Ancient Arguments that Control Your Health Care

Ancient Arguments that Control Your Health Care

Why There Is Controversy and Disagreement About Holistic Health Care

I see lots of debate, disagreement and concern about “controversial holistic health care” from non-patients, but not from my patients on treatment programs.

It seems that all the debate and disagreement end abruptly with results.

But without the experience of results (“Nothing else has worked and this treatment is making me feel great!”), some people feel that holistic health care must be a scam or deception.

But they usually can’t tell you why they feel this way.

Ask a “doubter” almost any question about holistic health care and you’ll discover that they know NOTHING about it, or what they know isn’t true.

But they do know it isn’t conventional medicine, so therefore they’re sure it must be quackery.

This Goes Way Back

I think I can help you to better understand this thought process: When people “know” things that they can’t explain, these things are usually a part of the fabric of the society they live in.  They accept it as true because it’s generally seen by the society as true, even though they’ve never personally decided about it. This disagreement with holistic health care probably goes back to a French philosopher named Renè Descartes in the early 1600’s. Descartes was the first to propose that the body was a machine. For this we have a lot to thank him for! Before Descartes, the body was mysterious, unknowable and dangerous to study. Seen as a machine, the body could be understood and treated.

The “body as a machine” model is responsible for all modern medicine, and certainly will continue to help find additional cures and techniques that will overcome injury and disease in the future.

The only problem with this useful model is that it isn’t completely true. This is no secret. Anyone who has extensively studied medicine, or a related subject is fully aware that the “boxes and arrows” diagrams of body functions found in textbooks are simplistic and inaccurate. Body systems are not limited to just their functions but are “fuzzy around the edges.” Areas of the body that are designed for one purpose can be found to be accomplishing something different under stressful circumstances. Medicine is referred to as an art and a science… because it certainly isn’t just a science.

This idea that bodies are something more than a machine tends to be understood by more experienced and educated professionals who have observed this for some time. Many sick lay people think that their “machine” has broken, and that the correct drug will simply repair it. Often, this idea is responsible for some of the disagreement with holistic health care: Why not just repair the machine with a drug? What’s all this OTHER stuff?

Vitalism: Debunking an Old Theory

I go one step further than the general agreement among health care professionals that bodies are more complex than machines. I operate off the assumption that bodies are (gasp!) ALIVE.

If you bring this radical idea up with many medical professionals, you should prepare to deal with fireworks. The health care field in general does NOT want to hear that bodies are alive. No, sir. And, once again, the reason for their upset is part of the fabric of our society. It has to do with vitalism.

Vitalism: the theory that the origin and phenomena of life are dependent on a force or principle distinct from purely chemical or physical forces.

Vitalism goes back (at least) to ancient Egypt. In history, proponents of vitalism muddled about, writing up their ideas and arguing— while the scientific materialists (body-as-a-machine guys) did useful research and cured illness. So, vitalism is a big LOSER historically, and no one has any business even bringing up that subject again, right?

Body As Machine Theory Fails to Treat Chronic Illness

Well, except now medicine is becoming a big loser as well, as it fails to effectively treat more than half the population suffering with untreatable chronic health conditions:

Six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more. Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. They are also the leading drivers of the nation’s $3.5 trillion in annual health care costs.  –CDC (link is to CDC website)

Here’s news: medicine’s Descartes model of “man as a machine” is responsible for these statistics, and ONLY vitalism (reinvented) has any hope of changing them.

This is because chronic illness results from overall deteriorating health, not specific “malfunction of the body machinery.” So medical (machine) treatments don’t work, but working with the (living) body to assist it to heal itself does work.

Vitalism in the past was mystic or religious. It was all about how you couldn’t know stuff, where the Descartes camp was all about how you can find stuff out. I’m with Descartes on this one. My version of vitalism is all about knowing how to work with life, understanding how life affects the body and using this information the same as the scientific materialists did: to get results with patients and improve lives.

Practical Use of Your Body’s Intelligence

You may not understand what the underlying quantum physics is doing when you hammer a nail into wood, but that lack of knowledge doesn’t affect your getting the job done. Similarly, I don’t fully understand life, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible to observe and measure and predict what life will do with a body and help that body to heal.

