Often when a body is healing, what is happening FUNCTIONALLY (what the body is working on and trying to accomplish) is much more important than observing what is occurring PHYSICALLY (what can be observed or tested for at any given point in time).

Cleaning Out the Closet

As an analogy, think of what happens when you clean out your bedroom closet. Typically, you’ll pull everything out of the closet, sort it all out, then put it back neatly and organized.

Halfway through this job, your bedroom is really going to be (physically) a mess as you spread out the closet contents all over the place. However functionally, you are making good progress on getting the closet organized.

If someone looked at your messy bedroom and didn’t talk to you at all to find out why it was a mess, can you see that this might be misinterpreted as there being a big problem when in fact there was none?

This can happen with a medical diagnosis: the diagnostic test is a snapshot of the physical condition of a part of the body without ever asking the intelligence running the body what’s going on and why.

The doctor shows you the “diagnostic picture” (lab test) of the “messy bedroom” and says, “This is serious. This shows that your bedroom could become even terminally messy. You need to be on the drug Cleanupazide, 30mg.” So, you take the drug.

In your body, the drug causes big guys in black suits to show up in the bedroom and throw everything from the messy bedroom violently back into the closet. Then they slam the closet door and nail it shut. Voilà!  No more messy bedroom! The doctor does another diagnostic test (takes another picture of the bedroom) and shows you that now everything is “back to normal”—as long as you’re on the drug.


Your body can kick up a storm during the process of healing. This does NOT mean that you’re worse or that something is wrong. Your body just might have to mess up the bedroom for a little while in order to clean out the closet.

Diagnostic tests can be very valuable, but only in the context of what is happening functionally with the body. Much of the trouble with health care today comes from disassociated testing and rote interpretation of that testing with automatic treatment. Often, doctors aren’t observing what is going on in full context.  They aren’t thinking with the functional situation (what the body may be doing and why). They are working off the theory that the body is a biochemical machine that needs to be repaired, not a living, intelligence that could have its own plans.

A Better Solution:

Working with the body to assist it to heal itself can be a much more effective approach for many health conditions.

Here is a free booklet with the story of how I developed my techniques and how those techniques work (very practical information).

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