
We have collected thousands of success stories from our patients over the past 20 years. We have categorized a number of these stories by main topic on this page. Click on a topic to expand the list of success stories it contains. Then click on a story to read it.

NOTE: Success Stories are the experiences and opinions of the patient in their words, are not claims of expected results and do not necessarily represent the views of doctors at this clinic. No medical claims are made for nutritional counseling. We do not diagnose or treat disease or make drug recommendations. Each patient is analyzed to determine nutritional status and depending upon what is found, nutritional supplements, dietary guidelines, and/or lifestyle changes may be recommended to help bring about more optimum health. We recognize that there are times when only medical means will serve and referrals to competent and qualified medical professionals are made. Experience has shown that adults and children with sound nutrition lead healthier, happier lives. Results may vary from person to person.


Child Off Allergy Meds

We started coming to AHA because my 4 year-old son was taking up to five medications each morning and each night, year round, to control allergy and asthma symptoms. We had previously been to an allergist in an attempt to reduce the amount of medicine he was taking. To my dismay, after painful testing (pin prick and shots) the allergist found only one confirmed allergy and increased his medication. When we started at AHA my son had low energy, lots of stomachaches and headaches, and was constantly getting respiratory illnesses that would interfere with his sleep and school because they made him so tired. The doctors at AHA found that my son’s body had many food and environmental sensitivities. He is now off all of his medications. No more complaints of stomachaches or headaches. All our work has paid off. He has tons more energy and over the course of his treatment has gotten sick much less often. It has taken such a weight off my shoulders to have a child that is no longer taking so much medicine at such a young age. I constantly worried about the long-term effects of the medication and the poor quality of life he was living. I knew there had to be another alternative to traditional medicine and we found it at AHA. We are no longer medicating the problems—we are rid of them!—J.R.

No Drowsy Allergy Medicine This Spring!

This is amazing! I came in sneezing, low energy and with difficulty breathing. After the clearing, all symptoms disappeared. I’m convinced this is the way to heal! — O.L.

Watery Eye Relief!

My eyes no longer water from outside allergies! — L.W.

No Allergy Meds and Enjoying Springtime Outside for Once!

Before I started my treatment, I always feared spring every year. It has always been the worst season for me. In the past 3 years of school, I have always missed at least 10 days every spring semester because of sickness from allergies. This year, spring semester, I haven’t missed any days! I am able to walk outside and go on runs now! I used to have to go to a gym because I couldn’t handle the pollen! I am taking no medicine now for my allergies and it has been a life changing year so far! I am so thankful to AHA for all they have done for me and my health! — K.K.

No More Fear of Pollen Season!

This pollen season has been the easiest in years. I haven’t had the real bad sinus headaches I used to have. Thanks AHA! — D.B.

Coughing Episodes Disappear!

For the first time in years I have been sleeping with the window open in my bedroom at night. No sinus drainage, no coughing and no stuffy nose! — M.L.

Watery Eyes, Reflux and Other Allergy Symptoms Subsiding!

I have been bringing my daughter to Alternative Health for about five weeks. Arden has had terrible reflux and a watery eye amongst other allergy problems. I am happy to say that Arden’s reflux has gone and her eyes no longer water. We are looking forward to the rest of her allergy symptoms resolving. Thank you Alternative Health! — J.S.

Silver Jewelry No Longer a Problem Since Clearing Basic Allergies!

For my 22nd birthday, I was given a sterling silver necklace from Tiffany’s. About one day after wearing it, it got black dots all over. After another day it was totally tarnished. I have always worn silver jewelry and nothing like this had ever happened – I thought it was a problem with the necklace. So I returned it for another one and the same thing happened. Very discouraged, I went back to Tiffany’s and they told me it was not a problem with the necklace, it was a problem with me – either chemically in my skin or a lotion or perfume I wear. I told them this has never happened before with other silver jewelry, but they said their silver is some of the purest silver there is. So I gave up and returned it. Soon after, I started clearing the basic allergies. I was sensitive to the mineral mix, which includes silver. I always wondered if I got the necklace again, if it would be different. Well, I was given it again at the end of December and so far it has stayed clear and has not tarnished at all. Thank AHA! — J.S.

April Pollen Brings No More Allergies!

Every year in April I’m miserable with a headache & runny nose etc., due to pollen – but today with a pollen count of over 1500, I feel great. This works!! I highly recommend allergy elimination technique. — D.L.

Allergy Treatments Help Improve Mood!

I am an extreme type A personality when things I do aren’t perfect. I experience intense anxiety, irritability and depression. If that continued, I would have self-destructed mentally. Since my allergy treatments, I found that my mindset is much more even keeled. When things don’t turn out exactly perfect, I can still live with it because I know I did the best I could and now that is my definition of perfect. I don’t get irritated with slight changes in plans or urgent requests at work. I found myself taking many more things in stride. It’s a much saner, peaceful way to go through the day and I owe it all to my allergy treatments. I also find myself craving for foods that I never thought much about before like vegetables and fruit. I am no longer just looking for the nearest source of carbs like a loaf of bread or box of cereal. I’m just as happy and satisfied with an apple or some grapes. I know that is much better for me. — T.S.


Child Off Allergy Meds

We started coming to AHA because my 4 year-old son was taking up to five medications each morning and each night, year round, to control allergy and asthma symptoms. We had previously been to an allergist in an attempt to reduce the amount of medicine he was taking. To my dismay, after painful testing (pin prick and shots) the allergist found only one confirmed allergy and increased his medication. When we started at AHA my son had low energy, lots of stomachaches and headaches, and was constantly getting respiratory illnesses that would interfere with his sleep and school because they made him so tired. The doctors at AHA found that my son’s body had many food and environmental sensitivities. He is now off all of his medications. No more complaints of stomachaches or headaches. All our work has paid off. He has tons more energy and over the course of his treatment has gotten sick much less often. It has taken such a weight off my shoulders to have a child that is no longer taking so much medicine at such a young age. I constantly worried about the long-term effects of the medication and the poor quality of life he was living. I knew there had to be another alternative to traditional medicine and we found it at AHA. We are no longer medicating the problems—we are rid of them!—J.R.

No Drowsy Allergy Medicine This Spring!

This is amazing! I came in sneezing, low energy and with difficulty breathing. After the clearing, all symptoms disappeared. I’m convinced this is the way to heal! — O.L.

I Can Breathe Again!

I have been asthmatic my entire life, so I never expected or even dreamed of lessening my symptoms. By chance, I lost my prescription for my asthma medication and forgot to take it for 3 days straight! I hadn’t gone without a pill for my asthma since I was 13 years old, and if I missed a dose I’d know it before half the day was over, by my inability to breathe. I am so shocked and amazed that I am even alive right now, and thoroughly grateful. Thanks to AHA for helping me to improve my health! — V.P.

No Allergy Meds and Enjoying Springtime Outside for Once!

Before I started my treatment, I always feared spring every year. It has always been the worst season for me. In the past 3 years of school, I have always missed at least 10 days every spring semester because of sickness from allergies. This year, spring semester, I haven’t missed any days! I am able to walk outside and go on runs now! I used to have to go to a gym because I couldn’t handle the pollen! I am taking no medicine now for my allergies and it has been a life changing year so far! I am so thankful to AHA for all they have done for me and my health! — K.K.

Asthma Relief!

Before coming to AHA, I would have to use my inhaler twice a night, especially when the weather was damp. Now, I haven’t used my inhaler in two weeks since coming to the clinic and taking my supplements. I am optimistic that with my treatments my asthma will continue to improve. — K.C.

Asthma Gone After 49 Years!

I have been an asthmatic for 49 years. I also suffer from type II diabetes. For many years, I have been treated by conventional doctors using conventional medicine i.e. chemicals, pills, inhalers and injections. These treatments temporarily relieved the symptoms and subsequently I would be ill again. Several months ago I made a decision that turned my life around, I saw an ad in the AJC regarding Natural health care. Initially, a consultation was arranged and I subsequently visited the AHA doctors. Since visiting these outstanding doctors my health has improved substantially. I have not suffered an asthma attack since starting the treatment program. I strongly recommend any patient that suffers from any illness to visit AHA. By using allergy elimination techniques and adjusting my diet has worked wonders for me. — M.C.

Bacteria and Fungus

Scalp Condition Heals

I knew what results AHA was capable of through observation during my employment there. So when my daughter was diagnosed with pyodermagangrenosum I knew exactly where to go. I was so stressed out; it was the most awful and disgusting bacterial infection I had ever encountered. Her hair was falling out, it was painful and oozing pus in her scalp. After seeing the doctor I saw drastic results. Everything had cleared up and her hair began to grow back. I have an abundance of confidence in this establishment. — J.J.

Pretty Nails Again

For the last twelve years, I’ve gotten pedicures regularly. Although I love the look of freshly painted toes, that’s not the real reason I got them. I just couldn’t stand to look at my ugly yellow toenails affected by toenail fungus! Yuk! I had resigned myself to this condition after a dermatologist told me that I would need to take prescription drugs which would require me to be monitored for potential liver damage, and even with that risk the treatment might not even work! During one of my visits the doctor asked if there was anything about my health I wanted to change. I told her about my nails, and after some changes to my program it is finally gone! I’m thrilled! — S.B.

Bowel and Bladder

Frequent Urination No More!

Our son developed a sudden urge to urinate approximately 30 to 40 times a day. We were unable to make any trips in the car that lasted longer than 30 minutes due to his discomfort. After following AHA’s program his urination pattern returned to normal. The overbearing urges to urinate were GONE! Family trips to the movie theater are once again a delight. Thank you to the incredible team at AHA, for your dedication to natural health and EXCELLENCE. — C.B.

Frequent Urination Disappears!

I have always had a problem with frequent urination after drinking water. It did not matter if it was during the day, afternoon or at night. After drinking water, I would have to go to the bathroom within 10-15 minutes. And again in another 10-15 minutes. It seemed as if my body was not utilizing the water at all. After my 1st visit, this condition disappeared. I am amazed and quite pleased! Thank you AHA. — O.C.P.

Weakening Bladder Woes End!

I’ve been experiencing bladder leakage for several months and the embarrassment that goes along with it. Recently, after following treatments here at the center, the problem lessened and lessened until the final results. I am appreciative of the doctors and the fine job they’re dedicated to. Thanks again and again. — L.T.

Urination Is Under Control!

When my daughter started coming to AHA she was having urination more frequently than normal. It was as if when she took a drink of water it went right through her. She would urinate four of five times from a small amount of water. She also started wetting the bed at night and having accidents at school. This was very disturbing considering the fact she was potty trained since the age of two. But she has really made improvements. She hasn’t had any night accidents nor has she had any accidents at school. She has also improved with not having to go as frequently after having a drink. — D.B.

Constipation Relief

I’m 44 years old. Prior to coming to AHA, I had suffered with constipation all my life. It was normal for me to have no elimination for 3, 5, or even 8 days at a time. Laxatives were the only thing that brought me relief: however, I didn’t take them on a regular basis. After only a few treatments, I no longer have any signs of this former complaint. My energy and overall sense of wellness are increasing with each visit. Thank you for your excellent assistance in this area of my life. — G.P.

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure Back To Normal

After coming to AHA my blood pressure is back within my normal range. This is a welcome improvement after 3 years of high blood pressure due to too much stress and not taking care of myself. Hurray! My energy levels are higher, and I now aspire to be the subject of the next post card with 25 lbs. lost in less than 2 months!— T.K.

