I Just Want To Feel Better!

I Just Want To Feel Better!

I Just Want To Feel Better!

Avoiding the Downward Health Spiral

  • Have you ever walked out of a doctor’s office having received no help for your health problem and wondered why you went there in the first place?
  • Have you ever needed help with a health problem but didn’t call your doctor because you knew they couldn’t help you?
  • Many patients are hesitant to tell me what’s really wrong with their health because they’ve been told by doctors that it’s not real and they’re making it up, or that they’re suffering from a “chemical imbalance” in their brain.
  • Some patients say they feel silly telling me that they generally don’t feel well. They think that health problems without a medical diagnosis aren’t “real.” They’d be happy telling me about headaches or heartburn, but not that they wake up every morning with no ambition or energy and feeling bad.
Listen to Yourself
Listen to Yourself

Listen To Yourself

This hesitation in believing yourself about your own health results from a health care system that specializes in treating symptoms instead of health.

I recommend you listen to your body and believe what it tells you.

Feel Bad
Feel Bad

If You Feel Bad, Something is Very Wrong

If you take the right actions, you can reverse your declining health and resume a happy and fulfilling life.

If you don’t do anything effective about your health, your happiness can be reduced. Your health may continue to worsen, and you may eventually have a health problem that your doctor can diagnose. At this point, treatment will likely be long-term medication to control a symptom while your health continues to deteriorate.

Spiral Down
Gut Flora

The Spiral Down

Many people feel bad, can’t get help from their doctor, think that this is their lot in life and just suffer.

Some, however, put up a heroic fight to improve:

  • First, you might go to your doctor. Doctors must diagnose you to do any treatment. If you can get no useful diagnosis, this is likely to result in either no help or a prescription for antidepressant drugs.
  • If you discover that this is certainly not what you were looking for, you may research the internet for products to try. This often results in countless hours wasted while becoming more confused.
  • You may use many different supplements, herbs, and remedies. Some of these may help and create hope, only to stop working after a while.
  • Some people may search for professionals: naturopaths, chiropractors, and functional medicine doctors. In many cases, treatment will produce an improvement. But this can often be followed by a plateau with no progress and then a slow slide back into feeling bad.

The final result can be a person who feels bad and has convinced themselves that there’s nothing left to try. They may have come full circle back to thinking this is their lot in life.

Guide to a Plan
Guide to a Plan

You Don’t Need a Treatment; You Need a Guide and a Program

If you generally don’t feel well long-term, there is no single treatment that is likely to help. Your problem is probably more complex than a single solution from a drug, supplement, or diet.

What you need is an entire program to work with your body, diet, and lifestyle to restore your life and health. You’ll also need a guide to work with you through the program to make sure you get a full result.

This doesn’t have to be hard. It could be done in less time than you may be imagining.

I understand how you feel; it was my own frightening health experiences that inspired my clinic. I’ve been where you are myself.

I’ve been helping cases like yours for 28 years and have developed a comprehensive program that is individualized and unique to you. What I do isn’t a secret! You can go to my Information and Education Hub webpage and read as much as you like about what I do and how it works.

Here is your plan:
  1. Use the link below to go to my online health quiz.
  2. Fill out the quiz and submit it.
  3. We’ll call you and do a phone consultation to determine if it’s likely that we could help you.
  4. You’ll get started toward feeling better and achieving your health goals.




TO START YOUR PLAN: Fill out an online questionnaire

Submit your Questionnaire, and you’ll receive a complimentary consultation to get more information about causes to your problems and your individual health questions answered.

Feeling So Much Better!

I’ve been coming to Alternative Health Atlanta for only 2 ½ weeks and I already am experiencing relief from problems that I’ve tried to cure with medication, exercise and willpower. None of these methods have resulted in the peaceful night’s sleep, the sense of well-being and the decrease in my anxiety levels that I am now experiencing. After each visit, I sleep a little better, feel less anxious and have more energy. I am so excited about continuing to improve mentally and physically. It’s a Godsend! —M.K.
Lose The Weight

Lose The Weight

To Lose Weight… Stop Trying to Lose Weight

If you are frustrated (or beyond frustrated) by your inability to lose weight, I have some radical advice:

Stop trying to lose weight.

