A supplier sent me some samples of skin cream yesterday made with CBD oil… CBD in skin cream? I was a little amazed by this, though I know that CBD oil is apparently being sold by everyone for almost everything. After seeing the skin cream, I got a wild idea and looked up—yes!—CBD oil toothpaste! It’s a real thing!

You might think that I’m writing here about being either for or against the CBD oil fad. But to me, the claims for CBD oil isn’t the issue at all. In my experience, CBD oil along with a large part of the $120 Billion sold in supplements every year has created a very evil trap.

This trap can string along anyone with a health problem, wasting their time, money and hope. It can cause huge frustration.

But if you understand this trap, you will also understand some very important concepts about how your body heals. Avoiding this trap can put you on the correct road to long-term health improvement. And if you are a person who researches your health problems and takes supplements to improve them, this information can improve your health, your bank account and free up a lot of your time.

How the Trap Works

Here’s an example of this trap in action: You have a health problem, let’s say it’s sleep. You lie awake at night and have difficulty waking in the morning. So, you Google sleep problems and see that supplements with magnesium, 5 HTP, melatonin and GABA all are supposed to help with sleep. Hey, what have you got to lose? These are natural supplements, not drugs with side effects. You buy the supplements and a week later you get a couple of really great nights of sleep. Happiness! You have solved your problem.

Except that two weeks later you’re back to not sleeping. But you now know from experience that supplements can fix the problem, it’s just a matter of getting the right ones! Back to Google and the on-line supplement stores.

If you have experienced this then you know that the cycle can continue indefinitely. Sometimes your health problem seems to improve, then it gets worse. You can’t ever seem to find the right supplements to fix it permanently, but you get enough encouragement from temporary or partial successes that you keep trying.

Why Supplements Stop Working

Your body is a closed system. It is forced to work with whatever resources it has available and it has no way of notifying you if it’s running short on something.

Often, stresses and damage occur that your body does not have the resources to fully repair. It’s like fires that are burning and can’t be completely put out. In order to keep the fires from spreading, your body has firetrucks parked permanently around them constantly pouring on water. But there are only a fixed number of firetrucks, so if there’s a fire without enough firetrucks available to fully control it, the uncontrolled stress can produce a symptom.

By chance, one of the supplements you try might reduce stress on one of the fires. This allows the body to move some of the firetrucks away from this fire to another one that has been creating a symptom. So, you take a supplement and see that the symptom is improved. From this you conclude that the supplement you took is fixing this symptom, when really there is no connection at all.

After some time, another stress causes the body to reassign the firetrucks that had been controlling the symptom and you are back where you started (less the price of the supplements).

The real error you can make to get stuck in this trap is to try to treat health problems using a supplement as a drug. The entire concept of “take this supplement to help this symptom” is the medical model of treating symptoms, just using supplements instead of drugs.

What Does Work to Resolve Health Problems?

The effective method of solving stubborn health conditions is:

Find out where the body has become stuck or hung up in the healing process, then assist it past this stuck point until it’s healing normally again. If it sticks repeatedly, keep testing and assisting as needed until the body resumes its normal ability to maintain itself.

It helps to understand how health problems develop in the first place.

In our current environment, your body is under considerable stress all the time. There are toxins in the air, water and food. The food supply is highly processed and mostly grown with chemical fertilizers, creating significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. Emotional stress is pretty much constant.

Your body was originally designed a long time ago (we are still on version 1.0, there hasn’t even been an update!). This original body design was for a world without most of the toxic and emotional stress we deal with today. So, your body is being constantly damaged on a daily basis just by living in its current environment. This is fine, so long as your body can keep up with the repair and maintenance for the damage being done. But once it gets behind, the backlog of unrepaired damage can start to build up. When your body has too much stress from this damage to successfully hide it from you, you’ll get a symptom. This is the source of most chronic (ongoing or repeating) health problems.

The only real solution to this problem is to help your body recover its ability to heal itself to the point that it can get back on top of its maintenance and repair jobs.

How Do You Assist a Body to Heal?

Here is a free booklet you can read online in 30 minutes that will explain how your body can be assisted to heal itself successfully from many “permanent” medical conditions.

Are You Fed Up with Endless Trial-and-Error and Want Help?

I’d be happy to get you started on improving your health. If you’ll fill out a health assessment on this website, I’ll go over the clues with you on a free phone consult (limited to greater Atlanta area). This way you can get started doing something about your health problems quickly.

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