Health Care is Failing Worldwide

Six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease, and four in ten adults have two or more.” CDC

How many people (including yourself) do you know with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and depression… to name a few.

Control of chronic diseases by medical treatment or alternative / holistic techniques have been failing for decades. Nothing is working. 60% of the population is affected, and this is increasing.

I have a third, unique approach that has been solving these problems for 25 years.

Point-and-Shoot Health Care

Health care has always been about solving the problem that the patient wants fixed. This was probably true with the Egyptians: Amon visits the Healer’s dwelling with a spear wound, and the Healer treats the gash.

Roll forward 5,000 years: Andy is at the doctor’s office with a broken finger, and the doctor treats the finger.

Problem—Solution. Point and shoot. Fix what the patient wants, which is the basis of all commerce since time began.

It was all good until our environment became toxic, the food supply deteriorated, and emotional stress went through the roof. All these have contributed to an epidemic of chronic health conditions.

The CDC says that 6 in 10 people in the US have at least one chronic health problem and that chronic conditions cost 75 cents of every health care dollar. Chronic disease has become an out of control situation.

We need a new approach to the treatment of chronic conditions, but the health care system insists on using the popular, accepted “treat the problem that the patient wants fixed” model.

Here’s How Conventional Medical Care Works:

When you show up at your doctor, no matter what problem you complain of, it will be treated with a drug to “fix the problem” by reducing or eliminating your symptoms (medically, the symptoms are your problem).

  • High blood pressure headaches? Drugs long-term or for the rest of your life to control this.
  • Depression? Same solution.
  • Irregular, painful cycles? Same solution.
  • Hot flashes and night sweats? Same.
  • Arthritis and joint pain? Same.

In all cases, drugs are a partial solution at best in that the symptom may improve (although it usually won’t disappear altogether). However, the drugs have side effects, and the underlying cause of the problem which isn’t being addressed at all by a symptom-suppressing drug will worsen. The result is what we have all observed: deteriorating health, more prescriptions and diagnoses, and a lower quality of life.

Medical treatment for chronic conditions isn’t the same as splinting a finger; the “solution” continues for the rest of your life; the problem never leaves, usually worsens, and your health deteriorates.

The Alternative or Holistic Solution

Just read the internet, and you’ll find a thousand references about alternative or holistic treatments: “Don’t treat only the symptom, get to the root of the problem!”

As encouraging as this sounds, in almost every case the holistic doctor is still treating the complaint. He’s still using the point-and-shoot, fix-the-patient’s-problem approach.  But with a significant difference: no drugs.

  • High blood pressure? Blood pressure-reducing herbs, less stressful diet, yoga or other calming practices, acupuncture.
  • Depression? Herbs, diet, more yoga.
  • Irregular, painful cycles? Herbs, diet, acupuncture, yoga.

I’m not critical of this at all. Sometimes this is successful, the person recovers and isn’t on drugs for the rest of their life.

But we’re at 60% of the population with chronic diseases. If these holistic techniques were genuinely effective, if they were the solution, enough people would be using them to make this number reduce (it’s currently increasing every year).

The burden of chronic diseases is rapidly increasing worldwide. World Health Organization website

A Third, Practical Approach to Resolving Chronic Conditions

For 25 years, I’ve been researching solutions to chronic health conditions. What I’ve seen that’s effective is quite different from the usual “treat the problem the patient complains of” approach.

Here’s what I have found:
  1. HEALTH is a continuous scale from poor to good. Everyone is somewhere on this scale.
  2. A person in excellent health has a robust immune system and plenty of resources in their body to overcome stress and heal damage.
  3. A person in poor health will generally take on more damage their body can’t fix and get worse.
  4. HEALTH can’t be measured by symptoms only or lack of symptoms, as bodies hide symptoms and only show them when stress becomes overwhelming.
  5. Any person with health problems could dramatically improve by becoming increasingly healthy until their body could handle the stress and heal.

This Third Approach is very different from your previous health care experiences.

Rather than look for ways to reduce your symptoms, I test for where your body is hanging up in its healing process. Then I assist your body past the stuck point and return it to healing. When it hangs up again, I test to find out why and assist it to continue healing.

I continue testing and assisting until you have reached a stable, healthy condition, and your symptoms are no longer a problem in your life.

The Chart to Health & Wellness

This chart shows a person’s progress from poor health (at the bottom) to maintaining wellness (at the top). The columns show the techniques that assist the body beyond stuck points in its healing progress.

Chronic health problems start with your body taking on more damage from your environment than it can repair. At some point, this damage builds up to become more than your body can hide, and you develop a symptom. You might go to the doctor and suppress this symptom with a drug, but you’ve done nothing about the damage that is causing it. As even more damage occurs, you can develop additional symptoms until you can honestly say that you’ve lost your health.

Chronic problems come from the body becoming unable to keep up with needed repairs, not from a specific cause of damage. There’s no spear wound or broken finger to treat. The doctor can no longer just solve the patient’s problem.

THE SOLUTION TO CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS is to assist the body so that it continues to heal and become healthier and more resilient, finally achieving a good quality of life and stable health with labs showing normal ranges.

Find Out More

Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).

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