The usual actions for weight loss revolve around diet and exercise. Weight loss is supposed to happen if you burn more calories than you take in.

But in many cases, this has proven to be completely ineffective.

This can leave you frustrated, often trying one diet, supplement, or exercise program after another.

There Are Other Reasons for Stubborn Weight

Some people can lose weight by making a few diet changes and becoming a little more active (you may hate these people).

However, genuine cases of stubborn weight rarely succeed with calorie-based solutions because calories frequently aren’t the reason for the weight.

Less known but very common causes of stubborn weight:

  • Food allergies
  • Digestive problems
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Blood sugar problems

Many people can’t lose weight or stop gaining weight due to health problems that have nothing to do with calories or exercise.

Most attempts to lose weight are based on calories and exercise, thus maximum frustration.

Being Active
Being Active

An Essential Action

If you’ve had trouble with your weight and want to lose it and keep it off, you’ll have to be active. I have never seen a patient successfully lose weight without becoming active*. By “active” I mean walking each day, moving around during the day, and doing several hours of activity on weekends (yard work, hiking for an hour or two, etc.) on weekends.

If you have a health condition preventing you from being active, this may need to be improved to lose weight. Commonly my weight patients say they have no energy or motivation to be active. There are usually physical reasons for this which can be improved, resulting in good energy, better motivation, good activity level… and weight loss!

*Don’t start an exercise program without your doctor’s approval.

Sugar Cravings
Sugar Cravings


Often I’m asked, “What if I can’t control what I eat? I crave sugar, carbs, and junk food all day long.”

This can be a barrier to any weight loss. Happily, I researched and addressed this problem decades ago. I have specialized acupressure treatments that help the body reduce or eliminate cravings so you can control your food intake.


Weight Loss Formula:

  1. Identify and resolve any health problems, such as hormones, allergies, etc., that will prevent weight loss (this is a worthwhile action for your happiness and future health, anyway).
  2. Eat a healthy diet for your specific health challenges. For example, if you have blood sugar problems, you need to control your carbs and sugar more than most people.
  3. If eating healthy is challenging, reduce your cravings and get on a diet consultation program.
  4. Become (or continue to be) active daily.
Guide to a Plan
Guide to a Plan

You Don’t Need a Treatment; You Need a Guide and a Program

If you have been dealing with stubborn weight for a long time, there is probably no single solution to resolve this.

The reason for your weight problem is going to be more complex than a drug, supplement, or diet solution can handle.

You need an entire program to work with your body, diet, and lifestyle to restore your life and health. You’ll also need a guide to work with you through the program and ensure you get a complete result.

This doesn’t have to be hard. It could be done in less time than you may imagine.

I understand how you feel; it was my own frightening health experiences that inspired my clinic. I’ve been where you are myself.

I’ve been helping cases like yours for 28 years and have developed a comprehensive program that is individualized and unique to you. What I do isn’t a secret! You can go to my Information and Education Hub webpage and read as much as you like about what I do and how it works.

Here is your plan:
  1. Use the link below to go to my online health quiz.
  2. Fill out the quiz and submit it.
  3. We’ll call you and do a phone consultation to determine if it’s likely that we could help you.
  4. You’ll get started toward feeling better and achieving your weight and health goals.




TO START YOUR PLAN: Fill out an online questionnaire

Submit your Questionnaire, and you’ll receive a complimentary consultation to get more information about causes to your problems and your individual health questions answered.

The Incredible Shrinking Woman!!

I started coming to Alternative Health Atlanta because of my hot flashes and night sweats primarily. My weight and cravings for sugar and junk food were a secondary concern. After just 4 1/2 short weeks, not only have the hot flashes and night sweats lessened, I’m no longer having any food cravings at all and I’ve already lost 24 pounds! My friends at work are calling me the incredible shrinking woman! The acupressure treatments are awesome and support that everyone gives me is making such a great difference in my life! Thank you! — C.V.

