Trillion-Dollar Weight Loss

Trillion-Dollar Weight Loss

A recent article in The Economist is titled “The battle over the trillion-dollar weight-loss bonanza.”
You’ve probably heard about the new weight-loss drugs such as Wegovy and Zepbound (called GLP-1 agonists), which can quickly reduce a person’s body weight by 15%. That’s 30 pounds lost if you weigh 200 pounds.
The Economist is predicting that annual sales of these drugs may reach $80 billion by 2030.
Close to half the world’s population is predicted to be obese or overweight by 2030 (World Obesity Federation). So, a trillion dollars in sales over a few years is not a stretch.
In the history of pharmaceuticals, there has never been a product that was used by patients long-term that didn’t develop side effects. Generally, the more powerful the drug, the worse the side effects, as the chemical disrupts normal body functions.
These weight-loss drugs must be used for life and already have severe side effects (nausea, muscle loss, loss of enjoyment of foods). There is no predicting what happens after a person takes them for 10+ years.
Then, there’s human nature. As a species, we are not exceptionally good at doing things we don’t like unless there are consequences. Many overweight people live much healthier lifestyles to control their weight. Would they continue to eat well and exercise if they could take a drug and live any way they wanted?

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Your Body is the Best Doctor for Your Body

Conventional medicine is very good at solving many health issues. Infections, trauma, and disease processes that the body can’t control are examples.
Medicine gets in trouble when it pushes the boundaries of its knowledge and proven techniques without sufficient due diligence. Developing chemicals that can alter the body in powerful ways without understanding how they work has been proven dangerous. Add a trillion-dollar incentive to this, and a disaster is very likely to occur.
There are effective ways of assisting your body in healing itself that don’t run these risks. This approach helps you to be healthier, more stable, and more able to live confidently in a toxic and stressful world.

Find out if you can get healthy naturally without dangerous drugs and surgery.

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Would Intermittent Fasting Work for You?

Would Intermittent Fasting Work for You?

The Intermittent Fasting Test: Could You Benefit?

  • Do you get shaky or irritable if hungry?
  • Do you get out of breath climbing stairs?
  • Are you fatigued in the afternoons?
  • Do you have trouble getting or staying asleep?
  • Do you have stiff or painful joints?
  • Do you have fluid retention?
  • Do your ears ring?

If you have several of these symptoms, intermittent fasting might not be a good thing for you to do. More accurate testing could determine what WOULD work to lose weight. Often this will be a solution to improve your overall health rather than diet and exercise weight loss.

What’s Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. For example, you might eat only between 8 AM and 6 PM, or you might fast for two full nonconsecutive days a week. There are a lot of variations.

The benefits: The idea is to improve your health by mimicking ancient eating schedules instead of always having food available. Reportedly, you can increase your mental clarity, burn fat and lose weight, feel better overall and improve your health to avoid diseases.

I believe that some people may get substantial benefits from intermittent fasting. I’ve read the research and rationales behind it, and much of it does make sense.

Where I can’t entirely agree is that any diet, food, supplement, or treatment could work for “everyone.” As an example, in my practice, I see mainly severe chronic cases. These people are physically very stressed. They are very toxic and usually have some immune suppression. Intermittent fasting would be about the worst thing that many of these people could do to themselves.

“Testing,” a Weird New Idea?

I can’t think of any single food, supplement, or treatment that would be appropriate for every patient I’ve had in the past year. Well, except for maybe clean water.  Every person is unique in many ways and needs different solutions.

When I make this statement to people, they often ask, “But, how would you be able to tell who would benefit and who would not?” This confusion shows how foreign the concept of TESTING is to most people. If you could accurately test someone to determine what foods, supplements, diets, and treatments would be effective and safe for them—why would anyone make any decisions without testing first?

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Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting


Medicine’s Failure to Test

When medical doctors treat patients with chronic illness, they test to diagnose but don’t test to determine causes. Not knowing the cause, the doctor must follow a fixed treatment protocol for that diagnosis and often only treat symptoms. The result is often a lessening of the symptoms but no solution to the actual problem. The undiscovered cause of their conditions or diseases may continue to deteriorate their health, and the patient may suffer from chronic health conditions for the rest of their lives.

“One Accurate Measurement is Worth a Thousand Expert Opinions”

—Admiral Grace Hopper

The practice of medicine relies on the doctor’s opinion as the primary method of deciding what is wrong with the patient and what treatment would be effective. This is so true that it’s normal to seek a second opinion to see if you can get more than one doctor to agree on your treatment.

