Your First Step to Ending Severe, Long-term or Frustrating Hormone Problems

Dr. Billiot explains how important accurate evaluation and testing is to the recovery of your health.

Take the Online Hormone Evaluation
  Then discuss the results with a doctor.
Get some real answers to your hormone problems.

Here’s How This Works:

FIRST: Give us detailed information about your symptoms by doing this online evaluation. Specific symptoms are clues to the underlying stress causing them.

NEXT: Based on the results of your symptom survey evaluation, the doctor will answer these questions for you:

  • What areas of physical stress in your body are causing your hormone imbalances?
  • What could be done to help your body to recover from this stress?
  • What are our recommendations to start you back on the road to health?

The Five Things You Must Know to Recover Your Health:

1. If nothing you have tried has worked, there is a reason for this.  If you are frustrated because none of the “cures” you’ve read about that have worked for others have worked for you, your case is likely more severe and may not recover without specific testing and treatment from a competent professional. Many of my patients have come to me after years of trying different medical and non-medical solutions including hormone replacement therapy, bio-identical hormones, creams, birth control pills and even surgeries, none of which did anything beyond short-term symptom relief.

2. There is never A SOLUTION to hormone imbalances. Instead there are SOLUTIONS (it’s plural). Hormone imbalances are by their nature complex and layered. Looking for a single fix or cure is very unlikely to help you. Recovering from a serious chronic hormone problem based on trial-and-error, advice from friends, self-help books and Dr. Google is long, expensive and ultimately likely to fail.

3. There is no effective treatment to “FIX” a hormone problem problem. Only the body itself can resolve the issue. Your body isn’t healing because it’s stuck in the healing process and is overwhelmed by various stresses. Getting a stuck body back to healing relies on the body itself to do the repairs. Your role in this is to be an effective assistant, helping the body by giving it what it needs to start healing again.

4. Trying different solutions to see if this or that works is futile and hopeless. The first and most important element in recovering your body’s ability to heal itself is accurate evaluation and testing to find out from your body exactly: 1) What help is needed, 2) In which areas and 3) In what order.

5. In 25 years of helping 10,000+ patients to recover from severe chronic conditions, we’ve observed that most of them recover.  You have an excellent chance of regaining your health and your life if you don’t give up and if you are willing to do whatever is necessary.

Dr. Billiot is a best-selling author and the founder of Alternative Health Atlanta, one of the top holistic health care clinics in the nation. She is the developer of the EvecticsSM health improvement system, and is known nationwide as an expert and sought-after teacher of nutritional and energetic health techniques.

Her best-selling book, Your Hormones in Harmony, is available from Amazon at this link.

Take the Online Health Evaluation

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