Covid Solutions (If you aren’t our patient):

To order supplements: CALL: (770) 937-9200 or TEXT: (770) 462-3140 or Email:

Covid supplements and kits are always shipped FREE.

Keeping your immune system strong is basic for:
  • Avoiding infection
  • Reducing the severity of Covid if you become infected

Supplements Needed:

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Herbal Immune Support
  • Customized Homeopathic Immune Support

Custom Liquid Herbal Remedies

  • Be Strong: Echinacea, Astragalus, Albizia, Licorice, Eleuthero
  • Be Calm: Echinacea, Ashwaghanda, Chamomile, Skullcap

These supplements should be taken daily.

Avoiding Covid
Avoiding Covid

Covid Solutions (If you aren’t our patient):

To order supplements: CALL: (770) 937-9200 or TEXT: (770) 462-3140 or Email:

Covid supplements and kits are always shipped FREE.

Keeping your immune system strong is basic for:
  • Avoiding infection
  • Reducing the severity of Covid if you become infected

Supplements Needed:

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Herbal Immune Support
  • Customized Homeopathic Immune Support

Custom Liquid Herbal Remedies

  • Be Strong: Echinacea, Astragalus, Albizia, Licorice, Eleuthero
  • Be Calm: Echinacea, Ashwaghanda, Chamomile, Skullcap

These supplements should be taken daily.

Immune Boost Kit:

Normal Price $122.50

Package Price $99.50

  • Herbal Formula
  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc

Immune Booster Drops :


  • Custom targeted homeopathic formula

Be Strong Custom Liquid Remedy:

$79.50 100ml (about 4 ounces)

Custom formulated to boost the immune system

  • Echinacea
  • Astragalus
  • Albizia
  • Licorice
  • Eleuthero

Be Calm Custom Liquid Remedy:

$79.50 100ml (about 4 ounces)

Custom formulated to support adrenal and nervous system function

  • Echinacea
  • Ashwaghanda
  • Chamomile
  • Skullcap

Diet and Lifestyle Actions Needed:

Here’s a rundown of the most effective, in order of importance:
  • Avoid raising your blood sugar level by not eating refined sugar or drinking sweet drinks.
  • Keep your zinc levels high by using effective, high-quality zinc supplements daily (See article below to understand just how important this can be).
  • Get your Vitamin D levels checked, and if needed, supplement them up to at least 30 mg/mL. Sun exposure can also help raise D. (Vitamin D deficiency can cause widespread pain, lower resistance to infection, and increase mortality from all causes.)
  • Take Vitamin C daily.
  • Eat a healthy diet of fresh foods, and avoid processed and junk foods. Eat only small amounts of processed carbs (bread, white rice, pasta).
  • Sleep! Most people need seven to eight hours a night.
  • Get out and move around! Exercise, outside space, and fresh air are important.
  • Maintain yourself in a good mental space and spend your time with happy people. Avoid toxic humans like… the plague. (If you have trouble finding happy people, you can always become a patient and hang out with us!)

Covid Solutions for Our Patients:

As a patient, you should always take advantage of the wealth of information available to you. We will help you to work out solutions to your Covid risk problems, and recommend treatment program changes as needed to take your Covid risk into account. We can help you if you should be come infected, supporting your body to help it deal with the stress as quickly and completely as possible.

1: First, do all the actions listed above (In the Diet and Lifestyle Actions Needed section).
2: Stay on your treatment program(!)

We will test you for the exact immune boosting supplements that will work the best in your case. Your labs will give us most of the information we need to do this.

Keeping your body constantly improving is one of the best ways to strengthen the immune system and prevent illness. Here’s a article on the importance of continuing to keep your health improving.

3: Get a targeted immune acupressure treatment.

Until January 31, 2022, this comes with a bottle of homeopathic custom immune support (normally $20).

We recommend that you get this treatment done every few months to help your immune system to be in the best condition possible.

4: Check your vitamin D levels

If it’s been over a year since you’ve had follow-up blood labs, we recommend that you get your vitamin D levels checked.

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