Stress and Your Life

Fact: Your life is going to present you with mental and physical stress*, probably very frequently!

*Stress is a mental or emotional strain or physiological disturbance or damage.

How you decide to deal with this inevitable stress can make a huge difference in your life and the lives of your family and friends. If you can make decisions based on the merits of your choices without worrying about whether you are “up to dealing with all this stress,” you will be happier and much more productive.

If you look for ways to avoid stress because you don’t think you can handle it, you may find that you feel less engaged with life and much less happy than you should be. Or, if you charge ahead into the stress and your body takes a hit, you can be fatigued, foggy-headed, irritable or sick as a result.

Neither of these options is even close to ideal. Continuing to muddle through and not attempting to solve your stress problem will prolong your suffering. It’s only going to worsen.

Stress Is Not Your Problem

The first fact to know if you are going to escape the stress trap is that stress alone isn’t your problem. We live on planet Earth— stress is going to happen.

Your problems with stress are most likely rooted in health problems with your body.

It works like this:

  1. You get hit with some stress in your life.
  2. Your body isn’t physically up to dealing with this, and the stress causes symptoms (such as sleep problems, anxiety, racing heart, digestive problems, headaches, fatigue, etc.).
  3. The symptoms of reactions to stress cause more
  4. This causes the symptoms to worsen.

With this cycle repeating, damage to your health continues, and the whole problem worsens. Also, you can develop many other health problems not directly related to stress.

The Solution That Isn’t

A standard error in attempting to deal with stress reactions is to take drugs. If you feel terrible and tell your doctor about it, you are going to get a prescription.

Drugs for sleep, anxiety, digestion and pain are all symptom-reducers. There are no drugs that help with the reasons behind these symptoms. It’s like biting your cheek after a trip to the dentist: your mouth is numb from novocaine, so you can’t feel the pain. But after the drug wears off, you’ll have to deal with the damage you inflicted on yourself.

After a year of taking drugs, you may be much worse off than when you started on them.

But, when you start on drugs there can be a moment where you are so, so grateful for them. Finally, there is a bit of relief; finally the edge comes off just a little. It’s easy to get stuck in this feeling and keep trying to repeat it with new drugs once the first ones quit working.

Best advice? Just tough it out (or do something effective about your health). Drugs will almost always make it worse.

What Causes Stress Symptoms?

Many people assume that since the adrenal glands have the job of responding to stress, most problems from stress would be from adrenal exhaustion. But often the cause is some other body malfunction that is severely overtaxing the adrenals. In this case, supporting the adrenals may not work at all. More information from Harvard Medical School

The thyroid can create many stress symptoms, as can sex hormones and blood sugar problems.

As you can see, this can get very convoluted very quickly. Your chances of trial-and-error success using diet changes and vitamin shops are not good.

A Way Out

First, I recommend that you knock off doing things that will never help you:

Stop doing nothing, stop guessing and trial and error (“Dr. Google”), and stop using dead-end drugs.

The solution to having your life held hostage by stress has three parts:

  1. Get your body tested to discover the first step it needs to begin recovery, and what help it needs to take this first step.
  2. Find knowledgeable, competent, experienced assistance to help you with this first step.
  3. Repeat 1 and 2 for the remaining steps until you have stable, good health, and your problems have gone for good.

The EvecticsSM system works by finding where your body is hanging up in its healing process and helping it to continue healing by doing only what the body wants. By continuing to help the body to improve past a series of stuck points, it can be returned to a condition of health and being able to deal with stress and damage from your environment.

This approach could help you (and therefore your family and friends) to have a happier, more productive life.

Watch this short video for a better understanding of how you could change your life permanently.

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