Blood Pressure Under Control

During my annual checkup, my blood pressure took its usual upward jolt. Partially, no doubt, due to the old white coat syndrome. The doctor made me sit for 15 minutes to chill before she would let me leave, with the advice, that I needed to start BP-meds if I did not get my blood pressure under control. I purchased a BP-meter and started BRT treatments at Alternative Health Atlanta and began to adhere to the prescribed eating. I noticed my BP dropped and kept going down. It has now remained at a healthy level for over 2 months. If feel very calm and no longer get agitated over those little hurdles that life serves us daily. Thank you to the doctors. — J.M.H.

No Blood Pressure Meds in 3 Weeks!

I have been coming to AHA for three weeks. Yesterday was the first day that I didn’t take blood pressure medicine because my blood pressure was too low! Hallelujah! — T.S.

Off Blood Pressure Meds!

When I first came to the center, I had severe allergies, sinus problems, bad headaches, high blood pressure, and low energy. Not to mention that I was losing my hair. After starting the program, I am off my blood pressure medicine, my energy level has improved, my hair is healthier, my headaches are less frequent and my allergy and sinus problems are greatly improved. My overall health has certainly improved. — D.M.

Body Pain and Mobility

Pain Gone..No Drugs!

For 2 years I took Bextra for body pains. With everything on the news these days about the dangers of this drug I knew it was time to stop taking it. I told my doctor at the Center that I stopped taking Bextra and was in extreme pain from withdrawals. She gave me 2 new supplements but warned me that it would take 2-3 weeks for my body to respond. She was wrong! It only took 3 days!! My knees and hips feel a lot better! My mobility is back to where I was before I stopped taking the drug. Thanks AHA!! You are awesome! — S.B..

Knee Stiffness No Longer A Problem!

Before coming to AHA I experienced stiffness in my knees whenever I tried to get up from a seated position, my knees sounded like snap, crackle and pop. Often I had to hold on to something to help pull myself up. Now I jump up without any noises or assistance. — B.J.

Leg Cramps Gone!

I’m so-o-o excited- after only 1(that’s one) treatment I didn’t have any swelling in my ankles and legs and I didn’t have any night cramps in my legs. I have been plagued with that for the past 20 years. WOW what a feeling!! I would like to commend the staff for helping me through all my aches and pains- they are like a second family to me. Keep up the good work!!! — R.W.

Multiple Ailments Beginning To Clear Up!

I first considered SBT and Alternative Health due to the multiple, unseemingly connected health issues that were not being successfully healed through conventional medicine. (menstrual difficulties, allergies/asthma, insomnia, chronic fatigue) Every medication caused rare or little known side effects. Test after test came back normal or inconclusive. I tried numerous herbs and supplements on my own after much research. We had even switched to an organic/natural whole food diet 2-3 years ago & drink only spring water. Overall things did not improve. This was one last attempt to find the real solution & little research made sense. I was a tough case coming in & the clinic was not sure they would help me. We agreed to an initial/ trial run. To my surprise & delight things changed immediately. I decided to stop all medications & the SBT worked. My asthma is 90% improved, I can sleep through the night and feel rested. There are still more issues to address but I’m happy/satisfied to have a little improvement every day. —L.C.

No More Headaches, Back Pain or Cramps - Amazing!

Well, I came in with horrible headaches, horrible back pain, leg cramps & other symptoms. It was all worth it. I have no more headaches, no more bad cramps and my back pain was gone. This was a wonderful experience & I’m glad I came. —A.C.

Pain Decreases and Energy Is Rising!

My fibromyalgia pain has decreased and my energy is so much better since being on the SBT program. — B.W.

Soreness and Tension In The Back Decreases!

After months of continuous lower back pain, with the help of Alternative Health Atlanta and its staff, today I have no soreness or tension in my back. After just a few weeks of treatment I feel more calm and relaxed and the strain I felt in my muscles is gone. — S.K.

Not Only Walking, But Running Too!

Running again! After nine years of pain and not only could I barely walk, I didn’t consider trying to run or walk fast, but after 3 months of coming to AHA, I ran this morning and felt wonderful. Thanks to the staff. — J.S.

Back Improvement Is Amazing!

I have had chronic low back pain for the past 5 years that medicine and even regular adjustments from a chiropractor couldn’t alleviate. I would never have guessed that it may be related to my organs; kidneys, uterus, ovaries. However, since I have been a patient at the AHA I have experienced a drastic improvement in my low back. I am very active and therefore very sensitive to any discomfort or lack of mobility in my back. Overall the improvement is amazing and it’s so refreshing to have a sense about where the pain is coming from and that it can be easily remedied. — J.S.R.

Shoulder and Elbow Pain Goes Away!

My shoulder, according to the doctor, had symptoms of Bursitis. For a year and a half it has been very painful to move my shoulder and elbow. It now no longer hurts or creaks. I have also lost 7lbs without really trying. — C.L.


Kid's Concentration Helped!

My son aged 13 had all sorts of problems going on with him. The grades were bad, he couldn’t concentrate at home or school. There was always one complaint or another coming from school. He was good at making excuses, some were very interesting. After seeing the flyer at the clinic about helping kids with concentration problems, I thought we could give it a try. Not only did he get help for his eczema, but he certainly is a different boy. He’s energetic, positive, and responsible and has better grades. Thanks to the doctors who’ve kept him motivated with treatment and pep talks. —S.K.

No More Drugs For Baby!

Dr Billiot is the greatest! We have a 20 month old son who just got out of the hospital diagnosed with asthma. After one visit with you and changing his formula he is so much better we can’t believe it. His breathing has returned to normal and the energy level has risen significantly. He is another child. I can’t wait to get started myself. Thanks for no more drugs – he was getting doses three times a day. — A.L.

Urinary Problems Subside

When Deonna started coming to AHA she was having urination more frequently than normal. It was as if when she took a drink of water it went right through her. She would urinate four or five times from a small amount of water. She also started wetting the bed at night and having accidents at school. This was very disturbing considering the fact she was potty trained since the age of two. But over the past few weeks she has really made improvements. She hasn’t had any night accidents nor has she had any accidents at school. She has also improved with not having to go as frequently after having a drink! — D.B.

Child's Health Improves In Many Ways

Since coming to see Dr. Billiot and the rest of the doctors here at Alternative Health Atlanta, Melissa has been able to stop taking her bed wetting medicine and is now dry at night except for once in a while which is a huge improvement. She has shown improvement in her concentration and ADD symptoms. Her diet has greatly improved and she understands what sugar does to her. She continues to be treated for her allergies and I am hopeful for much more improvement. — D.K.S.

My Child Can Sleep..Now I Can Get My Rest!

My daughter is 3 years old and has always slept in my husbands and my bed. On top of that she would wake up several times a night and roll over in her sleep waking us all night long. Since we’ve been coming to AHA I have seen dramatic improvement in her sleep patterns. A week ago, she started to sleep in her own bed. No cries, no getting up! I am finally getting my rest! — N.L.

Focus Improved-Tantrums Stopped!

I want to express how happy we are with the progress our son is making because of the treatment he is receiving here. He has always been frustrated while studying or having to focus on homework. Tantrums and inability to settle down were very common. This week was so different. He had lots of school work to make up every morning and afternoon for a week, then exams began. His temper and ability to cope are so much better. Thank you. — J.K.

Still Two, But No Longer Terrible

Awesome success! My son is doing so well! So much of the terrible two’s was due to his allergies. He’s all handled now… still two, but no longer terrible! He’s not cranky, sleeps well (even asks to go to sleep, now; he used to put up a huge fuss before). Hyperactive is no more! He’s happy all of the time now! —D.D.

ADHD Label And Surgery Avoided For Child

Awesome success! I’ve got to tell you that I just came back from my son’s first parent teacher conference and I found that he was rated #1 in his class! This is a child who would not let anyone touch him. He had so many allergies that he could not concentrate. He was getting ready to be labeled as ADHD and have his tonsils and adenoids removed. We waited on the surgery, avoided testing that would have labeled him as learning disabled and did exactly what you told us. Now he can even breathe without snoring at night. I love this place! Everyone here is determined to give each patient the best possible care. Every child who has an attention, behavior, dependent or medical issue should be here. Thank You! —R.J.

Child's Seizures Gone

I started coming to AHA due to some serious health situations that had arisen with my 2 year old son. All of a sudden, he had started having ‘febrile seizures’ and this happened 4 times with no warnings. His fever would spike and he’d have a seizure. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. When we came the first time, my son had been sick for 5 days and had been vomiting repeatedly. Since starting the program he is much better. He’s had no seizures and no vomiting. He is also much happier and more agreeable and yes he’s still 2 years old! He has more energy and doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night in terror taking an hour to get him back to sleep. I attribute all of this to your program. —K.D.

Autistic Child Starting To Communicate

I have an autistic three year old and wanted to share the great results we are having. My son Elijah used to do a ton of self stimulating behavior but in the few months we have been coming for NAET, we have seen a dramatic change in personality. He is more calm and is finally starting to communicate his wants for food, drink and entertainment. Eli used to use words but sporadically and inappropriately he now names objects and makes choices through speech. We thank everyone at the clinic who is helping us through the process. We are very satisfied and now have hope for the future. — E.B.


Lower Cholesterol

An unexpected success! My cholesterol went from 256 to 173, and we weren’t even addressing that problem! What a very pleasant surprise. Success without drugs!— D.L.

Cholesterol Is Looking Good!

Through the protocol of diet and supplements I was able to lower my bad cholesterol(LDL) by a total of 80 points and increase my good cholesterol(HDL) over the same period by more than 30 points. I am well on my way to reach the medically acceptable level of below 180 at the next check up. Thank you to Alternative Health Atlanta for helping me reach this goal. — J.H.

I Finally Cleared Sugar!

I just finished a part of my program that assisted my body to correct sensitivity to SUGAR!! Hip, hip hooray! This past week was my first time when I didn’t have cravings right after meals and didn’t reach for cookies or cupcakes! As a result, I really don’t feel sluggish and experience the highs & lows. — K.Y.

Chocolate Cravings Non-Existent!

When I first started coming to the clinic I was eating about a pound of chocolate every morning for breakfast and every night before I went to bed. In less than two weeks my cravings are completely gone. Now I know this program really works. — C.W.

Nut Cravings Subside And Weight Loss Follows!

Since clearing nuts, I stopped craving peanuts, which I would eat to excess. Not only do I feel much more energetic, but I’ve completely lost interest in eating peanuts and only nibble, occasionally on other nuts. As a result, I’ve been steadily losing weight. What a wonderful side-effect since my previous efforts to lose weight have been ineffective. Thanks AHA. -A.K.

Reformed Sugar-Holic!

I started the program one week before Thanksgiving and have a had a surprisingly easy time giving up sugar. I even prepared the holiday sweet potato soufflé with Stevia – it was great. I am a lifetime sugar-holic and have been so pleased with my success in giving up sugar. I haven’t even had cravings. The other immediate dietary change that I’ve noticed has been my newfound ability to digest cheeses. I have an extreme case of lactose intolerance and foods such as pizza or cheesy omelets would send me immediately to the bathroom. Now, this problem has gone away so I can enjoy the taste and health benefits of some dairy products. — N.D.

Day 3 Of No Sugar Cravings!

Today I started my 5th treatment and met with the nutritionist on Friday. I came in feeling very tired and itching uncontrollably and today I feel 100% better. I haven’t had sugar cravings for 3 days now – amazing! All I really crave is water, water, water! — L.P.D.

No More Sugar Cravings!!

