Meet Our Team
Dr. Melodie Billiot
Dr. Olivia Watkins

Dr. Melodie M. Billiot
Dr. Billiot is a best-selling author, the founder and owner of Alternative Health Atlanta, and the developer of the EvecticsSM system of natural health improvement. Dr. Billiot shares her expertise nationwide as a teacher of nutritional and energetic techniques.
Dr. Billiot graduated from Life University summa cum laude and was valedictorian of her class. Her certifications include CRA and Nutrition Response Testing, Systems Desensitization Technique (SDT) and N.A.E.T. allergy elimination techniques, Systems Balancing Technique (SBT) hormone balancing technique, JMT immune technique, several chiropractic adjusting techniques, with extensive further study in homeopathy, herbology, Chinese medicine, clinical nutrition and pain control using nutrition.
Soon after graduating from Life University, Dr. Billiot became frustrated with the lack of consistent results with chiropractic treatment for health issues beyond musculoskeletal conditions. She sought solutions for her patients other than drugs and surgery. Furthermore, she found herself fighting a serious health problem of her own. Her research for holistic and nutritional techniques began in earnest. As a result of this in-depth research, Dr. Billiot recovered her own health! She also made significant improvements in patient health results. Now, a decade and one-half later, Dr. Billiot has one of the most successful holistic practices in the country. She also trains other practitioners in clinical nutrition and other holistic techniques.
Beyond the office, Dr. Billiot loves spending time with her family, hiking in the North Georgia mountains, and traveling. Her favorite place on earth is Paris! She loves her three cats and her two dogs. Dr. Billiot loves to grow things! She is a certified Master Gardener and keeps her family fed with healthy vegetables from her two gardens. In addition to her farm-to-table produce, her yard has something blooming most of the year.

Olivia Watkins, N.D.
Dr. Olivia Watkins was born and raised in a small town located in Northeast Georgia where time moves slowly and family is everything.
She enjoys Latin dance, yoga, reading, and spending time at the spa, or in nature with her family. Her favorite musical genres are soul, funk, and jazz.
She would like to spend more time gardening this year, endeavor to learn a second language, and continue exploring different parts of the world.
Dr. Watkins’s upbringing, personal and familial challenges, and passion for connecting and empowering others led her to Naturopathic Medicine.
Her qualifications include a doctorate from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and a post-doctoral residency in General Medicine and Women’s Health.
Dr Watkins has practiced in Arizona, and the Middle East before returning to her home state of Georgia. She is passionate about promoting health literacy, advocating for her patients, and providing compassionate care through connection.
Dr. Watkins feels most fulfilled when her patients thrive in health.
Our Support Staff

Norman Lowrey
Practice Manager
Norman has been the Practice Manager of Alternative Health Atlanta since 1998.
“What I most love about working at the clinic is watching the changes in our patients’ lives. It’s truly great that patients have less symptoms and more energy, but seeing them increase their engagement in and enjoyment of their lives is what most excites me.”
Norman has almost 40 years of experience in starting, operating, expanding, and consulting many different businesses. His first business, founded in 1983, was a professional-level bicycle shop that still dominates sales in a three-state area. Norman has also been a partner in a healthcare marketing firm and has worked as a consultant, reorganizing businesses ranging from heavy manufacturing, software, and engineering to construction and retail.
However, once he started working with Dr. Billiot and helping “impossible” cases to recover their health and lives, he was hooked! Norman has been developing systems, researching, and helping Dr. Billiot to develop the EvecticsSM system of health care since 1996. Norman has written books on Heart Rate Variability use in holistic practices and taught webinars on this subject. He has also developed practice management software specific to holistic practices.
Norman loves being outdoors, biking, hiking, and backpacking with his family.

Alec Lowrey
Evectics Tech
Alec has been a certified EvecticsSM Tech since 2019.
He graduated from SCAD in 2021 with a degree in film and is currently working on his own independent film project.
Alec is a music composer who has published five albums through a British label. His music career has been on slow while he was a full-time student, but we can look forward to more great songs now that he’s graduated.
Alec has been active in the Boy Scouts since he was 13 years old. An Eagle Scout, he is an assistant scoutmaster in Troop 435.

Shae Brown
Shae loves nature. She takes care of her plants, hikes, bakes, and meditates. She also paints watercolors and writes poetry and short stories.
Her affectionate cat, Yuna, stays glued to her side whenever she’s home.
Years ago, Shae became interested in and active in holistic practices, which she believes nourish not only the mind, body, and spirit but also contribute to the healing of the world.
Shae just graduated from Everglades University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Alternative Medicine! She finished her BS in four years while working full-time, an impressive feat.
She loves working with patients, making a positive impact on their day, and helping them to recover their health and realize their goals.

Madeline M.
Evectics Tech
Madeline is a Georgia native who loves to travel.
She works with the team as an EvecticsSM Tech, doing treatments and helping the doctors with patients.
She Graduated Georgia State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology/Chemistry.
She enjoys exploring and hiking outdoors especially in the mountains or anywhere near water. Her cat, Bear, loves to join either walking alongside on his leash or in the catpack so he can get the entire experience without having to do any of the work.
Madeline loves crafting, whether it’s painting, jewelry making, wood burning, macrame/knitting, and even coloring or making art with her nephews.
She looks forward to coming in to the clinic every day not just because of everything she learns, but being able to see the progression of patient’s health improving. She feels that it’s amazing to assist and watch the impact Dr. Billiot and the whole clinic has on people’s lives, and being a part of that journey.

Tristen Archer
Evectics Tech
Tristen graduated from KSU in 2023 with a Health Sciences degree.
He has been studying natural health techniques for many years, with the goal of studying Chinese medicine in China. He’s spent the last 10 years learning to speak Chinese and has friends in China that he talks to in order to practice his language skills.
Tristen loves the outdoors and spends weekends walking his Black Lab and Boston Terrier around the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Areas. He and his friends take supplies of indiginous flower seeds and plant them in likely locations when they walk to help support pollenators. He also is a cyclist and accomplished on roller blades.
For reading, Tristen is mainly into books on health and treatment techniques as well as self-improvement books. He’s also an amateur photographer. For fun? He loves to solve new and weird kinds of Rubic Cubes.