Detox Yourself Free Workshop:

Reboot Your Body! Healthy Detox

Saturday, January 25th at 10:30 AM

Sign Up to Reserve Your Seats: Form at bottom of this page


Our bodies naturally detoxify, but can become overloaded.

  • If you feel congested from the foods you eat…
  • if your energy level is low…
  • If your thinking is foggy or sluggish…

You may want to detoxify!

Reserve your seats right now by calling 770-937-9200, or sign up with the form below.

Bring your friends and family!

Detox Virtual Seminar Signup

  • We do not sell or misuse Email addresses or personal information... NOT EVER

Anxiety and Depression


 Anxiety, Worry & Depression


Learn about the causes of anxiety and depression, what you can do to reduce your suffering RIGHT NOW and how you can eliminate these problems from your life.

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