Amazing Olive Oil Benefits, How to Spot Fake Olive Oil

Amazing Olive Oil Benefits, How to Spot Fake Olive Oil

Amazing Olive Oil Benefits, How to Spot Fake Olive Oil

Some recent studies are showing that olive oil can help (a lot!) with cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It can help with diabetes. It can reduce inflammation and the chance of strokes.

But much of the olive oil in stores, including those labeled “Extra Virgin”, are cut with other vegetable oils. Read the article below to get the full story on the amazing benefits of olive oil, how to buy REAL olive oil, and how to test what you have to see if it’s OK.

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Olive Orchard

The Amazing Benefits of Olive Oil (Be Aware of Fake Olive Oil)

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

Olive Oil is considered a superfood source.

It is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats. The key fatty acid in olive oil is oleic acid. This fatty acid has been found to be responsible for lowering inflammation.

Research also suggests that oleic acid can reduce levels of important inflammatory markers like high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and Interleukin-6.

Reduced Stroke Events Associated with Consumption of Olive Oil

Thirty-two cohort studies (42 reports), including 841,211 subjects found that olive oil was the only source of monounsaturated fat associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Olive oil intake has also been shown to lower blood pressure. In one study, olive oil reduced the need for blood pressure medication by 48%.

The study found that a single dose of high polyphenol olive oil increased endothelial function (cells lining the interior of blood vessels), decreased “bad” LDL cholesterol from oxidation, and moderated blood glucose.

Diabetes Benefits

Several studies have found that olive oil, combined with a Mediterranean diet, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and improve insulin sensitivity.

Olive Oil and Helicobacter pylori

A study in humans suggested that 30 grams of extra virgin olive oil, taken daily, can eliminate Helicobacter pylori infection in 10–40% of people in as little as two weeks.

The results of lab studies showed olive oil’s phenolic compounds were effective against eight strains of H. pylori, including three that are resistant to some antibiotics.

Choose Your Olive Oil Wisely

Turns out many companies that make extra virgin olive oil dilute their product with cheaper, lower-grade oils like canola, safflower, or sunflower oils.

Brands that passed the University of California test were: Bariani, California Olive Oil, Kirkland Organic, Lucero, Lucini, McEvoy Ranch Organic, Olea Estates Ottavio. Look for the approval California Olive Oil Council (COOC Certified Extra Virgin).

If in doubt, you can test for fake olive oils yourself. Simply refrigerate the oil. It should become more solid as it gets colder. If your oil doesn’t become thick and cloudy in the refrigerator, you know it’s probably fake or lower-grade oil.

In addition, you can look for the seal denoting approval by the California Olive Oil Council, labeled as “COOC Certified Extra Virgin”

Seals of approval from the Italian Olive Grower’ Association, the Extra Virgin Alliance (EVA), and UNAPROL also signal a good pure product.

My advice: stick with high-quality brands that passed the University of California test of that have earned a seal of approval from one of the organizations I just mentioned.

Compliments from Functional Medicine University


Are You Healthy? A Conclusive Answer

Are You Healthy? A Conclusive Answer

Are You Healthy? A Conclusive Answer

It’s commonly thought that poor health means a diagnosed disease or chronic symptoms.

This short quiz reveals a different way of looking at your health.


Health Quiz:

  • Do you often think about your health and have some concerns about staying healthy?
  • Do you wake in the night and worry about your health?
  • Do you often think about what could go wrong or might be wrong with your health and how you might have to cope with it?
  • Do you feel as if you have a shortage of physical or mental energy to accomplish what you need to get done? Do you sometimes avoid or stop an activity because you don’t have enough energy?
  • Are you ever frustrated with your body and your health? Do you feel upset over digestive problems, joint pain, weight, lack of energy, hormone imbalances, etc.?
  • Are you concerned about your mental condition: anxiety, depression, concentration, or frustration because you can’t think of words?
  • Are you ever self-conscious or embarrassed about your body? This could be your appearance, or embarrassing problems such as burping, passing gas, or bad breath?
  • Are you fearful about going to your doctor for a checkup or blood work because of what he or she might find?

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Healthy definition


New Definitions for Healthy and Unhealthy

  • Here is a new definition of health: Health is having your attention and focus on your life, with minimal attention on your body.
  • Here is a new definition of unhealthy: Poor health is when your attention is stuck on your body when that attention should be on your life.


You can feel fine, have great energy, have no diagnosed illness, and have normal lab tests. But if you are concerned and worried about your body, you aren’t truly healthy.

If you have more available attention for any activity, your chances of success with that activity go way up. More attention on your marriage, children, profession, hobbies, or that brand-new idea or project you just have never gotten around to (but you would if you had more attention available!).

Your Most Important Tool

Your body is the main tool that you use to live your life. Like any good tool, it should work in a way that doesn’t call attention to itself and just lets you get the job done. A hammer or shovel that hurts your hands isn’t a good tool. A body that hurts to walk is the same: a poor tool. A body that can’t be trusted not to break down in the future is also a poor tool.

Healthy and Happy


How to Regain Your Attention (Your Life!)

Restored and Recovered Health is Possible

Thousands of patients have completely changed their lives with our help.

  • They report thinking more clearly with better memory, concentration and focus. They say this saves them time and money, even making them better parents, spouses, friends and coworkers.
  • Fear and anxiety about their health vanishes. They have new attention and energy to live their lives.
  • Most importantly, renewed health gives a new sense of the future. They no longer feel damaged or limited by their health. They look and feel healthy and vibrant!
  • … And so can you!

Your Plan to Increased Health and Attention

PLAN A: Take these four simple steps

Begin a treatment program specifically for you to handle your health problems.

PLAN B: Fill out an online questionnaire

Submit your Questionnaire, and you’ll receive a complimentary consultation to get more information and your individual health questions answered.

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