3 Tests Tell You How Long You Will Live

3 Tests Tell You How Long You Will Live

3 Tests Tell You How Long You Will Live

Most people have a desire to live life to the fullest with a combination of quantity and quality.

There are many parameters that may determine how long you live, however,this short article presents the findings of five researchers who identified three simple tests you can do at home to measure your ability to add years to your life.

The medical paper published in the British Medical Journal in 2014 revealed a 13 year study where they took 1,355 men and 1,411 women in 1999 when they were 53 years old and then checked to see who was alive and well 13 years later in 2012.

The following are the three tests that were evaluated:

  1. Standing on one leg with your eyes closed for 10 seconds or longer
  2. Having a strong grip
  3. Being able to stand up and sit back down in a chair many times in a minute.

According to the researchers of this paper, these tests clearly represented tell-tale signs of longevity.

Perform well in all three tests at age 53 or so and you should be healthy and vibrant 13 years later, when you are 66.

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Less Stress = Longer Life

READ: Solve Stress Backwards

Researchers from University College London estimate that a 53 year old who can complete these tests successfully is up to 5 times more likely to be alive and well at 66 than someone who couldn’t complete the tests or who did them poorly.

There were far higher death rates among those who failed to complete the tasks.

Officially the tests are called:

The Chair Test (Standing up and sitting down in a chair 39 times in a minute for a man, and 36 times for a woman)

The balance test (standing on one leg for 10 seconds or longer with eyes closed)

The grip test (ability to apply a pressure of up to 54.5 kg or 120 pounds)


Cooper R1, Strand BH, Hardy R, Patel KV, Kuh D.Physical capability in mid-life and survival over 13 years of follow-up: British birth cohort study. BMJ. 2014 Apr 29;348:g2219

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., MS

Compliments from Functional Medicine University


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How to Increase Your Energy & Motivation

How to Increase Your Energy & Motivation

How to increase your energy and motivation.

There are products galore to improve energy and motivation. There are energy drinks, exercise programs, self-help books, therapy, drugs, even coffee!

Here are two practical actions you can take to boost your energy, motivation, and general mood. Neither one will cost you any money, and they don’t take much time.

Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

1. Smooth out your blood sugar:

Your blood sugar is the primary source of energy for your body, including your nervous system. If you eat in a way that creates low blood sugar, you may experience:

  • Waking in the night and nightmares
  • Brain fog and concentration problems
  • Heart palpitations and anxiety
  • Hunger, or the reverse: a feeling of aversion to food, even if you should be hungry
  • Mood swings and nervousness
  • Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Jittery, shaky feelings
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness, and loss of balance and coordination
You can have low blood sugar from… eating sugar!

Eating sugar or refined carbohydrates (bread, chips, pasta, cakes, cookies) can put too much sugar into your bloodstream. Your body reacts to prevent high-sugar damage by flooding the bloodstream with a hormone (insulin) to bring the sugar levels down. The high sugar emergency caused too much insulin hormone to be released, and now the sugar drops way too low. You feel terrible and crave sweets, bread, chips—anything that will bring up the low blood sugar. But you overeat the carbs and sugar, and now your blood sugar goes too high. Your body has another sugar emergency, over-produces insulin again, and the whole cycle repeats. “Roller-coaster” blood sugar is a very common scenario and can cause chronic symptoms from low blood sugar. Solution:

  1. Avoid eating sugar (cake candy, cookies, ice cream, soda, beer, wine) and limit your carbs intake (bread, pasta, rice, and white potatoes).
  2. Eat protein (meat, eggs, cheese, nuts) with every meal and every snack.
  3. If you feel jittery, like you have low blood sugar, eat protein and vegetables instead of chips, bread, and sugar. Keep eating protein and veggies (for example, no-sugar peanut butter on celery) until you feel better.
Another way you can have low blood sugar is not eating regularly enough:

Your body runs out of stored blood sugar about four hours after a meal. So if you skip lunch, by dinner time, your body can have to break down protein from the muscles to make blood sugar. This problem is worse if you have fatigued adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands prevent your body from being damaged by stress, so if you’ve been surviving through the stress of the past few years, maybe they’re not in wonderful condition. Solution: Eat frequently enough to prevent running out of blood sugar.

