A Way Out of Menopause Problems?
My sister-in-law was at my house a week ago and complained, “I just hate getting old” (she’s 53). She was discouraged that she couldn’t remember words and felt mentally sluggish.
I explained to her that this was a common symptom of menopause due to low estrogen levels. At first, she was excited by this information—something could be done about it! But then she realized she couldn’t take any estrogen with her breast cancer history.

The Toxic Soup
She’s not alone in wanting to avoid the use of hormones or drugs to treat menopause symptoms. A visit to your OBGYN with typical menopause symptoms can result in prescriptions for any or all of the following:
- Hormone Therapy: Estrogen is what works, but it can be a risk. So your doctor will probably prescribe the lowest dose over the shortest time. Many women are not interested in the risk and will pass on this.
- Vaginal Estrogen: Same story as hormone therapy.
- Low-dose Antidepressants: These SSRI drugs are prescribed for hot flashes and “mood disorders” caused by hormone imbalances. All of these drugs have side effects, and many are addictive.
- Gabapentin: A seizure drug repurposed as a treatment for night sweats.
- Clonidine: High blood pressure med repurposed as a treatment for hot flashes.
- Osteoporosis drugs: The most popular drugs build “bone density” by inhibiting the destruction of old or dead bone cells. This increases bone density but without increasing bone strength.
Surely there must be another, better way.
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Why Hormones Go Whacky
Your hormones are a communication system in your body. Like bulk mail, trillions of molecules of your hormones plug themselves into “mailboxes” on your cells. Your cells then read the mail and know what your brain wants them to do.
Hormones are very specialized chemicals. Sadly, in our high-tech society, we use similar chemicals for pesticides, insecticides, drugs, plastics, etc. The molecules of these toxic chemicals in our environment are so identical to your hormone molecules that your body can’t tell the difference.
These toxic molecules interfere with your natural hormones, creating stress that has been linked to hundreds of chronic diseases.
These toxins are called ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS. Here is a link to the EPA’s Endocrine Disruption webpage.
My experience has been that these toxins are a significant factor in menopause symptoms.
An Effective, Non-Drug, Non-Hormone Solution
There are many imbalances that create menopause symptoms. Each woman’s answer is different. I do a great job of finding your problems and rebalancing your body so you feel great—even in menopause.
One of the techniques I use to help women with hormone problems is an acupressure treatment called “Systems Balancing Technique,” or SBT. I have been using this technique since 2001 and have helped thousands of women to improve hormone imbalances related to sex hormones, adrenals, thyroid, and many more problems.
How SBT Works
In 1. below, a natural hormone (letter) can’t get to the cell’s mailbox because it’s being blocked by a toxic chemical (ED stands for “Endocrine Disruptor,” a toxic chemical that mimics a hormone and fools the body).
SBT treatments bring the body’s attention to the ED molecule with the intention that the body will realize this isn’t a natural hormone and eject it from the mailbox.
In 2. below, the hormone letter can plug into the receptor site freed from being blocked by the ED.

Neither I nor anyone else can know what is happening inside the body on a molecular level. The explanation above is my “working theory” of how SBT works, but I have no way to know for sure.
However, the results I have obtained with this technique speak for themselves!
A Plan to Balance Your Hormones
If you’d like to find out if a non-drug, non-hormone solution could work for you, here are two possible actions for you to take:
Neither I nor anyone else can know what is happening inside the body on a molecular level. The explanation above is my “working theory” of how SBT works, but I have no way to know for sure.
However, the results I have obtained with this technique speak for themselves!
A Plan to Balance Your Hormones
If you’d like to find out if a non-drug, non-hormone solution could work for you, here are two possible actions for you to take:
PLAN A: Take these four simple steps
PLAN B: Fill out an online questionnaire
Submit your Questionnaire, and you’ll receive a complimentary consultation to get more information and your individual health questions answered.
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Dr. Melodie Billiot
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Don’t give up! You can recover your health if you persist.