Our Services
Watch this video to see solutions to chronic health problems

Read this booklet online
- Why you might need EvecticsSM
- How EvecticsSM works
- What you’d have to do if you decided to do an EvecticsSM treatment program
- Guidelines on how to proceed, depending on your specific situation
Watch this video to see solutions to chronic health problem

Read this booklet online
EvecticsSM is a unique concept in health care. To make it easy to understand, I have written this very short booklet outlining:
- Why you might need EvecticsSM
- How EvecticsSM works
- What you’d have to do if you decided to do an EvecticsSM treatment program
- Guidelines on how to proceed, depending on your specific situation
Watch this video to see how we help your body to heal
Watch this video to see how we help your body to heal

Our Approach
Our approach is unique:
- We help patients fully recover from stubborn health problems. At the same time we help the person improve their quality of life and stability. We don’t treat a patient a few times to help them feel a bit better for a little while. We resolve the causes of problems, to maintain health for the rest of your life.
- We accept only those patients on whom we can get results. Through testing and thorough evaluation, a patient’s barriers to healing and candidacy for our program is determined. If a patient is not qualified for any reason, we will not accept their case (we offer referrals in these situations).
The first step is an initial evaluation visit. It includes a second consultation visit. There is no other cost until you know all the information about your proposed health improvement program. - Our programs are designed to handle your health condition to a stable, final result.
- Our goal is to complete your active program as rapidly as possible. Our goal with every patient is to return their bodies to a self-healing condition and reduce the level of care needed to maintain health.
- We specialize in difficult cases that have not responded well to medical or alternative treatments. We have numerous tools and protocols to help with really difficult or “impossible” cases that have resisted all previous efforts.
- Patients are always fully informed about all aspects of their programs. No mysteries. You’ll know what results to expect, how long it is likely to take to achieve this, and what you’ll have to do to get there. There is never any mystery about time, diet and lifestyle changes or finance.
We understand skepticism. Sometimes other efforts with advanced medical technology have failed. However, in our experience, the body has the power to heal itself.
Our question to skeptical patients is, “Is it OK with you to use non-medical techniques as long as this works?”
Patients find that with us they get stable RESULTS instead of just a diagnosis or explanation without recovered health.
What causes chronic health problems and why drugs don’t fix them
A chronic health problem is one that happens continuously or recurs frequently. Examples include: diabetes, high blood pressure, menstrual problems, joint or muscle pain, digestive problems, sleep, fatigue, depression, and so on. Most doctors manage these types of problems with drugs. There is little effort spent on discovering the cause of the problem or permanently resolving it.
You could define a “chronic” health problem as “a problem that medical doctors don’t know how to fix.” This is why the problem continues on even with medical treatment.
Medical doctors are “allopathic physicians.” Allopathic means, “Treating the system that causes the symptom.” For example if a bone is broken, the system causing the symptoms (swelling and pain) is the bone itself. An allopathic (medical) doctor will treat the bone, with good results. As long as the cause of the problem and the symptom are the same, the allopathic model works well.
Chronic health problems are caused by a compromise in the body’s normal healing ability.
- This isn’t general, where the body “can’t heal” overall. Rather, one or more specific areas have trouble healing properly (such as the heart or kidneys or ovaries or small intestine).
- There are specific causes for the problem in each area. An example: the kidneys can’t heal because of viral stress. When this healing interruption occurs, the body compensates: it adapts to the stress of the unresolvable problem to keep itself functioning.
- If the body is successful with adapting, the person will never experience any symptoms at all.
- In many cases, adapting to stress on the body causes other problems or stress.
- Over time the stress mounts up. The ability to heal gets compromised. This can occur soon after the problem starts or many years later. Major symptoms occur at the end of a series of compensations by the body. Any specific symptom often has little to do with the original problem.
Unfortunately, with allopathic (medical) treatment, a doctor will treat the symptom occurring at the end of these series of compensations. Because this symptom has little to do with the original cause of the problem, the treatment will only suppress the symptom temporarily. Continuous treatment is required to control the symptom, usually with drugs. Meanwhile, nothing has been done about the actual cause of the stress, which becomes worse over time. The body has not regained its ability to heal. The root cause of these adaptations and symptoms was never uncovered.
The Solution
The solution to chronic health conditions is to identify the specific areas in the body that are unable to heal, and assist the body to heal them itself. Invasive treatment (i.e. medical drugs or surgery) are ineffective here, as proven by the simple fact that chronic health problems don’t go away.
Alternative Health Atlanta uses a new approach to health care called EvecticsSM. This treatment approach assists the body to heal itself. This is why we say the body gets to “be its own doctor.” In EvecticsSM, the body decides for itself what needs to be done and in what sequence. We assist that process, ensuring efficacy at every step.