  1. Eat within an hour of waking in the morning (you are running out of blood sugar from not eating since the night before).
  2. Eat again four hours after a meal.
  3. A snack will give you one to two hours to bridge two meals to avoid running out of blood sugar.

My patients often report remarkable improvements from eating this way. They can think more clearly, sleep better, and have more energy.

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2. Stop feeling overwhelmed, and be more motivated! Do this simple exercise:

If you have too many jobs, responsibilities, deadlines, and things you are behind on—you may feel overwhelmed. It’s hard to be motivated to do more when you feel like you can’t keep up with what you’re already supposed to be doing. The problem: You are using up too many of your available “attention units.” You can feel irritable and at the end of your rope, or you may just feel tired and unmotivated.

The exercise:
  1. Take pen and paper and write out a list of the things you have your attention on. List the things you haven’t finished yet, or need to do. The list can be any length, but try to make it complete.


  • Grocery shopping for this week
  • Finish next phase of a major project at work
  • Take the car in for maintenance
  • Catch up on laundry
  • Call and visit with a family member
  • Buy a birthday gift for a friend
  • Get the exterior of the house painted
  • (Etc.)
  1. Circle the items on the list that you could complete (finish all the way) in the next hour.
  2. Get busy and do these tasks right now.
  3. Notice any difference in how overwhelmed you feel—do you feel better now?
  4. You can continue to work on your list. In general, do the tasks you can complete (finished all the way) first.

The reason that this exercise works: Every item on your list is using up some of your available attention units. If you free some attention units (regardless of the importance of the task), you will have more available for other tasks, plus you won’t be as overwhelmed.

Tell Me How You’re Doing

Just write to me at PatientServices@AlternativeHealthAtlanta.com. I am concerned and very interested in your experience. Wishing you the very best,

Dr. Billiot

Allergies Don’t Have to be a Forever Problem

Allergies Don’t Have to be a Forever Problem

Allergies Don’t Have to be a “Forever” Problem

If you have allergies, you are usually doing your best to live with them. You are trying to avoid the foods and environmental substances that trigger your reactions (in many cases, you might not know what they all are). Even after avoiding the allergens, many people often have reactions anyway.

Many allergies are challenging or impossible to avoid (like Georgia pollen in the Spring!).

Allergies Often cause other Health Problems Allergy Nose

Many common health conditions are either caused by or prolonged because of allergies.

If you have hormone problems, migraines, skin conditions, depression, anxiety, brain fog, ADHD, thyroid problems, digestive problems (and many more conditions), they might be caused by allergies. What is common for allergy-caused health problems is that they don’t go away or keep coming back. Your body can’t heal because of continued stress from allergy exposure.

You might think, “But that’s not what is causing my health problems because I don’t have allergies.”

It is very common to have allergies and sensitivities, but not know this. Food sensitivities can be delayed up to three days, so you’d never connect the reaction to a food. You can react to invisible environmental substances that you would never suspect, like dust mites and roach droppings.

The health problems you suffer from could be caused by stress to your body and immune system from allergic reactions.

Here’s a list of allergy information and facts that you’d want to know:
  • People can develop new allergies to foods and environmental items (pollen, dust, animal fur) at any time in their lives.
  • An allergy is an over-response of the immune system to a substance. Your body decides that a harmless substance is a threat and mounts a defensive response to it.
  • Many food sensitivities are delayed reactions (called IgG sensitivities) and can cause reactions up to three days after you eat the offending food. These reactions are often not recognized as allergic reactions and can be almost anything (headaches, itchy skin, constipation, gas and bloating, blurred vision, etc.).
  • Often, people with environmental allergies have no clue that they could also have food allergies or sensitivities.
  • Most IgG (delayed) food sensitivities can be identified with a blood lab and eliminated simply by avoiding the food for three months or so, then adding it back into your diet on a rotating basis. Many health problems can be improved this way even though you never suspected that you had sensitivities.
  • Often, we can permanently eliminate sensitivity reactions with acupressure treatments (acupressure in our clinic is acupuncture technology using lasers instead of needles). Sensitivity symptoms can be reduced or even eliminated with specific acupressure therapies.

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Help for Allergies?

Correctly identifying patients who are allergy cases and discovering what they are allergic to is the first step. Remember: You may have no idea that your problems are from allergies.

Next is developing a treatment program to eliminate or reduce sensitivities and help the body to recover from the damage caused by that stress.

