INTRODUCTION: Why Use Holistic Health Care?
You are probably reading this because you’re searching for a solution to a health problem.
I’m going to introduce you to some new ideas. But I want to make sure that you know that I am focused on helping you achieve your goal:
To help you get rid of your annoying, frightening, painful, embarrassing, uncomfortable, upsetting, tiring health problems that:
- May have no treatment other than lifetime pharmaceuticals
- May have no diagnosis
- Might have a treatment, but it doesn’t work
- Might have a treatment that works, but the problem comes back over and over
- May have a treatment, but you don’t want to do it
If this describes you, then you likely have some level of frustration with conventional health care (or if you don’t, maybe you should).
You may have some fear that your life will be damaged by your symptoms getting worse or by new symptoms developing but you don’t know what to do about this.
Our sophisticated, well-financed, thoroughly-researched medical health care system should have helped you by now. However, it hasn’t. You even may have concluded that it never will.

INTRODUCTION: Why Use Holistic Health Care?
You are probably reading this because you’re searching for a solution to a health problem.
I’m going to introduce you to some new ideas. But I want to make sure that you know that I am focused on helping you achieve your goal:
To help you get rid of your annoying, frightening, painful, embarrassing, uncomfortable, upsetting, tiring health problems that:
- May have no treatment other than lifetime pharmaceuticals
- May have no diagnosis
- Might have a treatment, but it doesn’t work
- Might have a treatment that does work, but the problem comes back over and over
- Might have a treatment, but you don’t want to do it
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Anxiety, Worry & Depression
Simple things you can do right now to lighten your load
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Anxiety, Worry & Depression
Simple things you can do right now to lighten your load
If this describes you, then you likely have some level of frustration with conventional health care (or if you don’t, maybe you should).
You may have some fear that your life will be damaged by your symptoms getting worse or by new symptoms developing but you don’t know what to do about this.
Our sophisticated, well-financed, thoroughly-researched medical health care system should have helped you by now. However, it hasn’t. You even may have concluded that it never will.
A Different Solution

Your choices are to:
- Continue to look for a conventional medical solution to your problem
- Or look elsewhere for a different answer.
This choice has often caused people considerable worry and angst. Yes, they understand that medicine probably isn’t going to solve their problem no matter what they do. But when you think about abandoning MEDICINE and “looking for another way” to solve your health problem, well, that’s tough.
The world accepts medicine to control and solve health problems. It’s SCIENCE, you know. What rabbit hole are you likely to go down if you abandon medicine? I admit it’s a difficult concept to wrap your mind around.
For 28 years, I’ve helped 10,000 patients to resolve complex problems and get back control of their lives and health. How I have achieved this is no secret, and I am happy to tell you exactly how to do it for yourself.
Why You Can’t Get Well

Everything I am so successful in doing is based on the following simple logic:
- Would you agree that your body was engineered to heal itself? (Pretty obvious).
- Would you agree that your body isn’t successfully healing itself right now? (If you have an ongoing health condition, then it’s probably not).
- Does it make sense to you that your body is trying its best to heal itself but is running into a barrier that’s preventing it from doing so?
Chronic (ongoing, non-resolving, untreatable) health conditions ALL come from this fundamental cause:
Your body has lost some of its ability to maintain and heal itself.
Thus, when damaged, it fails to resolve the problem completely.
As time goes on, additional unhealed areas build up and this overwhelming stress becomes the symptoms that you are feeling.
Many layers of complex damage prevent these problems from resolving by medical treatment. The only successful resolution of this problem is to address the basic cause: your body can’t completely heal itself.
My treatment programs address just this: getting your body to recover its ability to heal itself. I work with patients to reduce stress, supply raw materials, and eliminate barriers to healing. But your body healing itself is what creates 100% of my results.
Everything I do is based on science. I can only help your body to heal because of knowledge gained from lab testing interpreted with a high knowledge of physiology. It’s my approach to assisting your body to heal itself as opposed to treating it with drugs and surgery that is different.
Results of Your Body Healing
I’m suggesting that you could have an easier life, less worry, better performance. You wouldn’t be worried or anxious about your health. You would go back to living your everyday life and pursuing your goals. You could look and feel healthy and vibrant.
You could avoid these possibilities:
- Having pain, worry, upset, and continued struggle to find a solution.
- Feeling frustration, anxiety, and fear.
- Your day feels like a struggle just to make it through.
- Thinking of yourself as limited by your health.
Failing to find a successful solution to your health could lead to worsening health and additional problems. Because of your health limitations, you may achieve less than your potential and not be able to fully help and assist your family and friends.

Do This Instead:
If you’re ready to end your problems as soon as possible, go here and schedule a new patient appointment with my clinic. I will be honored to help you.
If you have questions that need answering, go here for a free phone consultation to get truthful, honest, and open answers. Or go here to read more about the clinic and how our programs could help you.
Don’t Do This:
In almost thirty years of helping people with chronic health problems, the number one reason for very difficult cases is because the patient did nothing about their health for many years.
Call your medical doctor and demand a referral to a specialist or new lab tests. Change doctors and start over with a fresh viewpoint. Or schedule an appointment with my clinic or another holistic or functional medicine practice.
I can guarantee you that your current problems are very likely to worsen.
(By the way, doing things that don’t work is the same as doing nothing. Doing things that don’t help but have side effects and make you feel worse is even worse than doing nothing.)
I wish you the best possible health and a rapid resolution of your problems.
Dr. Billiot
(770) 937-9200
1640 Powers Ferry Rd SE
Building 14, Suite 100
Marietta, Georgia 30067

DISCLAIMER: This website is not intended to provide medical advice and nothing in it should be construed as a therapeutic recommendation or prescription for any disease or symptom. Visitors should not attempt self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any kind, and should not discontinue any medication or therapy or make any health-related decisions without the advice of a licensed medical physician. Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C. disclaims any liability, loss, or risk incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use and application of the contents of this website. If you are unwilling to be bound by this disclaimer, you should avoid this website.