Need More Energy?

Are You Fatigued? Take this mini quiz:

Y / N: “Feel tired or lack energy almost daily.”

Y / N: SEVERE “I’m tired more than once daily.”

Y / N: “I recall at least one recent time when I decided NOT to do some activity because I didn’t have the energy for it.”

Y / N: SEVERE “This happens almost daily.”

Y / N: “I plan around my energy level; I know what times during the day I may not have energy.”

Y / N: “I am living at less than my potential for both activity and enjoyment because I lack the physical or mental energy required.”

Known Causes of Fatigue
Known Causes of Fatigue


Known Causes of Fatigue

Several physical conditions are known to cause fatigue. The good news is that if you have one of these conditions, you’ll have an excellent idea of what is causing your fatigue. Not sure if you have one of these? Read on; there’s more about that.

1: Anemia. This creates a lack of oxygen in your blood. You may get dizzy when you stand up, have brain fog, and get heart palpitations.

2: Diabetes. Blood sugar fluctuations require a great deal of energy, leaving you with little left for your life.

3: Thyroid. The metabolism master hormone gland. It dictates how much energy will be manufactured by every cell in your body. If it is stressed, you may have brain fog, exhaustion, and lack of motivation.

4: Heart Disease. If your heart isn’t pumping blood normally you can be severely fatigued. The tiredness will get worse as you exercise. You may also get shortness of breath and swelling in your arms and legs.

5: Sleep Problems. Insomnia, sleep apnea or just bad sleep habits can build up and lead to chronic tiredness and feeling sleepy.

6: Menopause / Prostate Problems. Having interrupted sleep from frequent urination, night sweats, and other symptoms of low hormone levels can cause severe brain fog, memory problems, lack of energy, and general misery.

7: Depression. Severe stress that goes along with depression can cause hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances. You may have trouble sleeping or wake too early and can’t get back to sleep.

8: Long Covid. This one has a wide variety of symptoms that are not yet understood. Fatigue is a common long-Covid symptom.

Even if you can identify which of these problems is causing your fatigue, there’s still the question of what can you do about this?

Some of these problems have real solutions, but most of them have only long-term drug-based symptom management available.

In most cases, the drugs used for symptoms won’t do much, if anything, for your fatigue or lack of energy.

Unknown Causes of Fatigue
Unknown Causes of Fatigue


Unknown Causes of Fatigue

So, what if you’re exhausted but don’t have any of the above health problems? Now what?

You’re in the same situation as people with diabetes, thyroid, menopause, depression, and long Covid. No medical solutions to these health conditions would resolve the fatigue associated with them.

The only possible solution in any of these cases is:

Get tested to determine what factors are preventing your body from healing.

If you don’t do this, you will be guessing, trying one thing after another to see what might work, researching the internet endlessly, and finding little that actually helps.

A word of caution: Discovering the cause(s) of your health problem is just the first step. You’ll also have to do something effective to assist your body in regaining its ability to heal.

If you have a stubborn/long-term health problem, there is no single treatment, drug, supplement, or diet that will solve it.

Read that last statement again. It’s important.


"Energy is Life; Fatigue is No Life" More Information on Fatigue and Lack of Energy


Often physical fatigue combines with mental sluggishness. Brain fog, poor concentration, and memory problems at the same time you have no energy can make up a misery package.

Physical and mental fatigue combined can be a knockout blow to your life.

Guide to a Plan
Guide to a Plan

You Don’t Need a Single Treatment; You Need a Guide and a Program

You need an entire program to work with your body, diet, and lifestyle to restore your life and health. You’ll also need a guide to work with you through the program and ensure you get complete results.

It doesn’t have to be hard. Often a health treatment program takes much less time than you may imagine.

I understand how you feel; it was my own frightening health experiences that inspired my clinic. I’ve been where you are myself!

I’ve been helping the most stubborn health cases for 30 years and have developed a comprehensive program that is individualized and unique to you.

Here is your plan:
  1. Use the link below to go to my online health quiz.
  2. Fill out the quiz and submit it.
  3. We’ll call you and do a phone consultation to determine if it’s likely that we could help you.
  4. You’ll get started toward feeling better and achieving your diet and health goals.


TO START YOUR PLAN: Fill out an online questionnaire

Submit your Questionnaire, and you’ll receive a complimentary consultation to get more information about causes to your problems and your individual health questions answered.

Energy Increases!

When I first started the program at AHA I was tired, weak, lethargic and ached all over. In 2-3 weeks, many of the symptoms improved and I started getting more energy and less muscle aches and sleeping almost through the night. Now at 6 weeks I’ve regained a lot of energy – very few aches and pains and I’ve lost 25lbs. This is attributed to cutting out diet sodas, refined carbs and having protein shakes and I’ve also been drinking lots of water. — G.C.

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