Note that this is very different from the usual medical solution of taking drugs to suppress allergy symptoms. If allergies cause your health problems, suppressing the allergic symptoms will not help you heal. Your body would have to stop reacting to the allergens to recover.

Many sensitivities can be permanently eliminated using acupressure treatments. (Acupressure is acupuncture technology using lasers to stimulate the acupuncture points.)

Here’s a video explaining this:

Help for Allergies?

Correctly identifying patients who are allergy cases and discovering what they are allergic to is the first step. Remember: You may have no idea that your problems are from allergies.

Next is developing a treatment program to eliminate or reduce sensitivities and help the body to recover from the damage caused by that stress.

Note that this is very different from the usual medical solution of taking drugs to suppress allergy symptoms. If allergies cause your health problems, suppressing the allergic symptoms will not help you heal. Your body would have to stop reacting to the allergens to recover.

Many sensitivities can be permanently eliminated using acupressure treatments. (Acupressure is acupuncture technology using lasers to stimulate the acupuncture points.)

Here’s a video explaining this:

I have targeted programs to help many different kinds of sensitivity patients:

  • Sometimes, all that’s needed is a short course of acupressure treatments and some supporting supplements.
  • Other patients with long-term chronic health problems need more detailed analysis, labs, and help over a more extended period to fully recover their health.

If you’d like to find out quickly if I could help you and what you would  have to do:

Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll review your information, then have my assistant call you for any additional information. Then, I’ll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. This assessment is complimentary, with no strings attached. Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

Allergy Success!
I have had horrible cat allergies for most of my life. So bad that it has even sent me to the hospital. My throat starts to close up, I start to have shortness of breath, and my eyes start to water. Then after a while, I start to have a full-blown asthma attack.
This past weekend, I had Easter dinner with my husband’s side of the family, who are hoarders with loads of cats. Normally, I can’t spend more than an hour there without having a reaction and a migraine that lasts for days after.
This weekend, we spent about 3 ½ hours there, and I had little to no problems.
It was amazing.
–S.R. 4/6/21
What’s Your Waist to Hip Ratio? Your Health Depends on It

What’s Your Waist to Hip Ratio? Your Health Depends on It

What’s Your Waist to Hip Ratio? Your Health Depends on It

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is a quick measure of fat distribution that may help indicate a person’s overall health.

What does a person’s waist-to-hip ratio say about their health?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), having a WHR of over 1.0 may increase the risk of developing conditions that relate to being overweight, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

This may be the case even if other measures of being overweight, such as body mass index (BMI) are in normal range.

The following chart shows how the WHO classify the risk of being affected by weight related health conditions according to WHR:

WHR Chart

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Impact on Health

Research shows people who are “apple-shaped” are at a greater risk of certain health conditions than those who are “pear-shaped” (when the hips are wider than the upper body).

These health conditions include:

Cardiovascular disease: One study found that abdominal obesity increased the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Another study found the WHR predicted cardiovascular disease more effectively than BMI or waist circumference. A third study found that WHR is a better indicator of risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease than waist circumference alone.

Type 2 diabetes: A 2016 study found that an increased waist circumference was linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Fertility: A 2002 study found that women with a WHR of over 0.80 have a lower pregnancy rate than those with a lower WHR, regardless of their BMI.

A 2006 study with almost 15,000 older people (75 years of age or older), it was concluded that “waist to hip ratio” is more important than how much you weigh. The researchers looked at the relationship between waist to hip ratio and Body Mass Index (BMI – how we measure weight for height) and how many people died over the next 6 years.

As it turned out, WHR is even more accurate than BMI for predicting the risks of cardiovascular disease and premature death. In other words, it was “location, location, location” of fat that was most important – not how much you weigh. 

More studies include related to WHR and Health Issues include:

A 2021 study found that WHR is an accurate tool for predicting hypertension.

A 2015 study showed that increased WHR is a better indicator than BMI for predicting complications in trauma patients.

A 2018 study shared that a high WHR was a significant predictor of death in women with heart failure.

A 2016 study found that a high WHR was associated with hypertension and diabetes.