I was the biggest chocoholic in the world. I mean, I HAD to have some chocolate every night, and when I say some I mean huge quantities! I started my BRT treatments on Monday and haven’t had any cravings since! This is unbelievable! The last time I went without I had such awful withdrawal symptoms that I thought I was going to die! This is such a change, and I know it’s only going to get better! -MC

Cravings Relief

I had one treatment and now I’m a believer! I was treated for refined sugars, and five days later I still haven’t had one craving! It’s amazing! — M.W.

Lost 8 lbs & No More Cravings!

After being on this health program I have lost 8 pounds. This is due in part because the program has caused me to revolt at sugared foods (ice cream, sodas, etc). I no longer crave these foods and consequently the weight is coming off. — C.W.

Dental and Mouth

Gum Disease Success

Two years ago I was diagnosed with periodontal (gum) disease. I had surgery to help correct the problem. A year later the pockets in the right side of my mouth between the teeth and gums measured a 6 on the dentist’s probe. The doctor thought I might need surgery again. After just a few weeks at AHA on an alternative health program, my next visit to the doctor was amazing. To the dentist’s surprise, the 6 was now a 3! She asked me what I was doing and I told her of my alternative health program. She stated that was good and that I should keep it up. And I didn’t need surgery. — W.G.

Healthy Gums Amaze Dentist

When I began my program, one of my concerns and problems was my gums. As long as I can remember, I have had problems with my teeth and gums. I would eat and my gums would begin to bleed. I had deep pockets around most of my teeth and food would get trapped and then the problems really started. I started to notice that after starting the program my gums were not bleeding as often. I am one who goes to the dentist every three months for cleaning in order to keep the bleeding down. When I went for my last appointment, the hygienist could not believe what she was seeing. She stopped cleaning and asked what in the world had I been doing to get my gums to do so well. No more deep pockets and the gums were healthy enough to form new healthy tissue around the teeth. I just smiled and began telling her about AHA and the program. She again said ‘I’ve never seen such improvement!’ We both decided not to tell the dentist, to see if he noticed. He sure did! So, if you are having a gum problem, just do what the doctor tells you—do the program, and watch the results. —J.G.

Cold Sores Vanish After SBT!!

I had a terrible time with repeat cold sores and so I mentioned it to the doctor. She decided to do a SBT treatment on the area (or for the underlying cause) which is of course a virus which had been as far down as DNA (unbelievable). Almost exactly on the 25th hour mark, the tingling at the cold sore went away immediately. A few other sores on my mouth went away and I knew just how great the SBT had worked on my problems of cold sores. Thanks to Dr. Shakarian and the entire staff for another great healing experiences. — V.S.


I Have a Real Sense of Hope..Instead of a Chemically-Induced High!

I have seen significant improvement with my last 3 – 4 visits. My headaches have all but vanished. I have so much energy and mental clarity and it feels amazing. I have been waking up in the morning feeling like my night’s rest was adequate and restful instead of needing 3 hours to get myself fully alert. I can get so much more accomplished during the day than I used to. I have been off antidepressants for over a month and a half and I have a real sense of hope about my life instead of a fleeting, chemically-induced high. My sugar cravings have diminished significantly, a truly amazing feat considering when I first walked in here about the only thing I ate or craved was sweets and sugar. The best part is I have learned so much about nutrition and about my body, information that will be invaluable to me for the rest of my life. THANK YOU! — J.R.

Depression Subsides

I recently had the opportunity to be tested with the Skasys machine here. I found out that I had a deficiency in several neurotransmitters. Since Dr. Billiot began Kick starting them; I have had amazing results. Years of problems with depression and overall mental equilibrium have balanced out like never before. If I do get sad, I bounce out of it quickly. I find that my temper is 100% better. I’m just overall happier. I can’t believe it; I saw results just by taking nutrition. This blows everything else away! Kudos to Dr. Billiot for providing the technology to truly make a difference. Nothing compares to being able to live a life feeling complete mind, body and spirit. Western medicine never could have done this; I tried their methods and nothing came close. P.S. I’ve been losing one to two pounds of weight every week since and I’ve done and eaten nothing different! —PS

Depression Lifting!

My purpose in coming to AHA was in part to get help with depression. My last clearing was difficult. I felt exhausted for 4 days. After my next appointment I felt better-even better than before the difficult clearing. I learned that this is often the result after difficult clearings. It is as though I have come around a corner and moved to a higher level. Things which overwhelmed me before or caused days of anxiety don’t seem so serious now. I love the work which the doctors at AHA do. It is profound because it addresses the cause of illness and brings results! Thank you! — J.K.

Depression and Mood Swings Subside!

I have been seeing Dr. Billiot for nine weeks. I have seen and felt great results. I am now off of medication for depression and mood swings and feeling great. I have lost 10 pounds and inches I never imagined. I am now able to control my cravings for sugar. Instead of my body controlling me, I am able to control my body and what I eat. — R.H.

Mood Swings Gone!

Before I began SBT treatment I felt tired and irritable and experienced mood swings for no apparent reason. I had been to several medical doctors that checked both my hormone and thyroid levels and said everything was normal. After several SBT treatments I found my energy level improving, I was sleeping better than I had in years! My mood improved greatly (just ask my husband!) I’m feeling better than I have in several years and have also lost several pounds in the process. I look forward to continuing treatment for the benefit of my health. — P.I.

I'm Off Antidepressants!

The doctor was very, very helpful to me this past week. I was trying to discontinue an antidepressant which I have taken for 2 1/2 years. Although I had halved the dose I was surprised that the effects were so severe when I finally quit taking the drug altogether. I had nightmares, dizziness, great sadness and buzzing, crackling sound in my head. All of this was very scary. The doctors took extra time with me because they are so nurturing. Within 24 hours of treatment I felt so much better. No more nightmares or any other severe symptom. Thank you so much. — J.K.

Joy In Living from Living Without Drugs

Meeting success first meant that I had been faced with a challenge giving me a worthwhile purpose. My health was deteriorating and noticeably bothering me. Because I find joy in living, giving and serving, I feared past and present limitations would become a greater blockade to a full life. An opportunity to change my health habits and create within me a healthier and more whole person was my gateway of opportunity to develop a better me. One of my greatest fears is relieved because I have completed the process of getting off of three major drugs for depression. I had been on one since the late eighties, and had added 2 others by the mid- nineties. With the help of my medical doctors and detoxification at this clinic, I have successfully gotten away from that dependency! I can feel me, know me, and respond to others in a spirit of love and care. I am thinking clearly and making good decisions. One thing hasn’t changed- I don’t put thoughts in just a few words! — G.C.

Blood Sugar

Insulin Under Control

My sugar cravings have diminished since being on a program at AHA. I am glad to be getting my insulin and glucose under control, as I have two blood relatives with adult diabetes. Resisting sugar used to be a daily constant battle. Now, cravings don’t pester and plague me. — A.W.

Hypoglycemia Disappears!

After starting on a nutrition program, I feel that I am much healthier than before. The best outcome is the disappearance of hypoglycemia; my blood sugar level seems much more regular. I no longer have the scary symptoms of mental confusion, headaches, constant preoccupation with food. My energy level is improved, and I now have the energy to do things in the evenings. I also lost 10 pounds without counting calories and without feeling like I was ‘on a diet.’ I feel I am in better health overall and my recent experience with a cold is a good example: With a little help from some vitamins, my body was able to fight off a cold in two days; in the past, a cold would hang on for a week or more. I feel that, for the first time, I have personally experienced my body’s natural ability to heal itself. I am optimistic that my health will get better and better and that I will continue to feel and look healthy! —A.G.

Blood Sugar Improves

I am 73 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes 10 years ago. During this time my morning blood sugar ranges have been from 131 to 230 (normal is 69 to 150). These levels have been achieved with the assistance of two prescribed medications. After only two BRT treatments, I’ve reduced one of my medications by one-half, and my morning blood sugar levels are now 70 to 80! What an excellent experience this has been for me! — L.P.


Insulin Under Control

My sugar cravings have diminished since being on a program at AHA. I am glad to be getting my insulin and glucose under control, as I have two blood relatives with adult diabetes. Resisting sugar used to be a daily constant battle. Now, cravings don’t pester and plague me. — A.W.

Hypoglycemia Disappears!

After starting on a nutrition program, I feel that I am much healthier than before. The best outcome is the disappearance of hypoglycemia; my blood sugar level seems much more regular. I no longer have the scary symptoms of mental confusion, headaches, constant preoccupation with food. My energy level is improved, and I now have the energy to do things in the evenings. I also lost 10 pounds without counting calories and without feeling like I was ‘on a diet.’ I feel I am in better health overall and my recent experience with a cold is a good example: With a little help from some vitamins, my body was able to fight off a cold in two days; in the past, a cold would hang on for a week or more. I feel that, for the first time, I have personally experienced my body’s natural ability to heal itself. I am optimistic that my health will get better and better and that I will continue to feel and look healthy! —A.G.

Blood Sugar Improves

I am 73 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes 10 years ago. During this time my morning blood sugar ranges have been from 131 to 230 (normal is 69 to 150). These levels have been achieved with the assistance of two prescribed medications. After only two BRT treatments, I’ve reduced one of my medications by one-half, and my morning blood sugar levels are now 70 to 80! What an excellent experience this has been for me! — L.P.

Energy and Fatigue

Spring Fever Gone!

Every Spring for as long as I can remember, I would have the classic Spring fever symptoms: tired, drained, low energy. This Spring however, since coming to AHA, I have not suffered from ANY of these symptoms. What a relief! Thanks, AHA! — A.K.

Feeling On Top Of The World!

Congratulations – success again. This is the best I’ve felt in months. After getting through bouts of fatigue, I now feel on top of the world. Metal detox is not easy but now I’m at the end of this process and feeling so much better. — D.L.

No More Gasping While Walking Up A Hill!

I have been coming now for only a short time (2 ½ weeks) and in that time I have experienced a very definite increase in energy. It used to take me quite a while to get up the big hill in front of my house – I would gasp for air and feel very lightheaded. Now no more gasping and it seems like I’m making it up the hill at a faster pace – not lightheaded anymore. I would like to commend the staff here. They are very respectful of your feelings and explain what they’re doing in terms you can understand. I’m sooooo happy I came to the free seminar – it started me on a new life in a pain-free body – something I haven’t experienced in over 20 years. I’m both happy and proud to give you my success story! — R.W.

SBT Leads To Less Medicines!

I have so much energy from the SBT treatments that I have been able to stop taking Wellbutrin and I have cut my Benadryl in half! — G.H.

Energy Increases!

When I first started the program at AHA I was tired, weak, lethargic and ached all over. In 2-3 weeks, many of the symptoms improved and I started getting more energy and less muscle aches and sleeping almost through the night. Now at 6 weeks I’ve regained a lot of energy – very few aches and pains and I’ve lost 25lbs. This is attributed to cutting out diet sodas, refined carbs and having protein shakes and I’ve also been drinking lots of water. — G.C.

Energy Is Soaring!

Yesterday I woke up at 3:30am to go shopping. Usually I do this after Thanksgiving but I would always feel like I had scratchy eyes and I would feel all puffy and groggy. Yesterday when I woke up I didn’t have that feeling and I didn’t feel that way at all, all day. I only needed a 30 minute nap after 12 hours of shopping and only 5 hours of sleep! Yesterday I felt better than I have in 5 years of shopping after Thanksgiving. — K.P.

Tons Of Energy!