Any disagreement you run into about holistic health care is probably a misunderstanding based on the old vitalism arguments. Your friend thinks you’re into mystic therapies that make no scientific sense.

Everything I do is based on anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics—because this is how bodies function. I test the nervous system to find out what the intelligence (life) operating the body has as a healing priority and simply become an effective assistant by using (body as a machine) information in the way that the (vitalism) body wants to.

The result? Patients with chronic illness recover.

Deus ex machina.

(770) 937-9200


1640 Powers Ferry Rd SE
Building 14, Suite 100
Marietta, Georgia 30067


DISCLAIMER: This website is not intended to provide medical advice and nothing in it should be construed as a therapeutic recommendation or prescription for any disease or symptom. Visitors should not attempt self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any kind, and should not discontinue any medication or therapy or make any health-related decisions without the advice of a licensed medical physician. Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C. disclaims any liability, loss, or risk incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use and application of the contents of this website. If you are unwilling to be bound by this disclaimer, you should avoid this website.

Copyright ® 2024 Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C. – All Right Reserved

The Immunity Bottom Line

The Immunity Bottom Line

Would You Like to Avoid Getting Sick this Winter?

Your response to infection is mostly determined by your Body State:

HEALTH IS IMPROVING: You are more resistant to infection.
HEALTH IS WORSENING: You are a magnet for disease and trouble.

You have seen lots of information about how to improve your immunity:

  • Sleeping
  • Exercise
  • Eating well
  • Avoiding stress.

Doctors know that these have value, but they have observed that it’s very hit-and-miss. Sometimes these actions seem to help, and sometimes they don’t.

Here is why:

What Gets Missed

Conventional doctors are very focused on symptoms or out-of-range lab tests. They fail to see the most critical factor in overall health, which is the state of the body: is it improving or worsening?

A body that is getting worse, even slowly, is a magnet for trouble. If your body is worsening, then it is on the way out of life. It’s incrementally dying. You could compare it to a business that is going bankrupt. There are no resources to tap into to allow recovery.

A body that’s staying about the same is also on the way out, but it isn’t evident yet.

The only safety and stability of health is for a body that’s getting better, even if it’s very gradual.

Years ago, a doctor friend of mine who started practicing in the 1950s would say, “A happy body heals, and an unhappy body doesn’t.” I asked him, “Dr. Bryman, what makes a body happy?” He answered, “A happy body is one that’s improving. If it’s getting better, then it’s getting happy.”

Very Practical Information:

Are you in excellent physical condition, but you’ve been going slightly downhill for the past couple of years? You’ve noticed some weight gain, your digestion has been off for a while, you got sick more last year than usual, and recently you just haven’t had the same level of energy? You are in a declining condition and are at risk, despite your overall “good” physical condition.

Are you in poor shape with several chronic health conditions and concerned about your future health? If you could take actions to turn your condition around so that you were improving instead of worsening, you’d be much less likely to have trouble. Further, you’d feel much more confident and much less worried.

Your health outlook is more directly affected by its condition of improving or worsening than any other factor.

This common-sense observation has gotten lost in the complexities of a health care system that sees people as the parts of their various systems, glands, and organs and not as a whole.

What This Means Right Now

If your health has been declining of late:

You should get very busy fixing this no matter how “great” your health may be.

If you aren’t in good health, your most effective action is to get your body improving.

How to Create Improving Health

Generically, you can do all the good stuff you already know about: sleep, de-stress yourself, eat healthy food, and exercise.  If you’re already improving slightly, this might make it move up a bit more. If you’re staying the same, there’s a chance that doing all of this might nose your condition up just slightly. So, do these things!

If you are in a definite declining condition, the generic actions above aren’t going to be enough.

You’ll need help to be successful.

Chronic health conditions are what cause declining health. Conventional medicine has no idea what to do with these illnesses other than managing their symptoms with drugs. If you wish to improve your health, you’ll have to take a completely different approach. For this, you’ll need a functional medicine doctor, a nutritionist, or a holistic practitioner that is competent, trained, and knowledgeable.

Working with a competent professional, you may be able to turn your health around in a matter of weeks, even if you have long-term or severe problems. Bodies tend to get better or worse, but don’t do anything in the middle for very long.

