Tell Us About Yourself

Your First Step:

If You Would Like Some Help:

BEFORE you spend your time, money and hope, it’s very important that:

  1. We know enough about your case to be fairly sure we can help you.
  2. You know enough about us and how our treatment programs work that you are fairly sure you’d want to work with us.

Here is how we go about finding this out:

  • You will complete a very detailed health history and present complaints form and send it to us. SEE LINK ON THIS PAGE
  • You will read a short booklet describing what our treatment programs are, how they work and what you’d have to do if you started one. You’ll need to have this booklet read by the time you send us your health history form.* SEE LINK ON THIS PAGE
  • Once we receive your Health History Form, a doctor will review it.
  • A very knowledgeable technical staff member will call you to review the doctor’s questions about your information, and to answer any questions you might have about our treatment programs (from the booklet you will have read).

Once these steps are completed:

  • You will have enough information to decide if you’d like to make an initial appointment and get tested.
  • We will have enough information to determine if you can be conditionally accepted as a new patient (with a final approval once we have completed your initial visit).

*If you will have any difficulty with these instructions, call us immediately so we can work out a solution.

If you would like to proceed, please fill out the form below or call us at 770-612-1100 so we can start working with you.

New Patient Appointment Request

We do not sell or misuse Email addresses or personal information... NOT EVER
How Did You Hear About Us?

Read This Booklet

Evectics Book Cover

EvecticsSM is a unique concept in health care. To make it easy to understand, I have written this very short booklet outlining:

  • How an EvecticsSM treatment program works
  • What you need to know as an EvecticsSM patient
  • What you must do in order to do an EvecticsSM treatment program
  • Guidelines on how to proceed, depending on your specific situation


Fill Out This Form

New Patient Health Questionnaire

Please take your time and fill this Questionnaire out completely and thoughtfully. The time and effort you put into this process could be rewarded with a dramatic improvement in your health and quality of life.

Click the link and follow the instructions to fill out and submit your New Patient Health Questionnaire. You can do this securely, even on your phone!


Anxiety and Depression


 Anxiety, Worry & Depression


Learn about the causes of anxiety and depression, what you can do to reduce your suffering RIGHT NOW and how you can eliminate these problems from your life.

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