Why Less Stress is Crucial

If you have constant stress, anxiety, or worry, then your level of the hormone cortisol can become elevated. Cortisol is a hormone (a steroid) that is released when you’re stressed. It affects almost every part of your body.

If you have high cortisol long-term, it can cause weight gain, blood sugar imbalance, digestive problems, sleep issues, fatigue, nervous stomach, anxiety, depression, hormone imbalance, and immune system suppression. If you’ve had these symptoms in the past, they may come back or become worse with stress.

Long-term high cortisol can make you more susceptible to illness. Any reduction in your immune defenses you do not need right now.

But How do I Reduce My Stress in a Pandemic?

Let me break this down into two distinct problems:

  1. The world has become a dangerous place. Letting your guard down can result in getting infected, and you can still get infected no matter what you do to prevent it.
  2. You are feeling anxious, freaked out, and stressed.

Here’s what you can do to reduce these sources of stress right now:

Solutions to: “The world has become a dangerous place”

You may feel overwhelmed and somewhat powerless to deal with the constant state of danger surrounding you. You can feel this way because you can’t tell where the threat is coming from. It might be dangerous to go into the grocery store; the package you just had delivered might be dangerous to touch; your family and friends might be in danger; your financial security might be in trouble.


When you feel that you’re in a lot of danger, that feeling can become generalized so that pretty much everything can start to seem dangerous.

Therefore, many things can seem to be more dangerous than they really are.

Do this exercise to discover the truth for yourself, and feel much better:

The Less-Dangerous Exercise:
  1. Look around where you are sitting right now and find something that isn’t dangerous or threatening to you.
  2. Again, look around and find something that isn’t dangerous or threatening to you.
  3. Keep doing this for some time until you feel better, or feel less stressed.

You can do this exercise whenever you feel stressed as many times as you like.

Now, stop “Feeding the Stress Fire.”

Try this for a week, and you’ll be more than amazed at the results:

  • For two days, stay off the news entirely: don’t listen, watch or read it. Stay off social media that talks about politics, corona, and world events. Get the rest of your family to go along with you on this, so you’re not getting the news feed second hand. You may find that doing this creates a vacuum in your life. What will you do with all that time and attention you used to spend stressing out over the news? You could get creative, busy, and productive! Producing things that you feel are worthwhile will improve your mood, outlook, and health.
  • On day three, you’re going to take a quick look at the news for any vital information that you need to know. However, do not just reconnect with the media. First, put a filter in place. YOU decide what you need to know. Second, go directly to the sources for the information you need. These sources will supply more useful and accurate information with less spin.

To get a current report on Covid cases in Georgia, go to https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report

To get current information in the US, go to https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html

Whatever you need to know, look it up from official sites from CDC, WHO, major medical schools, state health departments, etc.

Do not read news sites or social media to get this information.

Now, you are free to avoid all news for the next two days. Feel that sense of relief?

Solutions to: “Feeling anxious, freaked out, or stressed”

You may feel you’re in a state of mental stress, or you may be squashing it down. You may have been feeling this way for weeks and have gotten used to it. But continuously feeling that something terrible is happening or will happen is going to stress you out and wear you down.


Get some space.

  • Screens can be quite deadly in this situation. When you spend hours looking at a screen, your entire world shrinks down to the few feet between you and the screen. Break up your time on screens with action activities: cook a meal, clean something, have a conversation, work in the yard or garden, do some exercise, reorganize your kitchen junk drawer.
  • Increase your physical space. Take walks around your neighborhood and look at things. Don’t walk and look at your feet or think of scary pictures in your mind while stressing out. Look at trees, buildings, flowers, other people. Doing this will give you space and help you feel much less stressed. After some time, if you feel stressed again—take another walk!
  • Communicate. Communication is a magical stress solution (if you avoid stressful interactions). Call a friend or family member you like to talk to, just talk about something OTHER than how bad and stressful everything is. If you have an instrument, play some music, sing, or just create a playlist. You can do this for yourself, people in your household, or put it on the web for others to hear. Draw or paint some art. Sing. Cook for someone.

A Different Way to Defend Against Infectious Illness

A big part of the COVID-19 stress is not knowing how you could have prevented it. You can feel wide-open to having something like this hit you again, making that “dangerous environment” problem even worse.

Sometimes the answer to a problem or threat isn’t where you are used to looking for it. Most of us are used to expecting our conventional doctors to have a solution to infectious diseases. Conventional medicine fights infectious diseases by attacking and killing the infectious organism. But that’s not working now.

The truth is, with infectious diseases, we need to:

Support the body rather than trying to kill the infectious organism.

There’s no vaccine or any other conventional therapy that is successful at treating COVID-19. You can bet that in the future, there will be other infectious illnesses with no conventional treatment.

You should be prepared and have your body ready to fight back rather than depending on conventional medicine coming up with a pharmaceutical hail-Mary.

What You Should Do

If you don’t have a holistic doctor, it is past time to find one.

 A holistic doctor can help you to achieve your optimal health. Conventional doctors, on the other hand, diagnose pathology and prescribe drugs to treat that diagnosis. The problem with this conventional model is that the medication prescribed does not promote health. There is a time and a place for drug therapies, but they are over-prescribed in the US. The continued use of drug therapies leaves the body depleted of vital nutrients that it will need when confronted with something like COVID-19.

Some Basic Things You Can Do Right Now to Protect Yourself

Find a high-quality supply of vitamin C and zinc and start taking these. There are other effective nutrients that your holistic doctor can help you with. If you’re having trouble finding these supplements, contact my clinic as we have sources that haven’t run dry yet.

If you find the information in this post useful, please don’t keep it to yourself!

We are genuinely all in this one together.

 Would you like to find out how you can obtain more optimal health?

If you have a chronic health condition, you are much more at risk of a poor outcome with Covid-19. CDC “People of any age with underlying medical conditions.”

Any chronic condition can decrease your immune response (digestive problems, menstrual problems, fatigue, sleep, headaches, depression, joint pain, etc.)

Recovering from a chronic health condition can take some time and quite a bit of effort on your part, but the results can be life-changing. Plus, without the stress of your chronic condition, you’re much less likely to become ill from an infectious disease.

If you think that this might be a pretty good idea, I would be happy to see you or to make a telemedicine appointment. Go Here if you are interested in finding out about this option

THE SOLUTION TO CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS is to assist the body so that it continues to heal and become healthier and more resilient, finally achieving a good quality of life and stable health with labs showing normal ranges.

Find Out More

Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).

Watch the video below for a seven-minute explanation of how to assist your body in healing itself.

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