The Health Benefits of Decreasing WHR

A 2020 study found that decreasing WHR by 5 percent significantly lowered risks of developing chronic kidney disease in people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

So how do you measure your waist to hip ratio? You need a tape measure and a calculator. Here’s how you do it: 

1: Measure your waist at the smallest point – usually at the naval or just above it
2: Measure you hips at the widest, largest part
3: Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement (Waist Measurement ÷ Hip Measurement)

The idea here is that your waist should be smaller than your hips. If your waist is bigger than your hips, than you may have too much fat concentrated around the middle part of your body – something known as “intra-abdominal obesity”.

The concept is quite simple here in that intra-abdominal fat is bad for your health.


Measuring a person’s WHR is a quick way to get an indication of:

  1. Overall health
  2. Obesity levels
  3. Risk of weight-related health conditions

Compliments from Functional Medicine University



What Do You Mean By Leaky Gut?

What Do You Mean By Leaky Gut?


Below this Introduction is a well-written in-depth article on Leaky Gut with some great examples of how it happens. This Introduction is a short version if you don’t have time for the full story.

There is this thing called “Leaky Gut” that you may have heard of or run across.

You may already know something about it, or it may be an unknown, just vaguely alarming.

You do need to know about it because it’s increasingly common and can mess up your life in ways that you would never normally associate with anything related to digestion.

Leaky Gut can be a Factor in:

  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Symptoms resembling autism
  • Chronic and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Eczema
  • Food allergies and intolerances
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Joint and collagen problems
  • Compromised liver function
  • Malnutrition
  • Multiple chemical sensitivities
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin disorders ranging from urticaria to acne and dermatitis
  • Symptoms like schizophrenia

Leaky Gut can cause stress to your immune system leading to chronic problems (the ones that don’t get better) of all kinds.

What Is It?

To understand Leaky Gut, you must know about the two main functions of the “gut” (small intestine):

  1. To absorb nutrients from the food you eat by transferring them from the gut into the bloodstream.
  2. A barrier to protect your body from the microbes, undigested food and other unwelcomes from escaping out of the gut.
Fatty Liver Chart

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“Leaky Gut” happens when your gut fails to some degree with these two functions.

Leaky gut is associated with a wide range of general symptoms such as fatigue, abdominal pain or bloating, diarrhea, feelings of toxicity, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and poor tolerance of exercise.

Because your absorption of food is affected, you can have multiple health problems from malnutrition, despite eating a healthy diet.

Do I Have Leaky Gut?

If you have one of the conditions listed at the beginning of this article, or if you have chronic health problems of long duration, there is a possibility that Leaky Gut is a contributing factor or the primary cause of your difficulties.

There are degrees of Leaky Gut. The problem is that once this gets started, it tends to become worse and rarely heals itself.

How to Avoid or Improve Leaky Gut

  1. Clean up your diet. Food chemicals such as preservatives, colors, and flavor enhancers often worsen gut problems. Eat fresh foods, not canned, bottled, or bagged. Stop all fast and junk foods. Limit restaurant foods.
  2. Find your allergies and avoid them. There are effective blood tests for this. Allergies are one of the main stress factors that worsen Leaky Gut.
  3. Eat protein and veggies, limit carbs and eliminate sugars.
  4. Avoid antibiotics (soaps and drugs) unless absolutely necessary.
  5. Eat plenty of high-fiber foods.
  6. Don’t take NSAIDs (like ibuprofen).
  7. Eat fermented foods and take good probiotics.
I hope this helps!

Dr. Melodie Billiot

More about Leaky Gut

READ: Leaky Gut: Hey, It’s All Your MOM’S Fault

What Do You Mean By Leaky Gut

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

The intestinal lining has two opposite functions:

  1. The absorption of nutrients from food in the digestive tract.
  2. A barrier function, to control microbes or large food particles from going beyond the gut environment and getting into the bloodstream.

The digestive tract has tiny permeable openings between the cells (called tight junctions) to absorb nutrients from our food. If these pore-like structures open too wide, toxins from the gut can spill over into the bloodstream, overwhelming the liver and causing allergies or any of dozens of other ailments.

This malfunction is known as hyperpermeability because the lining has become too permeable (porous)

It’s also called Leaky Gut Syndrome because the gut begins leaking larger food particles and toxins from the gut.

It’s not a disease per se, but rather a natural process gone bad. Under normal optimal conditions, these pores open and close whenever nutrients are absorbed from our food. Only when the pores open too wide is leaky gut is said to occur.

