility Version):

  1. Pay attention to the road, traffic and your environment.
  2. Drive as if the other guy might do something stupid at any time.
  3. Don’t do distracting things while driving (phones, radios, kids).
  4. Keep your speed and spacing with other vehicles so you have reaction time.

Tips for Cancer Prevention (Personal Responsibility Version):

  1. Test your body to find out if anything is inhibiting your immune system and correct it.
  2. Test your body to find out what you could do to help your body improve its overall health and do this.
  3. Find out what diet restrictions are needed with your body and develop a more ideal food plan to improve and maintain your health.
  4. Get tested regularly for cancer risk factors (such as thermography) and handle any that are found.

If you aren’t familiar with these last four tips, you should know that understanding them could be the answer to much of your worry about scary diseases.

To understand how these tips would work, here’s a quick rundown of important health information that is either little known or little understood:

Summary: Your body is intelligent and constantly is working to maintain and heal itself. By accessing information from the nervous system with specific types of testing, it’s possible to let the body be its own doctor. You can find out from it what help it needs and then assist it to heal itself. We have treatment techniques and supplements all designed to be used by the body to repair itself and return to health.

This Information Changes Everything

Working with the body to assist it to heal itself ends the standard trial-and-error methods of conventional medicine. It ends the tyranny of the pharmaceutical treatment model as the ONLY method of treatment accepted as legitimate. It gives you the ability to improve and control your own health, and to kick the teenage driver out of your car for good.