My long experience is that many—maybe most—people are so used to this medical guessing that they’ll shrug and say, “So what’s the problem with opinions?” The problem is that an opinion is really a guess.

Doctors have been practicing this way for so long that we think it’s normal. But what other profession could get away with this approach? Would you need a “second opinion” on the engineering of a bridge or skyscraper or the design of your car? These and almost all other professions rely on accurate measurements and proven methods based on scientific and engineering principles that consistently get results.

Engineers do not guess. Neither do carpenters, chefs, pilots, accountants, or carpet installers.

Professionals are expected to “know their stuff” and get a predictable, effective result. Except for doctors! (Well, and, maybe philosophers, sports bookies, and politicians.)

The Takeaway:

Everyone’s body is different.

Your genetics, damage from illnesses and injuries, the diet you were raised on, your preferences, your environment, available food, your drug history, stress history, personality, and many more variables are all different from other individuals.

So, there is no “universal” diet, food, lifestyle, supplement, drug, or treatment that would get good results for everyone. Far, far from it!

The ability to test any of the above items before recommending them to an individual is not only of critical importance, it is obvious.

Because: the only other option would be to GUESS.

The High-Performance Life Health Trap

The High-Performance Life Health Trap

The High-Performance Life Health Trap

“I don’t waste time with excuses or blaming others. I’m here to create a successful outcome.”

This can be the high-performance attitude of:

  • Corporate CEOs
  • Sports heroes
  • Moms
  • Employees working their way to a better job
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners
  • Teachers
  • YOU!

If this is YOU, ask yourself this simple question, and give yourself an honest, thoughtful answer:


Does your answer start you thinking of multiple health issues you are ignoring? Sleep, energy, digestive problems, weight, pain, brain fog, memory, concentration?

Just for a second, imagine your life without these health problems. How are these problems slowing you down, frustrating you, worrying you, or frightening you?


Did you ask your doctor about these problems and get no help?

High-performance people commonly push through health issues. Nothing stops them! This habit can become a trap when the problems aren’t temporary. The person can just keep going until they crash.

If You Feel Bad, Something is Very Wrong

The truth is that if you take the right actions, you can reverse your health issues, improve your performance and happiness, and avoid worse problems in the future.

If you don’t do anything effective about your health, your happiness can be reduced. Your health may worsen, and you may eventually have a health problem that your doctor can diagnose. At this point, treatment will likely be long-term medication to control a symptom while your health continues to deteriorate.

There Is a Solution That Will Work for You

The truth: You can resolve your problems and return to a higher level of physical and mental performance. As a high-performance person, this may be all you need to know.

Are you ready to prioritize your health, so it gets handled? The alternative might be kicking the can down the road.

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Guide to a Plan
Guide to a Plan

You Don’t Need a Treatment; You Need a Guide and a Program

For problems that don’t respond to medical treatment, no single treatment is likely to help. Your problem is probably more complex than a single drug, supplement, or diet solution.

You need an entire program to work with your body, diet, and lifestyle to restore your life and health. You’ll also need a guide working with you through the program to ensure you get a full result.

This doesn’t have to be hard. It could be done in less time than you may be imagining.

I understand how you feel; it was my own frightening health experiences that inspired my clinic. I’ve been where you are myself.

I’ve been helping cases like yours for 28 years and have developed a comprehensive program that is individualized and unique to you. What I do isn’t a secret! You can go to my Information and Education Hub webpage and read as much as you like about what I do and how it works.

Here is your plan:
  1. Use the link below to go to my online health quiz, (or just call to talk to us.)
  2. If you submit your quiz, we’ll call you for a phone consultation to determine if it’s likely that we could help you.
  3. You’ll get started toward feeling better and achieving your health goals.




TO START YOUR PLAN: Fill out an online questionnaire

Submit your Questionnaire, and you’ll receive a complimentary consultation to get more information about causes to your problems and your individual health questions answered. 

OR: Save time, request an appointment and we will call you

Receive a phone consultation to determine if you’re a good candidate for our programs. Then, we’ll get you scheduled and moving toward a solution for your health.

Feeling So Much Better!