Do You Have a Stubborn Health Problem?

I may be able to help you.

Dr. Billiot Photo

Dr. Melodie Billiot

Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me? I’ll review your information, then have my assistant call you for any additional information. Then, I’ll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. This assessment is complimentary, with no strings attached. Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.

3 Tests Tell You How Long You Will Live

3 Tests Tell You How Long You Will Live

3 At Home Tests Tell You How Long You Will Live

Most people have a desire to live life to the fullest with a combination of quantity and quality.

This short article presents the findings of five researchers who identified three simple tests you can do at home to measure your possible lifespan.

The medical paper published in the British Medical Journal in 2014 revealed a 13 year study where they took 1,355 men and 1,411 women in 1999 when they were 53 years old and then checked to see who was alive and well 13 years later in 2012.

The following are the three tests that were evaluated:

  1. Standing on one leg with your eyes closed for 10 seconds or longer
  2. Having a strong grip
  3. Being able to stand up and sit back down in a chair many times in a minute.

According to the researchers of this paper, these tests clearly represented tell-tale signs of longevity.

Perform well in all three tests at age 53 or so and you should be healthy and vibrant 13 years later, when you are 66.

Less Stress = Longer Life

READ: Solve Stress Backwards

Researchers from University College London estimate that a 53 year old who can complete these tests successfully is up to 5 times more likely to be alive and well at 66 than someone who couldn’t complete the tests or who did them poorly.

There were far higher death rates among those who failed to complete the tasks.

Officially the tests are called:

The Chair Test (Standing up and sitting down in a chair 39 times in a minute for a man, and 36 times for a woman)

The balance test (standing on one leg for 10 seconds or longer with eyes closed)

The grip test (ability to apply a pressure of up to 54.5 kg or 120 pounds)


Cooper R1, Strand BH, Hardy R, Patel KV, Kuh D.Physical capability in mid-life and survival over 13 years of follow-up: British birth cohort study. BMJ. 2014 Apr 29;348:g2219

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., MS

Compliments from Functional Medicine University


Not happy with how well you did on the three tests?
Or, generally unhappy with the state of your health?
I can help you to find out IF and HOW you could change your future health condition. Just click a button below!
Trillion-Dollar Weight Loss

Trillion-Dollar Weight Loss

A recent article in The Economist is titled “The battle over the trillion-dollar weight-loss bonanza.”
You’ve probably heard about the new weight-loss drugs such as Wegovy and Zepbound (called GLP-1 agonists), which can quickly reduce a person’s body weight by 15%. That’s 30 pounds lost if you weigh 200 pounds.
The Economist is predicting that annual sales of these drugs may reach $80 billion by 2030.
Close to half the world’s population is predicted to be obese or overweight by 2030 (World Obesity Federation). So, a trillion dollars in sales over a few years is not a stretch.
In the history of pharmaceuticals, there has never been a product that was used by patients long-term that didn’t develop side effects. Generally, the more powerful the drug, the worse the side effects, as the chemical disrupts normal body functions.
These weight-loss drugs must be used for life and already have severe side effects (nausea, muscle loss, loss of enjoyment of foods). There is no predicting what happens after a person takes them for 10+ years.
Then, there’s human nature. As a species, we are not exceptionally good at doing things we don’t like unless there are consequences. Many overweight people live much healthier lifestyles to control their weight. Would they continue to eat well and exercise if they could take a drug and live any way they wanted?

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Your Body is the Best Doctor for Your Body

Conventional medicine is very good at solving many health issues. Infections, trauma, and disease processes that the body can’t control are examples.
Medicine gets in trouble when it pushes the boundaries of its knowledge and proven techniques without sufficient due diligence. Developing chemicals that can alter the body in powerful ways without understanding how they work has been proven dangerous. Add a trillion-dollar incentive to this, and a disaster is very likely to occur.
There are effective ways of assisting your body in healing itself that don’t run these risks. This approach helps you to be healthier, more stable, and more able to live confidently in a toxic and stressful world.

