Difficult Skin Conditions

Difficult Skin Conditions

Difficult Skin Conditions

Why are there no working solutions for difficult or stubborn skin conditions? Often the drugs prescribed don’t work at all, have severe side effects, or stop working after a while.

Skin problems can be itchy, burning, painful and embarrassing.  Many skin conditions don’t respond to medical treatment or keep returning, making this health problem incredibly frustrating.

My practice specializes in helping people to resolve complex, stubborn health problems that haven’t responded to conventional medical care, so I have had a lot of experience with skin conditions.

Many patients with skin problems first come to me after being on continuous antibiotics for a year or more or on steroid treatments for even longer. Both of these treatments can cause damage to health and rarely result in a cure for the skin condition.

New biologic drugs are often used for skin problems. These suppress the immune system and can have serious side effects. But skin problems can be so frustrating that they drive a person to try risky solutions.

Treating Symptoms Can Cause More Problems

It’s easy to understand and empathize with people who get their skin symptoms treated, even when the treatment may damage their health.

  • Their doctor has no other solution and may believe that the treatments he knows are the only legitimate ones.
  • Going out in public with a skin condition can be embarrassing and introverting.
  • Skin conditions can be itchy, burning, and painful to drive one to distraction.

But what if the cause of your skin condition isn’t in or on your skin? What if it’s a systemic problem somewhere in your body, and the skin rash is just a clue to the real problem?

If you do nothing and “live with” your problem, or if you use drugs to suppress the symptoms, nothing is being done about the actual cause. This can result in worsening symptoms and new, seemingly-unrelated health problems.

Gut Flora
Gut Flora

Foundational Solutions: Your Gut

Inside your intestines or “gut” are trillions of microbes (bacteria). These microbes are integral to your health even though they aren’t part of your body.

Damage or imbalances to these microbes can result in out-of-control inflammation, immune system overreaction, allergies, autoimmune conditions, digestive problems, and nutritional deficiencies. Many skin conditions can be a result of gut problems.

In fact, in 28 years of helping patients with skin problems, I’d say that almost every case was related to or almost entirely a result of the gut.

A Plan for You

If you’re suffering from skin problems (or any issues related to the above list of gut symptoms), the first thing to do is test and find out what is happening.

I do this in phases: First, I reflex test and find out what is going on generally, then I use functional labs to test the details. This approach is a fraction of the expense of using high-priced functional labs to shotgun test everything.

Next, I use specialized acupressure therapies along with diet improvements and clinical nutrition (supplements) to work with your body step by step and help it to recover gut and immune health.

Commonly, your body may begin to show improvements in those areas stressed by gut problems: digestion, skin problems, brain fog, fatigue, sleep, and difficulty losing weight. Even many hormone problems will resolve once the immune system and gut are healthier.

Stop treating your skin symptoms and get your gut tested to see if the cause of your problem is more than “skin deep.”

Psoriasis Clears Up

I had been plagued with severe psoriasis, frequent headaches, and seasonal allergies for many years when I started treatment with AHA. I was helped to improve my diet and started on a program. Amazingly, my headaches stopped about a week and a half into the program. In four weeks, I had dropped eight pounds of weight due to my improved diet. In the past, as the spring/fall allergy season ushered in, I generally could stay outside only for short spurts of time before going into sneezing and nasal fits. However, this past season I hardly noticed these effects. I could actually mow the yard and work in the garden without a breathing mask! After clearing up my food and pollen allergies, Dr. Billiot tested and handled allergies to everyday products I was using such as lotions, hair products, and toothpaste. After five months into the program, my psoriasis condition took a MAJOR turn for the better. I have had this problem for 15 years and have seen 3 different dermatologists, all of whom said there was no cure for my condition. Now, my skin lesions are disappearing and returning to my normal skin texture. Fantastic! So much for those limiting traditional viewpoints that keep people from making a real breakthrough. Dr. Billiot was able to methodically drill down to the root cause of my symptoms, desensitizing my allergies and detoxifying my organs and systems, thereby allowing my body to heal itself. —G.M.
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