High Oxalates Foods: Much More than just Kidney Stone Risk

High Oxalates Foods: Much More than just Kidney Stone Risk

Low Oxalates Foods May Help Reduce Auto-Immune Disease Risk, Autism and Fibromyalgia

Oxalate (or oxalic acid) is a compound found in a variety of plant-based foods. Under a microscope, oxalates are jagged in structure and look somewhat crystalline.

During metabolism, oxalic acid combines with other minerals like calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium to form compounds like calcium oxalate and sodium oxalate in the kidneys. This, in turn, may be responsible for mineral deficiencies.

One of the most common issues with increased oxalates in the urine (hyperoxaluria) is the formation of kidney stones. However, if the body struggles to eliminate oxalate, it can accumulate as crystals anywhere in the body. Commonly it accumulates in the blood, then the eyes, bones, skin, muscles, blood vessels, heart, and other organs.

High oxalates have also been linked with autism and inflammatory bowel disease. It can also be an underlying issue in those with ongoing gut problems or irritable bowel syndrome.

Tissue destruction, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are all issues that can be related to oxalates because oxalate in tissues triggers the inflammasome reactions of the body’s innate immune system.

As a side note, the thyroid will also suffer as oxalates can bind to T3 and disturb thyroid function.

The following list of vegetables should help identify foods high in oxalates:

How to Eat to Improve Your Health

Read: Simple Immune-Boosting Diet that You Can Do

Oxalates Foods Chart

As you can see from the list above, your favorite spinach (> 900 mg of oxalates) green smoothie may be contributing to a host of health issues!

Low oxalate diets involve eating less food that’s high in oxalates. Foods high in oxalates include certain types of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and legumes.

On a low oxalate diet, you should limit your oxalate to 40 to 50 mg each day.


Whether for kidney stone prevention or to address other possible chronic health conditions, a low oxalate diet may be the solution.
On a low oxalate diet, you may notice a decreased risk of kidney stones, improved mineral absorption, diminished joint and muscle pain, improvement in fibromyalgia, autism symptoms, and autoimmune symptoms.

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP


The damaging effects of oxalates

Oxalic toxicity


Oxalate, inflammasome, kidney disease

How to eat a low oxalate diet/

Oxalates control in autism therapy

Pubmed – Pathogenic role in autism

Pathogenic role in autism

Increased cardiovascular disease

Arterial plaque contains oxalate/

Lowering urinary oxalate excretion

Compliments from Functional Medicine University

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SMASH: Potent Recipe to Increase Omega-3

SMASH: Potent Recipe to Increase Omega-3

SMASH: The Potent Recipe for Increasing Omega 3

The acronym SMASH stands for salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and herring. These are the fish that are safest and healthiest to eat. They are nutrient-rich, high in omega-3s, and are low in mercury.

Omega-3 Fish
SMASH fish are all small fish because the larger the fish and the longer its lifespan, the higher its mercury content.

Mercury, in excess, can impair vision, coordination, and speech and can cause muscle weakness.

Research, including a study published in a 2020 issue of the journal Biomolecules, has associated higher mercury levels in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Here are five reasons you should add more SMASH in your life.

1: SMASH fish are high in long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are easily absorbed, are high in anti-inflammatory properties, and can help reduce cardiac issues and symptoms of autoimmune conditions.

2: SMASH fish are high in selenium and low in mercury.

3: The proteins in SMASH fish are easy to digest.

4: SMASH fish contain iodine. Iodine is difficult to source from other foods, but it’s essential for proper thyroid and immune function.

5: SMASH fish are a great source of Vitamin D.

Long story short, start adding some SMASH fish into your diet- the benefits are endless!

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

Compliments from Functional Medicine University

Understand Omega-3 and Inflammation in 3 Minutes

Prostaglandins Omega-3

Inflammation is like water: it’s lifesaving in a glass, and can drown you in a flood. You must have inflammation to heal, but if it gets out of control you can have everything from skin rashes, joint pain, heart disease and autoimmune disease.

Inflammation is largely controlled by prostaglandins. Don’t be confused by the long name, prostaglandins are messagers that tell tissue, organs and cells what to do. They are like super-heroes, because they can act so rapidly in an injury emergency to reduce damage and start healing.

Prostaglandins created from Omega-6 fatty acids increase inflammation, and can rapidly respond to an injury to start the healing process.



Prostaglandins created from Omega-3 fatty acids reduce and control inflammation.

If you have more Omega-6 in your diet than Omega-3, inflammation can get out of control and severely damage your health. Most Americans eat a 20:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3. This partly explains the epidemic of heart disease, arthritis and autoimmune disease in the US.

Omega-6 (inflammation-causing) foods examples: (Found in fried foods, chips, candy, protein bars, butter substitutes and most processed foods)
  • Canola oil.
  • Corn oil.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Safflower oil.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Peanut oil.
Eating the SMASH fish diet is one way to reverse this Omega-6 ratio and reduce inflammation in your body.

You can balance your Omega-6 foods by eating more Omega-3 foods so that you don’t increase your inflammation.


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