I have had bouts of low energy. Since returning to the center I have lots of energy as well as a better outlook on life. Thank you all for your great work! — B.T.C

Energy Improves!

I’m writing to let you all know that I have so much more energy. The past 2 days have been wonderful. I have more patience with my children and started going through my mail (8 weeks worth). Also, I have lost 8 pounds and went from a size (almost 12) to my size 8!! Thanks so much. — S.D.

Energy Feels Great!

After my first treatment on Saturday I began taking my supplements. On Sunday I felt my mood had improved and my motivation was higher. By Monday I was getting things done around the house!. I felt cheerful and energetic. — M.A.

Nap Time Is Now Productive Time!

I have been so tired each day that I have to nap several hours a day. For the past two days I have not only skipped my daily naps but I have also had enough energy to deep clean my house and I am getting back to feeling like my old energetic self. — B.T.C.

Female Issues and Pregnancy

Hot Flashes Gone!

I did not have any hot flashes today! For the first time since I can remember, I didn’t sweat at all in the morning. Before my treatments at AHA, it would take 1 – 2 hours for me to stop being sweaty in the mornings… every morning. — D.B.

PMS and Asthma Relief!

I came to Dr. Billiot as a prevention measure. I had been suffering from fairly severe PMS and I had been on inhaled steroids for asthma. These two health problems were mostly inconvenient and something I’d have to live with so I thought. I have always been a proponent of a healthy lifestyle: good food, exercise, etc. Dr. Billiot put me on a sugar fee and dairy free diet. I have been off my asthma medication completely for three weeks and my PMS has improved greatly (which my husband is especially thankful for)! The nutrition that I take and the diet, as well as the care I receive from Dr. Billiot have made a bigger difference in my health than I thought possible. — S.P.

Hormone Problems Finally Resolving!!

I have had 25 years of hormone problems that are finally resolving! After a late menarche that was finally initiated with progesterone injections, I had very irregular annovulatory cycles for my entire life. I had infertility that was nonresponsive to comid trials and now at age 42 was suffering from menopausal symptoms for several months. With SBT, I have been able to restore normal menstrual cycles and the peri-menopausal symptoms are of course almost 100% subsided. In addition, I was diagnosed with severe adrenal dysfunction which is now healing itself as well. My goodness, I have been chronically fatigued for years and now I’m thrilled to have more energy and much higher productivity. Thank you to Dr. Billiot!!! — L.H.

Periods Are Regular and Normal!

I have been coming to AHA for 3 months now and for the first time in 5 years, my periods are regular and normal. In addition, I am ovulating on both sides, which hasn’t happened in almost 7 years. I feel like I’m in my 20’s again instead of 40. Thanks — D.P.

No More Hot Flashes..What A Surprise!!

I went to my regular medical doctor and he asked, you’re having hot flashes?, I said, no. He asked if I’m on the patch or hormones and I said no. Then he called to the nurse and told her that I’m not on the patch or hormones and still not having hot flashes. I have been telling him about coming to Alternative Health Atlanta, and he said he didn’t really know much about that type of therapy. I said, well, I pray to God that it is working and he said, well, it is. — G.C.

Hot Flashes Fading Away!

I’ve completed two weeks of treatments. During this time my hot flashes are completely gone. It is amazing that I’ve had hot flashes for approximately two years and only after two weeks I don’t have any. Thank you AHA for eliminating my hot flashes. — S.J.

Hot Flashes Gone IN A Flash!

Started hot flashes, had them for about 10 days – came to the clinic and had one treatment. No more hot flashes. Is that amazing or what? Thanks. -M.N.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Success!

Years of going night after night with being wakened by hot flashes and night sweats had left me exhausted, wondering where, how and if I would ever have relief. Since focused treatment on the sex hormones – estrogen, progesterone, etc., I have gradually gotten relief with each treatment. Now I only experience a hot flash and night sweat occasionally. I sleep soundly and wake up easily. My mind is clear and I just feel good in general. Wow – what a difference! I thought I would never get such relief naturally, knowing my body is healing itself is reassuring about this method of treatment. BRT rocks! —D.Y.

Hot Flashes Free!

I’ve been having hot flashes now since June. They were the worst in August when I was substituting. I would have to put my coast on and off because of the flashes. They would occur every 2 hours. At night, my pajamas would be soaked! It has now been a week since I’ve had a hot flash. That is a real good sign of things to come! — G.C.

PMS Success!

Since I have been on this program my menstrual issues have improved substantially. My cramps and acne are approx. 30% improved and my mood swings are approx. 60% improved. Overall, my quality of life is much better and I and my family are happier. — T.B.


Finally Pregnant After 7 Years!!

I’ve been trying to conceive for approximately 7 years with my final diagnoses of blocked fallopian tubes one year ago. Just two days ago I found out that I was pregnant. God finally answered my prayers. Thank you so much AHA. — T.T.

Pregnant And No Fertility Drugs!!

My first baby took 2 years to conceive. I finally did have to take medication. After seeing Dr. Billiot and having her help my body heal, we were able to conceive our second child quite easily! There was none of the stress that comes with infertility, the monthly disappointments nor the accompanying effects of trying to conceive a child with the fertility problems. Dr. Billiot is such a great help to me, not just for getting my female parts to work correctly, but now during the pregnancy she’s helping me avoid the anemia, blood sugar and other problems that occurred during my last pregnancy. It feels wonderful to eat my body in shape and to know that all is well or can be for this new baby during the developmental stress of the pregnancy. I really feel this success story owes credit to Dr. Billiot and the gifts she has been given by GOD to help others heal. — L.R.

After Many Health Problems Improve, Pregnancy Follows!

I have dealt with the following symptoms daily for the past 11+ years: chronic fatigue, low energy, headaches, allergy symptoms, depression, very heavy menstrual periods lasting 8 or more days, slight anemia, chronic low back pain, and irritability and anxiety. After being tested numerous times for hypothyroidism and low blood sugar, all indicating normal results, I was told I had depression. I was put on antidepressants and continued on and off different varieties for years. They helped with my moods but my other symptoms persisted and worsened. I became pregnant in early 2004 and suffered a miscarriage eight weeks after. During my pregnancy I was told I had low progesterone and put on synthetic progesterone supplements. I was tested for 2 cycles following my miscarriage and told that I had a hormone imbalance of chronic low progesterone and estrogen dominance and that if I wanted to carry a pregnancy to term I would have to take synthetic progesterone. I tried 3 consecutive cycles of progesterone supplements with no success. Not only did I not get pregnant, the pills exacerbated my already delicate mental and emotional states. I would cry for hours for no reason. I suffered horrible anxiety, mood swings and irritability as well as being totally irrational. I decided to change doctors and stop taking the pills. The second doctor basically told me the same as the first and put me on antidepressants, once again, to offset the mental effects. Again, the antidepressants improved my moods but my other symptoms worsened. My periods became very irregular including a month and a half of hemorrhage-like bleeding. I was put back on progesterone to stop the bleeding. My dosage was increased twice and still the bleeding wouldn’t subside. After a very cathartic moment, I decided I had had enough. I stopped the progesterone pills and eventually the bleeding stopped on its own. When I came to AHA, my husband and I were considering adoption as our only option. I knew synthetic hormones and fertility drugs were not the answer for me. My mental and emotional reactions to them were unbearable and I knew I wouldn’t be a good mother in that state of mind. I couldn’t concede to bring a child into this world unless I could be the best parent for it. After 2 weeks of SBT treatments I decided to stop the antidepressants . The withdrawals weren’t fun but I was determined to do the best I could with this. I felt the only way to make it worth the financial investment and time I was putting into it was to follow my diet strictly, take my supplements as directed and keep my appointments. The results have been amazing! My periods became regular; low back pain disappeared; headaches gone, depression, anxiety, mood swings all evened out. My symptoms have all but disappeared, but the rewarding thing is that I am now nearly 5 months pregnant! My blood tests at my first OB/GYN visit indicated completely normal hormone levels! I recently had an ultrasound and the baby is doing wonderfully! Coming to AHA was one of the best decisions I ever made. The doctors not only helped me regain my health, but I feel confident that my child will be healthier and happier because of what has happened here and that is the biggest reward of all. I have learned so much about health, nutrition and my own body. I recommend this center to everyone who confides in me about their health problems. It definitely was the best answer for me. — J.R..


No Surgery

No surgery, thanks to AHA! In spring it was discovered I had a uterine fibroid tumor. The location was partially embedded in the top of uterus and partly protruding into the cavity. I had two choices at that time- birth control hormones or hysterectomy surgery. Birth Control didn’t work. I tried for several months only to suffer terrible side effects. I had decided to go for the surgery in the fall. I started a course of treatment with AHA. I stopped all hormones and prescriptions. Things are so improved that I never scheduled the surgery. Thanks AHA! — R.C.

Improved Agility

I have had fibroid tumors for over 20 years. For many of those years I have been limited in my ability to exercise vigorously and have lost my figure. However, after starting the treatment protocol, I have regained not only improved agility but also my waistline! -E.L.J.

Fibroid Pain Gone After 1 Visit!

I came in to AHA suffering with pain and pressure in my lower abdomen, due to a large fibroid. I expressed my concern to the doctor and after only one treatment, the pain totally went away! I am very pleased and excited with the Doctors at AHA! —G.P.

Cycle Improves

Amazing improvement in monthly cycle. Before coming into AHA, I was on birth control to reduce the pain and heavy flow of my cycles. While the BC pills improved and stopped my cycles, I was experiencing leg cramps that would keep me from sleeping straight at night. I have a fibroid tumor that cannot be treated by any means other than hysterectomy. Without BC pills, I spent 2-3 days each cycle curled on my side unable to move or eat. I had at least 2 prescriptions and Aleve that I would take to try to reduce the pain. Everything stopped for those days. When I started AHA, I decided to stop the BC pills and fling myself completely into this. The timing was just right. My first cycle while under care was very tolerable. I had one day of pain that was not debilitating. All I took was Alieve and rested whenever necessary. Additionally, the flow was normal. This was so much improved that I could go to work and continue necessary activities as required by my life. I’m hoping/expecting things will continue to improve. I plan on going back in a year to have the doppler/ultrasound to remeasure that tumor (if it’s still around). No surgery for me, I have AHA. – L.C.

Hair Loss

Think Hair!

After years of suffering from hair loss at the front of my scalp I was growing increasingly frustrated. I tried vitamins, teas and topical solutions but they all left me with side effects and continued hair loss. Now, since coming to AHA my hair loss has dramatically lessened and I’ve noticed thicker hair at the front of my scalp! I’m grateful to everyone at AHA for finding a solution to a problem I’ve agonized over for a long time. — S.K.

Coworkers Aren't Pulling Out Hair and Neither Is She

I feel great! Since I’ve started this program and have chosen to be healthy through natural health care, I am a new person. I had a problem with my hair coming out by the handfuls. Even my hairdresser was alarmed. After starting I have not seen any hair loss. My hairdresser was so excited, not to mention me! My energy level is at an all time high. I not only feel good, I act ‘good’!! My coworkers have even noticed and are appreciative of my new ‘nice’ self. Thanks to all the staff for all their help. I look forward to many more years of a healthy life style. —J.G.

Headaches and Migraines

OK, Let's Try Something New!

I came into the clinic with headaches, weight problems and low self esteem. I started the program thinking, OK, let’s try something new. All the diets I’d tried before to lose weight had kept me depressed because of not being able to stick with them. This is my second week and I no longer have headaches, I have started to feel a change in how my clothes fit and my self esteem has improved. I have become much more conscious of what I’m eating and what is in the food I am eating. A little knowledge goes a long way. Just being informed of what is in the food can make someone not want to eat it. — J.K.O.