The Big Picture Behind Leaky Gut: The Real Story

Here’s a detailed account of how leaky gut occurs. Let’s use the example of someone who has a food allergy. Suppose Mary has a wheat allergy and innocently eats a bagel; this can elicit a reaction in her body. If she has an immediate food allergy, her immune system may begin reacting right away. If she has delayed allergies, the reaction may not occur for as long as three hours, but it could take as long as forty-eight hours to occur.

What is surprising is that no matter when it occurs, Mary may not even be aware that it’s happening. She may have a vague feeling of discomfort that could include mild indigestion, a headache, or even joint or muscle aches.

Although she may not notice anything more than vague discomfort at the time, she may develop some chronic problems later down the road, such as auto-immune disorders, allergies, asthma, or arthritis. And she probably won’t link it to this microscopic process going on in her digestive tract as the lining becomes too permeable and begins leaking tiny particles.

On the other hand, she may have noticed that if she cheats on her allergy diet and has milk for breakfast, sometime that day or the next, her joints may be achy, and exercise will become a major effort.

The response of Mary’s body to the offending food also activates her immune system. When she eats allergic foods, her immune system sounds the alarm through chemical messengers, the cytokines. They act like horn-blowers calling out the cavalry, and their job is to bring the infection fighters (the antibodies).

Now the immune system is set in motion. While we always have cytokines as an essential part of our system, the gut will start leaking when too many cytokines and other immune chemicals are circulating in the bloodstream.

The Healthy Mucosal Lining

When Mary’s system is working properly, absorption occurs through tiny structures in the small intestine lining. All this is happening on a microscopic level. Nutrients are being absorbed through three structures:

  • Directly through the cells of the gut lining, called transcellular absorption
  • Between the cells, in paracellular absorption
  • In the crypts, tiny crevices in the lining of the gut

Each structure is programmed to absorb nutrient molecules of a particular size and electromagnetic charge. Between the fingerlike villi lining the gut are crypts, crevices at the base of each villi, like the webbing between your fingers. Because of their larger size, the crypts absorb bigger molecules, such as the disaccharides, which are complex sugars.

Between every cell in the gut lining is a tiny pore-like structure called a tight junction. These tiny pores are also active during digestion. They expand and contract just as other muscles do, opening and closing to release nutrients from the gut into the bloodstream or contain the food mix as it passes through the gut.

The Damaged Mucosal Barrier

Too many immune chemicals can cause the pores to open too wide, causing too much permeability. When there’s inflammation or any crisis in the body, if too many immune-signaling chemicals are circulating in the bloodstream, they can overstimulate the tight junctions, causing the pores to open too wide.

This process can be compared to a house with doors wired to a fire alarm system. If the alarm system malfunctions, it may keep all the doors in the house open and won’t let them close. Clearly, other problems can result. Intruders could easily enter the house.

Leaky gut can raise the body’s exposure to intruders, such as bacteria, yeast, or large food particles that would normally remain in the gut. Again, when the pores open too wide, material is inappropriately released into the bloodstream. In Mary’s case, if her immune system detects large food particles in the bloodstream (perhaps other innocent foods, released through the leaky gut), it will assume they’re allergens and launch a second attack, flooding her system with more cytokines. Then the whole dynamic just gets worse.

Resolving hyperpermeability can have Real Benefits.

Leaky gut is associated with a wide range of general symptoms such as fatigue of unknown origin, abdominal pain or bloating, diarrhea, feelings of toxicity, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and poor tolerance of exercise.

Hyperpermeability can be an underlying factor in such conditions as:

  • Attention deficit disorders
  • Symptoms resembling autism
  • Chronic and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Eczema
  • Food allergies and intolerances
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Joint and collagen problems
  • Compromised liver function
  • Malnutrition
  • Multiple chemical sensitivities
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin disorders ranging from urticaria to acne and dermatitis
  • Symptoms like schizophrenia

Conditions that May Cause Leaky Gut

  • Aging
  • HIV
  • AIDS with diarrhea
  • Alcoholism
  • Malnutrition
  • Burns
  • Cancer
  • Pancreatitis
  • Celiac disease
  • Psoriasis
  • Certain drugs
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Shock or anaphylaxis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Toxic shock syndrome
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Trauma
  • Giardia and other parasites
  • Ulcerative colitis

Compliments from Functional Medicine University