There are some remarkable technologies available in our modern health care system. Sadly, these are often unavailable or misused in ways that limit or stop their effectiveness.
Partly this lack of access is from the debacle of our health insurance system. Partly it’s the maze of your primary care doctor linking you up with various specialists, each with their scheduling and plan coverage. Then, there’s the bigger problem of whether this drug or treatment will be effective or damaging.
But perhaps the most important and overriding issue is one you might not realize: caring.
Good communication is a direct result of liking and caring.
I can categorically state that patients will not recover unless they are in excellent communication with their practitioner.
Poor communication means the patient may misunderstand instructions, do the wrong things, or fail to do the right things needed to heal.
Poor communication means that the doctor fails to get the patient’s correct information and makes errors based on that incorrect information.
There’s only one way to be in good communication with a patient: You must care about them and like them! This results in the patient caring and liking the practitioner as well. How well do you communicate with someone you don’t like? Not so good, correct?
Communication before technology
Technology is based on science. It’s observable, provable, and concrete. Communication is based on the interaction between people, which is hard to measure objectively.
Therefore, health care money and attention tend to gravitate to technology, not improving communication.
Good communication is based on actual caring, an activity that gets lost easily in large bureaucracies (think how much caring you’ve experienced at the DMV and IRS?)
Despite this, technology can’t work without excellent prior communication. When this is ignored, we get “the operation was successful, but the patient died.”
Communication is the solution to chronic health conditions
Most chronic health conditions are created or prolonged by lifestyle issues. Diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity cause most health problems in the US, and all are lifestyle diseases.
Medicine has focused on technology (drug) solutions to these problems. I’ve asked many doctors why they don’t work harder on lifestyle solutions to chronic conditions. The answer is almost always, “Because people won’t change.”
I beg to differ. I’ve effectively changed the diets and lifestyles of over 10,000 patients, resulting in often dramatic improvements in their health.
A more valid reason why medical doctors have trouble changing their patients’ lifestyles is that the medical system doesn’t care about caring.
A patient may have difficulty making changes to their diet or lifestyle and may need help. The best help a practitioner can give is to be on the patient’s team! This makes the patient feel they have a responsibility to get well and to do their program very well, that their practitioner cares about them and will be excited about their success. In that case, this can overcome many difficulties the patient may be experiencing in making the changes in their life needed for them to heal.
Our sad medical system
Our sad medical system suffers from short visits and overworked doctors who can come off as not caring. They often aren’t in good communication with their patients, a fact that leads to many devastating medical errors.
Often the providers do care. But they’re stuck in a system that values the delivery of products and services while caring little about how and why this happens.
Yes, we need better and affordable health insurance, and we need more access to health care technology. But unless there’s a fundamental shift toward caring for the patient, where the outcome is much more important than the process, we will be stuck with high-cost, low-result, and often deadly health care.
There are many reasons why my treatment programs are so effective
I work WITH your body to assist it to heal in the way it is already trying to. I don’t work ON your body like a mechanic.
I don’t use any invasive treatments. Everything done is helping your healing process; there are no “side effects.”
I provide sufficient help, consistent help, and help over the entire healing period (which is often years).
But, you see, the reason that I do these effective things is that I care!
Caring about the wellbeing and recovery of patients creates effective solutions.
Caring about power, money, and politics creates an entirely different result: our current health care system.
Find Out More
Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (practical information that shows how your body works and how to start recovering your health for the rest of your life).
Want Some Help?
Complete this Online Evaluation: Your First Step to Ending Severe, Long-term or Frustrating Health Problems
If you answer the questions on this symptom evaluation, we’ll be able to answer these questions for you:
What areas of physical stress in your body are most likely creating your problems?
What could be done to help your body recover from this stress?
What are our recommendations to start you back on the road to health?