After Just One Treatment!

After just one treatment, I haven’t had a headache! Two complete weeks without any ibuprofen or Tylenol. I do not remember that that has happened, as far back as I can remember! Going that long has been a miracle! My body has begun to eliminate waste, which it has never done before. This took place within the first week. By week 2 my fatigue has started to improve greatly as well as my cognitive alertness has increased! Having Multiple Sclerosis, I can see that AHA and all they have to offer me are going to become a much more desired method of treatment for improving my health. — K.B.P.

Headache Free For 3 Months!

Prior to starting my treatments I had headaches at least 2-3 times a week for years. It was imperative that I had Advil on hand at all times. For the past 3 months I have been headache free. This has made a positive impact on my quality of life. — P.S.

No More Headaches And An Increase In Energy!

When I began here at AHA I was a little skeptical. I didn’t see how this type of treatment could ever work. I came though, yet still in skepticism and wanted to rid myself of some of the sickness I felt. One of the worst was the headaches. They came all of the time in waves and wouldn’t stop. I started clearings and began supplements. It’s been about a month or two and my headaches have subsided. I am more energetic and feel like a normal teen. I can hang out with my friends without feeling fatigued or getting headaches. I am a total believer in SBT and would recommend this to anyone. This will work for you. — J.B.

Med-Free and Headache Free For One Week!

One week ago when I was without a car, I left my 2 headache medicines at work. Because it happened on a Friday I was without meds the whole weekend. I was nervous a little, but I also felt that it happened by Divine permission. Occasionally I felt twinges of headaches trying to come, but, thankfully they never fully manifested. Alhamdublah! (All praises are due the Creator)! 3 treatments later at AHA…. Today I have been med-free for a whole week and have also been headache free. After being on the two medications for two months to help with chronic cluster headaches (a.k.a. Suicide headaches because of their excruciating pain) I feel this definitely is a drastic and wonderful improvement in my health. I pray for continued success and improvement in my health and holistic wellness. Creator willing! Thanks! — A.R

No More Headaches!

After three weeks, my symptoms have improved tremendously. No more headaches! Thanks for helping me feel better and allowing me to get through my days without debilitating headaches! — P.N.

Headache Free For One Week!

Usually I have chiropractic care at least 2 times weekly due to headaches. I have not had a headache in 1 week even though I haven’t seen the chiropractor this week either. — K.P.

Headache, Sleep and Energy Improves

After just 3 treatments I’m feeling remarkably the best I have in ages. My headaches are gone, and my ankles are no longer swollen. I’ve been sleeping much better and feel rested, with more energy than I’ve had in quite awhile. — T.K.

Headaches Gone!

A few weeks ago someone asked to borrow some Advil from me for a headache (because I ALWAYS carried meds on me– Tylenol, Advil, and Aleve). I realized that I didn’t have any pain meds, and don’t need them anymore. I used to have headaches 3 or more times per week. I haven’t had a headache in almost two months! — M.W.

Many Problems Solved

Much has changed since I started at Alternative Health Atlanta. The doctors were amazing and didn’t seem to mind the numerous questions I asked at each visit. He was always professional and made sure I got answers to all my questions. Although I can’t explain it, with the SBT corrections I’ve had, I no longer experience day and night sweats, sleeplessness, brittle nails or thinning hair. For years I suffered with various types of headaches and in the past three years have had disk and arthritis problems. I no longer suffer with these problems and was able to stop the carbohydrate addiction that I have had, as well as lose 14 stubborn pounds! I highly recommend Alternative Health Atlanta and its programs. — F.D.


Heart Problem Alleviated!

I had heart problems since High School with resulting weakness and other symptoms of low energy. As they were inherited and structural, I didn’t think anything could be done about them. But the problem causing the structural weakness was found and a program was developed. After only two visits I feel like a new person and am hoping of doing all the things I could never do! —B.L.

Heartburn and Acid Reflux

I Threw My Antacids Away!

Before I came to the clinic, I had a terrible time with indigestion and acid reflux. I had to take 3-4 antacid tablets 2-3 times a day. Possibly as a result of the intake of these antacids, a hair analysis test showed a toxic level of aluminum in my body! But now, I don’t have to take any antacids. The program I’m receiving at AHA has eliminated the need for antacids altogether. In fact, I threw away all the remaining antacids I had! Plus, my treatment program is helping my body to detoxify itself from aluminum and I’m on the way to better total health! Thanks AHA. — D.B

Acid Reflux Relief

I came to AHA with problems with acid reflux. I was put on supplements to take and after 3 months, my symptoms are gone. I have not needed any acid reflux medicine in 2 months. I also had problems with sugar cravings. After 2 SBT treatments, those cravings are gone. Thank you AHA. — D.F.


At The Top Of My Game

AHA: First I want to say thank you for the opportunity to work with your clinical team. Additionally, I want to express a special appreciation for the skillful delivery of SBT treatments and nutritional advice. My success story is simply expressed by sharing with you how much better that I am feeling after completing my SBT Protocol plan. I have been officiating high school basketball and football for eight seasons, this is the first time at the end of the basketball season (it follows the football season) that I have the energy to continue without a need for taking time off. A special achievement is that I have been selected as a Georgia State Tournament Basketball Official. The significance of this is that I had been selected in previous years, I would not have been able to perform at my best. Today I feel a million times better and I am approaching my achievement with vigor and a strong expectation that I will complete my assignments at the top of my game. For example, my recovery from officiating two basketball games (approximately 3 hours of stop and go sprinting), relatively to my past experience is very rapid and my reliance on anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals is virtually nil. I strongly recommend that anyone who aspires to being active and involved with various life experiences that they investigate the various treatment plans provided by AHA. Sincerely,— I.G.

Happy Success Story!

I am three and one-half months into my program at AHA, and have just returned from a visit with my rheumatologist. I was diagnosed six months ago with Lupus, but today my doctor told me just to come back for a routine check in a YEAR! My Lupus doctor was so pleased and asked what I was doing differently. I told him about AHA and he said good for me! I was also told I could lower my blood pressure medication. I am one very happy success story!! — J.S.


Liver Enzymes Are Normal!

Wow! Three years of high liver enzymes and after starting a SBT program –not only have my liver enzymes improved, all other blood components out of range were helped too. Hooray!! My internist was not able to positively impact this situation in 3 years and my SBT treatments at AHA helped my body reverse everything! Thank you AHA! —G.B.

Memory and Concentration

Brain Fog Gone!

The frustration of brain fog is over. AHA has brought the sunshine back. The beautiful thing is… when I try to remember what I just forgot… I do! With 5 kids, a home, a husband, and extended family, memory is worth millions. Thanks for lifting the fog. — S.B.

Memory Loss Improves

I no longer have memory loss as severe as before. No more night sweats. — B.M.

Mental Clarity Increases!

Day by day I have experienced great improvements. Mainly I just feel much better overall mentally. In the past I was not able to have complete thought or carry out mundane tasks, i.e. Laundry or dishes without stopping and starting over and over. Now with increased mental clarity and better functioning thyroid my mental clarity and focus is gradually getting better. — K.C.

No More Groggy Mornings

I used to feel very groggy and sluggish in the mornings. Sometimes I would have to just sit on the edge of the bed for 15-20 minutes before I could move any further. Other times, I could hardly move at all, my bones just felt like lead and I often felt drugged. Even after getting up, showering, dressing & eating I could easily lay down and fall back asleep for 2 more hours. Now, I find it very curious that I can wake up,and almost immediately get out of bed and be functional and alert. Being so alert so soon after getting out of bed is very strange. I don’t stumble and slump through the next 2-3 hours before feeling truly awake. It is very unusual and strange to feel so clear in the mornings. — A.W.

Alertness and Concentration Improves

I am really excited about my treatments recently. I’ve been seeing a lot of changes with each new treatment that are significant. Increased alertness, ability to concentrate better and dreaming again at night are a few definite results. Treating a miasm that showed up has been a relief to me and makes me feel confident that I will avoid a lot of trouble in the future. It seems as though a lot of very deep rooted things are showing up such as irregular heartbeats which I’ve had for almost as long as I can remember. I feel good knowing this is all being taken care of and I look forward to being able to leave such things behind me and seeing what a difference that absence of these things are going to make in my life. —P.S.

Improved Fatigue

Before beginning the program I was frequently tired in the afternoons and unable to concentrate on tasks for my job. I was also very tired by 9:00 pm. I had muscle pain and frequent headaches. Now I have more energy, I am able to stay focused for longer periods of time and I still have energy in the evenings. I am frequently up past 11 pm and surprised at the time when I pass a clock in my home. I am also sleeping better and experiencing many other improved symptoms. — T.M.

I Have My Memory Back!

I began a journey to improved health and the care I’ve received at AHA has given me a new lease on life which has affected my lifestyle and personal insight. My major concern was to have a healthy thyroid and to achieve major improvements in my memory. Fortunately there have been several positive changes. At 61, I was no longer hiking with friends. Now that I have considerably less pain in my joints and can reconsider opportunities to walk the trails. My complexion has finally cleared after years of seeing a medical doctor and taking medication had failed to help. Memory is on the road to recovery and here are two examples, one short term and one long term memory: Short term— I forgot my grocery list but literally remembered all 37 items. I had house guests, and didn’t have to return to the grocery store all days my guests were here. Long Term— By coincidence, a friend from 40 years ago was sitting by me and I recognized who she was. — G.T.

Multitasking Again!

I’m multitasking again! When I came into Alternative Health Atlanta I could only focus on one thing at a time. For example, if I made copies I waited for them because otherwise I would forget to come back for them. Now I’m all over the office and enjoying clear thinking again! I used to say If it’s math, don’t give it to me after 2:00 PM. Now I’m doing anything during my work day and enjoying the mental clarity I only had in the morning, before. There have been so many improvements since starting my program! — L.M.

A Former Patient's Story

As a former successful patient of AHA, I am a believer in the natural health options offered by the clinic. It has been four years since I was on a program at AHA, and I realized I was starting to have some new symptoms and illnesses. I decided to come back to the clinic for help and was pleasantly surprised at the new treatment options. My symptoms were not severe, but after only a few weeks of treatment I have noticed a difference. My concentration and energy levels have improved. I have also noticed a reduction in achy bones that I had previously associated with the natural aging process. I look forward to continuing my treatment and feeling even better. —S.P.

Teen Improves Grades

Several weeks ago, my concentration was very poor. Anytime I stopped and sat down for a while, I would feel very fatigued. I would lose focus on whatever I was doing, especially at school. My grades were suffering and I was extremely frustrated. Now, after doing part of the program my grades have improved greatly. I have more energy and my stress levels are significantly lower.—J.C.

Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness Solved

For many years now I have experienced motion sickness. So it was very interesting to find that I no longer have that problem, one day when I was swinging with my 4 year old daughter. I started thinking what I had done differently and I immediately thought of my allergy elimination treatments. That is the only thing that could explain why I no longer have motion sickness. I expected to get rid of many symptoms through my treatments, but it was a nice surprise to also have this problem alleviated. As I continued to go through the rest of my allergy elimination program I am even more encouraged now to see what other long time problems I may no longer have to deal with. — S.H.

Overall Health Improvement

It's A Miracle!