Find Out: 1) What Might be causing your issues, 2) What you could do about it.

Just tap the “Free Analysis” button below, fill out the questionnaire and schedule a free phone consultation.

Difficult Skin Conditions

Difficult Skin Conditions

Difficult Skin Conditions

Why are there no working solutions for difficult or stubborn skin conditions? Often the drugs prescribed don’t work at all, have severe side effects, or stop working after a while.

Skin problems can be itchy, burning, painful and embarrassing.  Many skin conditions don’t respond to medical treatment or keep returning, making this health problem incredibly frustrating.

My practice specializes in helping people to resolve complex, stubborn health problems that haven’t responded to conventional medical care, so I have had a lot of experience with skin conditions.

Many patients with skin problems first come to me after being on continuous antibiotics for a year or more or on steroid treatments for even longer. Both of these treatments can cause damage to health and rarely result in a cure for the skin condition.

New biologic drugs are often used for skin problems. These suppress the immune system and can have serious side effects. But skin problems can be so frustrating that they drive a person to try risky solutions.

Treating Symptoms Can Cause More Problems

It’s easy to understand and empathize with people who get their skin symptoms treated, even when the treatment may damage their health.

  • Their doctor has no other solution and may believe that the treatments he knows are the only legitimate ones.
  • Going out in public with a skin condition can be embarrassing and introverting.
  • Skin conditions can be itchy, burning, and painful to drive one to distraction.

But what if the cause of your skin condition isn’t in or on your skin? What if it’s a systemic problem somewhere in your body, and the skin rash is just a clue to the real problem?

If you do nothing and “live with” your problem, or if you use drugs to suppress the symptoms, nothing is being done about the actual cause. This can result in worsening symptoms and new, seemingly-unrelated health problems.

Gut Flora
Gut Flora

Foundational Solutions: Your Gut

Inside your intestines or “gut” are trillions of microbes (bacteria). These microbes are integral to your health even though they aren’t part of your body.

Damage or imbalances to these microbes can result in out-of-control inflammation, immune system overreaction, allergies, autoimmune conditions, digestive problems, and nutritional deficiencies. Many skin conditions can be a result of gut problems.

In fact, in 28 years of helping patients with skin problems, I’d say that almost every case was related to or almost entirely a result of the gut.

A Plan for You

If you’re suffering from skin problems (or any issues related to the above list of gut symptoms), the first thing to do is test and find out what is happening.

I do this in phases: First, I reflex test and find out what is going on generally, then I use functional labs to test the details. This approach is a fraction of the expense of using high-priced functional labs to shotgun test everything.

Next, I use specialized acupressure therapies along with diet improvements and clinical nutrition (supplements) to work with your body step by step and help it to recover gut and immune health.

Commonly, your body may begin to show improvements in those areas stressed by gut problems: digestion, skin problems, brain fog, fatigue, sleep, and difficulty losing weight. Even many hormone problems will resolve once the immune system and gut are healthier.

Stop treating your skin symptoms and get your gut tested to see if the cause of your problem is more than “skin deep.”

Psoriasis Clears Up

I had been plagued with severe psoriasis, frequent headaches, and seasonal allergies for many years when I started treatment with AHA. I was helped to improve my diet and started on a program. Amazingly, my headaches stopped about a week and a half into the program. In four weeks, I had dropped eight pounds of weight due to my improved diet. In the past, as the spring/fall allergy season ushered in, I generally could stay outside only for short spurts of time before going into sneezing and nasal fits. However, this past season I hardly noticed these effects. I could actually mow the yard and work in the garden without a breathing mask! After clearing up my food and pollen allergies, Dr. Billiot tested and handled allergies to everyday products I was using such as lotions, hair products, and toothpaste. After five months into the program, my psoriasis condition took a MAJOR turn for the better. I have had this problem for 15 years and have seen 3 different dermatologists, all of whom said there was no cure for my condition. Now, my skin lesions are disappearing and returning to my normal skin texture. Fantastic! So much for those limiting traditional viewpoints that keep people from making a real breakthrough. Dr. Billiot was able to methodically drill down to the root cause of my symptoms, desensitizing my allergies and detoxifying my organs and systems, thereby allowing my body to heal itself. —G.M.
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