Find out if you can get healthy naturally without dangerous drugs and surgery.

Do an online health survey and receive a free consultation call on the results.

Would Intermittent Fasting Work for You?

Would Intermittent Fasting Work for You?

The Intermittent Fasting Test: Could You Benefit?

  • Do you get shaky or irritable if hungry?
  • Do you get out of breath climbing stairs?
  • Are you fatigued in the afternoons?
  • Do you have trouble getting or staying asleep?
  • Do you have stiff or painful joints?
  • Do you have fluid retention?
  • Do your ears ring?

If you have several of these symptoms, intermittent fasting might not be a good thing for you to do. More accurate testing could determine what WOULD work to lose weight. Often this will be a solution to improve your overall health rather than diet and exercise weight loss.

What’s Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. For example, you might eat only between 8 AM and 6 PM, or you might fast for two full nonconsecutive days a week. There are a lot of variations.

The benefits: The idea is to improve your health by mimicking ancient eating schedules instead of always having food available. Reportedly, you can increase your mental clarity, burn fat and lose weight, feel better overall and improve your health to avoid diseases.

I believe that some people may get substantial benefits from intermittent fasting. I’ve read the research and rationales behind it, and much of it does make sense.

Where I can’t entirely agree is that any diet, food, supplement, or treatment could work for “everyone.” As an example, in my practice, I see mainly severe chronic cases. These people are physically very stressed. They are very toxic and usually have some immune suppression. Intermittent fasting would be about the worst thing that many of these people could do to themselves.

“Testing,” a Weird New Idea?

I can’t think of any single food, supplement, or treatment that would be appropriate for every patient I’ve had in the past year. Well, except for maybe clean water.  Every person is unique in many ways and needs different solutions.

When I make this statement to people, they often ask, “But, how would you be able to tell who would benefit and who would not?” This confusion shows how foreign the concept of TESTING is to most people. If you could accurately test someone to determine what foods, supplements, diets, and treatments would be effective and safe for them—why would anyone make any decisions without testing first?

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Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting


Medicine’s Failure to Test

When medical doctors treat patients with chronic illness, they test to diagnose but don’t test to determine causes. Not knowing the cause, the doctor must follow a fixed treatment protocol for that diagnosis and often only treat symptoms. The result is often a lessening of the symptoms but no solution to the actual problem. The undiscovered cause of their conditions or diseases may continue to deteriorate their health, and the patient may suffer from chronic health conditions for the rest of their lives.

“One Accurate Measurement is Worth a Thousand Expert Opinions”

—Admiral Grace Hopper

The practice of medicine relies on the doctor’s opinion as the primary method of deciding what is wrong with the patient and what treatment would be effective. This is so true that it’s normal to seek a second opinion to see if you can get more than one doctor to agree on your treatment.

My long experience is that many—maybe most—people are so used to this medical guessing that they’ll shrug and say, “So what’s the problem with opinions?” The problem is that an opinion is really a guess.

Doctors have been practicing this way for so long that we think it’s normal. But what other profession could get away with this approach? Would you need a “second opinion” on the engineering of a bridge or skyscraper or the design of your car? These and almost all other professions rely on accurate measurements and proven methods based on scientific and engineering principles that consistently get results.

Engineers do not guess. Neither do carpenters, chefs, pilots, accountants, or carpet installers.

Professionals are expected to “know their stuff” and get a predictable, effective result. Except for doctors! (Well, and, maybe philosophers, sports bookies, and politicians.)

The Takeaway:

Everyone’s body is different.

Your genetics, damage from illnesses and injuries, the diet you were raised on, your preferences, your environment, available food, your drug history, stress history, personality, and many more variables are all different from other individuals.

So, there is no “universal” diet, food, lifestyle, supplement, drug, or treatment that would get good results for everyone. Far, far from it!

The ability to test any of the above items before recommending them to an individual is not only of critical importance, it is obvious.

Because: the only other option would be to GUESS.

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