It’s a miracle! For 10+ years I have suffered with hypothyroidism, nasal polyps, Allergic Fungal Sinusitis (AFS) and asthma. Conventional medicine has only offered Band-Aids for my condition(s), in the form of synthroid, prednisone (sometimes in huge doses), various steroid nasal sprays, nasal irrigation with various concoctions, nasal nebulizer treatments 3-4 times a day, frequent EENT appointments for endoscopic exams (at one point I was going once a week!), asthma inhalers, numerous antibiotics and, of course, a plethora of doctors and office visits. I’ve endured IV pic-lines, methotrexate injections, sinus surgery… all to no avail. But now, after coming to AHA I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. For the first time in over a decade I can smell, taste, and breathe without corticosteroids (prednisone)…and my thyroid levels (TSH) are requiring less medication. Yes, it has been a long road with moments of discouragement… but I am on the road to recovery and this is all a small price to pay to feel well again! A special thanks to my godly friend Liz who referred me to the center, to AHA for continuing to persevere with me through my struggles to be healthy again and for their words of encouragement… but most of all, to AHA for offering this alternative to health care especially for us chronic patients who have grown exhausted / frustrated with conventional medical practices because they never get to the root of the problem. If you are experiencing a chronic condition, I encourage you to hang in there… this will all be worth it in a matter of time. Miracles do happen! — C.J.

Many Ailments Turn To Very Few!

I am 63 years old. I have painted and hung wallpaper for over 30 years. Before that I played professional baseball as a pitcher and have the elbow surgery to prove it. I am still very active but have the reminders of years past. I ache all the time, I felt sleepy, had no energy, did not sleep and was just miserable. I came to Dr. Billiot by a referral. I was very skeptical and unsure of what Dr. Billiot could do for me. On my first visit we discussed my problems: Difficulty sleeping, digestion Cramping in my legs and sides, frequent and minimal urination keeping me up at night, constant pain from arthritis, gout in my knees, foot and elbow, itchy skin, bad kidneys, prostrate problems, 20-30 pounds overweight and headaches. To say the least she had her work cut out for her. She encouraged me that I WOULD begin to feel better. Some of the problems we would tackle with diet and supplements but over all I WILL feel results. As I said, I was skeptical but also to the end of my rope. I wanted help and I wanted to feel better. Immediately….. I began to sleep through the night Had increased energy More alert and aware Urinating regularly and actually ridding of fluid Better appetite Food actually tasted better Cramping minimized and eventually was only occasionally instead of nightly No headaches I have been coming to Dr. Billiot for about 2 months and I cannot believe the overall difference. I am grateful that someone out there doesn’t just want to pump you full of drugs and tell you it is just because you are getting older and things begin to tear down and weaken. — C.B.

Chronic Symptoms Subsiding!

When I first came to see Dr. Billiot and her capable staff I was experiencing severe nagging symptoms: fatigue, runny nose, fluid buildup in the ears, prostate symptoms and lower back pain. Within a few visits my energy level was back up and my chronic symptoms had practically disappeared. For the past couple of years I have paid special attention to my diet and have taken high quality whole food nutritional supplements. I believe this helped me experience optimal results from Dr. Billiot’s care in a short period of time. Thank you Dr. Billiot and the whole staff for your wonderful service. — B.B.

Health Improving 100% And Drug Free!

After years of bad health, I came to Dr. Billiot with bad headaches, constipation, fatigue and insomnia. My health has improved 100%. After taking hormone replacement therapy for 13 years, I must say I went cold turkey and I am free of drugs at age 51. My energy level is great, I am working out 5 days a week with a personal trainer and walking 10 miles a week. Thanks Dr. Billiot for helping add years to my life. To the staff, thanks for all your kindness.— H.P.

No More Antidepressants!

After being on various antidepressants for over twenty years, Dr. Billiot has successfully cleaned those and other drugs including many E.D.’s from my body through systematic SBT clearings. I have been off antidepressants for just over a year now and I can’t say it’s been easy. A couple of times I considered returning to them, but I REALLY wanted them out of my system, so I stuck with it. I have completed three SBT clearings of specific organs. I’m approaching the final clearings of SBT over the thyroid and I have concluded this: the medical industry has sold its soul to the pharmaceutical industry. The two would not survive without the other! But, thanks to Dr. Billiot, my clocks have been cleaned and reset. I now feel better than I have in twenty years. I’m now my normal, natural self again…and if feels good! — J.L.

Fighting Colds Without Antibiotics!

Having a bad cold for me always turns into infection – but not this time. A few more days I am sure it will be gone and without antibiotics. — K.P.

No More Mood Swings, Migraines, Weight Problems And Infertility!

Well, I started coming to Alternative Health Center February, 2002. When I first saw Dr. Billiot I knew that she could help me. I had so many problems that I don’t think she even knew where to start. I was a 24 year old woman with problems such as migraines, mood swings, constipation and weight problems. Within six weeks, I had no more migraines, within twelve weeks my constipation was no more. Well, after about two and a half month, I almost had my eating habits down correctly. My mood swings are no more. After nine months I wanted to have a baby, but could never have one. Well, She fixed that problem in no time flat. We started working on that in October. I want you to know that in the month of December I am pregnant. Great!!! I tell you the truth, that woman can fix anything. I had faith in her and she didn’t let me down! Thanks and love. — E.W.

Parkinson's Symptoms Improve

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease years ago. My writing was indecipherable. After being on Dr. Billiot’s program, it’s now 75% better and people can actually read my writing! Before I had to sleep 8 to 9 hours a day and still had no energy. Now I sleep less, 6 to 7 hours and have more energy than before. I have also experienced improvement from my left leg and hip pain. I want to learn more about nutrition so I can do what is best for my health. I would recommend this to others instead of the narrow mindedness of Western medicine. I look forward to more improvements in the future. — B.G.

Self Worth Is Restored After Multiple Health Problems Improve!

I’ve been suffering from back pain and hip pain since I was in my early twenties. It got worse as time went by, eventually I started having pain in other joints in my body. When I turned about 39, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondilitis. My spine and back was getting stiffer all the time. I was living in fear of becoming crippled. I was tired all the time and had no energy. Now, I am virtually pain free, I can go all day without taking a nap most of the time. I have more on days than off days. I get more accomplished now and I am more productive. I feel better about myself. When you’re sick, you can’t contribute as much, so it affects your sense of self worth, now I can contribute – that’s huge!!! — T.K.

90% of Health Problems Improving, Including Hot Flashes, Joint Pain and Headaches!

I was a mess – chronic fatigue syndrome, menopause symptoms, joint pain, headaches…after only 2 months, 90% of my symptoms have already resolved and I am not yet quite through my treatments. The worst were the hot flashes that melted me and made me feel weak multiple times during the day – now 90% resolved! I have so much energy now and I’m not depressed at all! — S.L.

Nerves and Moodiness

I Can Drive Calmly Now

For the past five years I would only drive on little country roads to and from work. After starting the program I calmly drove here by myself today. This is one problem I didn’t even think I could ask for help on! — L.M.

Mood Is More Upbeat!

I am feeling so much better overall. My mood is more upbeat and I’m sleeping better. I’m so happy to be doing something good for my body and with such noticeable results. — S.W.

Cranky, Crabby Person Is Gone!!

I used to be a fairly cranky, crabby person with little patience for inconveniences and interruptions. I tried to be patient or to explain my frustrations, but still felt self-conscious and helpless about being so irritable and unpleasant. At work especially I always found it extremely annoying and agitating to have my concentration broken by an interruption. My friends accepted me as a high-strung person who didn’t handle stress & pressure well. After completing the majority of my program, I noticed that I was much calmer and was not agitated by interruptions. Now I can be pleasant most of the time and am not strung out by pressures. Now I notice people who are edgy, crabby, and particular about the way things proceed and think, I used to be like that. I used to be on Celexa for my crabbiness & agitation. — A.W.

Temper Is 100% Better and Feeling Great!

I recently had the opportunity to be tested with the Skasys machine here. I found out that I had an imbalance in the energy of several neurotransmitters. Since this time I have had amazing results. Years of problems with depression and overall mental equilibrium have balanced out like never before. If I do get sad, I bounce out of it quickly. I find that my temper is 100% better. I’m just overall happier. I can’t believe it. Though I saw results just by taking nutrition. This blows everything else away! Kudos to Dr. Billiot for providing the technology to truly make a difference. Nothing compares to being able to live a life feeling complete mind, body and spirit. Western medicine never could have done this – I tried their methods and nothing came close. P.S. I’ve been losing one to two pounds of weight every week since and I’ve done and eaten nothing different! — P.S.

New Patient Success

Never Recovered From A Cold So Quickly!

I have not felt completely well in nearly 10 years. While searching the Internet for Alternative Healthcare, I came upon the AHA website and after browsing the site I signed up for a workshop. On the day of the workshop (Saturday) I was beginning to have a nasty cold. On Tuesday I had my evaluation and was accepted as a patient. On Wednesday, I had my first SBT treatment that was a non-trigger treatment. The very next day all symptoms of my cold were completely gone! No more runny nose or sneezing or coughing at all. I’ve never recovered from a cold this quickly in my life – and only with one SBT treatment! Awesome! — C.V.

Happy With Initial Progress!

Being a new patient I am experiencing my congestion really breaking up and cold like symptoms subsiding. I’m looking forward to better and better results and I’m thrilled I found the center. — J.S.

Knee Pain Subsides After One Treatment!

I’ve been going here for about 2 weeks and on the very first day I was cured (or healed) of my knee ailment. I am a distance runner, and for about 3 years I’ve suffered with pain in my right knee. I had learned to live with it and it got better over time. But the past couple of weeks I had severe allergies and my knee started hurting again worse than ever. Ironically, after my first treatment at AHA, I told my mom, I guess they’re not going to fix my knee. That night, I woke up and found that I no longer had knee pain. It has been the same way ever since! — C.M.

Fatigue and Depression Improving!

Before I came to AHA, I was very fatigued and depressed. Also, I was always bloated and had stomach problems. After only a week of treatment I am feeling much better and my outlook on life has greatly improved. — K.C.

Life Looks Better In 13 Days!

13 days into the program I am feeling so much better. I am starting to feel like my old self. I am looking forward to a complete recovery. I am thrilled to have found the clinic. Life is good again! — J.S.

Enthusiastic Again!!

After just 5 days on the program, I noticed a big difference in my energy levels! I felt very charged, able to cope with my daily routine with enthusiasm, rather than the ho-hum response I would usually have! Thanks, Alternative Health Atlanta! — K.K.

8 1/2 Pound Weight Loss!

I’ve only been on the program a short while and have already lost 8 ½ lbs! This was an unexpected bonus, as I didn’t feel I was on a diet, but merely changing a few eating habits. I no longer feel the need to snack in the afternoon or evening, and have more energy than I’ve had since my 30’s! Thanks AHA! — K.K.

Only One Week And So Many Improvements!

I have been coming to the center for approximately one week and have noticed that my cravings for sweets are gone, my back and neck pains are significantly less and I feel overall better with more energy than I had before I started coming to AHA. — E.R.

Better Outlook In Only A Week!

When I come here I felt light headed, a bit sad, frustrated with knee infection and low low energy (rate: 5). A week later, I am feeling healthy, full & vibrant with a much better outlook. (rate: 7.5) I’m impressed & pleased with these exciting & speedy results. Health is wealth. — D.L.

Fast Results!!

