The Standard Process “Detox BalanceTM” Program
This is a 28-day program to a cleaner, brighter and happier version of yourself. It consists of diet improvements and smoothies made from plant-based whole food concentrates.
I’ve been recommending this program to my patients for over a decade. Consistently, the Detox Balance program results in:
- Better energy
- Better sleep
- Better digestion
- Improved mental clarity
Often there are many other benefits, such as improved libido, improved skin, weight loss, etc.
What’s Included?
(Available in a 10-Day or 28-Day version)
- 10 Day or 28 day supply of shake mix.
- Book. This is an exceptionally-well done instruction manual with details of how to do the program, solutions to any problems, recipes,
- Shaker Bottle (included only with 28-day version).
- Support from Alternative Health Atlanta. You have the experience and knowledge of our clinic behind you on your detox adventure!
- Are the shakes meal replacements?
- No, you eat clean, healthy meals in addition to the shakes. The shakes do make good snacks, however
- Will I feel toxic, headachy, or fatigued as my body detoxes?
- Minor fatigue and a bit of fogginess is common for a few days, but typically nothing that would affect your work.
- Will I have frequent or loose bowel movements or need to urinate more frequently?
- Generally, there will be little change in your elimination.
- Do I have to eat a specific diet? Vegan, Keto, Paleo, etc.?
- You’ll eat fresh foods and avoid processed (boxed, canned) foods. You’ll avoid most caffeine, alcohol, artificial sweeteners and junk or fast foods. If you are vegetarian, that’s fine. If not, you will continue to eat animal proteins.
- How soon would I expect to start seeing improvements from this program?
- This can vary a lot. If you do a good job doing the detox, it’s common to start feeling better in two to three weeks, sometimes sooner.
- Will I lose weight on this detox?
- This is not designed as a weight-loss program. That said, the majority of people report losing weight, often those who were “stuck” and couldn’t lose weight previously.
- How long do I do the detox?
- The program is designed for 28 days. However, there is a 10-day version of it as well.
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While we carry Standard Process products, neither Alternative Health Atlanta nor any third party associated with, related to, or linked to Alternative Health Atlanta’s business or website is in any way affiliated with Standard Process Inc.® Standard Process expressly disclaims any responsibility for, and makes no representations or warranties regarding, any statement, information, materials, or content found on or included in Alternative Health Atlanta’s marketing materials/website, or any third party marketing materials/websites related to, associated with or linked to Alternative Health Atlanta’s business or website. Standard Process products are dietary supplements and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.