Hormone Test

Accurate, deep-level information on the causes of your hormone and health problems.

65 questions cover all major areas as they relate to your hormone and health problems.

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Hormone Analysis

  • Select how severe each symptom is, or leave blank if you don’t experience the symptom:
    • Severe (significant negative effect on your life)
    • Moderate (frequent or bothersome)
    • Mild (rare or not bothersome)

  • Liver/Digestion Category

    Detoxification, fat metabolism and immune functions.

    Sex hormones such as estrogen are eliminated from the body by the liver and digestive systems. Liver function is one of the key elements in healthy hormone balance. Impaired liver function can create partly-metabolized estrogen which lacks the anti-tumor characteristics of normal, healthy estrogen.

    If you mark more than 5 of the symptoms in this category as Moderate or Severe, it can indicate basic problems in your body’s ability to heal. This can affect your hormones and many other health problems. In your phone consult, ask the doctor for more detailed information on this, it may explain a lot of your health problems and why they don’t improve.

    Liver/Digestion Category

  • Adrenal Category

    Stress handling, Blood sugar, Immune, Sex hormones and Fluid balance.

    Adrenals are more important in female sex hormone function than they are in male. In women, adrenals produce all androgens (male hormones) and are the main source of estrogen after menopause. Hot flashes and many other peri-menopause and menopause symptoms are due largely to adrenal stress.

    Adrenals Category

  • Thyroid Category

    Metabolic regulation, Heart rhythm, Brain function .

    No other system in the body contributes as much to healthy sex hormone function as does the thyroid. This is the body’s “gas pedal” and controls the metabolism of every cell in the body. Thyroid malfunction can have severe mental effects (anxiety, depression, concentration, memory) as well as weight, skin, hair, digestive and sex hormone impact.

    If you have more than 6 Moderate or Severe symptoms in this category, the doctor may have information for you about low-metabolism testing and solutions.

    Thyroid Category

  • Female Sex Hormones Category

    Sex hormones affect overall health: emotions, weight, skin/hair/nails as well as menstrual cycle, fertility and menopause.

    Sex hormone problems are often caused by malfunction of other areas of the body (liver, digestion, adrenals, blood sugar and immune) but can be directly affected by a number of toxic substances as well.

    Female Sex Hormones Category

  • Blood Sugar Category

    Blood sugar affects fatigue, sleep, cravings and irritability.

    Sex hormone function goes hand in hand with blood sugar function, with one affecting the other.

    If you mark 5 or more of the symptoms in this category as Moderate or Severe, the doctor may have information for you about how unstable blood sugar could be creating a lot of your hormone problems. Blood sugar has a surprising influence on sex hormones… ask the doctor during your consult.

    Blood Sugar Category

  • Immune System Category

    Your Immune system affects your body’s ability to heal, not just resistance to infections.

    Immune stress from fungus (such as yeast), bacteria and virus can create severe sex hormone problems.

    If you mark 3 or more symptoms in this category as Moderate or Severe, ask the doctor about possible immune and fungal stresses on your hormones. Often hormone problems originate in immune stress and then cascade into other areas such as the adrenals and thyroid. The doctor may be able to give you more detailed information on this.

    Immune System Category
  • Almost Done!

    Below, please give the doctor some specific information about your most important health problem. The doctor analyzes your main problem compared to all the survey answers to determine likely causes. In your consult, the doctor will ask specific questions and will be able to make recommendations.

  • How to get your test results:

    If you live in the Atlanta area and provide us with your phone number, one of our practitioners will call you and go over your test with you. There is no charge or obligation for this service. This is a professional, confidential health consultation. Your practitioner is there to help you with useful information, not to sell you any product or service. The consultation will take about 5-10 minutes. It’s absolutely free and you are under no obligation.

  • We never share Email addresses, and that’s a promise!
  • Without your phone number, we can’t get in contact with you for your consultation. Our receptionist may call you to set up a consultation time with the doctor, or the doctor may call you directly.

  • YOUR PRIVACY: All submitted information is considered medical records and is protected under law from unauthorized disclosure. We are prohibited by law from releasing your name, address or phone to any other organization or person.
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