I’ve been coming to Alternative Health Atlanta for only 2 ½ weeks and I already am experiencing relief from problems that I’ve tried to cure with medication, exercise and willpower. None of these methods have resulted in the peaceful night’s sleep, the sense of well-being and the decrease in my anxiety levels that I am now experiencing. After each visit, I sleep a little better, feel less anxious and have more energy. I am so excited about continuing to improve mentally and physically. It’s a Godsend! —M.K.


Pain Gone Instantly!

All I can say is WOW! I am a 54 year old woman who has suffered for 20 years with chronic back and hip pain. I have recently gotten so bad that I would wake up with my knees throbbing and my hips feeling like the nerves were on fire. This has gone on until I have just been resting and lying around because even doing simple errands was painful and tiring. After my first night taking supplements, I woke up with the knee pain, hip pain and back pain gone. It’s amazing!! I hope to recover completely with your help! — K.B.

Revived and Ready To Enjoy Life Without Stomach Pain!

Success at last! I made it! All the visits and sacrifices were worth it. I came to AHA in pain with a lot of swelling in my stomach – and now I am like a new person revived and ready to enjoy life once again. After so many visits to doctors who could not help me – I am now well.— C.L.

Throat Pain Relief!

Two days ago, I began experiencing severe throat pain and flu symptoms. After yesterday’s treatment, my throat pain has subsided greatly and generally I feel better. Thanks! — K.H.

Chronic Low Back Pain Almost Gone!!

I have been searching for relief for the chronic low back pain I have been experiencing for the past ten years. Four treatments into my program at AHA have produced tremendous results. My back pain is almost gone and I’m looking forward to the day when it is just a distant memory. My energy level is beginning to increase as well. — S.C.

Stomach Discomfort Disappears!

My biggest problem was and is my stomach! After my C-section (3 years ago), I felt constant discomfort whether I would sit up or lay down. My stomach was always bloated and my scar and scar tissue were really painful to me. I don’t feel uncomfortable anymore. The bloating is gone, I can touch my scar (after 3 years of no touching at all) – it doesn’t hurt and it seems that my stomach is more flat again. I also feel a serious increase in energy and I have noticed some weight loss. But most of all I have realized that the difference between so called healthy foods and healthy foods is huge. I am more aware of my food intake and I pay more attention to labels on products. I thought that my diet was pretty healthy but obviously there was a lot of room for improvement. Thank you. — N.L.

Chronic Wrist Pain Relief!!

Chronic wrist pain is gone. I suffered with the pain for approximately 2 years. I was told by the neurologist that it was carpal tunnel syndrome, that I should wear a wrist brace and that eventually surgery would need to be done. After doing 7 hours of yard work on 4/8/04, I was able to sleep peacefully that night. — M.B

Aches and Pains Subside!

Waking each morning in pain was no fun. As a result of mistreating myself, I called it getting old, my body was a mass of aches and pains. Now, let’s stop talking about the negative and start thinking and talking the positive; the doctors with a team of workers have shown me the light. Their wear with all their teaching, I have become a different person and body. Once I accepted this way of thinking and living, I have become a new person with a new and not so old body. Thank you! — W.D.

No More Body Pain In The Morning!!

Awakening in the morning and wondering where the pain will be, where in my body I mean, was not good. Now, let me say one thing, learning that the folks at AHA really know their stuff, pinpointing my problems and making them go away is and was a miracle. I believe the wizards of AHA have become my best friends. The OZ lives in Cobb County. — W.D.

Happiness In Place Of Pain!!

I came in on Tuesday in excruciating pain. I could not sit without pain, get up from my chair or go to the bathroom. I wasn’t able to work (massage therapist) or drive myself around. Nothing helped, not even lying down. I came in for treatments (BRT) and started taking my supplements and the pain is gone! It’s just Thursday!! I am soooo happy. Although I expected treatments to help with other problems I had, I never thought that it could help with this. I thought the pain was structural. Thank you! And I can’t wait to see what else happens. — S.A.D.

Congestion, Neck and Back Pain All Improving!

I have noticed a considerable improvement in my congestion with my treatments. I also have noticed that my back and neck pain is noticeably improving as well. — E.R.


No More Sinus Medication Needed!!!!

For at least ten years or more, I have been on sinus medications. I have been taking sinus drugs daily and inhalers two times daily. I also had sinus headaches at least one to two times per week. For three or four weeks, I have not taken any sinus medication and I have not had a headache. For me that is the best! —P.W.

No Antibiotics Needed For Sinus Infections!!

Ever since I was a little girl, about every two or so months, I would be at the doctor with sinus infections or colds. I have had so many antibiotics that my system is now whacked. I am sixteen now and the first time I came to the Center I was sick again. They gave me some supplements and I took them for three days and for the first time I never went to the doctor for antibiotics. It worked! I am so much better! Thanks Guys! — A.H.

Patient Feels Better During Visit, Leaves Drugs Behind

I was sick and went to a neighborhood Health Center. I was told I had sinusitis and was given a decongestant and antibiotics. I could barely speak above a whisper because my throat was inflamed and very scratchy. On the way home from the MD, I went to AHA for my scheduled initial appointment. The doctor started me on a program and my voice began to come back before I left the office! I felt so good that I left my decongestant and antibiotics on one of the office chairs. So, from Friday to Monday I only had my supplements. The medical doctor told me I wouldn’t see any results for about 5 days. But, I began to notice results right away with AHA. In three days I was 80% better. I now know my body has the necessary tools to heal itself. —V.O.

Persistent Itch Disappears!

My sinus headaches have disappeared following my first clearing. Persistent large itching hives on my feet and hands have been reduced to an occasional itch, which disappeared after implementing gait point treatment. —D.S.

Mysterious Bacteria Found By Skasys

While seeing Dr. Mikals on a routine visit, she noted an infected sty on my left eyelid. Through skasys, the cause of the infection was identified as being bacterial. A clearing was done for this at the time. During the clearing in the treatment room, I experienced a pain and increased tearing in my left eye. Within several hours after returning home, the sty spontaneously drained and was resolved. — D.S.


Child's Head-To-Toe Rash Clears Completely

Since my son was 6 months old he was almost constantly broken out in rashes and eczema over much of his body. We tried every natural cream and ointment and experimented with elimination diets to try to soothe the itching and clear his skin. We had some success—only to have the rashes reappear and we had to start the process all over again. Pediatricians constantly tried to get us to use hydrocortisone creams and told us that he was a likely candidate for childhood asthma. He’s now 2 ½ years old and the doctor found a sensitivity to Vitamin C. Within a few weeks his skin began to heal. Now, after 8 weeks—his skin is beautiful. Not a spot on him, anywhere! This is the first time since he was little that he’s rash free and eating oranges, strawberries, blueberries and tomato sauce on a regular basis. I cannot believe that his food allergies appear to be completely gone and he is no longer ‘likely to be an asthma candidate.’ As a parent, I feel that this is a miracle. Thanks to all at the Alternative Health Atlanta. — J.G.

Eczema On Hands and Legs Greatly Improves

The Eczema that my child had on her hand and legs has improved by leaps and bounds. Some has disappeared completely and her hands, the hands that she would pick and scratch at, they have made a HUGE improvement. — C.D.

Skin Condition Heals!

I have seen improvement in my son’s skin condition since starting the program. He has Vitiligo. Some of the light spots on his skin have started to fill in to his natural skin color. He used to be very self-conscious about it. His self image has improved as a result of the program. Everyone in the office is so helpful with getting him through this process. Thank you! — T.M.


Well, since my last riveting, inspiring success story… I had one fingernail that cracked (ever since I was a teenager). And another fingernail that would split down that middle, sometimes into the nail (for the past 10 years) – well, these 2 fingernails are longer & stronger than they’ve been in years! It’s the first time I’ve had ’10 great nails (naturally) in decades! And today was the first time in years that I washed my hair and didn’t have a handful (or more) of hair left in the shower drain! Woo-Hoo! —D.C.


I had very bad eczema before I came here and within three treatments I was seeing improvements. Thanks to the staff here and the treatments I have better skin. -N.K.

Psoriasis Clears Up

I had been plagued with severe psoriasis, frequent headaches and seasonal allergies for many years when I started treatment with AHA. I was helped to improve my diet and started on a program. Amazingly, my headaches stopped about a week and a half into the program. In four weeks, I had dropped eight pounds of weight due to my improved diet. In the past, as the spring/fall allergy season ushered in, I generally could stay outside only for short spurts of time before going into sneezing and nasal fits. However, this past season I hardly noticed these effects. I could actually mow the yard and work in the garden without a breathing mask! After clearing up my food and pollen allergies, Dr. Billiot tested and handled allergies to everyday products I was using such as lotions, hair products and toothpaste. After five months into the program my psoriasis condition took a MAJOR turn for the better. I have had this problem for 15 years and seen 3 different dermatologists, all of whom said there was no cure for my condition. Now, my skin lesions are disappearing and returning to my normal skin texture. Fantastic! So much for those limiting traditional viewpoints that keep people from making a real breakthrough. Dr. Billiot was able to methodically drill down to the root cause of my symptoms, desensitizing my allergies and detoxifying my organs and systems, thereby allowing my body to heal itself. —G.M.

Skin Looks Better

In already 2 days one of my rashes almost disappeared. I did not swell up in my face either during my first day of my period. My skin tone look improved. Thanks! -CW

Skin Finally Clearing Up!

I woke up one morning and my face was covered with a hard scaly surface. It had turned dark. I tried peeling it off and it started flaking. I went to a traditional doctor, they gave me lotion. The following week I was scheduled to go to the dermatologists. On my regular scheduled visit at A.H.I.C. I was checked and it was determined my body was detoxing and had not cleared totally. By the time I went to the dermatologist my face only had a spot here and there. That doctor gave me some story that was unbelievable and wrote me a prescription which I did not use. However, every day I look at my face and it is clearing. The dark spots I used to have are gone and with each treatment I feel better, my skin is getting brighter and clearer. Thank you for helping me. —P.W.

Psoriasis Getting Better!

Once again I have experienced a breakthrough in my psoriasis condition. This time my scalp was plagued with heavy flaking condition that had started to spread to my forehead. After starting the allergy elimination program, I started noticing a gradual clearing of my condition. This improvement continued and weeks later it has all but disappeared. WOW! It feels good to know that there are real answers out there to nagging problems, large and small. Thank you! —G.M.

No Breakout After Pulling Poison Ivy!!

I came with an outbreak of poison ivy on my chest, up my neck, on my chin, random outbreaks on my fingers and my midriff. I went thru NAET treatments and by the next day my outbreak on chest, neck and chin was only redness beneath the skin and within 2 days- completely gone. An additional treatment was necessary because fresh outbreaks on my fingers indicated there was still some in my system. Within a week all areas were neutralized. A week later I pulled up several patches of poison ivy and had no reaction. I’m am delighted to be free of this sensitivity.— G.B.


I Can't Believe How Much Better I Feel!

After a week and a half of treatment at AHA, I slept through the night for the first time in over a year! Also, my migraine headaches have greatly diminished and I have noticed that my arthritis has improved as well. I had severe pain in my thumbs to the point I had trouble gripping things for over a year and now that is better. Wow, I can’t believe how much better I feel already. Thank you!!! — D.B..


For several months, I could not sleep through the night without waking up 1-2 times drenched in sweat and starving. I would have to change my clothes and chew on some type of carbs in mass quantities ( e.g. An entire box of cereal)! After just 4 allergy treatments, I’m now able to sleep peacefully through the night and wake up rested. My mood throughout the day is much more calm too (not tense as it was before). I can’t wait to see what happens with my other symptoms as my treatment adventure progresses! Thanks you so much.— T.S.