I’ve been coming to Alternative Health Atlanta for only 2 ½ weeks and I already am experiencing relief from problems that I’ve tried to cure with medication, exercise and willpower. None of these methods have resulted in the peaceful night’s sleep, the sense of well-being and the decrease in my anxiety levels that I am now experiencing. After each visit, I sleep a little better, feel less anxious and have more energy. I am so excited about continuing to improve mentally and physically. It’s a Godsend! —M.K.
Energy is Life; Fatigue is No Life

Energy is Life; Fatigue is No Life

Energy is Life; Fatigue is No Life

If you have a fatigue problem, you know it.

The Misery Package

Often physical fatigue combines with mental sluggishness. Brain fog, poor concentration, and memory problems at the same time you have no energy can make up a misery package.

Physical and mental fatigue combined can be a knockout blow to your life.

You get two choices:

  1. Push through the fatigue to live your life as best you can. Although this is admirable, the stress of pushing yourself can lead to additional health problems.
  2. Reduce your activity level to what you feel you can do. Pacing yourself sounds like a sensible solution, except that in most cases, your energy will continue to drop, and you’ll do less and less. Living with reduced output and accomplishment can lead to depression, apathy, and a poor quality of life.

Causes of Fatigue

Fatigue has physical causes, but only a few of these are medically treatable.

Fatigue can come from many different sources:

  • Thyroid: This is a hormone gland that controls your metabolism, your heart (your primary source of energy), and your brain. So, a thyroid malfunction can slow your metabolism, cause fatigue from heart stress, and create severe brain fog. Often this won’t show on a blood test.
  • Adrenals: These glands create a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol controls your blood sugar and blood pressure, digestion, and whether you feel hungry. It manages your sleep, your ability to tolerate physical activity, and your ability to cope with stress. Are you sluggish in the morning? Do you crash in the afternoons? Do you have high energy at midnight? Cortisol can be the culprit in all of these.
  • Sleep problems can cause fatigue and brain fog. If you try to solve your sleep problem with drugs, you’ll still get no actual sleep. The drugs will knock you out into what looks like sleep, while your sleep deficiency continues, and drug dependency increases.
  • Heart stress can cause debilitating fatigue. In some cases, you will be diagnosed and treated with drugs, surgeries, or pacemakers. But the fatigue, though improved, can persist. In other cases, your heart stress may not show up on labs or tests—but your fatigue will continue.
  • Medications often have fatigue as a side effect. Culprits are blood pressure meds, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety meds, steroids, and antihistamines. Solution: get healthy enough to get off your meds!
  • Mental problems can suck the life out of you, creating lethargy and fatigue. Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, drug or alcohol abuse, and grief all can create fatigue.
  • Deficiencies of all kinds can create fatigue. Vitamin B12, vitamin D, folic acid, and iron deficiencies can all cause fatigue.
  • Infectious diseases can cause short-term fatigue, as anyone who’s had the flu can attest. However, some infections (such as Covid) can be long-term or even lifetime. CMV (cytomegalovirus), Lyme disease, EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) can cause long-term—even decades—of fatigue.
  • Chronic diseases often have fatigue as one of many symptoms. Diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and anemia can all cause fatigue and brain fog.

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Fatigue: The Adrenal Gland Connection

READ: Your Body’s Guardian Angels

Fatigue Siren

The Fatigue Siren Song

The number of people with fatigue problems is undoubtedly staggering. Once you have fatigue, you often can’t recover from it because the fatigue can entrap you into perpetuating itself.

Fatigue often prevents you from fixing your fatigue problem.

It takes action and energy to resolve your fatigue problem, but you may be too tired to do anything about it. If you reduce your activity level to match your available energy, your activity will continually reduce as your fatigue increases until there is little left of your life.

In Greek mythology, the Sirens (monsters who looked like beautiful women) sang to the sailors and lured them onto the rocks to their death. In real life, fatigue can lure you into a similar fate.

There is an Answer to Fatigue

There are three things you must know to be successful at ending your lack of energy and getting your life back the way you want it to be:

  1. DECIDE: You have to overcome the “Fatigue Siren Song” and decide to do what you must to end your fatigue. If you decide that you will handle the fatigue, and you aren’t slowing down until you do, then your chances of success get very high.
  2. REALIZE: Conventional health care can rarely help you with chronic fatigue. Medical doctors aren’t taught the knowledge and techniques to handle most causes of fatigue effectively. You’re going to have to find a holistic doctor.
  3. UNDERSTAND: Just because there’s no medical treatment available for most causes of fatigue, this doesn’t mean that there’s no hope. Your body can heal almost all of the causes of fatigue listed above.

