There is a major difference between the costs of holistic health care and the costs for medical care:

Medical care: You pay to treat an illness or condition. When a new illness or condition arises, you pay again to treat it. In most cases, treatment of a condition doesn’t reduce the chances of having a new condition occur (in many cases, stress from drug treatments makes this more likely).

Holistic care: You pay to improve your health so that your body heals your illness or condition. In the process, you improve your lifestyle and reduce the stress on your body. The result is a much healthier body with much less chance of developing new conditions.

You could say that medical care is like paying rent: this is an expense with no residual value.

Holistic care is like buying a house: the money you spend creates additional ongoing value.

The best solution for health problems? Hands down?

It’s to stay healthy enough to not have them!

Can you believe, however, that this solution is controversial? The current medical thinking is that everyone is going to get sick and need medical care at some point. You may even think this yourself (by the way, it isn’t true).

Medically, every serious illness is expensive, no matter what insurance you may have. There’s deductibles and copays, out-of-network providers, uncovered expenses of all kinds. Then there’s missed work. This can include missed promotions and opportunities just because you didn’t have the energy, concentration and drive to succeed or because you aren’t seen as reliable due to health problems.

What value would you place on missing an activity you really enjoy? How about on skipping a trip to visit family because you weren’t up to it? How about having to cut back or give up on favorite activities (hiking, swimming, tennis, etc.)?

The real cost of a health problem shows up much later when your overall health has been reduced. Will you be a couch potato because you have no other choice? Compare this to being active, outgoing and taking on challenges you really care about.

Dr. Billiot’s Suggestions:

  • Leverage your current health potential: Becoming healthy now reduces the cost of future health problems
  • Most parts of your body are healthy! It’s the weak ones that will eventually cause you grief. Find these weak areas of your body and help them to heal. This will protect your overall health.
  • “Holistic Retirement Plan:” Be healthy enough to be fully alive during your retirement and not go broke from health care costs.

Will you still need me, will you still feed me When I’m sixty-four?

Or at least 65 (the age you become eligible for Medicare).

If you have Medicare, there’s a good chance you have two or more chronic conditions such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or dementia.

Two-thirds of the 57 million Americans with Medicare have two or more chronic illnesses. Having multiple chronic conditions increases the risk of death and functional limitations, decreases quality of life, and leads to higher health care spending.

Managing chronic diseases can be difficult, to say the least. You often face multiple visits to one or more doctors; you must take multiple drugs at different times on different days; you have to make extra trips for tests. It can all be a bit overwhelming.

What if you just skip all this? It’s possible.

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