Sleep Success!

Here is probably one of my greatest success stories ever for me!! Yeah!! I am sleeping throughout the night without using MicroSurge! Plus, I feel rested when I awaken! I feel remarkably well! Thanks to the doctors! — M.C.

Sleeping All Night Without Night Sweats!

After only 3 weeks of treatment I was able to sleep all night without having night sweats – I also became more energetic and less moody after 2 weeks. I think that after the entire treatment I will be superwoman again. — S.L.

Getting To Sleep Easier!

It used to take me about two hours to get to sleep. I’d go to bed at nine and not really get to sleep until eleven. Now it only takes 6 or 7 minutes. My floor would be covered in 5 feet of tissues and I haven’t used a tissue in over 3 weeks. These treatments work. — M.Y.

Sleeping Through The Night!

I’ve slept through the night for 5 nights in a row. Fantastic! Even if I have to get up to use the bathroom, I go right back to sleep and I sleep right through my usual 2am waking time. It feels so good to get an uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep. Plus, I’ve only had 3 headaches in a week – down from daily headaches. I really am seeing great improvements and feeling so much better about things. — S.W.

8 Hours Of Sleep!!

Great news! As a menopausal lady, I have gotten so used to getting up at least once if not twice a night. Talking to one of the assistants in the office I was thunderstruck by the thought that I am now sleeping uninterrupted throughout the night! I now average 7 ½ to 8 hours sleep and wake naturally in the mornings feeling ready to tackle the day! Thanks AHA! — K.K.

Slept Through The Night With No Hot Flashes!!

I am so excited! I slept through the night for the first time in months and haven’t had a hot flash in two days. I am looking forward to continued improvements! — J.M.

Sleeping Through The Night!

For the last two nights I have slept through the night without disruptions in my sleep. It has been years since that has happened. — N.B.

Restless Legs No More!

When I started coming to AHA one of my problems was restless legs at night. I had been diagnosed medically as anemic 6 months ago and told to take iron supplements. They did not help. My treatments here were primarily treating other concerns but all of a sudden I realized that I no longer had a problem with my legs at night! — A.S.

Stomach Pain

Stomach Pain Gone

Since my first visit I have no stomach pain!! My stomach was such an issue that I avoided making plans and was even careful about leaving my house at all! I don’t need a nap everyday and I’m very focused and much less frustrated! Thanks Guys! — M.T.

No More Stomach Medications!

Before coming to AHA, I would take stomach medication every day. If I didn’t take it, I would have indigestion, as well as pains in my neck and arms and my hands would go numb. I stopped taking the medication six weeks ago and have not seen any of the previous symptoms I used to have. Since coming to AHA, my stomach is not in the twist that it used to be. — K.B.


Feeling Normal

After just one treatment and 5 days, I am sleeping soundly and have more energy. My thyroid gland which had been enlarged and tender for many years is noticeably decreased in size and less tender. — C.M.

Restful Nights and More Energy Feels Great!

I started coming to Dr. Billiot’s office after being recommended by another one of her patients who had some of the same symptoms of thyroid problems I was experiencing (fatigue, unexplained weight gain, dry hair, not feeling rested, bad concentration). I started receiving regular BRT treatments three times per week and after one month of treatments I was already experiencing restful nights and mornings, more energy and increased concentration and overall better health. Thank you AHA. I am on my way to a healthier start and have been so impressed with your staff, lifestyle changes and healthy alternatives for a healthier life that I have referred at least four additional new patients who have started your program or are getting started shortly. Thanks so much. – V.S.

Hypothyroid Improvement

Eight weeks ago I walked into Dr. Billiot’s office very frustrated and full of disease. I have been battling a pretty serious case of hypothyroidism for 2 years which had completely changed my life. My hair fell out. I gained a very significant amount of weight and I struggled to get out of bed. My moods fluctuated and I was always cold. This was very difficult for me, being that I was much healthier before, thin and very athletic. After seeing that the best endocrinologist in the world could not help me, they only offered to use drugs or surgery, I decided to try alternative medicine. A friend referred me to Dr. Billiot and said she would be able to help me. It has only been two months and I feel like my old self again. I’m energetic, happy and my symptoms have lessened. I have lost 25 pounds in the last 39 days and I credit that not only to my hard work and discipline, but to Dr. Billiot’s work. She really cares about you and I feel that if she could help me, she could help anyone. — C.B.

Sleep, Hair Loss and Brittle Nails All Improve!

Before I saw Dr. Billiot I was hypothyroid and I felt awful. I had problems sleeping and was losing hair and had brittle nails, was cold all the time – all the classic symptoms of thyroid disease. After seeing AHA for about 4 months my health got better and better. My thyroid tests are normal now and most of the symptoms of the thyroid disease have resolved themselves. I feel so much better! Dr. Billiot and the staff at AHA have given me back my good health! — H.S.

Thyroid Improvement

After just a few treatments, we have noticed a reduction in the swelling of my daughter’s thyroid gland. — D.M.

No Need For Synthroid

I was close to taking synthroid for a low thyroid but luckily I did not. Instead, the doctor recommended natural supplements and as a result it worked well! Thanks AHA for helping me circumvent synthroid and you helped me save $$ and enjoy better health.— D.L.

Two Mile Walk No Longer Dreadful!!

I continuously conveyed my thyroid symptoms to my doctor. My doctor made me feel the symptoms were all in my head. Just after five visits with Alternative Health chronic pain in the heel of my foot went away, and I have more energy. My daily two mile walk on the treadmill is not dreadful anymore! I know my decision to be treated by Alternative Health was the right decision. — A.B.

Blood Count Improved!

For the past three years, the mainstream medical world has been telling me: ‘You’re sick; you’ll be sick for the rest of your life; learn to cope with the changes and the limitations.’ “Under the guidance of the doctors at AHA, body systems that hadn’t worked for at least 2 ½ years rallied around and started working again. A state of chronic exhaustion has given way to energy and enthusiasm. Medical “experts” are surprised (if not outright baffled) at remarkable improvements in blood counts, most especially for my thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) reading. It’s true: the body wants to heal. I’m on my way back to health, wellness, and peace of mind. -J.V.

Hyperthyroidism Resolves

I have been coming to AHA for several health problems, including hypothyroidism. My TSH was 8.09 (high). Shortly after I started with Dr. Billiot she put me on a thyroid nutritional supplement on an exact dose I needed. A year later my TSH was 5.33, totally normal! This has been one of the major successes of my life during alternative medicine treatment. I am so thankful for the technique of SBT and allergy elimination procedures and the gift of healing of Dr. Melodie Billiot. — E.K.

Thyroid Has Improved!

I have been coming to AHA for several health problems, including hypothyroidism. My TSH was 8.09 (high). Shortly after I started with Dr. Billiot she put me on a thyroid nutritional supplement on an exact dose I needed. A year later my TSH was 5.33, totally normal! This has been one of the major successes of my life during alternative medicine treatment. I am so thankful for the technique of SBT and allergy elimination procedures and the gift of healing of Dr. Melodie Billiot. — E.K.


Blurry Vision Gone!

One of my most disturbing complaints has been that I have blurry vision that comes and goes daily. After just a couple weeks of treatments here at Alternative Health Atlanta, I am seeing clearly again all day long! — L.M.

Five Year Old Child's Eyesight Improves

My five year old has been coming here and has improved dramatically. Recently last Wednesday he started on the BRT eye protocol. The next day at school he complained that he had a headache while doing his work. He had his glasses on at that time. His teacher took his glasses off and let him work, surprisingly he stopped complaining and did much more work than he usually does. When I went to pick him up, I inquired about his glasses. That’s the time that his teacher asked what had happened and what was going on? She knows that Vinnie is coming to the Alternative Health Atlanta. We were all surprised that results were so soon and he had just started it. I personally thank the staff and doctors for this wonderful help. Thanks! – V.N.

An Unexpected Surprise!

An unexpected surprise! My vision has improved after only 3 weeks of treatment to improve my health at Alternative Health Atlanta. I have worn glasses for over 25 years and I can now read better without my glasses. Though I still need them for distance and driving, this is an unexpected and wonderful surprise. Also, my energy level continues to improve every day. Yesterday was the first day in months that I felt like going out shopping for something other than food. I had so much fun shopping. — C.L.


I Feel Alive Again!

Since coming to see the doctors at AHA I am feeling 100% better. I finally have some energy, my mood swings are gone and my weight is starting to drop! I feel alive again! -L.F.

Weight Loss Success and Energy Too!

It’s only been 3 weeks and I’ve already lost 5 pounds and gained a ton of energy. I’m not craving foods as much and I’ve cut back on snacking. This has been a wonderful experience. — S.G.

Weight Down From 153 lbs To 135 lbs!

Before I started on my SBT protocol back at the end of October I was weighing 153 pounds and after making some important changes in my eating habits I weighed myself today and I now weigh 135 pounds. I am so excited about my weight loss. — N.C.

3 Weeks and 10 Pounds Lost!

I have been following the recommended diet for three weeks and I have lost 10lbs!! The results to this point have made the adjustment to a new way of eating worthwhile. — D.S.

Weight Loss In The First 6 Days!

I would not have believed that it could have happened so quickly but it did! On Wednesday, December 28th, 2005 I weighed 183.5 pounds. After starting my program and staying on it for 6 days (January 3rd, 3006), I weighed 176.5 pounds. Wow, what a great side effect, since my main focus was on my health. Thanks! — L.K.

Clothes Fitting Better!

I have lost 8 pounds!! This is such an improvement for me. I have been trying to lose weight with just exercise and watching my diet but it just wasn’t working. Only after a few weeks on my supplements I have noticed my clothes fitting better and my overall health has improved. Thanks to the doctors at AHA – they are great! — S.R.

4-5 Pound Weight Loss In The First 7 Days!

After making adjustments to my diet (eliminating sugar in particular) and taking the recommended supplements on a regular basis I lost 4-5 pounds in the first 7 days. I am extremely happy with the immediate results and look forward to the long-term outcome. — C.M.

Weight Loss Success!

I’m so excited! Last summer (2004) I bought several pairs of pants (size 8), after a few months I couldn’t wear them and continued to gain weight through February. I was up to 144lbs and was not losing weight even with exercise and dieting. After coming to AHA for 5 months, I’m down to 129lbs and my size 8’s are loose. This weekend I’ll be shopping for jeans with a mid-rise waist, because I no longer have a bulgy stomach. Thanks to the doctors at AHA. — T.M.

18 Pounds In 7 Weeks!!

With a major change in diet, I have now lost around 18 pounds in just over 7 weeks. I started out in the mid 180’s and have now moved to the high 160’s. I have not been in the 160’s since the early 1990’s. So once again, thanks AHA!! — C.M.

Losing Inches Off The Waist!

I’ve been on the program for two weeks. I’m very pleased with my results so far. I’m losing inches off my waist. My clothes are fitting better. My stress level has decreased a great amount and the acid level in my stomach is minimal. I feel so much better overall. The best thing of all is the sweet and salt cravings are gone. — S.J.

The Incredible Shrinking Woman!!

I started coming to AHA because of my hot flashes and night sweats primarily. My weight and cravings for sugar and junk food were a secondary concern. After just 4 1/2 short weeks, not only have the hot flashes and night sweats lessened, I’m no longer having any food cravings at all and I’ve already lost 24 pounds! My friends at work are calling me the incredible shrinking woman! The SBT treatments are awesome and support that everyone at AHA gives me is making such a great difference in my life! Thank you! — C.V.

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