Your body has a fantastic ability to heal itself. Just because there is no effective cure for your condition doesn’t mean that your body couldn’t—with some assistance—heal the problem.

Find Out More

You should find out if you could recover from your fatigue (or other “unsolvable” health condition). What would your life look like if this happened?

Find the underlying causes behind your fatigue. THIS IS A FREE ANALYSIS.


Are Millennials the Canaries in the Coal Mine?

Are Millennials the Canaries in the Coal Mine?

I just saw some startling statistics from a recent Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) report:

  • After age 27, Millennials chances of major health problems increase sharply
  • Millennials have higher rates of common health conditions than their Gen-X predecessors did at the same ages
  • As their health continues to decline, Millennials are going to be a huge financial burden on the already overwhelmed healthcare system.

Think about this: Before they reach their third decade of life, Millennials are at risk for chronic diseases that their grandparents may be facing.

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Two Questions:

ONE: Why? What is destroying the health of young people who have grown up with the latest advancements of medicine, diet and a cleaner environment?

TWO: How can this trend be reversed, and how can we make sure that the next generation isn’t in even worse condition?

Children’s Health Has Been Sliding for Generations

You’ve almost certainly noticed that there has been a long-term health slide for our kids. I can recall that when I was in grade school, kids weren’t on drugs for ADHD. The school wasn’t a “peanut free zone” because of severe food allergies. There weren’t any diabetics in my class. There weren’t more than a couple of “fat kids” in my class, either.

The reason behind this deterioration of children’s health would likely be a major reason for the data in this Blue Cross Blue Shield study.

The Reason? Gut Microbes

In your body, there are about 10 times as many microbes as there are cells. That’s about 360 trillion microbes… mostly in your small intestine. They provide many services for your body including:

  • Digesting your food (which is your body’s replacement parts)
  • Producing 75% of your immune system.

Here’s an article from Scientific American on gut microbes

If you damage your supply of gut microbes, you become much more likely to develop many health conditions, especially those caused by a weakened immune system. This would include health conditions created by inflammation, auto-immune, allergies, etc.

Gut Microbes are damaged by:

  • Antibiotics (drugs you take, residual drugs in meat you eat, and environmental antibiotics in hand soap and many other products).
  • Food additives (preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes, etc.)
  • Environmental chemicals you get exposed to all the time.
  • Eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates (this causes fungus in your small intestine to overgrow and destroy the beneficial bacteria).

There are certainly many additional challenges that make it difficult to maintain good health in our society. However, most of these stresses piggyback on the gut microbe problem or are made much worse by it.

Then there’s the single largest and most vicious reason for declining health: The Big Lie.

The Big Lie

“Many health conditions are permanent; you can’t get ever get completely well and will need ongoing treatment for the rest of your life.”

This Lie applies to diagnosed diseases as well as non-diagnosed symptoms.

Here’s a partial list:

Diabetes, high blood pressure, IBS, GERD, asthma, allergies, high cholesterol, depression, heart disease, arthritis, chronic respiratory diseases, fatigue, sleep problems, digestive problems, anxiety, hair loss, weight gain, back/shoulder/neck/knee/hand pain, brain fog, memory problems, menstrual and menopause problems, infertility.

I call this the Big Lie because I watch bodies become healthy and heal themselves of every one of these conditions on a regular basis.

None of these problems can be successfully solved using drugs or surgery, and our current medical system uses ONLY drugs and surgeries. So, medically all these conditions are permanent.

Also, our medical system considers that it is all-knowing, and that nothing else other than drugs and surgeries has any validity. So, if you can’t get well medically then you better just learn to live with your problems.

What To Do?

If you think that your gut health may be affecting your health and quality of life:

Click the button below and make an appointment to find out exactly what is going on with your body and how you could resolve this without drugs or surgery.

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Learn about the causes of anxiety and depression, what you can do to reduce your suffering RIGHT NOW and how you can eliminate these problems from your life.


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Learn about the causes of anxiety and depression, what you can do to reduce your suffering RIGHT NOW and how you can eliminate these problems from your life.


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Learn about the causes of anxiety and depression, what you can do to reduce your suffering RIGHT NOW and how you can eliminate these problems from your life.


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Learn about the causes of anxiety and depression, what you can do to reduce your suffering RIGHT NOW and how you can eliminate these problems from your life.